1) to diminish
2) to fix
3) to repair
4) to redecorate
Из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к заданному ряду слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.
А 31. sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing
1) mowing
2) mopping
3) cutting
4) weeding
Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме. Укажите выбранный вариант.
1) terrace, attic, basement, balcony
2) living-room, VIP-room, sitting-room, bedroom
3) lawn, flower bed, kitchen garden, orchard
Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант .
The residents of that beautiful valley are (A33) ... only upset about some recent changes, but they are also very angry because (A34) ... consulted. Some families have lived and (A35) ... crops in the valley for many years, (A36) ... now their way of life is being threatened by developers. There is a plan to build hundreds of new houses in the area. With all these unwelcome changes the valley won't feel (A37) ... home any longer.
A33. | l)both | 2) either | 3) neither | 4) not |
A34. | 1) wasn't | 2) weren't | 3) it wasn't | 4) they weren't |
A35. | l)grew | 2) grow | 3) growing | 4) grown |
A36. | 1) after | 2) before | 3)but | 4) or |
A37. | l)as | 2) if | 3) alike | 4) like |
Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу. Укажите выбранный вариант .
А 38. May I have a look at your lovely house?
2) Very good.
3) You are welcome.
4) I am afraid not.
Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике. Укажите выбранный вариант.
А 39. Oh no, not again.
1) Do you enjoy redecorating the rooms?
2) Give me a hand with the cleaning, okay?
3) How are you anyway?
4) Where are you going?
Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант .
А 40. Which castle is one of the out-of-London royal residences?
1) Dover Castle
2) Westminster Palace
3) Windsor Castle
4) Buckingham Palace
Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста. Укажите выбранный вариант .
I. In Ancient China there was a belief that the natural environment of a particular location can influence the fortune of its inhabitants and descendants. The Chinese created the notion of feng shui
("wind-water"), which developed from observation of chronic catas-trophies wrought in China by winds and floods. Originally they developed it as a means of planning the perfect agricultural system in harmony with the forces of nature. Feng Shui has been used for centuries to improve the physical surroundings in which people live and to maintain balance in their life.
II. The Chinese art of Feng Shui has been adopted by modern designers as a way of creating environments which feel comfortable and harmonious. The principles of Feng Shui are beneficial in the organization of outdoor environments and can also be used in the design of areas inside the house such as the bedroom, which is considered to be the most important room in the house.
III. Finding the best position for the bed is very important. The main rule of bed positioning is never to have the foot of the bed directly facing the door. That is what is known as the 'death position'. Traditionally, the dead were laid out with their feet pointing towards the door to give them better access to heaven. (It also made it easier for the living to carry them out.) Ideally, you should position the bed diagonally opposite the door, with the head against the wall, not a window.
IV. Small tables on both sides (not just one side) at the head of the bed help maintain balance, but it is best to avoid cluttering the room with a lot of furniture. Let air flow easily through the space. Those large heavy wooden wardrobes, often with boxes of suitcases stored on top, are a really bad idea. As they tower over the bed, they can make the sleeper feel vulnerable and cause a restless sleep. Do not position tables or other furniture with pointed edges facing the sleeper as their negative energy will cause health problems.
V. The bedroom should be kept as a relaxing space and should not be used for work or as an office. There should be a feeling of lightness, not seriousness, in the air. Blue curtains and bedcovers are more soothing than brown ones. Soft natural materials are recommended. With Feng Shui in your bedroom, you can create a peaceful sanctuary from the stresses of contemporary living.
Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 279.