ББК 81.2Англ я73
Л.И. Селянина, А.В. Савватеева, В.В. Попова,
Ю.Е. Ваулина, М.Т. Лазарева, М.Д. Резвецова
П62 Пособие по домашнему чтению к практическому курсу английского языка. – М.: Изд-во ВЛАДОС-ПРЕСС, 2001. -160 с. – (Практикум для вузов).
ISBN 5-305-00016-5.
В книгу включены отрывки из английской художественной литературы и система упражнений, способствующих активному, углубленному изучению неадаптированных художественных текстов.
Пособие может использоваться на 1-2-м курсах факультетов иностранных языков в качестве дополнения к учебнику «Практический курс английского языка» под ред. В.Д. Аракина, а также самостоятельно или с любым другим учебником английского языка в качестве пособия по домашнему чтению.
ББК 81.2Англ я73
© Коллектив авторов, 2001
© «Издательство ВЛАДОС-ПРЕСС», 2001
© Серийное оформление обложки.
«Издательство ВЛАДОС-ПРЕСС», 2001
ISBN 5-305-00016-5
Настоящее издание является приложением к учебникам под общим названием "Практический курс английского языка" под редакцией В. Д. Аракина и предназначается для первого и второго курсов факультетов и отделений английского языка педагогических институтов и университетов.
Основой для всех разработок послужила оригинальная литература.*
* В пособие не включены адаптированные тексты, которые могут быть необходимы для некоторых учебных заведений в начале первого курса, но их изучение не должно быть слишком продолжительным.
Для первой части подобраны произведения, достаточно доступные по своему языку для студентов 1-го курса: рассказы А. Кристи, "Да сгинет день" Дж. Гордона.
Во вторую часть включены упражнения по пьесам английских драматургов О. Уайльда "Идеальный муж", "Веер леди Уиндермиер", "Как важно быть серьезным", Б. Шоу "Пигмалион", рассказам У.С. Моэма, а также по роману австралийской писательницы Д. Кьюсак "Скажи смерти "Нет!".
Выбор материала обусловлен несколькими моментами: во-первых, принадлежностью указанных произведений к наиболее известным и популярным во всем мире и вследствие этого включенным в курс изучаемой английской литературы. Во-вторых, возможностями для расширения тематического словаря студентов. Так изучение медицинской терминологии в романе Д. Кьюсак способствует более глубокому изучению одной из наиболее трудных тем программы 2-го курса: "Болезни. Здравоохранение".
Основными целями работы над указанными материалами являются не только углубленное изучение языка писателей, но, прежде всего, развитие навыков устной речи, чему в большой степени способствует занимательность сюжета выбранных произведений и возможности, предлагаемые текстом, для обсуждения жизненно важных проблем.
Dame Agatha Christie (nee Miller) was one of the most famous writers of detective fiction of the 20th century. She was born in 1890 in Torquay, Devon. Her father was American, her mother was English. She had a quiet, middle-class childhood, being educated at home. In 1914 Agatha married Archibald Christie. During the First World War she worked as a hospital dispenser. Her marriage broke up in 1926. In 1930 A. Christie got married to Max Mallowan, an archeologist whom she accompanied on his excavations in Syria and Iraq.
A. Christie's work as a dispenser and her travels to the Near East were useful to her in writing detective stories. In her first detective novel "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" (1915) readers got acquainted with Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective made by A.Christie's imagination. It was his first case, the beginning of his career, which lasted for more than fifty years. His last meeting with readers took place in the novel "Curtain" written by A. Christie in 1975, a year before her death in 1976. Another famous character created by A. Christie's genius was Miss Marple, the prim elderly spinster from St. Mary Mead who was good at solving various mysteries. She had her own original methods of investigating murders which sometimes embarrassed the police. Miss Marple's last case was described in "Sleeping Murder" (1976).
A. Christie wrote more than 80 books, some of which have become classical – "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" (1926), "Peril at End House" (1932), "Murder on the Orient Express" (1934), "The ABC Murders" (1935), "Ten Little Niggers" (1939). They belong to the Golden Age of detective fiction in the 1920s and 1930s.
Two other short stories "The Mousetrap" and "Witness for the Prosecution" were adapted for the stage and were a great success.
A. Christie became known for her ingenuity in making the least likely suspect turn out to be the murderer.
* Christie A. Puzzles. M., 1983.
Assignment 1
Chapter 1 (pp. 10-21)
I. Be sure that you know the right pronunciation and translation of the following words. Write them down in your vocabulary books.
colonel wrap butler incredible | hysterical constable perplexity tawdry | flamboyant spouse appetizing mascara |
II. Find the following word combinations, write them out, translateinto Russian, remember the situations in which the author usedthem.
To give out the prizes (p.10), to frown (p.11), to go to sleep (p. 11), to be awake (p. 12), to go mad (p. 12), to ring up the police (p. 13), to cast a reproachful glance (p.13), I didn't quite catch (p.13), to dial a number (p. 13), to be good at smth (p. 15), to be heavily made up (p.17), to make a discovery (p. 17), to try one's hand at smth (p. 18), to remind smb of smth (p.19), to throw light upon smth (p.19), to bite one's nails (p. 19), to look alike (p.21).
Constable Palk
Assignment 2
Chapters 2, 3, 4 (pp.21-34)
Assignment 3
Chapters 5, 6 (pp.35-47)
IV. Answer the questions.
1. Why was St.Mary Mead having the most exciting morning it had known for a long time?
2. Miss Hartnell sympathized with Mrs. Bantry, didn't she?Why?
3. Did Miss Hartnell like Miss Marple? Prove it.
4. Why did the author say that Miss Hartnell was 'slightly behind the times' ?
5. How did it happen that Mrs. Price Ridley heard the news?
6. What did Mrs. Price Ridley tell the vicar?
7. Why didn't Mrs. Bantry let Miss Marple go home?
8. Why did Colonel Melchett bring Josie to Gossington Hall?
9. Where was Colonel Bantry at that moment? Why was he there?
10. Did Josie see the scene of the crime? What was her reaction to it?
11.Why did Josie think that Miss Marple was a bit funny in the head?
12.What questions did Mrs. Bantry ask Josie?
13.What did Miss Marple think of Josie and her attitude towards Ruby?
14.What was Mr. Prestcott's opinion of Josie, Ruby and Mr.Jefferson?
15.Was Mr. Jefferson's daughter-in-law plain or beautiful?
16.What did Adelaide tell the police about that fatal evening?
Assignment 4
Chapters 7, 8 (pp. 47-57)
III. Answer the questions.
1.Why did Colonel Melchett call George Bartlett "brainless young ass" ?
2. Why did Peter Carmody come up to the policemen?
3. Why didn't Colonel Melchett care for Mark Gaskell?
4. Why did Conway Jefferson have to go back to the big tragedy of his life speaking with Colonel Melchett?
5. Why did Mr. Jefferson play with the idea of adopting some girl or boy?
6. Why didn't his son-in-law and daughter-in-law like the idea of Jefferson's adopting Ruby legally?
7. Why did Mr. Jefferson make a new will?
8. Why were the policemen surprised when they heard about the new will made by Mr. Jefferson?
9. How did it happen that Mr. Jefferson had become a very rich man?
10. Why did Mr. Jefferson call his valet after the policemen had gone away?
Assignment 5
Chapters 9, 10 (pp. 58-68)
III. Answer the questions.
1. Who did the policemen suspect and why?
2. Why didn't they suspect Mrs. Jefferson and Mr. Gaskell?
3. What did George Bartlett tell the policemen?
4. Did they find any clues in Ruby's room? Describe her room.
5. What was Raymond Starr's story?
6. What was found near a quarry?
Assignment 6
Chapters 11, 12 (pp. 68-85)
Assignment 7
Chapters 13, 14 (pp.85-98)
Assignment 8
Chapters 15, 16 (pp.98-111)
III. Answer the questions.
1. What did Dr. Metcalf say about Mr. Jefferson's health?
2. Who wanted to kill two birds with one stone?
3. What did Sir Henry think of Mr. Jefferson's attitude toward shis relatives?
4. Why did Harper want to see Miss Marple?
5. Miss Marple refused Harper's request, didn't she?
6. Why was Miss Marple interested in the nail clippings found in Ruby's waste-basket?
7. What did Miss Marple think of the dress Ruby was found in?
8. What did Raymond Starr tell Sir Henry about himself?
9. What did Raymond Starr think of Ruby? What was his opinion of the crime?
10.When did Raymond Starr look startled? Why?
11.Did Hugo McLean approve of Adelaide's wish to take tennis lessons? Why?
12.How did Hugo McLean happen to come to the Majestic?
13.Did Miss Marple know who killed Ruby Keene?
14.Why didn't Miss Marple say anything to Mrs. Bantry?
15.Why did Mrs. Bantry use the saying "There's no smoke without fire"?
Assignment 9
Chapters 17, 18 (pp.111-123)
III. Answer the questions.
1. What did Edwards tell Sir Henry about Conway Jefferson?
2. Why did Miss Marple choose Florence Small of the five girls?
3. What did Florence tell Miss Marple about Pamela?
4. Why did Miss Marple pay a visit to the vicar?
5. What did Miss Marple do in Basil Blake's house?
Assignment 10
Chapters 19, 20, 21, 22 (pp. 123-139)
III. Answer the questions.
1. How did Basil Blake behave when he heard he was going to be arrested?
2. Why and how had Colonel Bantry changed by the time Basil was arrested?
3. What did Mr. Jefferson agree to do?
4. What happened at three o'clock in the morning?
5. Who murdered Ruby Keene and why?
6. How did Miss Marple guess the truth?
7. Did Mr. Jefferson change his will? How? Was it just of him?
X. Speak on the topics.
1. Miss Marple and her methods of investigating crimes.
2. Ruby Keene and her cousin Josie Turner.
3. The Bantrys.
4. The Jeffersons (dead and alive).
5. The policemen investigating the murder.
6. Josie Turner and Mark Gaskell.
7. Mr. Conway Jefferson, his life and character.
8. Adelaide Jefferson and the men adoring her.
9. Basil Blake and his wife Dinah Lee.
10. Miss Marple and Dolly Bantry.
11. Miss Marple and the policemen.
12. Mrs. Jefferson and her son Peter Carmody.
13. Peter Carmody and the policemen.
14. Sir Henry dithering.
* Christie A. The Mystery of King' s Abbot. M, 1980.
The book was published first in 1926 under the title "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd".
Names of the Characters
Hercule Poirot ['E@kju:l 'pwA:ÆV] Caroline ['kær@laIn] Mrs. Ferrars ['fer@s] Mr. Ashley Ferrars ['æSlI 'fer@s] Mr. Roger Ackroyd ['rbdZe 'ækrOId] Mrs. Cecil Ackroyd ['sesl 'ækrOId] Miss Flora Ackroyd ['flO:re 'ækrOId] Inspector Reglan ['regl@n] | Ralph Paton ['reIf 'peItn] Major Hector Blunt ['hekt@ 'blönt] Geoffrey Raymond ['dZefrI 'reIm@nd] Parker ['pA:k@] Miss Russell ['rösl] Ursula Bourne['Æ:sjul@ 'bÆ:n] Charles Kent ['tSA:lz 'kent] |
Assignment 1
1. to foresee smth 2. to get into the habit of doing smth 3. to be wasted on smb 4. to voice smth (opinions, beliefs, etc) 5. to do smth on purpose 6. to be haunted by smth/smb 7. to arrive at the truth | 8. ten to one 9. to sum up smth 10.to get on well with smb 11.to jump to conclusions 12.to pull oneself together 13.to take smth for granted 14.to overhear smth 15.to roll in money |
I. Give Russian equivalents of the given below AN collocations.*
* AN Collocations – Adjective and Noun Collocations.
wise precaution common knowledge moral satisfaction able-bodied men valuable rule | acid smile sunny smile sharp beady eyes stern eyes | wedding presents vague premonition neat counter-attack adopted son |
II. Write out all the sentences with the word "information", translate them into Russian.
III.What compound nouns with the word "maid" have you come across? What do they mean?
