1. The (мозг) is the main center which regulates and coordinates all body activities.
2. The human (сердце) normally beats about 70 times a minute making the (кровь) move along arteries, veins and capillaries.
3. (Мышцы) produce all kinds of movements in our body, from smiling and eye blinking to running and weight lifting.
4. (Кости) protect and support the organs of the body.
5. (Легкие) are the main organ of breathing.
6. The function of the (печень) is to metabolize chemicals.
7. (Почки) serve as filters which separate the urine from the blood.
8. Man has several organs of sense: the organs of sight are the (глаза), the organs of hearing are the (уши), and the organ of smell is the (нос).
Упр. 9 Заполните пропуски в предложениях, описывающих состояние пациента. Если необходимо посмотрите на схему с названиями частей организма человека. Обсудите свой выбор в группе.
Anatomical term | Patient's statement |
1 inguinal swelling | I've got a lump in the …………………………… |
2 abdominal pain | My little boy's got a................................ache. |
3 periumbilical rash | I've got some spots around my …………………. |
4 thoracic pain | I've got a pain in the middle of the...................... |
5 enlarged axillary node | There's a painful swelling in my................. |
6 mandibular pain | I've got a pain in my........ |
& New Kidney Gives New Life
Jennifer White was very sick for many years. She needed a new kidney. In 1997, she had a kidney transplant. She got a kidney from a donor. Jennifer began a new life. Jennifer’s new kidney came from a young man. He was killed in an accident. His family donated all his organs for transplant.
Jennifer’s mother wanted to say thanks to the young man’s family. She said “When their son’s life stopped, my daughter’s life started”.
What can doctors transplant ?
Упр 9. Одно слово в каждом предложении неверно. Исправьте предложение, основываясь на содержании текста.
1. Jennifer White was very poor for many years.
2. She needed a new heart.
3. In 1994 she had a kidney transplant.
4. She got a new kidney from a young woman.
5. The man was killed in a blizzard.
6. The man’s family donated some of his organs.
7. Jennifer’s mother thanked the man.
& Mouth
You must keep the mouth, gums and teeth in healthy condition. Brush your gums and teeth and rinse your mouth in the morning and after every meal. Don't use metal things to clean your teeth after meals. Examine your teeth regularly twice a year Use food which you must chew.
If you want to have strong and healthy teeth:
1. Brush your teeth every day.
2. Rinse your mouth after meal.
3. Never crack nuts with teeth.
4. Do not eat much sugar.
5. See the dentist twice a year.
Упр. 10. Скажите по-английски:
в здоровом состоянии, дважды в год, после еды, чистить зубы, не употребляйте, полоскать рот
Упр. 11. Обсудите в парах значения данных идиоматических выражений. Подберите к выражениям синонмичные слова. Составьте диалог, использовав 5 любых выражений.
1. to be head over heels in love
2. to be up to the eyes in work
3. to have one’s heart in one’s mouth
4. with my hand on my heart
5. by the skin of one’s teeth – с трудом, едва
6. to get under smb.’s skin – надоедать, раздражать
7. to skin smb. alive – сурово наказать
8. to make smb.’s hair stand on end – испугать, внушить ужас
9. to put one’s shoulder to the wheel – работать не покладая рук
10. to rub shoulders – общаться, контактировать
11. to jump down smb.’s throat – критиковать
Упр. 12 Составьте кроссворд по теме “Parts of human body” .
Unit 2 . S keleton
The bones form the skeleton of the body. The most important part of the skeleton is the backbone, or vertebral column. The bones which form the skeleton or bony framework of the body are divided into the bones of the head, the bones of the trunk, the bones of the lower and upper limbs.
At the upper end of the backbone there is the skull. Inside the skull is the brain which is in many ways the most important organ of the body. The bones of the head include the bones which make up the box-like structure we call the skull, and also that freely movable bone which forms our lower jaw.
There is another box of bones in front of the backbone. The ribs, which are joined to the backbone behind and bend round towards the breastbone in front, form a strong cage – the chest, inside of which are placed the heart and the lungs. The bones of the trunk include the spinal column, the ribs and the breastbone.
The arms join the body at the shoulder, and the shoulder itself is formed of two bones – the collar-bone in front, and the shoulder-blade behind. Between the shoulder and the elbow there is only one bone in the arm, but between the elbow and the wrist there are two. In the wrist there are eight small bones. They are very firmly bound together, but their large number allows the wrist to bend much more freely than if there were only one or two. Next come the bones of the hand itself. In the body or palm of the hand there are five long bones – one for each finger and one for the thumb. Each of the fingers has three bones, and the thumb has two. Thus we have twenty-seven bones in the framework of the hand and wrist alone.
The trunk is divided into the chest or thorax, and the abdomen. Of the limbs there are two pairs – the upper, or arms, and the lower, or legs; and the legs and arms again are subdivided into several parts – the thigh, the leg, the foot and the toes in the lower limb and the upper arm, the forearm, the wrist and the fingers in the upper limb.
The abdominal cavity contains two kidneys, connected by a tube, the ureter, to a muscular bag, the bladder; the liver, the pancreas and the spleen. The thorax encloses the heart and two lungs.
Cavity of the skull opens into the spinal canal. It contains the brain, which is continuous with the spinal cord. The brain and the spinal cord together constitute the cerebrospinal system. And cavity of the face is occupied by mouth and pharynx, into which the upper end of the alimentary canal (called gullet or esophagus) opens.
1. backbone – позвоночник 2. vertebral column позвоночный столб, спинной хребет 3. spinal column – позвоночный столб 4. bony framework – костный остов, каркас 5. trunk – туловище 6. lower limbs – нижние конечности 7. upper limbs – верхние конечности 8. pancreas – поджелудочная железа 9. to include – включать, содержать в себе 10. lower jaw – нижняя челюсть 11. rib – ребро 12. to join – соединять(ся), присоединять(ся), связывать 13. to bend (bent, bent) – сгибаться 14. breastbone – грудина 15. chest – грудная клетка, грудь 16. thorax (pl тж. thoraces) – грудная клетка 17. arm – рука 18. shoulder – плечевой сустав | 19. collar-bone – ключица 20. shoulder-blade – лопатка 21. pharynx – глотка 22. esophagus – пищевод 23. to bind (bound, bound) – связывать 24. firmly – плотно, крепко, твердо 25. hand – кисть руки 26. palm – ладонь 27. finger – палец руки 28. spinal cord – спинной мозг 29. to constitute – составлять, представлять 30. leg – нога, голень 31. thigh – бедро 32. foot (pl feet) – нога, стопа, ступня 33. toe – палец на ноге 34. upper arm – плечо 35. cerebrospinal system –спинномозговая система 36. to contain – содержать в себе, вмещать 37. muscular bag – мышечная сумка 38. ureter – мочеточник |
Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 1529.