1) ancient beliefs of oriental people.
2) modern applications of ancient notions.
3) future developments in interior design.
A42. Feng Shui originally was
1) the art of placing furniture.
2) the art of playing harmonious music.
3) the art of planning outdoor environments.
A43. The principles of Feng Shui have been adopted as
1) a way of improving areas of human habitation.
2) a means for better orientation in space.
3) a technique for house and furniture design.
A44. According to Feng Shui, the position of the bed is
1) of secondary importance.
2) of crucial importance.
3) of no importance whatsoever.
A45. Feng Shui teaches that in the bedroom one should use
1) dark colours.
2) lots of furniture.
3) natural materials.
Определите, в каком значении слово употреблено в тексте. Укажите выбранный вариант.
А46. access ( III)
1) approach
2) outlet
3) passage
А47. soothing (V)
1) softening
2) relaxing
3) convenient
Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.
А 48. Finding the best position for the bed is very important. (II)
1) Найти лучшее положение кровати очень важно.
2) Очень важно расположить кровать наилучшим образом.
3) Нахождение лучшей позиции для кровати очень важно.
А 49. ... they can make the sleeper feel vulnerable and cause a restless sleep. (IV)
1) ... они могут заставить спящего почувствовать себя уязвимым и вызвать неспокойный сон.
2) ... они могут вызвать у спящего ощущение незащищенности и сделать сон беспокойным.
3) ... они могут сделать спящего чувствующим свою уязвимость и вызвать беспокойство во сне.
А 50. There should be a feeling of lightness, not seriousness, in the air. ( V)
1) Вокруг должно быть ощущуние лёгкости, а не серьёзности.
2) В воздухе должна ощущаться лёгкость, а не серьёзность.
3) В воздухе должно быть чувство светлости, а не серьёзности.
Part B
В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.
B1. A violent storm came ... and caused the destruction of several houses (expect).
B2. My acquaintance rents the house and I ... a room from him (let).
B3. To my mind, the house needs complete ...: it's not fit to live in (decorate).
Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.
В4. I always feel (уютно) at my grandparents' house.
B5. My study room (подходит) all my academic needs.
B6. The family decided to redecorate the house themselves and (сделали) quite a mess of it.
Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов .
There is an old English saying, there is no place like home. It is forever true, of course. Home is more than (B7) ... a place to live in. We (B8) ... here to feel safe (B9) ... loved. It's the place we are (B10) ... welcome.
Test 12
К каждому заданию даны варианты ответов, из которых только один является верным. Выберите правильный ответ из четырех предложенных.
А1. You have so ..., you had better get a trolley.
1) many luggages
2) much luggage
3) a lot of luggage
4) much of luggage
A2. The taxi rank is ... the bus stop.
1) so far as
2) as far than
3) farthest then
4) farther than
A3. Attention! The Tokyo flight is boarding at...
1) the Gate Five
2) Gate Five
3) Fifth Gate
4) Gate's Five
A4. The guidebook from ... you took the information must be quite old.
l) that
2) what
3) which
4) one
A5. Our flight ... and we ... several hours in the airport departure lounge.
1) has been delayed / spent
2) is delayed / have been spent
3) delayed / spent
4) was delayed / spent
A6. Unless the fog ..., all the flights ... today.
1) is lifted / will be cancelled
2) will lift / will be cancelled
3) doesn't lift / will be cancelled
4) lifts / will be cancelled
A7. Ever since we ... my wife and I … at a guest house at the seaside for our holiday.
1) have married / have stayed
2) married / have stayed
3) have been married / have stayed
4) have married / stayed
A8. We ... all day long but ... to reach the destination.
1) have been travelling / failed
2) travelled / failed
3) had been travelling / failed
4) had travelled / had failed
A 9. It is the first time I... a trip on my own so I... a bit out of sorts.
1) am making / am feeling
2) have made / feel
3) made / feel
4) have made / have feel
А 10. As we ... our flight, some misunderstanding ... with the flight attendant.
1) had been boarding, occurred
2) were boarding, was occurring
3) were boarding, occurred
4) have been boarding, occurred
A11. I'm positive my bus ...on time. It... never behind schedule.
1) is arriving, is
2) arrives, is
3) will arrive, is being
4) is arriving, will be
A12. A "no-show" is an informal expression for someone who ... a ticket but ...to the event.
1) buys, doesn't come
2) has bought, won't come
3) bought, didn't come
4) has bought, hasn't come
A13. The road ..., so we ... take a bypass.
1) was being widened, were forced
2) was widening, were forced
3) widened, were being forced
4) was widened, were forced
A14. The guide said the tourists ... some free time after they ... the bus tour.
1) would give / completed
2) would be given / had completed
3) gave / completed
4) will be given / have completed
A15. The notice ... large sums of currency... be declared at the customs.
1) said / had to
2) told / must
3) speaks / must
4) said / must
A16. My brother didn't get to the station in time to catch the train and... wait for a later one.
1) must
2) could
3) had to
4) were to
A17. The passengers were boarding the liner when they ... seagulls ... fish.
1) had noticed / hunt
2) were noticing / to hunt
3) noticed / hunt
4) noticed / to hunt
A18. London's historical sights are certainly worth ... .
1) to visit
2) to be visited
3) visited
4) visiting
A19. If you ... a chance to travel abroad, where ... you go first?
1) have/ will
2) had / would
3) have / would
4) had/will
A20. I wish you ... your mind about the excursion and ... tickets in advance.
1) made up / booked
2) will make up / book
3) would make up / book
4) make up / book
A21. It may not be easy to find ... accommodation at ... reasonable price in a place so popular with tourists.
1) - / a
2) a/a
3) the/a
A22. Jack likes to spend ... most of his holiday time in ... open air.
1) the/the
2) -/ -
3) - / an
4) -/the
A23. There was a queue of cars ... the quay waiting ... the car ferry ... the island.
1) in/for/on
2) on / for / to
3) on/for/at
4) at / for / to
.. no hurry
A24. The students were heading ... Paris but they were to get there ... dawn.
1) for /in /until
2) to / in / until
3)for / at / before
4) in / in / at
A25. The car broke ... right ... middle of nowhere and there was nobody ... sight.
1) out/in/in
2) away / at / in
3) down / in / in
4) down / in / out of
A26. The train was ahead of schedule ... surprised us greatly.
2) how
3) that
4) which
A27. Let's buy a detailed map ... not to get lost in the old part of the city.
1) so that
2) unless
3) so as
4)in case
Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А 28. Не got angrily when the receptionist said she had lost their booking.
1 2 3 4
A29. When you fly from the Europe to the Middle East, America or
1 2
Asia, your flight will be longer than three hours.
3 4
Определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.
Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 402.