IV. Explain the meanings of the following words in English. Mind you are to use an English - English dictionary while doing such type of exercise:
latchkey, squire, spouse, dipsomaniac, Metropolis, widow, drug addict.
V. Find the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases in the chapters you've read:
пожинать плоды чего-либо, это ничего не доказывает, столкнуться с кем-либо, крупица правды, нет дыма без огня, начать без предисловия.
V. Explain the following:
1. (р.21) He is hand in glove with the vicar...
2. (p.25) She rose and came towards me as I stood somewhat surprised. I don't know why I should have been, except that there is a suggestion of cast iron about Miss Russell, a something that is above the ills of the flesh.
3. (p.34) No, it was good sound mongoose instinct which tookher to our local wood.
1. Mrs. Ferrar's death. Dr. Sheppard's reluctance to tell his sister about it. Caroline's version of the cause of the death. Dr. Sheppard's outward and inward reaction to his sister's theory.
2. King's Abbot and its inhabitants.
3. The Sheppard's new neighbour. Caroline's failure to find out anything about him. Dr. Sheppard's idea of the man's occupation.His first talk with Mr. Poirot.
4. Miss Russell's unexpected visit.
5. Speak on Caroline, Ralph Paton.
Assignment 2
Chapters IV, V (pp.36-59)
1. to collide with (cannon into) 2. to give one's mind to smth 3. to distract one's mind from smth 4. to cross one's mind 5. to be engaged | 6. to announce one's engagement 7. to keep the conversation going 8. to see to smth 9. to take responsibility 10.to trust one's judgement 11.to tell smb smth in confidence |
Assignment 3
Chapters VI, VII (pp.59-77)
1. to bring the matter up 2. to come round 3. to hint at smth 4. to interject (insert) a question 5. to be involved in smth | 6. to make the best of smth 7. to drive at 8. to persuade smb to do smth 9. to give in 10. to touch upon smth |
Assignment 4
V. Translate into English.
1. Я не могла убедить ее уступить. 2. Я хочу поговорить с мистером Брауном в понедельник. Проследите за этим, пожалуйста. 3. Много детей было вовлечено в подготовку к концерту. 4. Почему ты чернее тучи? - Я потеряла ключ к входной двери. 5. Мэри сказала мне о своей помолвке по секрету, но в действительности это была злободневная тема среди ее друзей. 6. Его злая шутка была последней каплей. Мы поссорились. 7. Твои слова ничего не доказывают, в них нет и крупицы правды. 8. Не делай поспешных выводов. Почему ты думаешь, что он купается в деньгах? – Я приняла это как должное. 9. Я сомневаюсь, что мы доберемся до правды. 10. Ее последние слова все еще преследуют меня.
VI. Explain the following:
1. (p.81) It crossed my mind to wonder whether he was really any good as a detective. Had his big reputation been built up on a series of lucky chances?
2. (p.82) "Ah!" said the inspector, "you've been bitten with all this psycho-analysis stuff. Now, I am a plain man."
"Mrs. Raglan would not agree, I am sure, to that", said Poirot, making him a little bow.
3. (p.88) "Remember the johnny who sold his soul to the devil? In return for being made young again? There's an opera about it."
"Faust, you mean?"
"That's the beggar. Rum story. Some of us would do it if we could."
1. Did the police manage to trace the telephone call to Dr. Sheppard about Mr. Ackroyd's murder? Did it help very much in the investigation? Why? What did H. Poirot think of the call?
2. What and who else did Poirot get interested in?
3. What did inspector Reglan say about his method of investigation? And what about H. Poirot?
4. What was found in the summer-house?
5. Give a summary of Chapter IX.
6. What could you say about the traits of Flora's and Major Blunt's characters and their emotions and feelings this episode reveals? Which of the following words would you choose to describe them?
compassionate curious resentful ironic protective cruel | uncertain understanding shy aggressive unjust sarcastic | touched frank amused trustful thrilled surprised |
7. Flora's account for her unusual behaviour.
Assignment 5
Assignment 6
Assignment 7
1. to interfere with 2. between you and me 3. to point out to smth (that...) 4. to bring oneself to do smth 5. to give oneself away 6. to be indiscreet | 7. to feel guilty 8. to be hushed up 9. to go to pieces 10. to rake up smth 11.to wreck one's life 12.to be desperate |
Assignment 8
IV. Translate into English.
1. Мэри не могла предвидеть, что может случиться. 2. Я не советую тебе тратить деньги попусту на эту скучную книгу. 3. Я обещаю стоять за тебя при любых обстоятельствах. 4. Никто не откликнулся, чтобы дать какую-нибудь информацию об этом несчастном случае. 5. Он упустил тот факт, что они были родственниками. 6. Ей не нравился ее босс и она подала заявление об уходе. 7. Эта ложь не имела для меня последствий. 8. Я всегда чувствую себя неловко с ее родителями. 9. Никто даже не пытался поддержать разговор. 10. Я приобрел привычку работать по ночам, когда учился в университете. 11. Не вдавайтесь в подробности, я понимаю, на что вы намекаете. 12. Это их вина в большей или меньшей степени.
V. Explain the following.
1. (p. 140) A good deal of gossip is handed round at these evenings, sometimes seriously interfering with the game in progress. We used to play bridge - chatty bridge of the worst description. We find Mah Jong much more peaceful.
2. (p. 146) "I assure you", I said, "that I don't know anything.Poirot keeps his own counsel".
"Wise man", said the colonel with a chuckle. "He doesn't give himself away. But they're wonderful fellows, these foreign detectives. Up to all sorts of dodges, I believe".
VI. Explain the meanings of the words given below in English:
nightmare, Crippen, Broadmoor, martyr, ambassador, complex (n).
IX. Explain the following.
1. (p. 162) He and I lunched together at an hotel. I know now that the whole thing lay clearly unravelled before him. He had got the last thread he needed to lead him to the truth.
2. (p. 164) "... After all, even if he is a bit balmy, it was a useful tip he gave me about those fingerprints. He's got a bee in his bonnet about the man Kent, but who knows-there may be something useful behind it."
3. (p. 173) "You know," I said, throwing down the pincers I was holding, "It's extraordinarily intriguing, the whole thing. Every new development that arises is like a shake you give to a kaleidoscope -the thing changes entirely in aspect..."
4. (p. 180) "Why, you are a medical man, aren't you? You've known him from a boy upwards. Not mentally responsible. That's the line to take, clearly. I read only the other day that they're very happy in Broadmoor – it' s guite like a high-class club".
5. (p. 180) Caroline merely looked at me with the air of a Christian martyr enjoying martyrdom.
1. Charles Kent's story. Who was invited to identify him.Ch. Kent's appearance, his manner of speaking, the information he gave. What attracted H. Poirot most of all in Ch. Kent's story. How was Ch. Kent's alibi checked? What advice concerning Ch. Kent did H. Poirot give to Inspector Reglan? How was Miss Russell involved in the story?
2. Flora's secret is revealed and the outcome of it. Why did H.Poirot begin to suspect Flora of stealing the money? Was his suspicion confirmed? How did Flora account for her action? How did Major Blunt take the news? Why was Major Blunt grateful to H. Poirot?
3. What did H. Poirot do to make R. Paton come forward?
4. What commission was given to Dr. Sheppard by H. Poirot?
Assignment 9
VI. Translate into English.
1. Она не могла удержаться от слез, когда они расставались. 2. Вам следует избавиться от ваших комплексов. 3. Пожалуйста, не ворошите их прошлое. 4. Вы не убедили меня; я буду придерживаться своего решения. 5. Мэри чувствовала вину за то, что так редко писала письма своей матери. 6. Я надеюсь, что ничто не помешает нашим планам на воскресенье. 7. Артур не имел ни малейшего представления, что делать. 8. Я не верю, что он мог мошенничать. 9. У моей сестры привычка действовать экспромтом (под влиянием минуты). 10. Если ты опять коснешься этой темы, я боюсь, это вызовет ее раздражение. 11. Один к десяти мы опоздаем.
1. Ursula Bourne's story. Her background. How did she happen to become a parlourmaid at Fernly Park? The cause of her quarrel with her husband. Ursula's interview with Mr. Ackroyd and its outcome. How did she interpret her husband's disappearance? How did Caroline try to calm her down?
2. Who was invited to H. Poirot's little reunion? How did he explain to Caroline why she could not be present at that meeting?What do you think was the real reason? What does his phrase "I do everything possible to render your service" could mean, in your opinion?
3. List the main points of H. Poirot's speech at the "reunion" and write a brief summary of it.
4. Ralph Paton comes forward. His story.
5. The murderer. What made H. Poirot suspect Dr. Sheppard?Did Dr. Sheppard plead guilty? What other way out did H. Poirot mean and why was he willing to give Dr. Sheppard such a chance?
6. Get ready to describe in detail what actually happened on the fatal night.
7. What was Dr. Sheppard's motive in writing down his impressions of the case?
8. Account for Doctor Sheppard's final words.
Assignment 10
Write either a summary of this story or of a detective story you have recently read using as many words and word combinations from your list of the topic vocabulary on crime as possible.
1. Give character sketches of:
1.1 Caroline
1.2. Mrs. Ackroyd
1.3. Major Blunt
1.4. Ralph Paton
2. Mrs. Ferrar's story
3. Compare Flora and Ursula Bourne.
4. Why was Mr. Ackroyd murdered?
5. Was H. Poirot's portrait of the murderer true to the characterof the actual murderer?
6. H. Poirot's methods of investigation.
7. H. Poirot and the police.
* See the biography of the author in the book: Gordon G. Let the Day Perish. M., 1961.
Part I
Assignment 1
I. Find the following words and phrases, recollect the situations in which they were used by the author:
to point to (p.25), to despise (p.26), to give birth to smb (p.27), to frighten everybody away (p.27), to make money (p.27), you are not cut out to run a pub (p.27), to fetch an armful of smth (p.29), to make out (p.30), fortunately (p.30), to dust the furniture (p.33), the "Cape Coloureds" (p.34), can afford (p.35), I now belong to neither class (p.37), on the other hand (p.37), a respected European (p.37), I am ambitious for my child (p.37), he could even pass for a German child (p.39), time is getting on and he ought to be starting school at the beginning of the year (p 40), the Chairman of the School Committee (p.41),to tear (p.42).
II. Answer the following questions:
1. Where and when did the action of the novel take place?
2. Who was the owner of the bar and who was his assistant?
3. Why wasn't George at work on that day?
4. Why didn't Hundt love his wife?
5. What do we come to know about Mary?
6. In what district did Coloured people live in Stormhoek? Under what conditions did they live?
7. Why did George make up his mind to go to Kloppies after his talk with Mary?
8. What did Mary think of Anthony's fate? Why was she worried about him?
9. How did it happen that Mary became Hundt's mistress.
III. Comment on the phrase:
"In this country a man who marries a Coloured woman marries trouble" (p.28).
IV. Translate into Russian in writing:
a) the description of Mary (p.28), b) the description of George (p.33), c) "Over the vast lakes of dunes... the pepper trees" (p.29), d) "To him the wind was the breath of Africa... he had long ceased to care" (p.31).
V. Paraphrase the italicized parts of the sentences using the phrases from the box:
1. "How many times have I asked you", said George, "not to bring that up again?" (p.31).
