Упр. 8. Найдите эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Выдающаяся личность, тысячи раненых, широко использовать анестезию, проверить действие эфира, определить причину воспаления, предотвратить инфицирование раны, простая антисептическая повязка, жесткая гипсовая повязка, оказывать помощь раненым, ухаживать за ранеными, профилактика заболевания.


Упр. 9. Дополните предложения данными ниже словами: resection of joints, rigid plaster casts, the preventive medicine, a simple antiseptic field-dressing, medical assistance, the cause of inflammation

1. Even before the discovery made by Louis Pasteur he had correctly defined …….. after the operation. 2. He introduced …… the use of which brought the good results. 3. Working at the field hospitals he employed …… instead of amputation. 4. He worked out principles for …… at the front. 5. The future belongs to ……



Unit 1 0 . The nursing profession. Nursing articles.

Nursing process. Nursing theories.


Nurses grades. Nurses working in a hospital have the following grades:

student nurse a nurse who is still in training
staff nurse a nurse who has completed the training course
charge nurse a more experienced nurse who is һ charge of, or responsible for, a ward or department
nurse manager a nurse who is in charge of several wards

Note: The old term sister is still sometimes used for a female charge nurse. A female nurse manager may be called matron.


Support workers The clinical support worker, who has done a short course and obtained basic qualifications, and the nursing auxiliary, who is usually unqualified, both assist nursing staff. There may also be ward clerks, whose duties include making iure patients' notes and information arc up to date, and answering the telephone.


Specialization. Like doctors, muses can specialize:

■ A midwife has specialized from the beginning by doing a course in midwifery, the management of pregnancy and childbirth.

■  District nurses visit patients in their homes.

Health visitors also work in the community, giving advice on the promotion of health and the prevention of illness.

Упр. 1 Прочитайте слова и выражения. Соотнесите их с изображениями на картинке.

1. air–ring

to give an air-ring to a bed-patient

2. bed-pan

to give a bed-pan to a bed-patient / to take away a bed-pan from a bed-patient

3. compress

to put a cold (hot) compress on

4. cups

to apply cups on the back

5. dropping bottle / to drop / drops

6. enema

to give a warm (a cleansing, a medicinal) enema

7. feeding-cup

to give a feeding cup of milk (tea, water, soup) to a bed patient

8. hot-water bag (bottle)

to fill a hot-water bag with… / to put a hot-water bag on / to change water in a hot-water bag

9. ice-bag

to fill an ice-bag with ice (cold water) / to put an ice-bag on / to change ice in the ice-bag

10. wheel-chair

to take a patient in a wheel-chair into a ward

11.  pipette / to pipette

12. mustard plasters

to put mustard plasters on

13. scissors

14. soap / to soap / a piece of soap

15. sticking plaster

to put a sticking plaster on

16. syringe

17. thermometer

to insert the thermometer into the arm-pit / to take the thermometer out / to read the thermometer / to shake the thermometer

18. basin

to bring a basin to a bed-patient for washing

19. sponge

to wash a patient with a sponge

20. stretcher

to carry a patient on a stretcher

Упр. 2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык:

накапать 5 капель, дать поильник с чаем, сменить воду в грелке, отвезти пациента в кресле-каталке в палату, вымыть пациента губкой, нести больного на носилках.

Упр . 3 . Ответьте на вопрос What does a nurse give (put, fill, change, take, shake, read, insert, bring)? используя следующие слова :

air-ring, bed-pan, compress, cups, enema, feeding-cup, hot-water bag, ice-bag, a wheel-chair, sticking plaster, mustard plasters, thermometer.


Упр. 4 . Прочитайте несколько советов для медицинской сестры. Согласны ли Вы с ними? Какие бы еще рекомендации Вы добавили?

Some good rules for nurses

1. Do not reveal your personal reaction to any symptoms or complains of the patient, because it can alarm him.

2. Be patient with old people.

3. Don’t be rude when you speak with patients.

4. Don’t gossip about your patients.

5. Never say the word “incurable”.

6. If you made a mistake in your work tell the doctor about it at once.

7. When you give medicines:

· Wash your hands

· Read carefully the doctor’s instructions

· Don’t substitute one drug for another

· Address patients by name not to be mistaken

· Be sure of the drug, dose, time, method of giving


1. rude – грубый

2. patient – терпеливый

3.to reveal – раскрывать, показывать

4.complaint – жалоба

5. to gossip – сплетничать

6. incurable – неизлечимый

7. drug – лекарство

8. to substitute – заменять

& A Nurse

Every nurse must have enough knowledge of her work. She must know anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, social psychology, ethics, data analysis, management and administrative science. She must read medical journals. She must learn much of the nurse’s work by practice.

The fundamental responsibility of the nurse is fourfold: to promote and restore health, to prevent illness and to alleviate suffering.

A nurse must give good care to sick people. She must be very attentive and try to observe any changes in a patient’s condition. She must know what is a normal and what is an abnormal condition and be able to recognize significant symptoms. Careful observation and charting by the nurse are very important. They help the doctor to diagnose and treat the patient.


1. enough – достаточно

2. knowledge – знания

3. ethics – этика

4. management – управление

5. fundamental – основной

6. fourfold – четырехкратный

7. to promote – содействовать, поддерживать

8. to prevent –предотвращать

9. to restore – восстанавливать

10. to alleviate – облегчать

11.   suffering – страдания

12.  to give good care to – осуществлять хороший уход за

13.  sick – больной

14.  to diagnose – ставить диагноз

15.  to treat – лечить

16.  abnormal – ненормальный

17. to recognize – распознать

18.significant –значимый


Упр . 5 . Ответьте на вопрос What must a nurse have (know, read, give, be, be able)? используя следующие слова :

good care, anatomy, physiology, journals, attentive, a normal and an abnormal condition, pharmacology, ethics, medical journals, enough knowledge, to recognize, significant symptoms.


 Упр . 6 . Ответьте на вопросы :

1. What is the fundamental responsibility of a nurse?

2. Why are careful observation and charting by the nurse very important?


& Nurse’s duties

A nurse takes the patients’ temperature and writes it down in temperature charts. She gives the patients medicines and carries out other prescriptions of the doctors. She airs the wards. Each ward nurse tells the doctor in charge about the condition of the patients. She must do everything in the ward quickly and quietly. If there is a bed-patient in the ward she must come up to him, brush his sheets or change them if it is necessary, shake his pillow. Then she must wash the patient’s face and hands and feed him.

Nurses  1) give intravenous (intradermal, intramuscular, subcutaneous) injections; cleansing (medicinal) enemas; 2) put cups (mustard plasters, sticking plasters, ice-bags, hot water bags, cold (hot) compresses) etc.


1.  to take the patient’s temperature – измерить температуру пациента

2. a temperature chart – температурный лист

3. to carry out – выполнять

4. prescription – назначение

5. to air – проветривать

6. doctor in charge – лечащий врач

7. a bed-patient – лежачий больной

8. pillow – подушка

9. to feed – кормить

10. intravenous – внутривенный

11. intramuscular – внутримышечный

12. intradermal - внутрикожный

13. subcutaneous – подкожный

14. to give injections – делать инъекции

15. a ward -палата

Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 1493.