В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

B1. The opportunities offered by the Internet are, no doubt, ... diverse (amaze).


B2. Surely, the Internet makes our horizons practically ... but it also make us idle (limit).

B3. Too much time spent in front of the screen makes a person somewhat nervous and... (edge).

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В4. (Говорят) the Web is the world's biggest brain. Yet there is a lot of rubbish there too.

B5. Nowadays one can hardly (обойтись) without a computer at home.

B6. Once you have become addicted to the Net, it hard to (избавиться) the habit of browsing the site every night.

Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов .

The Internet can provide you with (B7) ... information you want if you know how to (B8) ... it. Both individuals and companies put information about (B9) ... on their (B10) ... the number of which is growing day in day out.




Test 16

К каждому заданию даны варианты ответов, из которых только один является верным. Выберите правильный ответ из четырех предложенных .

Al. Classical music concerts are not held in village halls because the acoustics ... awful.

1) is

2) is being

3) are

4) are being

A2. The young rockers are working ... to record their first album.


2) hardly

3) hardy

4) hardlier

A3. Madonna enjoys enormous popularity, she has given … of concerts.

1) hundreds

2) hundred

3) a hundred

4) the hundred

A4. Thanks to computers and video almostcan become a pop singer.

1) somebody



4) no one

A5. After they ... recognition at home, the youth orchestra ... all over Europe.

1) gained, toured

2) had gained, toured

3) gained, had toured

4) had gained, had toured

A6. While my companion ... the bill, I ... tickets for the show.

1) looks through, buy

2) is looking through, will buy

3) looked through, would have bought

4) was looking through, would bought

A7. The singer ... the audience to join in and in a minute everybody … .

1) asked, sang

2) was asking, was singing

3) asked, was singing

4) had asked, sang

A8. It's not seldom that rock concerts ... at stadiums where enthusiastic audience ... to dance to the music.

1) are held, allows

2) are being held, is allowed

3) are held, is allowed

4) held, is being allowed

A9. Some classical pieces ... for hundreds of years; yet nowadays they ... even more popularity.

1) have been performing, gain

2) are performed, are gaining

3) have been performed, are gaining

4) had been performed, were gaining

А 10. The evening performance ... at 7:30, so let's ... a taxi to the theatre.

1) will start, take

2) is starting, to take

3) starts, take

4) start, not take

A11. As we ... the church, the organist ... playing a majestic melody.

1) had entered, had began

2) entered, began

3) were entering, has begun

4) have entered, begins

A12. Vanessa Mae ... a classical performer who ... international superstardom.

1) has been, has reached

2) is being, has reached

3) is, reached

4) was, has reached

A13. It ... clear to everybody that classical music ... its reputation at least by the end of the XXI century.

1) is getting, won't be losing

2) is getting, won't lose

3) gets, won't have lost

4) is getting, won't have lost

A14. "Oh, it's great!" said Kate when she heard the sonata. - Kate ... that the sonata she heard ... great.

1) cried out, was

2) exclaimed, was

3) exclaims, was

4) wondered, was

A15. My friend ... to Mozart at full volume when his mother ... at the door.

1) was listening, has been knocking

2) listened, was knocking

3) listens, knocks

4) was listening, knocked

A16. Look, she ... have gone to the recital. - Perhaps, but I don't know exactly.

1) ought to

2) may

3) could

4) must

A17. I regret ... this CD with the highlights of the 1980s. It's total rubbish!

1) to buy

2) to buying

3) to have bought

4) buying

A18. It was yesterday that mother ... the young boy ... a tune on the air himself.

1) lets, to catch

2) let, catch

3) lets, catch

4) let, to catch

A19. If I ... enough money, I ... the Philharmonic Society all the year round.

1) had had, will visit

2) have had, would visit

3) had, would visit

4) had, will have visited

A20. I ... all those overenthusiastic fans ... more reserved and well-behaved.

1) wish, would be

2) want, will be

3) wished, would be

4) wish, were

A21. At last ... day came when my father bought me a record of... classical music and offered to listen to it together.


2) the / the

3) a / the

4) the / -

A22. ... Beatles were … first to bring pop to young people in England.

1) - / the

2) The / the



A23. We turn ... music ...joy and sorrow, we are eager to listen ... it everywhere.

1) to/in/to

2) on / at / -

3) off/ with /in

4) up / under / to

A24. Some people are fond ... pop music, others are crazy classical music, still others are keen ... rock.