2. But he had the charm that many self-indulgent men possess(p.33).
3. And if they even think you have only a drop of Coloured blood in your veins - you're shunned (p.37).
4. And there I am, between and betwixt (p.37).
5. Can I go by myself to the hotel, Mummy? (p.39).
6. He is the dead spit of a European child (p.39).
7. You are a total loss. An ugly woman, a barren woman,... (p.40).
unable to have children; alone; to mention it; looks like; neither one thing nor the other; people avoid you; people who give themselves everything they want
VI. Correct the wrong statements:
1. The action of the novel takes place after the Second World War.
2. Otto Hundt was an Englishman of good family, he had three grown-up sons.
3. Hundt's wife was a pretty young woman, she went in for sport.
4. Hundtrs wife said that her husband was just cut out for running a hotel.
5. George Graham had a restaurant of his own.
6. George was a coloured man, he came from a very poor family.
7. Mary was a European woman, she had a lot of friends in the town. But unfortunately she was childless.
8. Anthony was a coloured child. He always played alone as other children did not wish to be with him.
9. Anthony was still very small, he wasn't going to start school yet.
10. George was the Chairman of the School Committee.
11. The majority of the members of the School Committee were independent of Hundt.
12. Hundt never tried to blackmail Mary.
13. Mary wasn't ambitious for Anthony.
Assignment 2
I. Find English equivalents of the following words and phrases,recollect the situations in which the author used them:
организовать, устроить (р.43), быть обязанным (р.43), позволить себе (р.44), шпионить за кем-либо (р.45), предрассудок (р.47), осознавать, понимать (р.47), самопожертвование (р.49), винить кого-либо за что-либо (р.49), угрызения совести (р.50), обманывать кого-либо (р.51), облегчить боль (р.54), удрученный (р.57), так ей и надо (р.59), непослушные дети (р.61).
II. Answer the questions:
1. How did Anthony get to the Stormhoek school for white children?
2. Who of the School Committee was against Hundt and why?
3. How did George behave when he came to see Anthony's first teacher?
4. Why did Hundt ask George to be at the bar some extra hours instead of him?
5. What did Mary feel spending time with Hundt, practising deception on her husband?
6. Why did Hundt stop visiting Mary?
7. What were Mary's thoughts about her second child? Did she love him as dearly as her first child?
8. Why did George take to drinking again?
9. How did Anthony begin to realize that there was something wrong with his brother?
10.Who were the Shorts?
11.Who of the people of Stormhoek was happy knowing about Mary's misery? Why?
12.Why did the MacGregors make up their minds to move to a new place?
13.Why was it a relief for Mary when the MacGregors' house was occupied by the Thompsons? How does it characterize Mary?
III. a) Work out from the context an approximate meaning for the italicized phrases:
1. "You are making a mountain from (out of) a molehill,Mr. Thomas," said Hundt. "Do you wish to admit the child?(p43)
2. "Yes, but there is no doubt that she is Coloured. If we admit her son, we may be obliged to admit other Coloureds, and the status of the school will fall. I'm afraid it may be the thin edge of the wedge." (pp.43, 44)
3. "I wonder why Hundt asked me to take over tonight. Said he'd give me off on Friday night instead. Some important business, he says. He's got a lot of irons in the fire these days." (p.46)
4. "Oh yes, of course, Mary. Well, she is in the family way."(p52)
5. He reflected on his position and felt miserable. This Coloured child - there could hardly be two ways about it, it was Coloured. His wife was eating her heart out in despair. (p.55)
6. "Have I seen it?" she replied. "No, I have not seen it, nor am I likely to. You see, I do not live cheek by jowl with the family, as you do." (p.60)
b) Check with your teacher, or an English-English dictionary, that you have guessed correctly:
- to be pregnant;
- very close;
- to make a fuss about something which is really trivial;
- the first stage of a change that could become more serious;
- to suffer silently;
- to have many activities at one and the same time.
c) Now write sentences of your own using the six phrases.
IV. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:
1. The question ... Anthony appeared last ... the long agenda when everybody was tired.
2. Hundt was aware that Mrs. Ferreira has spied ... his hotel ...Saturday afternoons.
3. Mary became Hundt's mistress but she did not blame herself... it. It was an act... self-sacrifice.
4. Of course, Mary was well aware ... the fact that she was practising deception ... George.
5. When Ruby got to know that Mary was going to have another baby she said: "She must be ... tenterhooks."
6. Mary's second child was born... a cold sunny day. His skin was... no means as fair as Anthony's. It was a Coloured child, and it would never be taken ... anything else ... South Africa.
V. Translate into Russian in writing:
(p.53) "She grew thin ... more often."
VI. Translate into English in writing:
Грэхемы жили в небольшом городке в Южной Африке. Джордж, англичанин из хорошей семьи, женился на Мери, которая принадлежала к капским цветным. Джордж работал в баре Хундта, он был его помощником.
Хундт хорошо понимал, что в Южной Африке любой белый, который женился на цветной, готовил себе неприятности. Поэтому, хотя Хундт и не любил свою жену, потому что она не могла родить ему ребенка, он предпочитал не разводиться с ней.
Мери родила чудесного мальчика. Он был белокожим и очень смышленым. Мери гордилась своим сыном и была честолюбива ради него. Она была готова на любое самопожертвование. Вот почему она стала любовницей Хундта, когда пришло время устраивать Энтони в школу для белых. Хундт шантажировал Мери, но помог устроить Энтони в эту школу.
Assignment 3
I. Find the following words and word combinations, recollect the situations in which they are used:
неразлучная пара (р.62), поднять крышку пианино (р.64), поведение (p.65), находить оправдание (р.65), с легким удивлением (р.66), тем временем (рр.67, 68, 76), отважиться (р.69), подняться (р.73), удаваться, преуспеть (р.74), справиться, смочь (р.75), по направлению к (р.79), близкий (р.80), лежать (р.81), запутаться в водорослях (р.82).
II. Correct the wrong statements:
1. Time lessened the friendship of Anthony and Bob Short.
2. Anthony was the worst pupil at the Stormhoek School.
3. The other mothers liked the friendship of Anthony and Bob.
4. Mrs. Short hated Anthony.
5. Mary was against their friendship.
6. Mary wanted both Anthony and Steve to be considered Europeans.
7. Anthony was fond of music.
8. Steve was keen on drawing and had a lot of friends.
9. Anthony was happy beside his mother.
10.Anthony did not realize that Steve was different from him by the colour of his skin.
11.George got a lot of money after his father's death and he went to England to get the money.
12.The Grahams hadn't enough money to buy even a small house.
13.Mr. Mitchell, the property broker, told George he could buy any house he liked.
14.George struck Anthony on the face because Anthony had got a bad mark at school.
15.George didn't tell Mary that Mr. Mitchell had refused to sell him a house.
16.Anthony, Bob and van der Merwe with a companion were trying to save two sheep and then they had a good time together.
17. Mary wasn't at all shocked when Anthony told her about what had happened on the river.
18. George and Mary were quite sure that they should send Steve to the Stormhoek Secondary School for white children.
19. Mary felt pleased whenever she walked through the township she lived in now.
20. It so happened that Bob got drowned in the river.
21. Mrs. Short and Mary became inseparable friends.
22. Mrs. van der Merwe and Mrs. Ferreira were glad to see their children and the Grahams' boys at the same school.
III. Translate into Russian in writing:
(p.80) "Though Mary ... a streak of colour."
IV. Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary:
1.... Grahams lived in ... small town in ... South Africa.
2. Ruby Hundt could not give birth to ... child.
3. Mary wanted Anthony to be ... European boy.
4. George was ... Englishman of... good family, but he was ... victim of ... circumstances that was why he lived in ... Stormhoek.
5. To George ... South wind was ... breath of ... Africa – dusty,hot, stifling.
6. Anthony was already five, he was to go to ... school.
7. Hundt realized that in that country ... man who married ...coloured woman married ... trouble.
8. Hundt's wife told her husband he was making ... money thanks to George. Hundt was not cut out to ran ... pub.
9. Hundt told Mr. Thomas not to make ... mountain out of ...molehill.
10. Mary wished George and herself to go to ... England, she thought there was no ... prejudice there. But he reassured her saying there was ... prejudice everywhere.
V. a) Work out from the context an approximate meaning for the italicized phrases.
1. George worked in the bar till eleven o'clock that evening, to make up for the time he had taken off, ... (p.71)
2. He could not tell her what she already knew, that she and Steve were the stumbling stones. (p.72)
3. So they rode hurriedly down through the thickets, parked their bicycles, and made for the little cave which they kept concealed with branches and leaves... (p.73)
4. Van der Merwe's companion fled early in the struggle. It was only when he had lost one of his front teeth and was bleeding at the mouth that he too made off. (p.75)
5. The popularity of their elder child moreover served only toaggravate the problem, since it made them all the more anxious thatnothing should stand in his way. (p.77)
6. "He'll be going to school soon, and if they send him to Stormhoek Secondary I'm going to put my foot down. (p.85)
7. "Would you like the paper," asked Mrs. Ferreira, "to be full of a story about your son being a playmate of a Coloured woman's child? Rather a comedown for Mrs. Short, I think." (p.84)
b) Check with your teacher, or an English-English dictionary, that you have guessed correctly:
- to go towards;
- humiliation;
- to oppose someone;
- to make a strong decision;
- to compensate for smth;
- to run away;
- things that prevent you doing something.
c) Now write sentences of your own using the seven phrases.
VI. Translate into English in writing:
1. Энтони и Боб Шорт были неразлучны. Мери была более чем довольна таким поворотом событий. Она была счастлива, что ее Энтони дружит с белым мальчиком.
2. Стив отличался от Энтони. Он был спокойным ребенком и мало замечал других детей. Мери понимала, что образование Стива будет проблемой.
3. Поведение Энтони становилось немного странным: он почти не замечал Стива, он начал находить оправдания, чтобы не появляться на публике с матерью.
4. Джордж Грэхем получил от отца наследство в 250 фунтов, что разозлило Джорджа, потому что было очень маленьким.
5. Грэхемам не удалось купить дом в том районе, который им нравился, так как там не позволялось жить цветным.
6. Мери знала, что она и Стив были камнем преткновения, из-за них Джордж не смог купить дом в том районе, и она очень страдала от этого.
7. В конце концов Грэхемам удалось купить хороший дом недалеко от улицы, где жили Шорты, и Энтони был счастлив.
8. Однажды Боб купался в реке, а Энтони загорал на берегу. Вдруг Боб запутался в водорослях и начал тонуть. Энтони спас его, хотя до смерти испугался.
9. После этого случая Джорджа поздравили с тем, что у него такой храбрый сын. Миссис Шорт навестила Мери, чтобы поблагодарить ее. Она старалась обращаться с Мери как с равной, но Мери видела, что она ошеломлена.
10. Миссис Ферейра считала унижением для Миссис Шорт, что ее сын дружит с цветным мальчиком.
Assignment 4
I. Find English equivalents for these words and phrases, make up and write down your own sentences with them:
довольствоваться чем-либо (р.86), в очень хорошем настроении (р.87), наоборот (р.88), избегать (р.88), злой человек (р.89), вспышка молнии (р.92), сильный дождь (р.92), жаловаться (рр.96, 99), раздражать (р.97), торчать дома (р.97), избавиться от кого-либо, чего-либо (р. 100), предвкушать, с нетерпением ожидать чего-либо (р. 101), презирать самого себя (р. 102), с раздражением (р. 103), легко находить друзей (р. 105), по сравнению с (р. 106), внезапно он устыдился этих мыслей (р. 111).
II. Answer the following why-questions:
1. Why was Hundt far less encouraging about Steve's schooling than he had been with Anthony?
2. Why was Hundt's wife becoming progressively bad-tempered?
3. Why did Mr. Thomas want more pupils?
4. Why did George sit down to his midday meal in very goodspirits?
5. Why did Anthony think of the new term with apprehension?
6. Why didn't the children at school play with Steve?
7. Why was Anthony to call at the headmaster's study?
8. Why did the boys eat their supper in silence?
9. Why did the Grahams have to move to another house?
10.Why wasn't Hundt's bar as popular as before?
11.Why did Hundt make up his mind to cut off George's salary?
12.Why did the new life at Winnerton appeal to Anthony?
13.Why wasn't Anthony happy when he came home for his holidays?
14.Why were Anthony's letters short and hurriedly written?
15.Why did Anthony stop visiting his native town?
16.Why was he glad to be on the farm with Piet du Toit?
