A44. For university students, part-time jobs seem to have
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1) many undersides.

2) many advantages.

3) lots of benefits.

A45. In the near future, many students will face the necessity

1) to leave university.

2) to work even harder.

3) to leave jobs, if any.

Определите, в каком значении слово употреблено в тексте. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А46. on top of (II)

1) above the rest

2) in addition to

3) in spite of

А47. job commitments (V)

1) being preoccupied with a job

2) necessity to fulfill job responsibilities

3) feelings of commitment to the employer

А48. The students we talked to confirmed that this is the case (I).

1) Студенты, с кем мы подтвердили беседы, сказали, что дело в этом.

2) Студенты, с которыми мы беседовали, подтвердили, что так оно и есть.

3) Те студенты, с кем мы проводили беседы, сообщили, что дело обстоит так.

А49. Most students are hired in place of regular workers (III).

1) Большое число студентов работают вместо постоянных сотрудников.

2) Большинство студентов нанимаются вместо регулярных работников.

3) Большинство студентов просто замещают постоянных работников.

А50. Student life really does involve a lot more work these days (V).

1) Студенческая жизнь в эти дни и вправду включает значительно больше работы.

2) Сегодняшняя студенческая жизнь и в самом деле требует гораздо больше усилий.

3) Нынешним студентам действительно приходится работать гораздо больше.



В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках. Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

B1. If you suffer from ... during their summer holidays, you had better go find a summer job (bore).

B2. Low ... among urban youth has not once been blamed for the rise of vandalism (employ).

B3. It's true, in many cases doing a part-time job can give some ... independence (finance).


Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В4. When they offered me a part-time job, I (принял) the offer without hesitation.

B5. I was just a beginner in this job and felt (неловко) at first.

B6. (Любой) employer wants qualified workers, so the labour market situation is rather tough for the young.


Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов.

Last week I made up my mind to paint my bedroom while my (B7) ... were out for the day. As a rule, my parents have the (B8) ... done by a local firm. But I (B9) ... I could (B10) ... them some money. Yet I never expected the job to be so very complicated!

Test 10



К каждому заданию даны варианты ответов, из которых только один является верным. Выберите правильный ответ из четырех предложенных.

А1. Statistics ... that most young people choose a place to study not a career.

1) shows

2) is showing

3) are showing

4) show

A2. It's time to get down to training your skills. Why do you look so ...?

1) tired

2) tiring

3) tiresome

4) tiredly

A3. Several ... students from Medical University are apprenticed to highly-qualified doctors.

1) hundreds


3) hundredth

4) hundreds’

A4. Are you going to enter Linguistic or Pedagogical University? - ... . In fact, I've chosen Polytechnic.

1) Either

2) Any

3) None

4) Neither

A5. He ... that she ... a special training course.

1) claimed, would undergo

2) claims, would have undergone

3) claimed, will undergo

4) is claiming, will be undergoing

A6. "If only I ... a doctor, I ... this boring job," a medical nurse dreamt.

1) was, won't be doing

2) were, wouldn't have to do

3) was, wouldn't have done

4) were, won't do

A7. Since he ... this news he ... working as hard as he could.

1) had heard, had started

2) heard, had started

3) had heard, started

4) heard, has started

A8. For two years I ... how to cure people. Tomorrow I ... my final exam.

1) have been taught, am passing

2) was taught, would pass

3) am taught, will be passing

4) was being taught, would be passing

A9. Artistic talent and imagination ... essential for a fashion designer but one never ... without persistence.

1) is, will succeed

2) are being, won't succeed

3) are, are going to succeed

4) are, will succeed

А10. Nowadays new industries ... and unheard-of professions … .

1) are developing, are creating

2) develop, create

3) are being developed, are being created

4) have been developed, have been created

A11. I ... lots of sound advice about professions but I ... to follow none.

1) had been giving, had decided

2) had been given, decided

3) had given, decided

4) was given, was decided

A12. Being a veterinarian and helping animals ... the very career I ... always to pursue.

1) are, have wanted

2) is, wanted

3) was, wanted

4) is, have wanted

A13. Next September it ... 15years since I ... preparing pre-service teachers for their careers.

1) would be, had started

2) will be, started

3) will have been, had been starting

4) would be, am starting

A14. "Can you help me to plan and conduct my first lesson at school?" Daniel said. "No", Mr. Jones said in a low voice. – Daniel ... Mr. Jones if he ... him to plan and conduct his first lesson at school and Mr. Jones said he ... .

1) asked, could help, couldn't

2) asked, could help, could

3) told, would be able to help, wouldn't

4) said, could help, won't

A15. "Take your hands out of your pockets when you are standing at the blackboard, future teachers!" the instructor said to us. - The instructor ... us ... our hands out of the pockets when we were standing at the blackboard.

1) said, take

2) told, to take

3) asked, to have taken

4) wished, taken

A16. I ... sleep recently. I have been getting ready for my state exams. I hope to make a good doctor.

1) couldn't be able to

2) haven't been able

3) hadn't been able to

4) haven't been able to

A17. Should we force our children … well to be able to enter any university?

1) to study

2) studying

3) to be studied

4) study

A18. We'll put off ... on holidays until we finish our studies.

l) to go

2)  go

3)  going

4)  to be going

A19. In some universities one ... a diploma until the graduate ... doing a year of practice to get ready for his future profession.

1) won't get, finishes

2) wouldn't, has finished

3) won't get, have finished

4) wouldn't get, finishes

А20. ... an apprentice to Nina Ricci, she ... a famous dressmaker.

1) Had she been, would become

2) Were she, would had become

3) She had been, would become

4) Had she been, would have become

A21. He is ... best expert in ... town!


2) - / the

3) the / the

4)       -/-

A22. ... work is starting to take over ... my life.

1) The/the

2) A/-

3) -/-

4) -/the

A23. I'm looking … … my final exams. I pray ... God to get a good job.

1) forward / to / to

2) towards / on / for

3) for/through / -

4) forward / on / in

A24. We joined … … Mr. Dickens and made ... our minds to create a school of apprenticeship.

1) off/from/off

2) on / with / for

3) up / with / up

4) in / with / over

A25. My parents grumble ... me ... the fact that I've left university. Of course, they can't be happy ... such a situation.

l)at/on / in

2) on /of/ with

3) to/over/on

4) at / about / about

A26. ... he was the least experienced person, he insisted on taking part in the competition.

1) despite

2) in spite

3) nevertheless

4)even though

A27. The doctor asked me to make a diagnosis ... I was just about to leave.

1) as long as

2) despite of

3) as

4) however

Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 276.