1 Crosby D. Interpretive Theories of Religion. The Hague. 1981.
2 Ibid. P. 17.
3 Ibid P. 28.
* Ibid. P. 22
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6 Ibid. P. 244.
7 Ibid. P. 251.
8 Burke T P. The Reluctant Vision: An Essay in the Philosophy ol
Religion. Philadelphia, 1974. P. 19.
9 Ibid. P. 3.
10 Ibid. P 39.
" Ibid P 41.
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13 Ibid. P. 50.
M Ibid. P 130
15 Ibid P. 112.
Fumb ч*1«*ртвя
1 Heinrichs М . Christliche Offenbarung und religiose Erfahrung in
Dialog. Paderborn et al.. 1984. S. 25.
2 Ibid. S 18.
3 GUIS. II. The Possibility of Religious Knowledge Grand Rapids. 1971.
4 Ibid. P. 119.
* Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Vol. 5, 6. N Y . 1972. P. 284.
6 Webb M Religious Experience as Doubt Resolutton//Intern. Journal
for Philosophy of Religion Vol 18. N 2. Dordrecht, 1985. P. 81 ' OW J H Op. cii. P. 92
e Mcpherson Th Philosophy and Religious Belief. L„ 1974. P. 4. * Clark R. The Evidential Value of Religious Experiences//lntern Journal for Philosophy of Religion. Vol. 16 N 3 Dordrecht, 1984. P. 18. 10 Proudfool W Religious Experience. Berkeley et al., 1985. " Ibid. P. 197.
12 Ibid. P. 235.
13 Brukenhielm К -R. Problems of Religious Experience. Uppsala, 1985.
14 Ibid. P. 11
15 Ibid. P. 26.
16 Ibid. P. 35
17 Ibid. P. 31.
18 Duvies В An Introduction to the Philosophy ol Religion. Oxford;
N Y., 1982. P. 71.
19 Маркс К . Энгельс Ф . Соч. Т. 7. С. 361.
!0 Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Bd 4. Tubingen, 1960
S. 1238
21 Scholem G. Die judische Mystik in ihren Hauptstrumungen. Zurich,
S. 8 — 11.
'" Staal F. Exploring Mysticism. A Methodol. Essay. Berkeley et al.,
23 Ibid P. 33.
24 Ibid. P 59
m Stace W. T. Mysticism and Philosophy. L., I960 P. 132. !6 Slreng Fr Language and Mystical Awareness//Mysticism and Philosophical Analysis L, 1978. P. 142
27 Keller С A. Mystical Literature//Mysticism and Philosophical Analysis. P. 77.
й tllwood R S. Mysticism and Religion. Englewood cliffs, 1980. P. 69. " Suzuki D. T. Mysticism Christian and Buddhist. L, 1957 P. 12. »° Otto R. Wcst-Ostliche Mystik Gotha, 1926.
31 Ibid. S. 53—54.
32 Ibid. S. 56 57.
33 Stace W. Op. cit. P. 79.
34 Zaehner R. С Mysticism, Sacred and Profane. N. Y.. 1961.
85 Almond Ph. Mystical Experience and Religious Doctrine. Berlin ct al.. 1982. P. 7
36 Wainwright W. 1. Mysticism Brighton. 1981. P. 41.
37 Moore P Mystical Experience, Mystical Doctrine, Mystical Techni
que//Mysticism and Philosophical Analysis. P. 108
34 Kalz S. Language, Epistemology and Mysticisni//Mysttcism and Philosophical Analysis. P. 26. 39 Almond Ph. Op. cit P. 128.
ГлвМ л «тая
1 Kellenberger J . Three Models of Faith//fnlern. Journal for Philo
sophy of Religion. Vol. 12. N 4. The Hague. 1981. P. 217-234.
2 Ibid. P. 220.
3 Ibidem.
4 Ibid. P 221.
s Ibid. P. 225.
в Ibid. P. 231.
7 Penelham T. God and Scepticism: A Study in Scepticism and Fideism.
" Ibid. P. 177.
* Ibid. P. 180.
10 Ibid. P. I.
" Runzo J. Reason, Relativism and God. Basingstoke; L„ 1986
12 Ibid. P. 212.
13 Ibid. P. 17.
" Ibid. P. 81-
,5 Ibid. P. 35-
16 Sayre К A Perceptual Model of Belief in God//The Autonomy of
Religious Belief. P. 108-127.
17 Ibid. P. 122.
*' Ibid P. 126.
10 The World's Religious Traditions. Edinburgh, 1984. P. 3.
20 Ibid. P. 11.
21 Ibid. P. a
22 Ibid. P. 168
Г 1*1 в а ШвСТЙ Я
1 Contemporary Approaches to the Study of Religion: In 2 Vols.
Mouton. 1984
2 Whaling F. Introduction- The Contrast between the Classical and
Contemporary Periods in the Study ol Religion//lbid. Vol. I. P. 14.
3 Ibidem.
4 King U. Historical and Phenomenological Approaches//Ibid. Vol.
I. P. 35.
5 Additional Note on Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion
J/Whaling F Ibid Vol I P. 385
* Scnacjjler R. Religionsphilosophie. S. 108
7 Davies D J. Meaning and Salvation in Religious Studies. Leiden,
1984. P. I.
8 Wilson E O. On Human Nature. Cambridge (Mass ), L., 1978. P. 3.
* Bollnow О F Rehgionswissenschaft als hermeneutischc Disziplin
IIBoltnow O. F. Studien zur Hermeneutik. Freiburg. Munchen, 1982.
S. 300
10 Ibid. S. 306. " Ibid. S. 308.
12 Ibid. S. 311.
13 Ibid. S. 313.
14 Smart N Wortdviews. Crosscultural Explorations of Human Be
liefs N. Y, 1983. P. |.
16 Ibid. P. 17
,e Ibid. P. 15—20.
17 Smart N. The Philosophy of Worldviews: The Philosophy of Reli
gion Transformed//Smor< N. Concept and Empathy: Essays in the
Study of Religion- L.; Basingstoke, 1986. P. 85.
1,1 Ibid. P 74. '" Ibidem.
Часть II
Гпм * седьмая
Дата: 2019-07-30, просмотров: 242.