III. Translate into Russian in writing:
(p.86) "The world-wide depression ... to under a hundred".
Assignment 5
I. Find Russian equivalents for these words and phrases, make up your own sentences with them:
to afford (p.114), it would serve the boy right (p.114), to be ashamed of smb (p. 114), to get on top of smb (p. 116), to burst out laughing (p. 116), to lie awake (p. 117), to shudder (p. 118), to get smb on the raw (p. 119), to frighten (p. 122), to waste time (p. 124), to address smb (p. 125), to give up (pp.126, 129).
II. Answer the questions:
1. Why did Ren hardly speak at breakfast?
2. How did Anthony make it up with Ren?
3. Why did Mrs. Hundt decide to visit Mary?
4. What happened at supper on the farm?
5. What was Anthony thinking about while wandering throughthe veld?
6. Why did Anthony have new zest for life back at Winnerton?
7. Why was Anthony called to the headmaster's study one Friday afternoon?
8. Why did Mary die?
9. What were Anthony's thoughts after his mother's death?
10.What happened to Anthony and Steve after they had left Stormhoek for ever?
Part II
Assignment 1
(pp. 137-159)
I. Find the following words and phrases, remember the contexts in which they are used:
эгоист (р.138), оппортунист (р.138), карьерист (р.138), убеждать себя (р.138), первоклассный (p.139), намекать на брак (p. 139), закрывалась как моллюск в своей раковине (р. 139), решительный человек (р. 140), в нашем штате (р. 142), расслабляться (р.145), выиграть дело (р.145), поднять трубку (р. 148) (положить трубку (р. 149), винить кого-либо в чем-либо (р. 149), раздражать (р. 151), он переигрывает (р. 154), совесть у него была неспокойна (р. 155), вводить (меры) (р. 155), покойный (р. 157), запретить смешанные браки (р. 159).
II. Answer the questions:
1. What new characters do we meet in the second part of the book?
2. Who was Henry Bosman?
3. Who was Jean?
4. Why did Bosman intend to marry Jean?
5. What was Jean's attitude towards Bosman?
6.Why did Anthony find himself in Mr. Hartley's house?
7. What did Anthony do in Cape Town?
8. Why didn't Jean want to go to the sea with Bosman?
9. How did Bosman explain to Arthur the meaning of the word 'apartheid' ?
10.What was Arthur's objection to Bosnian's interpretation of the word?
11.Explain what 'apartheid' really means.
12.How did the family treat Arthur's political views?
13.What did Anthony and Jean speak about when they went to the cinema?
14.What were Anthony's thoughts when he was walking to the station after parting with Jean?
15.What question did Anthony and Bosman discuss?
16.What was the next apartheid step Anthony read about in the newspaper?
Assignment 2
( рр .159-182)
I. Find the following words and word combinations, remember the situations in which they are used:
быть в хорошем настроении (р.160), пока, до сих пор (р.160), быть не в настроении (pp. 163, 179), рассказывать (р. 170), недоставать, не хватать (р. 177), выиграть на бис (р. 177), аплодировать (р. 177), провожать домой (р. 178).
Assignment 3
(pp. 182-205)
I. Find English eguivalents for the following word combinations, remember the contexts in which they are used:
большой зеленый папоротник (р. 182), получить развод (p. 182), его исключение из школы (р. 183), подать на кого-либо в суд (р. 183), до конца их дней (р. 184), принадлежать друг другу (р.184), псевдоним (р.184), в третьем лице (р.184), освободить вечер (р. 185), убрать этого выскочку с дороги (р. 187), она довела его до этого (р.187), жизнь холостяка (р.189), из тебя будет великолепная жена (р. 193), на рассвете (р. 195), вежливая неубедительная ложь (р. 196), оставить дверь незапертой (р. 196), чувствовать себя как дома (р. 196), узнать семейное сходство (р.196), стоять лицом к лицу (р.199), быть помолвленным с кем-либо (р.203), принять яд (р.204).
П . Answer the questions:
1. Why was Ren in Cape Town?
2. What were the threats of Ren's husband?
3. What made Anthony think of writing a story of his life?
4. Why was he going to take a pen-name?
5. Why was there a quarrel between Jean and Bosman?
6. How did it happen that Bosman imagined he saw Jean coming from a large block of flats?
7. Who phoned Anthony?
8. Why was Anthony so quiet at the ballet and after it?
9. What information did Anthony hear from Jean on the way to Avond Rust?
10.What did Anthony feel looking at his brother?
11.Which of the brothers was more sincere and why?
12.Why was Steve in Cape Town?
Assignment 4
I. Find the following, remember the situations in which these phrases and words are used:
- твоя очередь (р.207);
- передумать (р.208);
- студент, проходящий педпрактику (р.208);
- следы губной помады (р.211);
- машина скорой помощи (р.213);
- самооборона (р.215);
- пробитый череп (р.218);
- прийти в сознание (р.218);
- сделать заявление (р.219);
- приемлемая улика (р.221);
- косвенные улики (р.222);
- давать показания (р.222);
- вскрытие трупа (р.222).
II. Answer the questions:
1. What did Anthony think about looking at Steve?
2. What did Anthony think about their mother when Steve said that his other interest was music?
3. What did Steve say about his girl friend?
4. Was Steve blaming Anthony for his life of a European? Why?
5. Why did Anthony feel sad when he thought about Steve's departure?
6. Who suddenly came into the flat?
7. What did Bosman want so late at night in Anthony's flat?
8. Why didn't Anthony let Bosman come behind the curtains?
9. What happened in the end?
10.What did Dr. Munro say about Bosnian's state?
11.What did the policemen do in the hospital?
12. What happened to Bosman in the hospital?
13. What did Anthony feel when he learnt about Bosnian's death?
14.What did Bosman write in his statement?
15.How could that statement influence Anthony's fate?
16.Why did Anthony lie to the police?
Assignment 5
I. Find English equivalents of the following word combinations, remember the contexts in which they were used:
- его любовь к Рен (р.223);
- бесполезно оглядываться (р.223);
- ты можешь на меня положиться (р.223);
- я тебя поддержу (р.223);
- искренний (р.223);
- лжесвидетельство (р.227);
- будь что будет (р.227);
- обвиняемый (р.230);
- ордер на мой арест (р.230);
- я сделаю все, что в моей власти (р.230);
- она упала в обморок (р.231);
- быть судимым (р.232);
- причина ссоры (р.232);
- мстительный (р.232);
- придти к неправильному заключению (р.233);
- вечный треугольник (р.233);
- залог, поручительство (р.234);
- собраться, чтобы отдать последние почести Босмену (р.234);
- предварительное рассмотрение (р.235);
- закоренелый старый холостяк (р.235);
- гнев и негодование (р.237);
- большое любопытство (р.238);
- приближающееся испытание (р.238);
- подходящий человек (р.239);
- оправдание (р.245);
- совершить преступление (р.247).
Assignment 6
I. Find in the text of the novel (pp.248-268) the following words and phrases:
Судебный процесс; суд; комната, где заседает суд; скамья подсудимых; судья; председательствовать на суде; быть представителем генерального прокурора от имени обвинения; адвокат; защитник; прокурор; обвиняемый; присяжные; я выступаю от имени обвиняемого; скамья присяжных; приводить к присяге; показания; давать показания; выносить приговор; отрицать; доказывать; возражать; оправдывать; оправдание; вина; виновный; свидетель; признать виновным/невиновным; осудить; осуждение; приговорить к чему-либо; приговор (решение присяжных).
II. Answer the questions:
1. Why didn't Anthony want Ren to be present at the trial?
2. Why were there so many people in court that morning?
3. Why wasn't Anthony happy about the fact that Judge Stephan would preside at the trial?
4. What was Turner's request? Why did he ask about it?
5. Why did Anthony challenge one of the jurymen?
6. Who were the witnesses at the trial? Make a list of them.
7. Whose evidence was decisive and why?
8. What did Anthony decide to do at last? Do you think it was the right decision? Why do you think so? Explain your point of view.
III. Read and translate these sentences into Russian, pay specialattention to the italicized words:
1. He said he didn't want to accuse anybody of anything.
2. Innocent people may be wrongly accused.
3. My chief always accuses me of carelessness.
4. The woman accused him of stealing the document.
5. The guilt of the accused was proved by the testimony of the witnesses.
6. The prosecutor charged the man with theft.
7. The woman was not guilty of the crime she was charged with.
8. The court found the prisoner guilty.
9. The defence called a new witness.
10.What was the sentence'? - He received a heavy sentence, teny ears' imprisonment.
11.The criminal was sentenced to life imprisonment. – I thought he would be sentenced to death.
12.The jury retired and soon returned with a verdict of "guilty".
13. "Witness for the Prosecution" is a well-known story by A. Christie.
14.She was convicted for her husband's murder.
15.Anthony was acquitted but his acquittal meant his conviction as Steve had to say that they were brothers.
IV. Translate into Russian in writing:
(p.263) "Anthony felt he had been thrown into a sack...
(p.264) The judge was evidently satisfied."
V. Fill in the missing words:
1. The evening before ... (судебный процесс) Ren told Anthony she would come to ... (суд).
2. Anthony walked up into ... (скамья подсудимых). То the usual questions if he ... (признавать себя виновным) he answered that he ... (невиновен).
3. Anthony ... (отвел) one of... (присяжных) because he knew about that man's ... (расовые предрассудки).
4. The first... (свидетель обвинения) was a police draughtsman and photographer.
5. Then Constable Brink ... (дал показания).
6. The doctor said he was surprised that Bosman ... (пришел в сознание).
7. Mr. Turner told Anthony he had laid the foundation for his ...(оправдание).
8. Anthony realized that if he did not go into the box, ... (присяжные) would ... (признавать виновным).
VI. Translate into English in writing:
1. Рен очень хотела прийти в суд, чтобы быть рядом с Энтони, но он был против этого.
2. Много людей нашли время прийти на этот процесс в то ноябрьское утро, потому что обвиняемый сам был удачливым юристом.
3. На обычный вопрос, признает ли он себя виновным, Энтони ответил, что не признает.
4. Девять человек были приведены к присяге. Они должны были вынести приговор.
5. В деле было несколько свидетелей. Им всем задавали много вопросов. Но главным свидетелем был доктор Стайн, который должен был огласить заявление Босмена.
6. Заявление Босмена было принято судом, потому что он сделал его на пороге смерти. Стайн сказал об этом, и Энтони почувствовал, что проигрывает дело.
7. Мистер Тернер, защитник Энтони, предложил ему самому дать показания и сказать всю правду. Это должно было гарантировать ему оправдание.
8. Энтони согласился на предложение Тернера. Он понял, что это единственный для него выход, чтобы его признали невиновным.
Assignment 7
I. Find the following words and word combinations, remember thesituations in which they are used:
терять контроль над собой (р.270), подозрительный и завистливый (р.270), искренность (р.270), бесстрастный зритель (р.270), кое-что действительно стоящее (р.271), сенсационная новость (р.271), рассказывать своими словами (р.273), целиться в голову (р.275), поклясться говорить правду (р.279), разъяснить эту странную тайну (р.281), за работой над рукописью (р.285), незаконный (р.287), навсегда (р.287), вершина (р.293), пропасть (р.294).
Oscar Wilde was born in 1856 in Dublin. His father was a famous oculist and his mother was widely known as an Irish national poetess and the presiding genius of a famous literary salon.
Oscar graduated from Trinity College in Dublin in 1873 and passed to Magdalen College at Oxford. His academic career at Oxford was remarkable for he obtained the double distinction of a "First" in "Classical Moderations" and "Literae Humaniores" (he could never have been therefore as idle as he pretended). Even at his early age he was a man of exceptionally wide culture. The new ideas in particular those of aesthetic cult with its supreme dominance of Art and Beauty over other values of life began to exercise the younger minds. Oscar became the apostle of a new cult the symbols of which were supposed to be peacock's feathers, sunflowers, blue china, long hair and velveteen knee-breeches.
