A42. The author is of the opinion that
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1) not all new technologies are that necessary.

2) not all "early adopters" are really adopting.

3) not all new ideas should be turned into practice.

A43. It seems logical that new technologies

1) become more expensive with time.

2) need time to become really popular.

3) lose in perfection as time goes by.

A44. The author shares the idea that it is the "early adopters" who

1) make it possible for new technologies to spread.

2) create new challenges for inventors.

3) make money out of using new technologies.

A45. In future, "early adoption" will probably

1) disappear altogether.

2) intensify many times.

3) stay as it is today.

Определите, в каком значении слово употреблено в тексте. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А46. catch on ( II)

1) fall out of fashion

2) break down

3) become popular

A47. format (III)

1) device

2) improvement

3) nonsense


Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста. Укажите выбранный вариант .

А 48. Technological innovations are often quite stupid. (I)

1) Технические инновации часто совершенно бестолковы.

2) Новинки техники нередко полная чепуха.

3) Технические новинки часто совершенно бесполезны.

А 49. The same goes for all new technologies. (Ill)

1) Точно также идут все новые изобретения.

2) Таким же образом происходят все новые изобретения.

3) То же самое можно сказать обо всех новых изобретениях.

А 50. But still, they got it first. (Ill)

1) Но однако именно они получили это первыми.

2) Но они получили их самыми первыми.

3) Но тем не менее они получили своё первыми.



В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.

В1. I'm sorry but we must have been ... (connect).

B2. You were very careless. It's very ... of you (responsibility).

B3. Why haven't the ... letters been posted (inform) ?


Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В4. (Трудно поверить) but some ten or fifteen years ago the average person could not even dream of using a cordless phone.

B5. A registered letter costs more, but it will (непременно) reach its destination.

B6. These days lots of (покупки) is done through mail order catalogues.


Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов.

Just think about it! These days when we (B7) ... up a phone and call anywhere in the (B8) ..., we don't (B9) ... how difficult such communication (B10) ... for people, say, two hundred years ago. We would not be able to survive in those times, would we?


Test 15


К каждому заданию даны варианты ответов, из которых только один является верным. Выберите правильный ответ из четырех предложенных .

Al. I'll need ... about this Internet provider before I make the final decision.

1) a few information

2) few information

3) a little information

4) an information

A2. After surfing the Internet for three hours, you look pale. Do you feel...?

1) good

2) goodly

3) well

4) too well

A3. ... (1/4) of the pupils use their classmate's invention.

1) A fourth

2) A one fourth

3) The fourth

4) The one fourth

A4. Whose website is this? - ..., even if you don't believe it.


2) It is my

3) Mine

4) This is my

A5. You ... the Internet all day long! The phone bills ... always enormous.

1) are surfing, are being

2) are surfing, have been

3) surf, are

4) are surfing, are

A6. After I ... to my friends in the chat, I ... an e-mail to my relative in Cairo.

1) had talked, will send

2) have talked, would send

3) talked, shall send

4) have talked, should send

A7. It ... the first time I ... to gain access to this web-site.

1) is, have managed

2) is, managed

3) was, have managed

4) is, shall manage

A8. Different forms of socializing on the Internet ... their novelty as they ... a reality of modern living.

1) lost, are

2) have lost, are

3) are losing, are being

4) lose, are

A9. The student ... in front of the screen for hours before she ... the necessary material.

1) was sitting, downloaded

2) sat, downloaded

3) had been sitting, downloaded

4) has been sitting, downloaded

А 10. My phone bills ... sky high so I ... to a new provider to get a better bargain.

1) are, go

2)have been, went

3)have been, have gone

4)were, went

A11. Electronic chat ... a fascinating phenomenon as it ... in virtual "rooms" for like-minded users.

1) is, took place

2) has been, takes place

3) is, is taking place

4) is, takes place

A12. A new Internet club ... working at the weekend. Surely, I ... to the opening.

