B2B (business to business) - business for business
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

B2B sales are trade relations between two legal entities, companies.

B2C (business to consumer) - business provides services to the end user.

Any business where the goods are received by its final consumer, an individual.

B2G (business to government) - business for the state.

Here, legal entities, entrepreneurs, provide services to government agencies.


С2B (consumer to government) - private person (consumer) for business.

In this relationship model, the end customer creates value for the business.

For example, it puts forward a request for certain goods, which are not in the range.


С2С (consumer to consumer) - the relationship between consumers.

An example of commercial relationships of end users can be considered online auctions and message boards.

C2G (consumer to government) - the consumer to the state.

Payment of taxes, voting in elections.


G2B (government to business) - government services for business.

Functioning of the state procurement portal, providing information on legal issues, various registries.

G2C (government to consumer) - a state for individuals.

Services of state services, for easy payment of taxes, utility payments, entries in various state institutions and so on.


G2G (government to government) - the relationship between government agencies.

This service is provided by one state-institution to another.





E-learning is a system of learning with the help of information and electronic technologies.

The term "e-learning" first appeared in 1995. There is a definition that was given by UNESCO specialists: "e-Learning - learning through the Internet and multimedia".

E-learning is a technology for gaining knowledge through the use of IT.

E-learning include:

- independent work with electronic materials, using a personal computer, PDA, mobile phone, DVD-player,TV and other;

- obtaining advice, tips, ratings from a remote (geographically) expert (teacher), for remote interaction;

- creation a distributed user community (social networks), leading the overall virtual learning activities;

- timely Hour delivery of e-learning materials; standards and specifications for electronic learning materials and technology, distance learning tools;

- formation and improvement of information culture for all heads of enterprises and divisions of the group, and the mastery of modern information technology, improving the efficiency of its ordinary activities;

- the development and promotion of innovative educational technologies, the transfer of their teachers;

- to develop educational web-resources;

- the opportunity at any time and in any place to get modern knowledge, are available in any part of the world access to higher education for persons with special needs;


In fact, e-learning began with the use of computers in education. Initially training with the use of computers alternated conventional, classic practical exercises.

E-learning and now does not exclude communication with the teacher face to face.

E-Learning modern sample concept has evolved along with the Internet connectivity technologies, and includes the ability to virtually anywhere download additional materials received by electronic aids theory, pass the completed task , consult with the instructor.

The main thing is that all these features are supported electronic media programs.

E-learning has a number of advantages.

1. Freedom of access - the student can do almost anywhere. Not all e-learning is available through the Internet. Adult students can study without interruption from work

2. Reduced training costs. The student bears the cost of media, but it does not bear on the methodological literature. In addition, the economy is growing at the expense of wages, which do not need to pay teachers, the content of education and so on. Production of e-learning materials does not imply deforestation.

3. Flexibility training - duration and sequence of study materials listener chooses, completely adapting the whole learning process to fit their capabilities and needs courses.

4. The opportunity to develop in step with the times-users of electronic. And the teachers and students develop their skills and knowledge in accordance with the latest modern technology and standards. Electronic courses also allow you to update the study materials timely and promptly.

5. Potentially equal opportunities - training becomes independent of the quality of teaching in a particular school.

6. The ability to define the criteria for assessment of knowledge in e-learning has the opportunity to exhibit clear criteria by which to assess the knowledge gained in the process of student learning.



Electronic government


Electronic Government (e-Government) - a way to provide information and assistance already formed a set of public services to citizens, businesses, other branches of the government and public officials, in which the personal interaction between the state and the applicant is minimized and information technology is used as much as possible (fig. 13.2).

Electronic government is a system of electronic document management of public administration based on automation of the whole set of administrative processes on a national scale and serves the purpose of significantly improving the efficiency of public administration and reducing the costs of social communications for each member of society.



Figure 13.2 – Electronic Government


E-government - state electronic document management system based on the automation of the entire set of management processes across the country and serves as the target of significantly improving governance and reducing social communications costs for each member of society.

Creation of e-government involves building a nationwide distribution of the social management system, implementing the decision of the full range of tasks associated with managing documents and their processing.

E-government is a single mechanism of state and citizens cooperation, also state bodies with one another, which enables its concerted activity over the help of information technologies.

That particular mechanism let to cut down calls in state bodies, reduce and speed up getting help with inquiries, certificates, authorization documents and etc.

The creation of E-government was necessary for more effective, open and accessible for citizens and for work of state bodies.

In the course of the years of E-government program organization there were four global stages of E-government development.

The first stage – informational. Namely in this period there was started and packed with information E-government portal.

There are appeared information about state bodies, their work and the services which they provide to the population.

Besides, there were given regulations of services and posted regulations for review.

The second stage – interactive, it was characterized with the start of electronic services portal.

The introduction of interactive services on the E-government portal allowed to save time in the collection of documents by times.

There were adopted departmental information systems, government databases, electronic licensing and E-government gateway namely in this stage.

The third stage - transactional. Citizens were able to pay state fees and charges, fines, community service at this stage. Transactional stage presented a truly valuable gift for entrepreneurs - electronic public procurements. The benefits are obvious –there are improved transparency and openness of competitions, tenders.

The fourth stage – transformational. This stage of development E-government has today. The main aim now is maximum efficiency in the provision of services for citizens. Namely for achieving this aim, interactive and transactional services combined into complex services, which often require the Kazakh population.

There are going improvement and optimization of processes permanently.

For example, significantly simplified the procedure of business registration. For example, this process was very difficult and long, employ over 30 days, but now a few hours due to systems integration.

Besides, optimization allowed to combine several services in the complex. For example, at birth of a child, citizenshould apply for services three times: for the registration of birth of the child, and then to draw social security benefits, and once again - to put the child in a place to the kindergarten, but now all these services combined in one composite service "Delivery of a child". I.e.,a person receives three services with one step.

An important new step in the development of infrastructure, the provision of electronic services, taking into account the active penetration of mobile communication and mobile technologies among the population is the creation of the Mobile government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Today there is eGov.kz mobile app for iOS and Android platforms. One of the recently introduced innovations is an electronic digital signature recorded on the SIM-card of the phone.

Thanks to it any recipient of a mobile phone, including old models, can get the service by sending an SMS-message to the short number and sign it with mobile signature, which is recorded on the SIM-card.

The next stage of E-government is so-called "clever" or "proactive" government, when a citizen does not even need to direct any requests for public services. "Proactive" government will monitor life situations and perform the necessary processes instead of the citizen. Citizen only need to confirm these actions.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 11.03.2011 № 249, the Public Service Centers (PSC) were given for operating to Monitoring Committee of automation of public services and coordination of service centers of the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The use of e-government allows to significantly expand the channels of interaction, improve its quality and thereby contribute to the strengthening of civil society, and therefore the state as a whole. Solving all these issues will help build a stronger, prosperous state, without which it is impossible to imagine the life of modern society.



Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 524.