Express the same in English.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1) Джек не смог купить эту книгу. Он опоздал.

2) Ты смог перевести статью без словаря?

3) Можно мне воспользоваться твоим телефоном?

4) Не могли бы Вы передать соль?

5) Погода может быть очень холодной.

6) Я не умею крахмалить воротнички.

7) Майк сможет навестить свою бабушку на следующей неделе.


1) Jack couldn’t buy this book. He was late.

2) Did you manage to translate the article without a dictionary?

3) Could I use your phone, please?

4) Could you pass the salt, please?

5) The weather could be very cold.

6) I can’t starch collars.

7) Mike will be able to visit his Granny next week.

Teacher: What can our technologists tell us?

Technologist 1: (показывает свои разработки о тканях)

         We produce our models from different kinds of fabrics, f. e. silk, flax,

          wool and so on. We propose to use cotton and sateen for these products.

          These kinds of fabrics are comfortable for skin. They are natural and

          hygienic. It is easy to starch products from these materials. Clothes get

           stiff and don’t lose its shape. These kinds of fabrics are easy to wash,

           because your job is rather dirty and you have to wash your uniform very

           often. We also use some lining kinds of fabric.   

Technologist 2 : (показывает свои разработки об аксессуарах)

               These models need a number of accessories. They are buttons,

            beads, satin ribbons, zippers. We are sure the best shape of buttons is

            round, because it is easy to get it through slits. Such a shape is not

            dangerous. We think everybody will agree that beads embroidery is

            always smart. Satin ribbons make the uniform festive. A zipper is

            always comfortable.


Teacher: Let’s relax a little. Take a card, read the task for yourself and show it to

             the class without saying a word. The pupils should guess what he or she

           is doing. Use the Present Continuous Tense.

Детям раздаются карточки. На карточках написаны задания. Ученик читает задание про себя, затем показывает пантомиму, а остальные угадывают, что он делает.

Tie a shoelace

Put on and button a shirt 

Put on and do up a belt

Attach a collar to the shirt

Tie a tie

Tie a hair-ribbon

Get a button through slits

Teacher: Let’s continue our work. The models are ready. It’s necessary to buy

          different things for producing them. Let’s listen to our Purchase Manager.

Purchase Manager: (презентация)

              I have visited our market and don’t recommend

               buying necessary materials there. I am concerned about the products’

               safety. My choice is our department store “Stolichniy”. The fabric

              has reliable quality, there is a large selection of accessories, 

              footwear is leather and comfortable.

               At last the price corresponds with quality.

Если время будет !

Teacher: Our Purchase Manager has visited some shops.

Ø Can you describe a big department store abroad?

Ø What another kinds of shops do you know?

(Дети описывают)     

Teacher: I want you to use the shopping language.

           Fill in the missing remarks in these dialogues and act them out.

(Составляют диалоги)

Teacher: Go on your discussion, please. What can you say about your equipment?

 Sewing managers: We have the good equipment and it

                         will take us about ten days to sew fifty uniforms of sizes                                  

                         from forty two to fifty.

 Teacher: Do you know the difference in sizes between Russia, Great Britain

            and the USA?

            Look at the following table and compare what sizes you would have in

            our country, in Great Britain and in the USA.

My size in clothes is 38 in Russia, 32 in Great Britain and 10 in America.

(Работают по выданным таблицам)

Teacher: It’s our Advertising Manager’s turn.

Advertising Manager: I have prepared the advertisement of our new product.

         And the slogan sounds in such a way:

         “Keeping the old we create the new one!”               

         Our dear clients, we inform that our company is going to celebrate

          the twentieth anniversary on the twenty- forth of April. And we are going

          to redesign our interior and outfit in honour of this event.

          A series of new dishes will appear in our restaurants. But we don’t

          forget our traditions and Russian cooking. We’ll wait for our permanent

          and new visitors.

Teacher: As you see all our characters have done their part of work.

          Miss President, what is your price?

President: About 3000 roubles.

Teacher: Dear clients, are you ready to make a deal?

Representatives of the company “Magic Table-Cloth”: Well, the problem for us is

           the cost.

Teacher: Let your clients think a little.

          (К президенту и остальным)

          Don’t keep silence! Your task is to make a deal.

President: Don’t you agree that the price is right?

Design Manager: Don’t forget that we are cheaper than our competitors.

Modelers : You should admit that it’s a beautiful design.

Representatives of the company “Magic Table-Cloth”: We’ll buy that.

President: We struck a bargain! Let’s sign the contract.

(Секретарь подаёт квитанцию президенту)

Teacher: You know that money is used for buying or selling goods, for

           measuring value and for storing wealth.

(Музыка «Money, money, money»)

           Here are some proverbs about money. What are they?

           Match the Russian and the English equivalents:

Ø Time is money. – Время – деньги.

Ø Money is a good servant but a bad master. - Деньги – хороший слуга, но плохой хозяин.

Ø Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. –   Копейка рубль бережёт.

Ø All is not gold that glitters. – Не всё то золото, что блестит.

Ø Health is better than wealth. – Здоровье лучше, чем богатство.

Ø Money is a root of all evil. – Деньги – корень зла.

III. Подведение итогов.

Teacher: I think our lesson was interesting and instructive.

           The aim was to make a deal.

Ø Do you achieve success?

Ø Have you learnt anything new for yourselves?

На доске:

Now I        know how to …

                                                                  can …

Teacher: I want to say a pair of words about your work at our lesson.

           It was excellent. You have prepared interesting presentations,

           beautiful projects, booklets. And I think it will be right to give

           in fives to everybody. Thank you for your work.

           The lesson is over.


    Урок изобразительного искусства в 7 классе

Слободюк Ольга Ивановна,

учитель ИЗО, МХК и черчения

высшей квалификационной категории

Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 238.