I. Организационный момент. Приветствие. Цели урока.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Teacher: We have studied such themes as “Shopping”, “Money”, “Shops”,


          Today we’ll repeat our words, grammar, the language

          of shopping in the role-play. I hope you will train your knowledge

          and broaden your outlook.

Фонетическая разминка

Let’s trained our tongue. Listen to the tape and read it.

Betty Botter bought some butter,

But she said: “My butter’s bitter.

If I put it in my batter,

It will make my batter bitter.

If I buy some batter butter,

It will make my batter better.”

So she bought some better butter,

And it made her batter better.

           And now we are going to practice the role-play “Concluding the

           Contract.” In our role-play you’ll play the parts of different characters.

            F. E. the President of the company, Managers,

           the Secretary and others.

           Before we start the role-play, let’s determine the situation.

           You are employees of a firm.

           Meet each other and tell us about your duties, please.

(Каждый встаёт, называет свою должность и рассказывает о своих функциях)

President: I’m the President of the firm “Sky and Sea”.

             My aim is to tell you about the company, give different orders, discuss

             terms and conditions of the contract, try to conclude the contract.

Design Manager: I’m the Design Manager. My aim is to organize the project and

          the design of the product.

Model department: We are Modelers. Our aim is to work out the project of the


Technological department: We are employees of the technological department.

            Our aim is to study fabrics, accessories.

Purchase Manager: I’m the Purchase Manager. My aim is to study the prices of all

             goods necessary for producing of the new product.

Sewing Managers: We are Sewing Managers. We are  responsible for producing,

              for sizes, for quality of the product.     

Advertising Manager: I’m the Advertising Manager. I have to prepare the new

             advertisement, write the text for magazines.

Secretary: I’m the Secretary. I will help during the discussion, prepare the       


Representatives of the company “Magic Table-Cloth”: We represent the company

            “Magic Table-Cloth”. We’ll tell you about our company and conclude  

             the bargain.

II. Основная часть.

 Teacher: Well, you have acquainted with each other.

         And now let’s repeat the topical words.

Игра «Лишнее слово»:

Раздать карточки с наборами слов, в каждом наборе есть лишнее слово,

дети его называют.

                 Look at these lists of words. There is one odd word in each

              line. Find it, please.

(Дети называют)

                 Where can you buy these things?


             It’s time to start our discussion.

             Miss President, it’s your turn. Children, listen to this information

             very carefully.

(Проверка домашних заданий)

President: (показывая презентацию фирмы)

           I’m the President of the “Sky & Sea” company. Today we have the

           meeting of representatives of the company “Magic Table-Cloth”.   

           That’s why I want to tell some words about our company. The history of

           our company isn’t so long, but it has been very successful. The company

            was founded in 2004. We produce and sell fashionable, stylish clothes.

            We have many orders, we deal with a lot of companies all over the

            world. Our company is profitable (прибыльная).

            Last year was particularly good.

            We use our profits to improve the quality of our goods.

Teacher: Answer my questions:

Ø What is the name of the company?

Ø What does the company produce?

Ø Why does the president tell about the advantages of the company?

Ø Where was the company founded?

(Дети отвечают на вопросы.)

Teacher: It’s good for you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

          Now we are ready to listen to your clients.

Representatives of the company “Magic Table-Cloth”: (раздают буклеты)

               Our Company is not very young. It is the restaurant network.

               We offer Russian cooking. Our staff is trained and constant .

               People like to visit us. Our company keeps up Russian traditions.

               This year we are going to celebrate the twentieth anniversary. And in

               honour of this event we want to redesign the outfit. That’s why we

               are here.

Teacher: Mr. Design Manager, do you think their choice is right?

Design Manager: Our products are the safest on the market.

                I have declared a competition of the uniform among the officials.     

Teacher: There are many different reasons for wearing uniform. Try to name some

of them. (На доске)

( Словарная сеть )

People wear a uniform because …  



Teacher: A different uniform consists of different details.

         Look at these pictures and name the things.

( Картинки с деталями одежды )


Teacher: Open your dairies and write down your home task for the next lesson:

         exercise 17, page 40 in your Activity Books. You will repeat the

         details of clothes. 

Teacher: Now it’s time to show your projects. Let’s listen to our modelers

Modeler 1: (Показывают мужской и женский костюмы )

          We have worked out the project of the outfit for your company.

            We propose two kinds of the uniform. They are male and female.        

           Look at this model. The top of the suit is the white cotton shirt with

           the stand-up collar and rolled-up sleeves. The fastener is complicated.

           We use the zipper which is hidden. Then we use buttons and slits. Our

            fastener is decorated with the gold satin ribbon. The collar is decorated

           with the same ribbon .

           The red sateen trousers make up the bottom of the suit. They are not

           very wide. The shirt is tied with the red wide sash. There is one pocket

           on it for money and bills.

           We use red leather high boots as footwear.

 Modeler 2: And now the female uniform. The top is the light cotton blouse.

             The collar is stand-up too and is made of the red satin ribbon.

             The blouse is in the waist. The top of the sleeve is ball-shaped and then                                                                                      

          it is long and straight.

            The bottom of the sleeve is decorated with the cuff made

             of the red satin ribbon. The bottom is the red bell-shaped sateen skirt.

                The bottom of the skirt is decorated with the same ribbon.

             The uniform is tied with the red sash up to the waist. The sash is

             decorated with the wide stripe of fabric with pockets for money and

             bills. There is beads embroidery on the top and bottom of the sleeve,

             on the collar and the skirt. The length of this uniform is up to knees.

             The hair of the waitress is decorated with the red satin ribbon.

Teacher: ( к детям) Do you have any questions?


- There are buttons and slits. Why do you use the zipper?

- Why is the sleeve of the blouse long?

Teacher: Dear clients, do you like the new outfit?

(Клиенты отвечают)

Teacher: There are a lot of abilities, possibilities and offers in this company.

          We have learnt to express it using some modal verbs. Translate from

          Russian into English!

Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 227.