Chapters VIII, IX (pp.77-94)
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой




1. without a second's hesitation 2. to have a word with smb 3. in a greater or lesser degree 4. to be of no consequence 5. to know smb by sight 6. to fit in without a flaw 7. to go into detail(s) 8. to sort smth out 9. to make of 10. to feel uneasy 11. to clear one's throat 12. to shield smb



I. Give the Russian equivalents of the following AN collocations:


china ornaments limited time presentable young man short cut (to smth) immovable face stupid mistake Dutch garden folded deck-chair wooden slope Rum story abrupt manner cast-off things


II. Give the meaning of the following words in English:


solicitor, watchword, Methuselah, incognito.


III. Pick new words and word combinations on the topic "Crime"out of the given chapters.

IV. What emotions (feelings) does the author describe by using the following phrases? Whom are they referred to?

To knit one's brows; to raise one's eyebrow; to puff out one's chest; to shrug one's shoulders; to shoot up one's chin; to be taken aback.

V. Translate into English.


1. Я не могла убедить ее уступить. 2. Я хочу поговорить с мистером Брауном в понедельник. Проследите за этим, пожалуйста. 3. Много детей было вовлечено в подготовку к концерту. 4. Почему ты чернее тучи? - Я потеряла ключ к входной двери. 5. Мэри сказала мне о своей помолвке по секрету, но в действительности это была злободневная тема среди ее друзей. 6. Его злая шутка была последней каплей. Мы поссорились. 7. Твои слова ничего не доказывают, в них нет и крупицы правды. 8. Не делай поспешных выводов. Почему ты думаешь, что он купается в деньгах? – Я приняла это как должное. 9. Я сомневаюсь, что мы доберемся до правды. 10. Ее последние слова все еще преследуют меня.

VI. Explain the following:


1. (p.81) It crossed my mind to wonder whether he was really any good as a detective. Had his big reputation been built up on a series of lucky chances?

2. (p.82) "Ah!" said the inspector, "you've been bitten with all this psycho-analysis stuff. Now, I am a plain man."

"Mrs. Raglan would not agree, I am sure, to that", said Poirot, making him a little bow.

3. (p.88) "Remember the johnny who sold his soul to the devil? In return for being made young again? There's an opera about it."

"Faust, you mean?"

"That's the beggar. Rum story. Some of us would do it if we could."




1. Did the police manage to trace the telephone call to Dr. Sheppard about Mr. Ackroyd's murder? Did it help very much in the investigation? Why? What did H. Poirot think of the call?

2. What and who else did Poirot get interested in?

3. What did inspector Reglan say about his method of investigation? And what about H. Poirot?

4. What was found in the summer-house?

5. Give a summary of Chapter IX.

6. What could you say about the traits of Flora's and Major Blunt's characters and their emotions and feelings this episode reveals? Which of the following words would you choose to describe them?


compassionate curious resentful ironic protective cruel uncertain understanding shy aggressive unjust sarcastic touched frank amused trustful thrilled surprised


7. Flora's account for her unusual behaviour.


Assignment 5

Chapters X, XI, XII (pp.94-119)




1. to act on behalf (in the interest) of smb 2. to be hard pressed for money 3. to be up to smth 4. under the circumstances 5. to clear the matter up 6. to find fault with smb 7. to give notice 8. to come forward 9. at one's disposal arouse suspicion break in overlook smth endeavour  


I. Get ready to reproduce the episodes in which the given word combinations are used.


II. Give Russian equivalents of the following AN collocations.


aggressive chin fascinating woman dropped chin fat roll of notes frozen look bad knee (finger) trusting heart untidy hair winning smile gold locket enlarged photos mysterious stranger


Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 289.