1) in/on/ on

2) of/over/at

3) on / with / on

4) of / about / on

A25. He was screaming ... absolute delight ... the concert ... the young pop star.

1) at/at/of

2) for / in / about

3) with / at / of

4) from / on / -

A26. Everyone stayed in the concert hall … the concert was finished.

1) until

2)in case

3) as soon as

4) before

A27. ... well he sings, he can't become popular without professional promotion.

1) Whatever

2) No matter how

3) Although

4) Whereas

Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.

А28. A conductor uses signals and gestures to let the musicians know when play

    1                                                                                2                                       3                      4

various parts of the composition.


A29. Although no country has exactly the same folklore tunes like that of any other,

                                           1                                    2                                                   3

it's significant that similar songs exist among widely separated people.



Определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов. Укажите выбранный вариант .

А30. band, sound engineer, back vocals, microphone

1) opera

2) rock show

3) folk festival

4) piano recital

Из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к заданному ряду слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А31. giant rock, techno pop, gothic rock, punk

1) rap

2) poetry

3) drama


M I Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме. Укажите выбранный вариант.


1) cello, violin, harp, guitar

2) flute, trumpet, clarinet, saxophone

3) compositor, conductor, pianist, orchestra

Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант .

One evening everyone gathered in the living-room. A discussion (A33) ... about the differences between a music piece popular at the time and a well-known folk song. Adults tried to (A34) ... the similar­ity of the two melodies to those who (A35) ... with them, but without any success. (A36) ... fell, and then Willy, a five-year-old boy, made his (A37) ... to the piano and played first one tune and then the other. Everybody was astonished.


A33. 1) happened 2) came 3) entered 4) arose
A34. 1) prove 2) claim 3) test 4) pretend
A35. 1) refused 2) varied 3) disagreed 4) resisted
A36. 1) silence 2) doubt 3) quiet 4) conclusion
A37. 1) path 2) way 3) route 4) direction


Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу. Укажите выбранный вариант .

А38. What a wonderful melody! Sounds like Mozart.

1) I disagree completely.

2) Look who's talking!

3) I'm afraid yes.

4) I couldn't say.

Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике. Укажите выбранный вариант.

А39. I'd rather not.

1) I adore old rock. Do you?

2) Let's listen to some CDs.

3) The tune is catching, isn't it?

4) The song sounds strangely familiar.

Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант .

A40. What is the name of the British composer who authored lots of internationally-known musicals?

1) Robbie Williams

2) Freddy Mercury

3) Andrew L. Webber

4) Benjamin Britten

Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

I. Paul McCartney is one of the greatest stars of the twentieth century. Paul comes form an ordinary family, but he is now the third richest man in Europe. His musical career has lasted for nearly forty years and today he is one of the world's most famous musicians.

II. He was born in Liverpool, England, on 18th June 1942. He started to play the guitar seriously when he was 14. When he was 15 he met and formed a band with another boy from Liverpool, John Lennon. This was perhaps the most important point in his life. Formed around the nucleus of Lennon and McCartney, who first performed together in Liverpool in 1957, the group named the Beatles grew out of a shared enthusiasm for American rock and roll.

HI. Both Lennon, a guitarist and singer, and McCartney, a bassist and singer, were largely self-taught as musicians. Precocious composers, they gathered around themselves a changing cast of accompanists. The Beatles soon rose to fame in England by producing recordings of original tunes and also by playing classic American rock and roll. After their appearances on British television, British newspapermen coined a new word — Beatlemania. For the next ten years the group was the symbol of youth movement.

IV. In 1972, after the Beatles had stopped performing together, Paul McCartney formed a new band, Wings, but it was never as successful as the Beatles and it broke up after seven years. Through the 1980s McCartney worked on his own. In recent years Paul has written classical music and has worked on films. He also opened a stage school in Liverpool. In 1969 he met and married Linda Eastman, an American-born photographer, who also became a famous personality. They had children and a happy life together for many years, but Linda died in April 1998. McCartney's daughter Stella who graduated from

College of Art and Design in London in 1995 rose quickly to the forefront of the international fashion world.

V. All the members of the Beatles remained famous after the band broke up, but only Paul his managed to use his musical talents in so many different ways. He is still writing both pop music and classical music. Paul McCartney is not only one of the best songwriters and musicians that Britain has known, but he is also a personality that no rock fan will ever forget.

Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 370.