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Упр 2. По описанию назовите внутренний орган и запишите на английском языке.
1) It is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. Its function is to remove old red blood cells and also to recycle iron.
2) In this organ the fetus develops during gestational period.
3) These organs produce important hormones like insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin.
4) These organs are responsible for respiration.
5) It is a muscular organ whose main function is to pump oxygenated blood throughout the body through blood vessels.
6) It helps to control the use of energy in the body.
7) In this organ, the urine that is filtered from the kidneys is collected before being disposed off by urination.
8) This organ connects the mouth to the stomach.
9) It is the primary organ of the digestive system that is involved in the second phase of food digestion.
10) Their function is regulation of electrolytes, maintenance of acid-base balance, regulation of blood pressure, production of urine, etc.
Упр. 3 Заполните рисунок следующими словами:
diaphragm lobes windpipe heart
lung airways bronchioles
Упр 4. Дополните предложения пропущенными словами.
1) … is located near the junction of the small and large intestines.
2) … controls our sense of vision, hearing, taste, smell, balance, and feeling.
3) It is located in the concave portion of liver that is called the … .
4) It carries out several functions including … of blood, production of biochemicals for …, and protein synthesis.
5) It is the primary organ of the digestive system that is involved in the second phase of … .
Упр. 5. Соотнесите патологические процессы (1-8) с названиями органов ( a-h) , в которых они протекают.
1 hepatitis | a bladder |
2 pneumonia | b gall bladder |
3 nephritis | с heart |
4 gastric ulcer | d kidney |
5 cystitis | е liver |
6 angina pectoris | f lung |
7 cholecystitis | g stomach |
8 ulcerative colitis | һ large bowel |
Упр. 6. Заполните пропуски в тексте названиями внутренних органов.
Examination of the abdomen
To examine the patient for enlarged abdominal (1).......................... first feel for the {2).......................... and the (3)............................. on the right side. To do this, ask the patient to take a deep breath, while pressing with the fingers upwards and inwards. Next feel for the right (4)..............................
and then cross over to the other side for the left (5)......................... Still on the left side, palpate for an enlarged (6) ................... Finally, moving to the lower abdomen, feel for the (7)....................... which is only felt if it is full.
Unit 5. The Diet
We are built from the food we eat. The food we eat consists of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins.
Meat, fish, eggs, milk and cheese contain proteins. Protein is necessary for cell growth and repair. Sweet and starchy foods such as sugar, flour and potatoes contain carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide body cells with the energy required to perform their functions. Fats are found in meat, fish, dairy products and vegetable oils. They are used to produce heat and energy. Fats are necessary for the continued health of the cells. Minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine come from our food and water. Calcium and phosphorus are needed for bone and teeth and to help cells to work. Dairy products are good sources of both calcium and phosphorus. Iron is needed for forming hemoglobin and iodine for thyroid hormones. Liver, meat, cereals are rich in iron. The body requires water for the production of blood, digestive juices, urine and sweat. More than 70% of the body consists of water. It is necessary to drink more than a litre of fluid daily.
Vitamins are special organic substances which are necessary for the organism. About 20 vitamins are known today. Vitamin A is present in carrots, green vegetables, fruit, butter, fish-liver oil, eggs. It is necessary for healthy eyes and the proper growth of bones. Vitamin B is present in cereals, milk, eggs, liver. It is needed to strengthen our nervous system and to form red blood cells. Vitamin C is present in lemons, oranges, black currant and vegetables. It is needed to increase resistance to infection and recover after illness. Vitamin D is present in eggs, butter, fish, dairy products. We get most of our vitamin D from the sun. It is necessary for bone and tooth formation and the prevention of the rickets.
Prolonged deficiency of any vitamin leads to avitaminosis. The food we eat is called our diet. The diet in health and disease is very important. If a person wants to be in good health he must eat a balanced diet. It means eating foods from all of the four basic food groups: the milk group, the meat group, the fruit and vegetable group and the grain group. Daily calorie requirements depend on the age, build and occupation. Doctors can treat many diseases by diet.
1. protein – белок 2. carbohydrate – углевод 3. fat – жир 4. mineral – минеральная соль 5. necessary – необходимо 6. cell – клетка 7. growth – рост 8. repair – восстановление 9. sweet – сладкий 10. starchy – крахмалистый 11. flour – мука 12. to provide - обеспечивать 13. required – необходимый 14. to perform – выполнять 15. continued – длительный 16. iron – железо 17. iodine – йод 18. forming – образование 19. source – источник 20. thyroid-щитовидная железа 21. hormone-гормон 22. production – производство 23. digestive juice – пищеварительный сок | 24. urine – моча 25. sweat – пот 26. fluid – жидкость 27. to be present – присутствовать 28. proper – надлежащий 29. cereals – каши 30. nervous system – нервная система 31. black currant – черная смородина 32. to increase – повысить 33. resistance – сопротивляемость 34. to recover – выздороветь 35. prevention – предотвращение 36. rickets – рахит 37. prolonged – длительный 38. deficiency – недостаток 39. avitaminosis – авитаминоз 40. to be in good health – быть здоровым 41. to treat – лечить 42. grain-зерно |
Упр. 1. Найдите словосочетания, эквивалентные следующим:
состоит из белков, жиров, углеводов, минеральных солей; необходим; рост и восстановление клеток; сладкие и крахмалистые продукты; обеспечивать клетки организма энергией; выполнять функции; образование костей и зубов; источник кальция; пищеварительный сок; богат железом; особые органические вещества; участвовать в обмене веществ; присутствует; надлежащий рост костей; укреплять нервную систему; создавать красные кровяные тельца; повысить сопротивляемость инфекции; выздороветь; предотвращение рахита; длительный недостаток; иметь хорошее здоровье; лечить болезни диетой.
Упр. 2. Ответьте на вопросы :
1. What does the food we eat consist of? 2. What food contains proteins? 3. What is protein necessary for? 4. What food contains carbohydrates? 5. What do they provide body cells with? 6. Where are fats found? 7. What are they necessary for? 8. Where do minerals come from? 9. What are calcium and phosphorus necessary for? 10. What is iron necessary for? 11. What products are rich in iron? 12. What does the body require water for? 13. What are vitamins? 14. Where is vitamin A present? 15. What is it necessary for? 16. Where is vitamin B present? 17. What is it needed for? 18. Where is vitamin C present? 19.What is it needed for? 20. Where is vitamin D present? 21. What is it necessary for? 22 What does prolonged deficiency of any vitamin lead to? 23. Must a person be careful about his diet? 24. Can doctors treat many diseases by diet?
Упр. 3. Дополните предложения :
1. The food we eat consists of… 2. Carbohydrates provide body cells… 3. Minerals come… 4. The body requires… 5. Prolonged deficiency of… 6. If a person wants… 7. Doctors can treat…
Упр. 4. Практическое задание. Вычислите свой индекс массы тела . Обсудите в группе, что нужно сделать, что снизить ИМТ.
BMI(n)BMI means Body Mass Index. It is used to assess whether a person's weight is healthy or not. To calculate a patient's BMI you use the formula:
weight in kilograms height in metres2 |
BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is the right weight
BMI of below 18.5 is underweight
BMI of 25 to 29.9 is overweight
BMI of over 30 is obese
Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 3256.