Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

А28. These days there are special service centers helping young people to choose

                           1                                                                                         2                                         3

a career. I wish there had been more of them!


A29. Asking friends and family for adviceis not always the best way

                                             1                                      2 3

to understand if you are cut of for your chosen career.


Определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А30. application, guidance counselor, placement agency, letter of acceptance

1) choosing a place to work

2) arranging a holiday

3) choosing a place to study

4) choosing accommodation


Из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к заданному ряду слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А31. exam, major, elective, course

1) academic degree

2) additional salary

3) research survey

4) school report

Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме. Укажите выбранный вариант.


1) to promote, to advertise, to publicize, to push

2) to teach, to instruct, to cure, to train

3) to begin, to start, to commence, to set about


Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант.

I am really enjoying my new job. All of (A33) ... people I work with are friendly and I haven't had (A34) ... problems so far. I don't mind (A3 5) ... what to do since I am only a beginner. The best part of it is that I get paid (A36) ... two weeks instead of waiting (A37) ... month between pay days in my last job.


A33. 1)that 2) the 3) them 4) -
A34. 1)any 2) much 3) some 4) no
A35. 1) tell 2) telling 3) being told 4) been told
A36. 1) all 2) both 3) each 4) every
A37. 1) a whole 2) the whole of 3) whole 4) whole of


Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А38. I think personality plays a crucial role in choosing a career.

1) I fully agree with you.

2) Absolute nonsense!

3) It does or it doesn't.

4) I can't care less.


Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А39. No objections.

1) So, would you like to do mental or manual work?

2) Some tests will help you decide. Why not try them?

3) Sorry, I don't want to impose my opinion on you.

4) Do you know something? It's really clever of you!


Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А40. His first job was door-to-door selling of bottled vegetables. Which US-based company bears his original name?

1) Ford Motors

2) Microsoft

3) Heinz

4) Motorola


Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

I. Scientists have shown that girls are born much better talkers than boys. As early as two years old, girls are outstripping boys as conversationalists. Girls learn more quickly and for the first few years they have a considerably wider vocabulary. This could be, according to recent research, because there is a natural gift for speech in girls' genes.

II. In the study, parents were asked to note down which words from a list of 100 their children could use by the age of two. Boys used on average 44 of the words and girls used 52. But as children get older the gap grows smaller and in late childhood there is no statistically significant difference.

III. The findings have led scientists to question what the specific influences are on early language development. The answer it seems could be in the genes. The way genes work for language development is different in boys and girls. One theory is that language development is triggered by hormones, which are genetically programmed to boost speech in girls more than in boys. Previous research has already established that there is a strong link between levels of the female hormone oestrogen and fluency of speech. The next step is to collect DNA from people to isolate the genes responsible for speech development.

IV. Genetic difference between the sexes has its roots in the different roles that early men and women had, with men as the hunters and women as mothers and home keepers. Conversational skill, and particularly the need to communicate effectively with children, often while multitasking, was much more important for women than for men in these early times. Hence, those with innate conversational ability probably fared better and passed on the genes responsible to

their offspring.

V. As well as the genetic influence on language development, the way parents relate to their children is also thought to be a key factor. Young boys tend to be more action-oriented and less verbal while girls are generally more reflective and thoughtful. The language that children provoke in adults and therefore the language they are exposed to reflect these differences and consequently acts as a model for their own language development.


A41. The article mainly discusses

1) genetic differences in language development.

2)  linguistic differences in genetic development.

3)  specific differences in individual development.

A42. The results of the research prove that

1) boys' early language development goes more quickly.

2) girls' early language development goes more quickly.

3) boys and girls develop language at the same speed.

A43. The most probable reason for differences between boys and girls is that

1) speech development patterns vary.

2) conversational ability is found in girls only.

3) genetic mechanisms work differently.

A44.Different roles of early men and women can

1) serve as an example of contemporary communication patterns.

2) explain the difference in conversational ability levels.

3) reflect the inadequate level of conversational ability.

A45. It's also probable that another factor influencing language development is

1) the way children play games with each other.

2) the way children interact with their parents.

3) the way children behave when alone.

Определите, в каком значении слово употреблено в тексте. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А46. boost (III)

1) enlarge

2) assist

3) help develop

A47. fared (IV)

1) traveled

2) managed

3) felt

Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А48. The findings have led scientists to question what the specific influences are on early language development. (III)

1) Эти находки привели ученых к вопросу о специфических влияниях на развитие речи в раннем возрасте.

2) Эти результаты поставили перед учеными вопрос о том, что именно влияет на развитие речи в раннем возрасте.

3) Эти данные довели ученых до постановки вопроса о специфическом влиянии на ранее речевое развитие.

А49. The next step is to collect DNA from people to isolate the genes responsible for speech development. (Ill)

1) Следующим шагом будет анализ ДНК человека с целью выделить гены, отвечающие за речевое развитие.

2) Следующий шаг - это сбор ДНК у людей, чтобы изолировать гены, ответственные за развитие речи.

3) Следующим шагом может быть собирание ДНК у людей, чтобы отделить гены, ответственные за развитие речи.

А 50. As well as the genetic influence on language development... (V)

1) Так же хорошо, как и генетическое влияние на развитие речи...

2) Также как и генетическое воздействие на речевое развитие ...