In 1882 Oscar Wilde went to America to lecture on his aesthetic philosophy. He had been invited to America as a figure of fun; he came away with the reputation of a man of cultivation, taste, imagination, education and refinement.
In England his Poems were not very successful with the public. He tried his hand at journalism. In 1884 he married Constance Lloyd and they had two children. He visited France many times as he shared the ideas of the French "Decadent" school.
In 1888 he wrote his first collection of short stories "The Happy Prince and Other Tales". Though many of them recalled the work of Flaubert, Рое, Hans Andersen, they have their own individuality, their own flavour.
The success encouraged O. Wilde to attempt something more ambitious, and in 1891 appeared his first and last novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray". The critics pointed out that the theme had been treated before (Balzac, Рое, Stevenson). Nevertheless O. Wilde gave the old story a new twist, and his original treatment of it rescued it from any charge of plagiarism.
He established himself as a writer of consequence. His extraordinary powers of conversation, his almost irresistible personal charm carried him away even into circles which were prejudiced against him. And yet not only his enemies were beginning to feel uneasy at the spectacle of his triumph. There seemed to be a new insolence in his contempt for current standards and prejudices.
In 1892 he tried his hand at theatre. His first comedy "Lady Windermere's Fan" had a hailing success with the public. "A Woman of No Importance" (1893) and "An Ideal Husband" (1895) which followed were also very well received by the public.
In 1895 he was accused of male prostitution and sentenced to two years' imprisonment. In 1900 O. Wilde died in Paris.
The dark and scandalous side of O. Wilde's life can't shadow his distinguished work as a playwright, a story teller, an essayist which earned him success in his lifetime and continues to delight readers and theatrical audiences all over the globe.
from James Laver. O. Wilde.
H. Montgomery Hyde. O. Wilde.
* Wilde O. Plays. M., 1961.
The Persons of the Play
Lord Windermere, Arthur ['wInd@mIa, 'A:T@]
Lord Darlington ['dA:lIÎt@n]
Lord Augustus [O:'göst@s]
Mr. Dumby ['dömbI]
Mr. Cecil Graham ['sesIl 'greI@m]
Mr. Hopper ['hÁp@]
Parker, butler ['рA:k@]
Lady Windermere, Margaret ['mA:g@rIt]
The Duchess of Berwick ['dötSIs @v 'berIk]
Lady Agatha ['{g@T@]
Lady Plymdale ['plImd@Il]
Lady Stutfield ['stötf:ld]
Lady Jedburgh ['dZedb@r@]
Mrs Cowper-Cowper ['kaup@ 'kaup@]
Mrs Erlynne ['Æ:lIn]
Other proper names
p.23 Carlton House Terrace ['kA:lt@n 'ter@s]
p.24 Selby ['selbI]
p.32 Curzon ['kÆ:z@n]
p.32 Homburg ['hÁmbÆ:g]
p.32 Aix ['eIks]
p.42 Sydney ['sIdnI]
p.47 Caroline ['k{r@laIn]
p.54 Grosvenor Square ['grÆVvn@ 'skwE@]
First Act
I. Find English equivalents of the following phrases:
быть совершеннолетним (р.24), устроить вечер (р.24), быть в стесненных обстоятельствах (р.24), доставлять удовольствие (р.25), не идти на компромисс (р.26), жертвовать (р.26), сомнительная репутация (р.27), утешиться (р.27), вставать на чью-то сторону (р. 27), совершить проступок (р.27), устоять перед соблазном (р.28), (не) быть принятым в обществе (pp.29, 31), придираться по мелочам (р.29), подавать пример (р.31), увлечься кем-то (р.31).
II. Translate into English.
1. Сегодня мне исполнился 21 год и по этому поводу мой отец устраивает вечер. Вы придете? 2. Он привык делать мне комплименты и считает, что они доставляют мне удовольствие, но я признаюсь, они меня раздражают. 3. Многие из его друзей находятся в стесненных обстоятельствах и им нередко приходится обращаться за помощью к людям с сомнительной репутацией. 4. Она была принципиальным человеком и никогда не шла на компромисс. 5. В молодости эта дама совершила проступок, и теперь ее не принимали в обществе. 6. Ее муж не устоял перед соблазном и увлекся молоденькой гувернанткой. 7. В спорах он всегда принимал сторону своей жены, что доставляло ей удовольствие. 8. После смерти мужа она долго не могла утешиться. 9. Она считает, что жены время от времени должны пилить своих мужей, чтобы напоминать им о своем существовании.
III. a) Translate into Russian:
to pretend, conceited, a scandal about smb, to get elbowed into the corner, to have smth. to do with smb, to call on smb, to talk scandal, to do wonders, to spy on smb, to repent, to avoid public scandal, to suffer for one's own faults.
b) Recall the situations in which the above phrases are used.
IV. Explain in English:
to have little vanities (p.25), to be a Puritan (p.26), to be behind the age (p.26), to look on smb/smth as (p.26), to be hard on smb/smth (p.27), mercenary (p.27), to look forward to smth (p.29), a select party (p.29), to be distressed about smth (p.31), to be jealous of smb's honour (p.35), to have position (p.36), to leave smb no choice (p.40).
Second Act
I. Find English equivalents of the following phrases:
относиться к кому-либо безразлично (р.44), избавить кого-либо от тревоги (р.44), рассуждать о морали (р.45), доверять (р.46), иметь успех (р.47), насмехаться над кем-либо (р.50), не идти на компромисс (р.52), иметь здравый взгляд на жизнь (р.53), любовь с первого взгляда (р.54), возражать кому-либо (р.54), ревновать (р.54), делать кому-либо предложение руки и сердца (р.55).
II. a) Explain in English:
to have enough of smb (p.43), to be worn to a shadow (p.43), nuisance (p.44), to be down on smb (p.44), to beat about the bush (p.44), not to leave a rag on smb (p.44), to spare smb insult (p.50), to dance attendance upon smb (p.50), to be degraded in one's eyes (p.50), common sense (p.54).
b) Comment on the situations in which the phrases are used.
Third Act
I. Find English equivalents of the following phrases:
быть очарованным кем-то (р.60), быть в зависимости от (р.60), обесчестить (р.60), на грани гибели (р.61), служить прикрытием (р.61), спасти от гибели (р.63), под предлогом (р.63), иметь власть над кем-либо (р.64), иметь в перспективе (р.65), морально пасть (р.65), быть изгоем (р.65), разрыдаться (р.65), случайно встретиться (р.68), сплетничать (р.69).
II. a) Translate into Russian in writing.
1. "You don't know what it is to fall into the pit, to be despised,mocked, abandoned, sneered at – to be an outcast!"
2. "What object do you think I have in coming here, except to save you from utter ruin, to save you from the consequence of a hideous mistake."
3. "I promise you never to communicate with him again on any pretext - never to see him, never to have anything to do with his life or yours."
b) Comment on the above passionate confessions of Mrs. Erlynne.
VII. Express your opinion.
1. Whose point of view on "a good woman" do you share? Why?Who do you consider "a good woman" in the play?
2. How do you understand the definition of a cynic given by Lord Darlington and that of a sentimentalist, given by Cecil Graham?(p.72)
3. Do you think Mrs. Erlynne has no heart? What prompted Mrs.Erlynne to commit an act of self-sacrifice?
VIII. Comment on the following paradoxes:
Dumby: "In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." (p.71)
Lady Windermere: "We make gods of them (men) and they leave us. Others make brutes of them and they fawn and are faithful. How hideous life is!" (p.60)
Lady Windermere: "If a woman wants to hold a man, she has merely to appeal to what is worst in him." (p.60)
Fourth Act I.
a) Find English equivalents of the following phrases:
смотреть прямо в лицо (р.75), совершить акт самопожертвования (р.76), вести порядочную жизнь (р.77), причинить вред (p.77), быть не допущенным куда-либо (р.77), действовать на нервы (р.79), шантажировать (р.81), уйти в монастырь (р.83), материнские чувства (р.82), принять чью-либо жертву (р.86), причинять кому-либо беспокойство (р.80).
b) Recall the situations the above phrases are used in the text.
II. Translate into English.
1. Смотри мне прямо в глаза и говори правду, не ходи вокруг да около. Скажи, кто шантажирует тебя. 2. Она говорит, что уйдет в монастырь ради моего счастья, но я никогда не приму эту жертву. 3. Известно, что материнские чувства способны творить чудеса и что каждая мать может совершить акт самопожертвования ради своего ребенка. 4. Миссис Эрлин страстно желала избавить свою дочь от бесчестия и унижения и не дать ей совершить чудовищную ошибку. 5. Я воспользовался возможностью передать вам записку лично. 6. Юноша был тактичный и никогда не причинял беспокойства другим людям. 7. В наше время, немногие способны совершить благородный акт самопожертвования, не так ли? 8. Все эти слухи и сплетни действуют мне на нервы и поэтому завтра я покидаю Лондон и возвращаюсь в Европу. 9. Миссис Эрлин хотела вновь вернуться в общество и вести порядочную жизнь, но, к сожалению, к ней все были несправедливы и черствы и никто не хотел ее принимать в своем доме. 10. Она сама была на краю гибели, но смогла спасти репутацию и честь своей дочери.
VI. Express your opinion.
1. Do you think Lord Windermere was hard on Mrs. Erlynne or do you think she deserved to be treated as a wicked woman?
2. Was it clever of Lord Windermere to insist on telling his wife the truth about Mrs. Erlynne?
3. Do you agree to Mrs. Erlynne's words: "My dear Windermere,manners before morals!" (p.79) Why?
4. Why do you think Mrs. Erlynne preferred "to live childless still"? (p.82)
II. Exchange your impressions of the main characters of the play.Note their appearance, age, manners, interests and other elements of their background (pair work). Use the functional phrases given in ex. II, p. 94-95.
The Persons of the Play
The Earl of Caversham ['Æ:1 @v 'k{v@S@m]
Viscount Goring ['vaIkaUnt 'gO:rIÎ]
Sir Robert Chiltern ['rÁb@t 'tSIlt@n]
Vicomte de Nanjac [vI'kÁÎt d@ 'n{nZ@k]
Mr. Montford ['mÁntf@d]
Mason ['meIs@n]
Phipps [fIps]
James [dZeImz]
Harold ['h{r@ld]
Gertrude ['gÆ:tru:d]
Lady Markby ['mA:kbI]
The Countess of Basildon ['kaUntIs @v 'bеIzIld@n]
Mrs. Marchmont ['mA:tSm@nt]
Miss Mabel Chiltern [meIbl]
Mrs.Cheveley, Laura ['tSI:vlI lO:r@]
Other Proper Names
p. 173 Boucher [bu:'SeI]
Louis Seize ['lu(:)I 'si:z]
p. 174 Lawrence ['lÁr@ns]
p 175 Tanagra ['t{n@gn@]
p. 178 Vandyck [,v{n 'daIk]
p. 181 Corot [kO:'rÆU]
Baron Arnheim ['b{r@n 'A:nhaIm]
Penelope [pI'nel@pI]
p. 188 the Argentine Canal ['A:dZ@ntaIn k@'n{l]
p. 189 the Panama Canal ['р{n@mA:]
the Suez Canal [su:Iz] or [sUIz]
p.212 Mr.Trafford ['tr{f@d]
p.222 Bath [bA:T]
p.225 St. James's Street [snt 'dZeImzIz]
p.232 Sphinx [sfIÎks]
Inverness [,Inv@'nes]
Inverness cape [,Inv@nes 'keIp]
Notes on the titles of nobility used in the play
1. earl – title of a British nobleman of high rank; feminine title is countess.
2. lord – title prefixed to names of peers and barons, hereditary titles of high rank; feminine title is lady.
3. baron – title of a British nobleman of the lowest rank.
4. baronet – lower in rank than a baron.
5. sir – prefix to the name of a knight or baronet.
6. duchess ['dötSis] – wife or widow of a duke, a nobleman of high rank next below a prince.
