A41. Paul McCartney is one of the top British celebrities because
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1) he is a multimillionaire.

2) he is one of the Beatles.

3) he is an outstanding composer.

A42. Being a self-taught musician, McCartney

1) knew little about music composition.

2) relied on his own intuition and talent.

3) imitated the works of other composers.

A43. The word Beatlemania denotes

1) a specific type of music.

2) the attitude of millions of fans.

3) a behaviour not typical of youth.

A44. The Beatles became idols for generations because

1) they were young people themselves.

2) their behaviour challenged the established norms.

3) they played a kind of music never played before.

A45. McCartney commands respect due to his

\) charismatic personality.

2) charitable social work.

3) contribution to pop music.

Определите, в каком значении слово употреблено в тексте. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А46. coined ( III)

1) invented

2) minted

3) printed

A47. forefront (IV)

1) position of power

2) position of prominence

3) position of promotion

Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста. Укажите выбранный вариант .

A48. This was perhaps the most important point in his life. (II)

1) Это, вероятно, был самый важный пункт в его биографии.

2) Возможно, это был поворотный пункт в его жизни.

3) Возможно, это было важнейшим событием в его жизни.

A49. Precocious composers, they gathered around themselves a changing cast of accompanists. (Ill)

1) Будучи композиторами, талантливыми от природы, они собрали вокруг себя сменный состав аккомпаниаторов.

2) У обоих было природное музыкальное дарование, и они собирали вокруг себя постоянно меняющийся состав исполнителей.

3) Одаренные композиторы, они собирали вокруг себя изменчивую группу аккомпаниаторов.

А 50. Through the 1980s McCartney worked on his own. (IV)

1) В течение 1980-х гг. Маккартни работал на самого себя.

2) В 1980-е гг. Маккартни работал над своими собственными проектами.

3) В 1980-е гг. Маккартни работал самостоятельно.



В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.

В1. Не was born blind, but despite this ... he managed to become one of the top singers of his generation (able).

B2. Eric Clapton did a lot to ... rock guitar playing (popular).

B3. Great Britain is the place where many ... music bands rose to international fame (legend).


Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В4. The band (играла так плохо) that half the audience walked out.

B5. (Тысячи фанатов) gathered at the stage doors after the rock concert.

B6. As far as I know, this CD (можно найти) in all music stores.


Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово — должно содержать не более 15 символов.

May we ask you a question? What kind of music do you (B7) ... to? It is common knowledge that today fewer young (B8) ... like going to concerts and listening to (B9) ... music. The (B10) ... prefer various kinds of rock and pop.


Test 17


К каждому заданию даны варианты ответов, из которых только один является верным. Выберите правильный ответ из четырех предложенных .

A1. One of the most popular exhibits at the gallery is ... .

1) Van Dyck's portrait of King Charles'

2) Van Dyck's King Charles' portrait

3) portrait of Van Dyck of King Charles

4) portrait of King Charles of Van Dyck

A2. The elderly man was ... visitor of the exhibition. He entered the hall ... .

1) the last/lastly

2) a last / lastly

3) the last / last

4) last / the last

A3. Many canvases by European artists were destroyed during ... .

1) Second World War

2) the Second World War

3) Second World's War

4) World War the Second

A4. Could you give me … information about the painter's creative heritage?

1)  any

2)  some

3) no

4) either

A5. It's not seldom that lovers of art ... or ... by some experimental contemporary works.

1) are shocked, confused

2) are being shocked, confused

3) are shocked, confused

4)shock, confuse

A6. I ... the forest in the background as it … the picture more natural.

1) will depict, will make

2) depict, will make

3) will depict, makes

4) depict, makes

A7. When Salvador Dali was young some people ... that he ... glory to Spanish art.

1) predicted, will bring

2) predicted, was going to bring

3) were predicting, was going to bring

4) predicted, would have brought

A8. Scarcely ... Ivan Surikov ... his "Menshikov in Beryezov" ... critics ... their unanimous acclaim.

1) had ...completed, than ... voiced

2) had...completed, when ... were voicing

3) did ...complete, when ... voiced

4) had ...been completed, that... voiced

A 9. Thomas Gainsborough ... for the lyricism of his paintings which he ... both in portraits and landscapes.

1) is noted, displayed

2) is being noted, displays

3) had been noted, displayed

4) noted, displayed

Al0. The new exhibition hall ... now at the Belarusian State Art Museum. Its unusual architectural design ... lots of visitors.

1) has been completed, attracts

2) was completed, attracted

3) was completed, attracts

4) completed, attracts

A11. New trends in visual arts ... at the turn of the XX century which later ... further development.

1) will have appeared, got

2) had appeared, got

3) were appearing, got

4) would have been appeared, got

A12. First pictures on cave walls long before painters ... using oils and brushes.