3) Не только генетическая обусловленность речевого развития ...



В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.

В1. If you have no skills, there is little ... that you will be accepted for the job (likely).

B2. Doing psychological tests is ... as they help determine our potential (worth).

B3. Work for teens should be ... which will give them a real chance (legal).


Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В4. If you visit the company you are planning to work for, you can (получить представление) of their activities.

B5. While planning your future, ask (себя) what you can do for your country.

B6. Why (не научиться) some useful skills like bookkeeping or shorthand?


Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов.

Alison, friend of mine, is keen on dancing. In fact, she (B7) ... to become a professional dancer. On (B8) ... mornings (B9) ... school Alison (B10) ... her practice in the living-room of her house. I wish I had such determination and character!

Test 11


Part A


К каждому заданию даны варианты ответов, из которых только один является верным. Выберите правильный ответ из четырех предложенных .

A1. Various … are to be taken into consideration when choosing a dwelling place.

1) criterions

2) criterion

3) criteria

4) criterias

A2. She lives in a spacious ... apartment in her parents' home.

1) four rooms

2) four-rooms

3) four-room

4) four-roomed

A3. "What neighborhood did you live in when in New York?" - ".. Forty-second Street."

l) The

2) A

3) An

4) -

A4. "Would you like to paper or paint the walls?"- "... I don't mind.

l) Each

2) Either

3)  Neither

4)  Either of

A5. My father ... me that he ... the washing up.

1) promise, would do

2) promised, will do

3) promises, will have done

4) promised, would do

A6. Two new blocks of flats … nearby. It ... a view from our windows.

1) are being built, will spoil

2) were built, would have spoilt

3) had been built, will spoil

4) were being built, have spoilt

A7. What you ... to this room?-I just ... to decorate it.

1) were doing, have wanted

2) have been doing, wanted

3) are doing, am wanting

4) had been doing, had wanted

A8. While I ... the floors my elder brother ... the carpets.

1) mop, beats out

2) had been moping, had been beating out

3) am moping, is beating out

4) was moping, beat out

A9. He ... into a new house by next month. Now he ... efforts into redecoration.

1) would move, would be putting

2) will move, is putting

3) would had moved, will put

4) will have moved, is putting

A10. The young student ... with her landlady at 5 o'clock yesterday but she ... late.

l)was meeting, was

2) had met, had been

3) met, was being

4) has met, was

A11. The younger son ... he ... all his household chores.

1)  told, did

2)  tells, has been doing

3)  said, had done

4) says, will had done

A12. She ... in this hut for twenty years next month. She never ... it

1)  would have lived, would have sold

2)  will have been living, will sell

3)  would lived, is selling

4) lives, sells

A13. In his family all responsibilities ... usually. The children always ... the dusting and the cleaning.

1) are shared, do

2) have been shared, have done

3) are being shared, are doing

4) were shared, had done

A14. The house is rather neglected. I wish it... more neat.

1) were

2) would have been

3) was

4) would be

A15. The electrician ... us that we ... change the wiring as soon as possible.

1) reminded, could

2) had reminded, had had to

3) reminds, had to

4) reminded, must

A16. "You ... the flat yourself!" Mother cried.

1) shall do up

2) will have to do up

3) shall have done up

4) will do up

A17. The windows in that old country cottage need ... .

1) to be clean

2) cleaning

3) to be cleaned

4) a cleaning

A18. The sewerage must be replaced. My brother ordered me ... it myself, though.

1) not doing

2) not to be doing

3) not to do

4) to be doing

A19. ... him, I ... one of his bedrooms into a study.

1) Was I, will convert

2) Were I, would convert

3)I were, would convert

4) Was I, would be converting

A20. You ... any problems in case a bulb in your chandelier ... dead if you have extra ones.

1) wouldn't have, was

2) won't have, is

3) don't have, will be

4) won't have, will be

А 21. It is ... very picture I'm looking for. I’ll put it up on ... wall in my study.


2) a/a

3) the /a

4) a / the

A22. ... few remaining rolls of wallpaper will be used for ... kitchen.

1) - / a

2) The / the

3) A/-

4) -/an

A23. Yesterday ... the street I ran ... our plumber but I couldn't ask him to help us because he was ... a hurry.

1) in /into/ in

2) on / through / at

3) at / about / in

4) in / over / on

A24. My father always gets … … doing the cleanup. He is really lazy ... doing household chores.

1) on /with /with

2) out/of/about

3) up / to / in

4) out/off/over

A25. It's time to put ... the air-conditioner, take ... the old fireplace and to put ... potted plants on the walls.

1) at / down / up

2) to / up / off

3) into / over / about

4) in / out / up

A26. My father made a cellar in the basement ... we could keep any junk there.

1) therefore

2) so as

3) as a result

4) so that

A27. Looking neglected on the outside the house was well kept inside ... surprised us greatly.

1) that

2) which


4) what

Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.

А 28. My next door neighbor, who is usually shy and doesn't say much,

                                                           1                                         2

is being friendly this morning and throws a big party tonight.

    3                                               4

A29. My mother always tells us wait while she checks in the kitchen

                                                 1                                   2

because she never leaves unless everything has been turned off.

                                           3                                    4

Определите тему , к которой относится данный ряд слов. Укажите выбранный вариант .

Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 309.