7. viscount – nobleman higher in rank than a baron, lower than an earl.
vicomte – a similar title used in France.
* Pay attention to the following:
Titles of nobility immediately preceeding a name are capitalized.
e.g. Lord Caversham, Sir Robert Chiltern, Baron Arnheim, etc.
First Act
I. Recall the sentences in which the following proper names are used in the text:
the Row (p. 175), the Ladies' Gallery (p. 194) "the old Greek" and Penelope (p. 181). Say what they mean.
II. Each of the characters is associated with an artist or a work of art. There are also references to exquisite pieces of furniture or tapestry, the entire house, with its great chandeliers and magnificent staircases.
V. Translate into Russian.
1. We had promised him that we wouldn't invite any people in and that wouldn't try to talk art to him.
2. I know he looked forward to our little chats.
3. Somebody is trying to blackmail you. I can't account for these letters in any other way.
4. Since Sir John has taken to attending the debates regularly his language has become quite impossible.
5. I am not in favour of this modem mania for turning bad people into good people at a moment's notice.
6. I'm not in the mood for serious music.
7. I don't mind your talking morality a bit. Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people whom we personally dislike. You dislike me.
8. We're all dying for a drink.
9. He wants to take to gardening when he retires.
10. In the twentieth century man is protected from disease as no man before has been, and he can look forward to living a longer life than his grandfather did.
XIII. Express your opinion.
1. Whose point of view do you share:
Sir Robert: "I am not changed. But circumstances alter things".
Lady Chiltern: "Circumstances should never alter principles!" (p. 200).
2. Do you agree that "Sooner or later we have all to pay for what we do?" (Mrs. Cheveley. p. 193).
Second Act
I. a) Find English equivalents of the following phrases:
отвлекать внимание от (р. 205); поддаться соблазну (р. 208); судить о ком-то по чему-либо (р. 208); быть помолвленным с (р. 210); стоит что-то делать (р. 212); иметь влияние на кого-либо (р. 212); сделать предложение (р. 218); устаревший (р. 219); очень громко (р. 219); быть высокого мнения о (р. 219); одобрять что-либо (р. 223); применять что-либо в отношении кого-либо/чего-либо (р. 227); быть обязанным кому-то чем-то (р. 228); совершить ошибку (р. 230).
b) Recall the sentences in which the phrases are used in Act II.
II. Translate into English.
1. Вы не знаете, что может ожидать вас, если вы не покинете этот дом тотчас же. 2. Вы серьезно считаете, что женщин, совершивших ошибку, никогда нельзя простить? 3. Всегда стоит задать вопрос, но не всегда стоит отвечать на него. 4. Джек должен был отвлечь полицейского, пока я отпирал дверь. 5. Да, все это очень хорошо, но я боюсь, что тетя Августа не одобрит твое присутствие здесь. 6. Пусть ваш муж скажет, чем он обязан своему положению в обществе. 7. Вчера вечером Томми сделал мне предложение в музыкальной комнате. 8. Роберт высокого мнения о мистере Треффорде. Он считает, что его ждет блестящее будущее. 9. Она считает, что раскаяние нынче не в моде. 10. Говорят, она имеет на него влияние. 11. Я помолвлена с мистером Уордингом, мама. 12. Нельзя судить о характере человека по форме его подбородка или по цвету глаз.
Characters and their Masks
1. When Sir Robert Chiltern first appears, he is described as being nervous and self-conscious. He has every right to be nervous,for his wife sees him as inhumanly flawless, and consequently he has to wear a permanent mask or lose her love. "Oh! What a mask you have been wearing all these years! A horrible painted mask".(Lady Chiltern).
2. Lord Goring hides his heart behind a trivial buttonhole and a nonserious pose. His father continually accuses him of being shallow, but ironically, it is the father who is shallow, for he fails to recognize the reality behind the delightful toy mask his son wears.
3. There is a split between public life and private life. The public world is one of sordid speculations and self-seeking power-hungry creatures, while the private world is beautiful, unsoiled, innocent.Lady Chiltern admits public life into her private world, but she sees it masked without realizing what is behind the mask.
b) Answer the questions.
1. What man is behind Sir Robert's mask?
2. What reality is hidden behind the delightful toy mask of Lord Goring?
3. Who are "self-seeking power-hungry creatures" and what are"sordid speculations" in the play?
Third Act
I. a) Translate into Russian the lines from Act III in writing.
1. "Well, I will make her stand by her husband." (Lord Goring,p. 234)
2. "Why don't you take him for your model?"(Lord Caversham,p. 236)
3. "His lordship is engaged at present with Lord Caversham,madam." (Phipps, p.238)
4. "You would probably make a very poor choice."(Lord Caversham, p. 240)
5. "What a mess I am in!" (Lord Goring, p. 242)
6. "I have made up my mind what I am going to do tonight in the House." (Sir Robert Chiltern, p. 244)
7. "There is property at stake." (Lord Caversham, p. 240)
8. "I have a perfect passion for listening through keyholes." (Mrs.Cheveley, p. 246)
9. "Doesn't that sound rather like tempting Providence?"(Lord Goring, p. 246).
10. "Oh! Surely Providence can resist temptation by this time."(Mrs. Cheveley, p. 246)
11. "And you threw me over because you saw... poor old Lord Mortlake trying to have a violent flirtation with me in the conservatory at Tenby." (Mrs. Cheveley, p. 247)
12. "When I saw you last night at the Chilterns' I knew you were the only person I had ever cared for, if I ever have cared for anybody." (Mrs. Cheveley, p. 248)
b) Use the italicized phrases in your sentences.
V. Answer the questions.
1. Will you prove that Phipps "represents the dominance of form"? Isn't it the reason for being termed "Ideal Butler"?
2. Why did Lord Caversham insist on Lord Goring's marriage?
3. What displeased Lord Caversham about his son's manner of speaking?
4. How do you like Lord Caversham's idea of women's inferiority?
5. Why is Lord Goring sure that Lady Chiltern will forgive her husband?
6. Do you agree that "good women are pitiless in their perfection, cold and stern without mercy" according to Sir Robert?
7. How many times did Mrs. Cheveley prove to be a thief?
8. How did Lord Goring expose Mrs Cheveley as a thief?
9. What makes Mrs. Cheveley hate Lady Chiltern so much?
XI. Discuss the conversation between Lord Goring and Mrs.Cheveley. Concentrate on the motives of their behaviour and methods of attaining their goals. Use the functional phrases(pair work). (Ref. Act I, Ex. II and XVI)
Fourth Act
I. a) Find the English equivalents of the following phrases:
досада, неприятность, неудобство (р. 255); терять время (p. 256); нарушить договоренность (р. 258); мешать, быть помехой (р. 259); взять себе за правило, заиметь, завести привычку (р. 260); зависеть от кого-либо (р. 262); отплатить, возместить (р. 267); уйти в отставку (р. 268); помешать что-то сделать (р. 268); пожертвовать ради кого-то (р. 270); испытывать любовь к кому-то (р. 275).
b) Recall the situtations in which the phrases are used.
c) Make sentences upon Act IV with the above phrases.
II. Translate into English.
1. Род завел себе привычку скрывать от жены все неприятности на работе. 2. Она предупредила, что, если он не придет, как они договорились, она не будет больше с ним знаться. 3. Жена советовала ему уйти в отставку, чтобы они могли уединиться где-нибудь за границей, подальше от людей. 4. Если я не мешаю, я останусь и подожду, пока вы раскладываете розы в вазы. 5. Молодой человек, боюсь, что вы напрасно тратите время. Господина Брауна не будет до вечера. 6. Никто и ничто не помешает мне увидеть юную воспитанницу Джека. 7. Мне так не хочется (такая тоска) читать эту длинную статью! 8. Она не ждет благодарности за то, что делает для него каждый день. Она просто выполняет свой долг. 9. Роберт так сильно любил свою жену, что пожертвовал ради нее своей карьерой и славой. 10. Никто не мог представить, что эта молодая симпатичная особа только что украла у матери дорогую брошь. 11. Его любовь к сыну безгранична.
III. Explain in English.
The whole course of one's existence; turning point of one's life; to denounce a scheme; to have some influence on; detestable people; to reduce; to fall to a temptation; to conceal; a nuisance; to deliever a speech.
V. Answer the questions.
1. Why is it a nuisance for Lord Goring to meet his father very often?
2. Why was Mabel Chiltern angry with Lord Goring that morning?
3. What saved Lady Chiltern's reputation in the eyes of her husband?
4. Why did Mrs. Cheveley's attempt to make Sir Robert misinterpret his wife's letter to Lord Goring fail?
5. How does Sir Robert like the idea of retiring from public life?
6. What are, in your opinion, the strongest points of Lord Goring's appeal to Lady Chiltern?
7. How did Sir Robert "repay" to Lord Goring at first?
8. What makes Sir Robert think his wife even more ideal than before?
9. What happy ending is in store for each character of the comedy?
10. What is your idea of an ideal husband?
I. Read the passage.
"Each character in the main plot provides the dramatic conflict: Lady Chiltern who believes that "circumstances should never alter principles"; Mrs. Cheveley, the libertine Machiavelli; Lord Goring, who hopes never to be taken seriously, but whose philosophy of surfaces does not prevent him from uttering the most serious lines of the play; and Sir Robert Chiltern whose features suggest "an almost complete separation of passion and intellect".
a) Translate into Russian.
b) Discuss the ways the characters (perhaps with the only exception) managed to solve their conflicts with happy results (pair work).
II. Exchange your impressions of the play. Keep in mind that"Husband" is the only comedy in which Wilde's full contempt for the hypocrisy of social norms, and his fears of their powers,are balanced by a detached presentation of a successful and socially acceptable alternative.
III. Answer the questions.
1. How does the meaning of the word "triumph" vary in the play?
2. How would you explain the following passage:
"The play is basically about the triumph of love – although, paradoxically, love can triumph only after art world of Boucher and great chandeliers has been transcended".
3. What is "a candid summary of the values by which Lady Chiltern has chosen to live, and by which she must hold, if she is to contribute to their joint future"?
4. What devices made "Husband" a "well-made play"? How did O. Wilde manage to give the trivial intrigue a new twist that in the long run made it a brilliant comedy?
5. What stylistic peculiarities mark the language of the play?
IV. Exchange your opinions on "the dandies and the serious people" of the play. Speak about their appearance, manner of behaviour, way of living.
V. Write a synopsis (a summary) of the play using the Present and related tenses. (See the beginning of the synopsis of "The Importance of Being Earnest", Ex. VIII, Act Three)
VI. Run a talk on O. Wilde's background, literary career and his play "Husband". Use the above summary of his biography and all the fragments of critical analysis.
The Persons of the Play
John Worthing ['wÆ:DIÎ]
Algernon Moncrieff ['{ldZ@n@n 'mÁnkrIf]
Rev. Canon Chasuble ['rev@rnd 'k{n@n 'tS{zjUbl]
Merriman ['merIm@n]
Lane [leIn]
Lady Bracknell ['br{kn@l]
Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax ['Án@r@bl 'gwend@lIn 'fE@f{ks]
Cecily Cardew ['sesIlI 'kA:dju:]
Miss Prism [prIzm]
Other Proper Names
p. 281 Half-Moon Street ['hA:fmu:n]
p. 283 Shropshire ['SrÁpSI@]
Augusta [O:'göst@]
p. 285 Ernest ['Æ:nIst]
p. 286 The Albany ['O:lb@nI]
p. 287 Thomas ['tÁm@s]
p. 288 Bunbury [bönb@rI]
Bunburyist ['bönb@rIIst]
MaryFarquhar ['mE@rI 'fA:kw@]
p. 296 Grosvenor Sguare ['gr@Uvn@]
p. 297 Lady Bloxham ['blÁks@m]
p. 298 Sussex ['sösIks]
p. 299 Gorgon ['gO:g@n]
p. 303 Hertfordshire ['hA:f@dSI@]
p. 308 Egeria [i:'dZI@rI@]
Laetitia [lI'tISI@]
p. 339 Terminus [‘tÆ:mIn@s]
Gervase Park ['dZÆ:v@s]
p. 346 Bayswater ['beIz,wO:t@]
p. 347 Gower Street ['gаU@]
First Act
I. a) Find Russian equivalents of the following phrases.
as far as smth (smb) is concerned; to set smb a good example; to approve of smth; there is no use doing smth; to account for smth; to make out; to give one's consent to, to get into scrapes, to invent (pretend to have) a brother; to have a treat for smb; to be accustomed to smth; to clear up the point; to be aware of smth; to take advantage of smth.
b) Recall the situations in which the phrases are used.