1) have been created, started

2) have been creating, started

3) had been created, started

4) had created, had started

A13. When my friend saw the Mona Lisa with his own eyes, he ... he ... one of his life ambitions.

1) realized, had fulfilled

2) was realizing, was fulfilling

3) realized, fulfilled

4) had realized, fulfilled

A14. Many artiststhat only when they ... they really felt inspiration.

1) claimed, were working

2) claims, worked

3) was claiming, had been working

4) claimed, had worked

A15. "What is Picasso's contribution to art?" a pupil said. - A pupil ... Picasso's contribution to art ... .

1) asked what, was

2) asked which, is

3) said what, had been

4) told what, is

A16. You ... touch the pictures. It's forbidden.

1) can't

2) hadn't to

3) don't have to

4) mustn't

All. In the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow we ... the guide ... about the Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev. Then we moved on to another picture.

1) has heard, told

2) was hearing, telling

3) heard, tell

4) heard, tells

A18. He plans ... at one early work by Vasiliy Kandinsky which seems prophetic.

1) has a look

2) had a look

3) having a look

4) to have a look

A19. If I ... a very talented artist I ... the world with my works.

1) were, could sanctify

2) am, would have sanctified

3) was, can sanctify

4) have been, could sanctify

А 20. If he ... pictures by ancient masters thoroughly, he ... another vision of things.

1) were studying, will have

2) had been studying, might have had

3) studied, might had had

4) has studied, may had

A21. ... few facts found in the Renaissance writings suggest ... idea that the year of the master's birth was 1370.


2) - / the

3) A / an

4) The/the

A22. Raphael's ... first steps in art were ... success.

l) -/a

2) the / the

3) a/a

4) the / -

A23. She was famous ... paintings ... flowers in which she captured rhythms of nature ... magnifying certain details.

1) with /on/with

2) for/of/by

3) about / about / through

4) in/ if/ in

A24. ... the whole every artist is quite absorbed ... his work even if he lives ... an uninhabited island

1) By/in/at

2) At / with / in

3) In / by / at

4) On / in / on

A25. Michelangelo was successful ... many fields ... art and was recognized as a genius ... his contemporaries.

1) at/on/of

2) in/of/by

3) with / in / by

4) about / over / to

A26. ... Picasso depicted, the painting became a masterpiece.

1) Despite

2) Even though

3) In spite of

4) Whatever

A27. Not all pupils are aware of Chagall's contribution to art... his talent is universally acknowledged.


2) so

3) supposing

4) as if

Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.

А28. Much as I liked her paintings, I couldn't act as she was Picasso or

           1                                                                                                2

someone like that when she clearly was a beginner, though a gifted one.

                           3                                                                                    4

A29. Paintings of religious, ceremonial or historic character tend to

                                                                                                            1                                  2

elevate their subjects above the level of ordinary existence.

                                    3                                                                            4

Определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов. Укажите выбранный вариант .

А 30. gallery, dealer, critic, collection

1) music

2) literature

3) fine arts

4) theatre

Из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к заданному ряду слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А31. easel, oils, canvas, frame


2) brush

3) ruler


Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме. Укажите выбранный вариант.


1) marble, stone, wood, clay

2) chalk, oils, water colors, crayons

3) exhibition, display, rally, show

Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант .

A new arts center was opened last week. It (A33) ... to be a farm and the new owners have (A34) ... clever use of some old barns, stables, and (A35) ... buildings. There are several small (A36) ... which can be rented cheaply by local painters, sculptors, potters and other artists. The barn has been turned (A37) ... a most attractive gallery. It holds exhibitions of local and foreign artists.


A33. 1) was used 2) had 3) would 4) used
A34. 1) done 2) made 3) performed 4) offered
A35. 1) another 2) others 3) the other 4) other
A36. 1) shops 2) rooms 3) cabinets 4) studios
A37. 1) into 2) in 3) out 4) over

Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу. Укажите выбранный вариант .

A38. Let's leave. Abstract art isn't my cup of tea.

1) Isn't it?

2) Yes, it is.

3) No, it isn't. .

4) Who cares.

Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А39. I feel the same way.

1) I have never seen such works.

2) I never miss an arts exhibition.

3) I am frightened by surrealists' works.

4) I know nothing about the artist.

Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант .

А 40. Which world famous gallery is located in London?

1) The Prado Museum

2) The Tate Gallery

3) The Guggenheim Museum

4) The Kennedy Museum

Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

I. The American artist George Catlin devoted most of his life to drawing and painting Indians. He traveled from tribe to tribe, often alone and almost always made welcome, and he came to know and understand the Indians and their way of life.