1) is starting, am going

2) starts, am going

3) is starting, go

4) is going to start, am going

A13. My laptop ... always! I ... it ... one of these days.

1) is breaking down, have ... fixed

2) is broken down, am having ... fixed

3) breaks down, had ... fixed

4) is breaking down, am having ... fixed

A14. "You may surf the Internet any time," said mother. - Mother ... me that I... surf the Internet any time.

1) said, might

2) told, may

3) told, might

4) said, may

A15. "Can you help me to e-mail a message?" - "Yes." — She ... me if I ... help her to e-mail a message and I said I ... .

1) asked, could, could

2) asked, can, can

3) asked, was able to, can

4) asked, could, can

A16. It's no use calling her now. She ... in a swivel chair in front of her computer, oblivious of the world.

1) can be sitting

2) may sit

3) will be sitting

4) must sit

A17. I listened to a programmer ... the audience about the advantages of using the Internet. I had no time and left the presentation.

1) telling

2) to tell

3) tell

4) be telling

A18. My friend is addicted to the Internet. He is used … websites day and night.

1) visit

2) to visiting

3) to visit

4) visiting

A19. If I ... for the service, I ... in the chat room now.

1) had paid, would be talking

2) have paid, will talk

3) paid, would being talked

4) had been paid, would be talking

A20. I ... he ... his mail now. I have just sent him an e-mail birthday postcard.

1) wish, has looked through

2) wished, had looked through

3) want, look through

4) wish, were looking through

A21. Getting connected to ... World Wide Web for ... first time is very exciting.

1) the/the


3) the / a

4) a / the

A22. E-mail is replacing … letters and faxes as ... means ofcommunication.


2) the / the


4) the / -

A23. It's easy to get lost ... cyberspace, and find yourself wandering ... website ... website.

1) between / from / in

2) among / out / into

3) into / in / on

4) in / from / to

A24. Not all ... us are ... home ... the Internet. Many people don't bother with it, preferring something more old-fashioned.

1) of/at/with

2) among / in / without

3) between / at / for

4) of/in/for

A25. Since most ... the information is ... English, how can language learners make use ... its potential?

l)-/on /about

2) of/ in /of

3) - / into / out of

4) from / - / from

A26. You will get what you've ordered through the Internet ... you pay by credit card.


2) provided

3) since

4) despite

A 27. The young employee had planned the design of the site ... the boss got back.

1) until

2) by the time


4) since


Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.

А 28. Setting up of a website of your own isn't as easy as it may seem

                       1                                                            2                         3

to an amateur at first glance.


A29. To some users, surfing the Internet is as a drug: you browse one

           1                                                                                         2                                         3

site after another and never want to stop.


Определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов. Укажите выбранный вариант .

АЗ 0. addiction, schedule, dependence, screen

1) communication

2) television

3) wrestling

4) visual aids

Из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к заданному ряду слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А 31. speed, fastness, rapidity, swiftness

1) ingenuity

2) velocity

3) celebrity

4) activity

Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме. Укажите выбранный вариант .


1) to roam, to browse, to surf, to explore

2) to find, to discover, to destroy, to locate

3) to wonder, to speculate, to ponder, to meditate

Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант .

Joe has just returned to the computer lab where Sam works. Joe: Who (A33) ... been using my computer? Sam: I have (A34) ... idea. But these computers are for any student who wants to use them, (A35) ...? Joe: Of course, but (A36) ... you see me doing my work on that machine before lunch? I hope it hasn't been lost. The very idea of doing it again (A37)... me.


A33. l)has 2) has he 3)have 4) have they
A34. l)no 2) no longer 3)not 4) not an
A35. 1) aren't they 2) can't it 3) don't they 4) isn't it
A36. 1) aren't 2) didn't 3) don't 4) haven't
A37. 1) motivates 2) attracts 3) frightens 4) calms


Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу. Укажите выбранный вариант .

