The main organs of the body have ordinary English names and doctors use these words. But when an adjective is needed they often use an anatomical word. For example, we can say disease of the liver or hepatic disease. Some abdominal organs, for example the pancreas, have no ordinary name.
When doctors talk about the main parts of the digestive system, they use the words bowel or intestine: the small intestine or the small bowel, the large intestine or the large bowel. When speaking to patients, doctors may refer to the anus and rectum as the back passage.
The chest (thorax) contains the organs of respiration and the heart. The main parts of the respiratory system are the airways and the lungs. The left lung is divided into two lobes, and the right into three. The airways consist of the larynx, the trachea (or windpipe), the right and left bronchus, and the bronchioles. The chest is separated from the abdomen by the diaphragm.
Human body is known as organism. Human body consists of various organ systems. Each organ system performs a particular task.
It is a blind-ended tube that is connected to the cecum. The appendix is located near the junction of the small and large intestines.
In this organ, the urine that is filtered from the kidneys is collected before being disposed off by urination. The bladder is a muscular organ that is elastic in nature. It is located on the pelvic floor.
It is the most important organ of the human body, and it controls all the other parts. It is the center of the nervous system, and is the most complex of all internal organs. The brain controls our sense of vision, hearing, taste, smell, balance, and feeling.
It is a long muscular tube that passes from the pharynx into the stomach. This organ connects the mouth to the stomach, and is about 25 to 30 cm long.
It is one of the smallest internal organs of the human body. It helps in the process of digestion. It is located in the concave portion of liver that is called the gallbladder fossa. The length of this portion is about 8 cm in adults.
After the brain, the heart is the second most important internal organ in humans. It is a muscular organ whose main function is to pump oxygenated blood throughout the body through blood vessels. This action is carried out by repeated and rhythmic contractions. On an average, the human heart beats about 72 times per minute, and weighs 250 to 300 gm in females, and 300 to 350 gm in males.
They are a segment of the alimentary canal, and they extend from the stomach to the anus. They are divided into: small intestine and the large intestine.
They serve as the most important part of the urinary system. Their function is regulation of electrolytes, maintenance of acid-base balance, regulation of blood pressure, production of urine, etc.
It is one of the most vital internal organs of the human body. The liver is an absolute necessity for survival. It carries out several functions including detoxification of blood, production of biochemicals for digestion, and protein synthesis.
These organs are responsible for respiration. In humans, a pair of lungs is located in the chest on either side of the heart. Their function is to transport atmospheric oxygen into bloodstream, and release carbon dioxide from blood into the atmosphere.
They are ovum-producing reproductive organs that are present in pairs in females. They are located in the lateral wall of the pelvis.
They belong to both the endocrine and digestive systems. These organs produce important hormones like insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin. They also produce pancreatic juice that contains digestive enzymes. If the pancreas do not function normally, it may lead to diabetes mellitus.
The organ is very important with respect to the immune system. It is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. Its function is to remove old red blood cells and also to recycle iron. The spleen in an adult human body is about 11 cm in length.
The muscular, hollow bag in the alimentary canal is called the stomach. It is the primary organ of the digestive system that is involved in the second phase of food digestion. The location of this organ is between the esophagus and small intestine.
Thyroid gland
The largest endocrine gland of the human body is the thyroid gland, which is located in the neck. It helps to control the use of energy in the body.
It is the most important part of the female reproductive system. This organ is internally connected to the fallopian tubes on each side, and opens into the vagina at one end. In this organ the fetus develops during gestational period.
bladder – мочевой пузырь brain – мозг esophagus – пищевод gallbladder – желчный пузырь heart – сердце intestines – кишечник kidneys – почки liver – печень lungs – лёгкие ovaries – яичники pancreas – поджелудочная железа spleen – селезенка stomach – желудок thyroid gland – щитовидная железа uterus – матка alimentary – пищеварительный cecum – слепая кишка junction – соединение urine – моча | pelvic floor – диафрагма таза pharynx – глотка digestion – пищеварение concave portion – вогнутая часть fossa – впадина to pump – качать blood vessels – кровеносные сосуды rhythmic contractions- ритмичные сокращения urinary system – мочеполовая система electrolytes – электролиты acid-base balance – кислотный баланс detoxification – детоксикация bloodstream – кровоток ovum – яйцеклетка lateral wall of the pelvis – боковая стенка таза to recycle iron – перерабатывать железо fallopian tubes – маточные трубы gestational period – гестационный период (период беременности) |
Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 1212.