II. In the early 1800s, he was already an established painter of miniatures in Philadelphia. But Catlin wasn't satisfied with his career. He spent much of his free time at the Peale Museum, attracted by an exhibit from the famous Lewis and Clark expedition. One day while he was there, he happened to see a delegation of Indians from the Western Plains. He was so impressed by the Indians that he immediately decided to go west. "Nothing short of the loss of my life shall prevent me from visiting their country and becoming their historian," he said. Before he could leave, though, he had to earn enough money for the journey.

III. Finally, in 1830, Catlin was ready. He traveled to St. Louis, where he had his first real meeting with Plains Indians. He became acquainted with many tribes - the Sauk, the Sioux, the Shawnee, to name only a few. Once Catlin painted a portrait of the chief of the Blackfeet surrounded by his own warriors, while their enemies, the Crow, sat around the room and watched. Catlin was tense, fearing an outbreak of violence. But the braves only smoked their pipes calmly and recited tales of past battles.

IV. Catlin seldom had trouble with the Indians who posed for him. Once, though, he made the mistake of painting a young brave in profile. When the Indian saw the finished portrait, he was furious. He told Catlin that he had always looked straight at the white man; now the painter had made him look away, as though ashamed. He threatened to kill the artist if he didn't change the painting. Catlin went ahead and painted him a new pair of eyes, but after the brave had gone, he wiped them out and restored the original side view.

V. Catlin's fame soon spread. The Indians who posed for him were amazed that he could produce a "twin being," an exact replica of themselves. They called this "Man with the Blue Eyes" a "Magic Painter" and regarded him with awe. During his career, Catlin did more than six hundred Indian paintings. "I stand as the champion of a people who have treated me kindly ... of whom I am bound to speak well," he said. Today, Indians like Chief One Horn look down from the walls of the National Museum of American Art in Washington, D.C. which is a lasting memorial to the artist who used his "magic" to paint them.

A41. Which would be the most suitable title for the story?

1) How George Catlin Painted

2) The Artist Who Taught Indians

3) George Catlin: Artist And Historian

A42. According to the story, George Catlin decided to go west because

1) his curiosity was so great.

2) his desire to get to know Indian peoples was great.

3) his ambition to become a foremost painter of his day was great.

A43. Catlin wanted to depict Indian lifestyle on canvas because

1) it was a sure way to everlasting glory and fame.

2) it was a sure way to safeguard native American heritage.

3) it was a sure way to experience adventure and fun.

А 44. Catlin was well liked by the Indians as he

1) never violated their customs and traditions.

2) always treated them with respect.

3) sometimes was afraid of their violent ways.

A45. The painter's works gave viewers a chance

1) to admire a variety of colors.

2) to learn about long-forgotten lifestyle.

3) to get to know more about their ethnic roots.

Определите, в каком значении слово употреблено в тексте. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А46. recited ( III)

1) remade

2) narrated

3) quoted

A47. replica (V)


2) reproduction

3) example

Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста. Укажите выбранный вариант .

А 48. In the early 1800s, he was already an established painter of miniatures in Philadelphia. ( II)

1) В начале XIX века он уже прославился в Филадельфии как художник по миниатюрам.

2) В ранних 1800-х годах он уже имел устоявшуюся славу художника по миниатюрам в Филадельфии.

3) В начале XIX века он уже установил свою славу художника-миниатюриста в Филадельфии.

А 49. Не told Catlin that he had always looked straight at the white man... (IV)

1) Он сказал Кэтлину, что всегда смотрел прямо на белого человека...

2) Он сказал Кэтлину, что всегда смотрелся прямо как белый человек...

3) Он сказал Кэтлину, что всегда смотрит белому человеку прямо в глаза...

А 50. ... which is a lasting memorial to the artist who used his "magic" to paint them. (V)

1) ... что является долговременным мемориалом художника, который пользовался своей "магией", чтобы их рисовать.

2) ... что являет собой вечный памятник художнику, который силой своей "магии" перенёс их на холсты.

3) ... что есть памятник на долгие века тому художнику, который воспользовался своими чарами, чтобы нарисовать их.


Part B

В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.

В1. What a lovely painting! The one who made it must be very ... (art).

B2. The figure in the foreground ... the conflict between good and evil (symbol).

B3. It's a sad fact that few great artists received any ... during their lifetime (recognize).


Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В4. His (последняя) work was impressive. I wonder what he is working at now.

B5. Sometimes one has to make an effort (чтобы) understand abstract art.

B6. The art collection housed in the Hermitage Museum is not just valuable, it is (бесценна).


Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов.

The National Art Museum is located in Minsk, the (B7) ... of Belarus. It (B8) ... vast collections of Russian and Belarusian (B9) ... . They (B10) ... to different ages and schools. The museum is definitely worth visiting.

Test 18

Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 442.