А 38. I wonder if one could order books on-line.

1) Certainly.

2) Not in the least.

3) Far from it.

4) You can or you can't.

Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А39. Nothing of the kind.

1) I never miss a chance to talk on-line.

2) Starting your own site is easy.

3) Why not go dancing tonight?

4) Do you know much about Canada?

Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант .

А 40. Where are the headquarters of Microsoft Corporation located?

1) Seattle, WA

2) Washington, DC

3) San-Francisco, CA

4) Chicago, IL

Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

I. This October 31st is a scary day for Dylan Barnes, not just because it's Halloween, but because it is a special anniversary for him. For several years he will have been trying to put a good idea into a successful business via the Internet. He won't be doing anything special to celebrate the occasion, mainly because his business venture won't have made any money for most of the past year. Like his two business partners, he will soon need to do something else.

II. When they started, it had seemed like such a great idea. Dylan and his friend, Michael Underwood, had been writing up their lecture notes and selling them to other students. They were starting to make a small steady profit when they met Terry Lloyd who had been creating home pages on the Internet. Together, they established a website.

III. They soon found out that students were looking for more than lecture notes. Various application and letter of recommendation forms and the like were in much demand, too. Soon there were all kinds of forms available form the new website. Dylan was working day and night to make the material available, but he didn't think what he was doing in terms of business. The big problem, they soon discovered, is that everyone wants these forms but no one wants to pay for them. The three friends had a successful website, but they didn't really make any money from it.

IV. Terry quickly found a highly paid job with an investment company and Michael went off to work for a software manufacturer. Dylan is still looking for a way to make his website work as a business. But these days he is always counting his pennies and he is having a hard time paying his bills. He has thought about taking a teaching job after seeing an ad for a teacher of business writing with business experience. He has lots of experience now and there really won't be a problem with a letter of application.

A41. Which would be the most suitable title for the article?

1) Site Management Means Big Bills

2) Young Webmasters Meet Difficulty

3) Website? No, Thank You Very Much

A42. The article implies that the friends' Internet-based business was

1) a booming one.

2) a commercial failure.

3) a really bad idea.

A43. The business opportunity opened after the two friends

1) had run out of lecture material.

2) had met a professional webmaster.

3) had become tired of what they were doing.

A44. It turned out that the biggest problem was

1) how to collect money for their services.

2) how to publish all the forms on-line.

3) how to promote their services on the Net.

A45. It is most likely that Dylan Barnes will soon

1) stop maintaining his website.

2) get hired by a software manufacturer.

3) start a teaching career.

Определите, в каком значении слово употреблено втексте. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А46. venture ( I)

1) adventure

2) enterprise

3) proposition

А47. steady (II)

1) constant

2) unexpected

3) large

Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста. Укажите выбранный вариант .

А 48. For several years he will have been trying to put a good idea into a successful business via the Internet. (I)

1) Уже в течение нескольких лет он пытается превратить хорошую идею в успешный бизнес в сети Интернет.

2) Уже в течение нескольких лет он будет пытаться превратить хорошую идею в успешный бизнес в сети Интернет.

3) Уже в течение нескольких лет он пытается сделать хорошую идею доходным бизнесом через сеть Интернет.

А 49. Dylan was working day and night to make the material available... (HI)

1) Дилан работал и днем и ночью, делая материал доступным...

2) Дилан работал в поте лица, чтобы сделать материал доступным...

3) Дилан работал день и ночь, чтобы обеспечить наличие материала...

А 50. But these days he is always counting his pennies and he is having a hard time paying his bills. (IV)

1) Но сегодня ему уже приходится экономить, а оплата счетов становится очень непростым делом...

2) Но в эти дни он всегда считает свои монеты и переживает трудные времена, когда оплачивает счета...

3) Но сегодня он уже научился считать деньги, поэтому у него очень трудно их выманить на оплату счетов...

Part B

Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 414.