II. Explain in English.
to get into trouble; to know smth; to explain smth; to agree to smth; to make out; to have a fictitious brother; there is no point in doing smth.
Second Act
Third Act
I. a) Find Russian equivalents of the following phrases.
To inspire confidence (p. 339); to produce an effect (p. 335); not to care twopence about smth (p. 341); to stand in one's way (p. 341); to give smb the opportunity of doing smth (p. 341); to be out of practice (p. 348); to be on speaking terms (p. 349).
b) Recall the situations in which the phrases are used.
Part One
Part Two
X. Translate into English.
Пайн Ридж был частным санаторием. Он был расположен в чрезвычайно красивом месте. Палаты были прекрасны, но для Джен это была такая же тюрьма, как и Локлинн. Ее соседка по комнате была необычайно великодушная женщина, которая очень любила Джен и была счастлива видеть Джен и Барта, когда он навещал ее. Она знала, что только его любовь способна спасти ее от смерти.
Но однажды Джен увидела, как недалеко от санатория остановилась роскошная машина. Она осознала, что Барт был с какой-то женщиной, которая поцеловала его. Никто не знал, что случилось с Джен, почему у нее началось обострение. Барт с отчаянием смотрел на ее глаза, которые ничего не выражали. Врач сказал, что это результат эмоционального потрясения.
Part Three
Part Four
George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950) was born in Dublin on July 26th, 1856, into a family of Irish gentry.
He began his literary work as a critic of art, literature, music and drama. By his clever criticisms Shaw won recognition as the most talented British feuilletonist of his day.
Shaw's career as a dramatist began with his famous series of "unpleasant" plays: "Widowers' Houses", "Mrs Warren's Profession" and others, that turned out to be a daring exposure of the darker sides of English life.
Another series of plays that followed: "Candida", "Arms and the Man", "You Never Can Tell" and others was given the title of "pleasant" plays, and this rather ironically; through the amusing situations and witty scenes with sparkling dialogue Shaw continued his criticism of bourgeois morals and ideals. "There were two Shaws," writes a critic, "one was the prophet with doctrine in his hand; the other was the jester with a joke on his lips".
Among Shaw's other plays most well known are: "Heartbreak House", "Saint Joan", "The Apple Cart", "Too True to Be Good" and others.
Shaw introduced intellectual debate into his stories with its original and fearless paradoxes. He also revived the practice of including a long preface and sometimes a sequel in the play, explaining what it was about and what he actually meant. Shaw's influence on his age was immense. William Irvin, Shaw's biographer, says that to comprehend Shaw is to comprehend the 20th century to a great extent. Like Shakespeare, his name was adapted to add a new adjective to the English language: "Shavian". The word defined by the Oxford Dictionary as "characteristic of Bernard Shaw" suggests a unique way of looking on life and the universe.
Shaw demanded that art should always be didactic, serving a social purpose. His "Pygmalion" is unlike most of his other plays in this respect. The plot of "Pygmalion" is "the eternal Cinderella story". In the play professor Higgins, a phonetics expert, transforms a Cockney flower girl into a society lady by teaching her to speak beautifully. Professor Higgins is drawn from Henry Sweet, an eccentric phonetics expert from Oxford. The role of Eliza was specially written for Patrick Campbell, a famous actress of Shaw's time.
"Pygmalion" has been regularly revived since it was first produced in Vienna, was successfully filmed in 1937 and set to music as "My Fair Lady" in 1956.
* Shaw C.B. Pygmalion. M., 1972. Pages in Assignments refer to this edition.
Other Proper Names
p. 20. Queen of Sheba [‘Si:b@]
p. 20. Pharisaic [,f{rI'seIk] (adjective)
of Pharisee [‘f{rIsI]
p. 22. Judy ['dZu:dI]
p. 46. (by) Jove [dZÆUv]
p. 66. Pandour ['p{ndU@]
p. 70. Queen Victoria [vIk'tO:rI@]
p. 85. Ezra D. Wannafeller ['ezr@ ,wÁn@'fel@]
p. 86. Scilla and Charybdis ['sIl@] [k@'rIbdIs]
Act I (pp. 10-22)
I. Study the Notes to Act I and comment on:
1. Characteristics of Cockney speech as compared with standard English (p. 12).
2. Connotations of the names Cheltenham (p. 17) and Harrow (p. 17).
3. Historical associations of the words Pharisaic, Pharisee (p. 20).
4. The meanings of the English words: profession (p. 19), student(p. 20), club (p. 20, the Carlton club) as compared with the Russian counterparts: профессия, студент, клуб.
II. Write out and translate into English Eliza's description on p. 12:
"She is not at all a romantic figure … a dentist".
Find some stylistic devices. Translate into English the description of Eliza's lodging on p. 22:
"She picks up the basket... without any further change."
VI. Translate into English.
Дождь лил как из ведра. Нарядные люди покинули Ковентгарденский Оперный театр. Все боялись промокнуть до нитки, а такси были заняты. Многие нашли убежище у входа в церковь, там и оказались м-с Эйнсфорд Хилл с ее взрослыми детьми: дочерью и сыном. Там же они встретили молоденькую цветочницу Элизу, которая зарабатывала себе на жизнь тем, что продавала цветы. Совершенно случайно она услышала разговор двух ученых. Один из них был известный фонетист м-р Хиггинс. Услышав как Элиза говорит, он сказал, что мог бы через три месяца выдать ее за герцогиню или, по крайней мере, за продавщицу.
Act II (pp. 24-50)
I. Make comments on the following:
1. Historical references and the origin of phrases used in the text:
a) The Tower of London: its function in different historical periods (p. 34);
b) to wash one's hands of (p. 43). Remember the situation in which the last phrase is used in the text.
2. Linguistic phenomena:
a) the meanings of first floor (p. 24); public house (p. 42); genial(p. 24), as compared with their Russian equivalents for the Russian"симпатичный".
b) the meaning of the word snobbery; remember the situation in which it is used in the text.
II. Write out and translate into Russian the description of
a) Mr. Higgins' appearance and character on p. 24. Pay special attention to the epithets the author uses to describe him.
b) Eliza's appearance when she entered Mr. Higgins' study. (pp. 25, 26). Say what impression she produces.
c) Doolittle's appearance (p. 40). Pay attention to the stylistic devices.
Act III (pp. 52-70)
I. Study the Notes to Act III and make comments on:
1. Art references (p. 52): a) William Morris; b) Rossetti;Rossettian; c) Thomas Chippendale; d) Elizabethan.
2. Place names: Chelsea Embankment (p. 52); the Park (p. 60);Earl's Court (p. 65); Clerkenwell (p. 67).
3. The implications of the phrases: at-home day (p. 52); small talk(p. 53).
4. Give synonyms for: cordially (p. 57); darkly (p. 58); right away(p. 64); snigger at (p. 59).
5. Give Russian equivalents of the following idiomatic phrases: a bee in the bonnet (p. 63); "pay through the nose" (p. 67); "in full swing" (p. 68).
Act Four (pp. 72-80)
I. Make comments on the following:
1. The usage of the word "..., sir" (p. 77). 2. Compare the meanings of the English: a smoking jacket (p. 72), routine (p. 73), trivial (p. 76) with their Russian counterparts: смокинг , рутина , тривиальный . State the difference if there is any.
II. Translate into Russian the passage on p. 76:
"Liza (pulling herself together in desperation) ... you won't feel so cheap." Find some stylistic devices.
Act Five (pp. 81-101)
I. Comment on the meanings and origin of:
a) Scylla and Charybdis (p. 86);
b) brougham (p. 94).
II. Translate into Russian the passage on p. 86 "That's the tragedy of it, maam ... has brought me to." Find some stylistic devices.
(pp. 25-55)
I. Read the first part of the story and find the following words and phrases,write them out, give the Russian equivalents, recall the situations in which they are used:
to heal (p. 26); to settle down (p. 26); freckled skin (p. 26); a big bug (p. 27); to put on frills (p. 27); to make smb behave (p. 28); we should keep ourselves to ourselves (p. 30); to stamp out (p. 31); to saunter (p. 31); to be prohibited by law (p. 32); to eradicate (p. 32); to be bare of furniture (p. 34); not to get a wink of sleep (p. 35); to itch (p. 35); to instil (p. 40); in the last resort (p. 43); a vague sense of guilt (p. 45); rain or fine (p. 47); vexed (p. 55).
Part II (pp. 55-83)
I. Read the second part of the story, find the following phrases and words, write out sentences with them, recall the situations in which they are used:
щадить себя (р. 56); затевать что-то (р. 59); по пятам (р. 60); без утайки, откровенно (р. 62); воспользоваться преимуществом (р. 66); удрученный (р. 68); чувствовать себя неловко, не в своей тарелке (р. 68); начать новую жизнь (р. 71); изо всех сил (Р. 77).
II. Answer these questions:
1. What was Miss Thompson like?
2. How did she behave on the island?
3. What did the Davidsons think of her behaviour?
4. What measures did Davidson take to make Miss Thompson behave herself?
5. What did Davidson want?
6. Why did the governor agree to send Miss Thompson to San Francisco?
7. How did the doctor try to help Miss Thompson?
8. What is the end of the story?
9. Comment on the final episode. Did Mrs. Davidson guess the reason for her husband's suicide?
10. Comment on the title of the story.
III. Translate the sentences into Russian. Remember the italicized words and expressions:
1. "I've given her every chance. I have exhorted her to repent. She is an evil woman." (p. 55)
2. Miss Thompson put on one reel after another. It looked as though the silence of the night were getting on her nerves. (p. 58)
3. It's terrible the way the men who are in authority seek to evade their responsibility. (p. 62)
4. ... but the Macphails felt suddenly bashful. They did not know which way to look. (p. 73)
5. Dr. Macphail bent down – he was not a man to lose his head in an emergency – and turned the body over. (p. 80)
IV. Explain the meaning of the following phrases and words in English:
rough customer (p. 57), odd jobs (p. 57), she's getting a bit worked up (p. 58), to come down to brass tacks (p. 60), to shilly-shally (p. 62), enlisted men (p. 68), bunkum (p. 76).
V. Translate in written form the extract:
p. 55 "And Dr. Macphail watched the rain ... miserable and hopeless."
VI. Translate into English.
1. Миссис Дэвидсон считала, что ее муж не щадит себя. Она сказала, что никогда не задает ему вопросов, когда он работает на божье благо. 2. Они услышали голос Дэвидсона. Он молился вслух за душу мисс Томпсон. 3. Мисс Томпсон не знала, что затевает Дэвидсон, и это пугало ее. 4. Дэвидсоны хотели, чтобы мисс Томпсон покинула остров, и мистер Дэвидсон прямо сказал об этом губернатору. 5. Доктор Макфэйл воспользовался тем, что дождь кончился, и вышел. Он отправился к губернатору, чтобы попросить его разрешить мисс Томпсон остаться на острове до тех пор, пока не придет пароход из Сан-Франциско, с тем чтобы она могла уехать в Сидней. После своего визита доктор чувствовал себя удрученным, так как в его просьбе было отказано. 6. Доктор жалел мисс Томпсон, он верил, что она хочет начать новую жизнь. 7. В конце концов отношения Дэвидсона с мисс Томпсон стали совсем не такими, которые он проповедовал. Он понял, что он сам – обыкновенный человек со своими слабостями и грехами. Это довело его до отчаяния, и он покончил с собой.
