The “nightingale Pledge” (Клятва Ф. Найтингейл)
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession, and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling. With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician, in his work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care. Перед Богом и лицом собрания я торжественно обещаю вести жизнь, наполненную чистотой, и честно исполнять профессиональные обязанности. Я буду воздерживаться от всего ядовитого и вредного и никода сознательно не использую и не назначу лекарств, которые могут навредить. Я сделаю все, что в моих силах, чтобы поддерживать и повышать уровень моей профессии. Я буду беречь в тайне всю личную информацию, которая окажется в моем распоряжении во время работы с пациентами и их родственниками. Я буду преданно помогать врачу в его работе и посвящу себя неутомимой заботе о благополучии всех порученных всех порученных моей опеке.

& Nikolai Pirogov

Nikolai Pirogov, the great Russian surgeon and one of the most outstanding personalities in Russian medicine was born on November 25, 1810.

Pirogov took part in four wars and tens of thousands of wounded passed through his hands. He was the first surgeon to make wide use of anesthesia at field hospitals. He made many experiments with animals and tested the effect of ether on himself and on his associate before using it as anesthetic in the clinic. It was only after he was convinced that ether anesthesia was absolutely harmless that he began to use it widely in his operations. Then Pirogov tested and began using another anesthetic – chloroform.

Pirogov was the first to open the door to the “bacteriological” era in medicine. Even before the discovery made by Louis Pasteur he had correctly defined the cause of the inflammation after the operation. To prevent wound infection he used substances all of which are still used by surgeons. He introduced a simple antiseptic field-dressing, the use of which brought good results.

Searching for ways to save wounded limbs, Pirogov arrived at the idea of the rigid plaster cast. During the heroic defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855, working at the field hospitals, he employed rigid plaster casts and resection of joints instead of amputation. The rigid plaster cast is the pride of Russian surgery.

During the Crimean war Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov was very active. He gave assistance to wounded soldiers and officers. In besieged Sevastopol he worked out principles for giving medical assistance at the front.

Pirogov was the first medical man in Russia to use nurses to care for the sick and wounded in the fields. An advocate of women’s emancipation he greatly appreciated their modest and noble work.

He was the first man in the world to proclaim disease prevention a very important task of medicine. “The future belongs to preventive medicine”, he wrote.


1. surgeon – хирург 2. outstanding – выдающийся 3. personality – личность 4. wounded – раненый 5. to make wide use of – широко использовать 6. effect – действие 7. associate – коллега 8. ether – эфир 9. to convince – убеждаться 10. harmless – безвредный 11. discovery – открытия 12. to define – определять 13. cause – причина 14. inflammation – воспаление 15. to prevent – предотвращать 16. wound – рана 17. substance – вещество 18. to introduce – вводить 19. to search – искать 20. limb – конечность 21. to arrive – приходить, приезжать 22. rigid plaster cast – жесткая гипсовая повязка 23. to employ – применять 24. resection of joints – резекция суставов 25. pride – гордость 26. besieged – осажденный 27. medical assistance – медицинская помощь 28. to care for – ухаживать 29. to appreciate – ценить 30. modest – скромный 31. noble – благородный 32. to proclaim – заявлять 33. disease prevention – предотвращение болезни 34. task – задача to belong – принадлежать

Упр . 7. Ответьте на вопросы .

1. What was Nikolai Pirogov?

2. When was he born?

3. Was he the first surgeon to make wide use of anesthesia at field hospitals?

4. What anesthetic did he use?

5. What did he introduce?

6. Did he employ rigid plaster casts?

7. Is the rigid plaster cast the pride of Russian surgery?

8. Did he work out principles for giving medical assistance at the front?

9. Was he the first medical man in Russia to use nurses to care for the sick and wounded in the fields?

10. Did he proclaim disease prevention a very important task of medicine?


Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 1181.