Names of the Characters:
Warburton ['wo:b@tn]
Cooper ['ku:p@]
Abas ['{b@s]
I. Read the story, find the English equivalents of the following words and phrases, copy out the sentences with them:
со смешанными чувствами (р. 85); делать уступку (р. 87); гнев, ярость (р. 88); уживаться, ладить (р. 88); прислуживать кому-либо (р. 89); первоклассный (р. 91); плохо воспитанный (р. 93); заносчивый (р. 93); самоуверенный (р. 93); тщеславный (р. 93); унаследовать (р. 93); быть в затруднительном положении (р. 94); в один присест (р. 94); никогда в жизни не ударивший палец о палец (р. 95); придираться к кому-либо (р. 98); важничать, держаться высокомерно (р. 103); я гроша ломаного не дам за лорда (р. 104); рыбак рыбака видит издалека (р. 104); презирать (р. 104); пользоваться популярностью (р. 106); дерзкий, нахальный (р. 107); поддаться искушению (р. 108); абсолютно невозмутимые (р. 110); вмешиваться во что-либо (р. 110); уволить кого-либо (р. 111); у хорошего хозяина все слуги хороши (р. 111); посмешище (р. 112), размышлять (р. 113); он задел его за живое (р. 116); ледяное презрение (р. 124); рассердить кого-либо, восстановить против себя (р. 124); быть приговоренным к сроку тюремного заключения(р. 128).
II. Answer the questions:
1. Where did the action of the story take place?
2. Who were the main characters of the story?
3. What was Mr. Warburton?
4. Why did Mr. Cooper arrive there?
5. Why did Mr. Warburton await the newcomer with mingled feelings?
6. Were Warburton and Cooper alike? Describe both of them.
7. Did Mr. Warburton like Cooper at first sight? Why?
8. What way of life did Mr. Warburton lead? What do you think of it?
9. How did Cooper behave at dinner at Warburton's?
10.What did Mr. Warburton think of Cooper after their first dinner together?
11.What can you say about Mr. Warburton's career?
12.Why did the conflict occur between Warburton and Cooper?
13.What happened to Cooper in the end?
14.How did Mr. Warburton feel about it? Why?
15.What do you think of both the characters?
It is recommended to divide the story into two parts.
Names of the Characters:
Edward Barnard ['edw@d 'bA:n@d]
Bateman Hunter ['beItm@n 'hönt@]
Isabel Longstaffe ['Iz@b@l 'tÁÎstA:f]
Arnold Jackson ['A:n@ld 'dZ{ks@n]
Part I (pp. 165-186)
I. Read the first part of the story and find the following words and phrases, write them out, give the Russian equivalents, recall the situations in which they are used:
his conscience was not at ease (p. 166); a sense of disillusion (p. 166); to be destined (p. 167); a replica of a palace on the Grand Canal at Venice (p. 169); he could not repress the exclamation of delight (p. 170); to introduce smb to society (p. 171); he resigned himself to the role of confidant (p. 171); to shoot oneself (p. 172); to be all smiles (p. 173); to be arrested on a charge of fraud (p. 175); to be homesick (p. 175); to hear in a round-about way (p. 178); to be fired (p. 178); to take somebody by surprise (p. 182); in one's shirt sleeves (p. 184); to keep body and soul together (p. 185); to make oneself at home (p. 185).
Part II (pp. 187-212)
I. Read the second part of the story, find the English equivalents of the following phrases and words, copy out the sentences with them:
скрыть свое смущение(р. 187); мы не принимаем отказов (р. 188); раскаяние (р. 189); негодяй (р. 189); лицемер (р. 189); я обязан придти (р. 190); беззаботный, беспечный (р. 192); преходящий момент (р. 195); неувядаемый, бессмертный (р. 195); вы прикасаетесь к вечности (р. 195); избежать наказания за свои преступления (pp. 198, 199); ты поддался дурным влияниям (р. 200); я совершенно не достоин ее (р. 205); чистосердечно признаться в чем-либо (р. 205); причинять кому-либо обиду (р. 206); я приобретаю большой ценный опыт (р. 207); жар, пыл (р. 209); освободить кого-либо (р. 210); это не имеет значения (р. 210); оказать услугу (р. 211).
(pp. 274-303)
Names of the Characters:
Jean Charvin ['dZi:n ' 'tSA:vIn]
Marie-Louise [mE@’ri: lu:'i:z]
Henri Renar ['henrI rI'nA:]
Riri [‘rIrI]/[rI'rI]
I. Find the following words, word combinations and sentences,copy them out, recall the situations in which they are used:
слой краски (р. 275); осужденный, заключенный (р. 275); удовлетворять чьи-либо нужды (р. 275); штрафная колония (р. 275); привычные завсегдатаи (р. 276); отбывать пожизненное заключение за убийство (р. 276); отвлечь (р. 277); смертная казнь (р. 278); преступление, совершенное из ревности (р. 278); неверность, измена (р. 279); теперь, когда... (р. 279); мелкие воришки (р. 284); мошенники (р. 284); фальшивомонетчики (р. 284); ловкачи (р. 284); беспощадный (р. 287); соединять, собирать из кусочков (р. 288); неразлучный (р. 289); неизбежный (р. 289); скрывать свою муку (р. 293); принципиальный человек (р. 293); ваш ответ делает вам честь (р. 295); уколы совести (р. 295); полностью признаться кому-либо (р. 298); терпимый (р. 298); не приходя в сознание (р. 300); меня арестовали и судили за убийство (р. 301); в конце концов я был приговорен к шести годам (р. 301); моя совесть спокойна (р. 302); в безупречном порядке (р. 302).
(pp. 315-351)
Names of the Characters:
Jane Fowler ['dZeIn ‘faUl@]
Marion Tower ['mE@rI@n ‘taU@]
Gilbert Napier ['gIlb@t 'neIpI@]/[n@'рI@]
Reginald Frobisher ['redZInld 'frÆUbIS@]
I. Find the Russian equivalents of the following phrases, recall the situations in which they were used:
to look back (p. 315); to play a trick (p. 316); to have no notion (p. 317); to dye one's hair (p. 317); to have a heart of gold (p. 319); dowdy (p. 319); to be short-sighted (p. 320); to be in a flutter (p. 322); I shall have a fit (p. 327); unscrupulous (p. 328); to gasp (p. 329); after mature consideration (p. 331); to be very much to the point (p. 333); honeymoon (p. 333); perplexity (p. 335); unique (p. 339); you could have knocked me down with a feather (p. 340); priceless (p. 342); irresistible (p. 343); commonplace (p. 347); to give a full account of smth (p. 348); to keep an eye on smb (p. 349); to lose sight of (p. 349); good-natured (p. 351).
Предисловие. 3
JANE.. 91
Учебное издание
Селянина Лидия Ивановна,
ББК 81.2Англ я73
Л.И. Селянина, А.В. Савватеева, В.В. Попова,
Ю.Е. Ваулина, М.Т. Лазарева, М.Д. Резвецова
П62 Пособие по домашнему чтению к практическому курсу английского языка. – М.: Изд-во ВЛАДОС-ПРЕСС, 2001. -160 с. – (Практикум для вузов).
ISBN 5-305-00016-5.
В книгу включены отрывки из английской художественной литературы и система упражнений, способствующих активному, углубленному изучению неадаптированных художественных текстов.
Пособие может использоваться на 1-2-м курсах факультетов иностранных языков в качестве дополнения к учебнику «Практический курс английского языка» под ред. В.Д. Аракина, а также самостоятельно или с любым другим учебником английского языка в качестве пособия по домашнему чтению.
ББК 81.2Англ я73
© Коллектив авторов, 2001
© «Издательство ВЛАДОС-ПРЕСС», 2001
© Серийное оформление обложки.
«Издательство ВЛАДОС-ПРЕСС», 2001
ISBN 5-305-00016-5
Настоящее издание является приложением к учебникам под общим названием "Практический курс английского языка" под редакцией В. Д. Аракина и предназначается для первого и второго курсов факультетов и отделений английского языка педагогических институтов и университетов.
Основой для всех разработок послужила оригинальная литература.*
* В пособие не включены адаптированные тексты, которые могут быть необходимы для некоторых учебных заведений в начале первого курса, но их изучение не должно быть слишком продолжительным.
Для первой части подобраны произведения, достаточно доступные по своему языку для студентов 1-го курса: рассказы А. Кристи, "Да сгинет день" Дж. Гордона.
Во вторую часть включены упражнения по пьесам английских драматургов О. Уайльда "Идеальный муж", "Веер леди Уиндермиер", "Как важно быть серьезным", Б. Шоу "Пигмалион", рассказам У.С. Моэма, а также по роману австралийской писательницы Д. Кьюсак "Скажи смерти "Нет!".
Выбор материала обусловлен несколькими моментами: во-первых, принадлежностью указанных произведений к наиболее известным и популярным во всем мире и вследствие этого включенным в курс изучаемой английской литературы. Во-вторых, возможностями для расширения тематического словаря студентов. Так изучение медицинской терминологии в романе Д. Кьюсак способствует более глубокому изучению одной из наиболее трудных тем программы 2-го курса: "Болезни. Здравоохранение".
Основными целями работы над указанными материалами являются не только углубленное изучение языка писателей, но, прежде всего, развитие навыков устной речи, чему в большой степени способствует занимательность сюжета выбранных произведений и возможности, предлагаемые текстом, для обсуждения жизненно важных проблем.
Dame Agatha Christie (nee Miller) was one of the most famous writers of detective fiction of the 20th century. She was born in 1890 in Torquay, Devon. Her father was American, her mother was English. She had a quiet, middle-class childhood, being educated at home. In 1914 Agatha married Archibald Christie. During the First World War she worked as a hospital dispenser. Her marriage broke up in 1926. In 1930 A. Christie got married to Max Mallowan, an archeologist whom she accompanied on his excavations in Syria and Iraq.
A. Christie's work as a dispenser and her travels to the Near East were useful to her in writing detective stories. In her first detective novel "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" (1915) readers got acquainted with Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective made by A.Christie's imagination. It was his first case, the beginning of his career, which lasted for more than fifty years. His last meeting with readers took place in the novel "Curtain" written by A. Christie in 1975, a year before her death in 1976. Another famous character created by A. Christie's genius was Miss Marple, the prim elderly spinster from St. Mary Mead who was good at solving various mysteries. She had her own original methods of investigating murders which sometimes embarrassed the police. Miss Marple's last case was described in "Sleeping Murder" (1976).
A. Christie wrote more than 80 books, some of which have become classical – "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" (1926), "Peril at End House" (1932), "Murder on the Orient Express" (1934), "The ABC Murders" (1935), "Ten Little Niggers" (1939). They belong to the Golden Age of detective fiction in the 1920s and 1930s.
Two other short stories "The Mousetrap" and "Witness for the Prosecution" were adapted for the stage and were a great success.
A. Christie became known for her ingenuity in making the least likely suspect turn out to be the murderer.
* Christie A. Puzzles. M., 1983.
Assignment 1
Chapter 1 (pp. 10-21)
I. Be sure that you know the right pronunciation and translation of the following words. Write them down in your vocabulary books.
colonel wrap butler incredible | hysterical constable perplexity tawdry | flamboyant spouse appetizing mascara |
II. Find the following word combinations, write them out, translateinto Russian, remember the situations in which the author usedthem.
To give out the prizes (p.10), to frown (p.11), to go to sleep (p. 11), to be awake (p. 12), to go mad (p. 12), to ring up the police (p. 13), to cast a reproachful glance (p.13), I didn't quite catch (p.13), to dial a number (p. 13), to be good at smth (p. 15), to be heavily made up (p.17), to make a discovery (p. 17), to try one's hand at smth (p. 18), to remind smb of smth (p.19), to throw light upon smth (p.19), to bite one's nails (p. 19), to look alike (p.21).
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 403.