Proximity Sensor (Датчик приближения)
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
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The proximity sensor allows you to determine the approach of an object without a physical contact with it.

For example, the proximity sensor installed on the mobile phone allows you to turn off the screen backlight when the phone approaches the user's ear during a call.

That is, its main task is to block the smartphone so that the user does not press accidentally, let's say, the cheek to hang up.

Naturally, manufacturers are trying in every possible way to expand the capabilities of this function. For example, the Samsung Galaxy S3 has the function "Direct Call", which, when the device is presented to the person, allows you to call the contact whose information or message information is displayed on the screen.

Also, you can safely put the phone with this sensor in your pocket or che-hole, without fear of accidentally making an unnecessary call.


Accelerometer (Акселерометр)

The task of the accelerometer is simple - to track the acceleration that is given to the device. It seems that the question arises, but why measure the acceleration of a smartphone?

At the moment when we turn the phone, there is movement with acceleration. The accelerometer registers it and, based on the data it receives, starts the process, for example, changing the orientation of the screen.

In addition, the accelerometer is used as a pocket pedometer to count the number of steps made by the user.

In cameras, the accelerometer is used to rotate a shot frame, and in laptops - to urgently park the heads of the hard drive, if suddenly the computer falls.

Light Sensor (Датчик освещенности)

The tasks of this sensor are extremely simple and are to determine the degree of outdoor lighting and accordingly adjust the brightness of the screen. Thanks to this auto-tuning of brightness, it became possible to save electricity.

Gyroscope Sensor (Гироскоп)

By its design, the gyroscope in mobile phones resembles the classic rotary ones, which are a fast rotating disk fixed on movable frames. Even if the position of the frames in the space is changed, the axis of rotation of the disk will not change. Due to the constant rotation of the disk, for example, using an electric motor, and it is possible to constantly determine the position of the object in space, its slopes or rolls.

Gyroscopes built into mobile phones make the quality of games the highest. With this sensor to control the game you can use not only the usual rotation of the device, but also the speed of rotation, which provides more realistic control.

Temperature / humidity sensor

This sensor is a new addition to the Samsung Galaxy S4. It determines the levels of temperature and humidity of the environment through a small hole located at the base of the smartphone. The sensor displays this information on the screen of the S Health application. In addition, the temperature sensor allows you to correct the pressure errors caused by a change in air temperature.



Mobile operating systems


The life of modern man is inconceivable without mobile devices. Their quality and usability depend on the hardware characteristics and operating system.

The most common operating systems for mobile devices:

- Android.

- iPhone OS.

- Windows Mobile.


Android is a mobile operating system based on the Linux operating system.


• open source;

• high speed;

• convenient interaction with Google services;

• multitasking.


• many current versions;

• The new version requires improvements.


iPhone OS is a mobile operating system from Apple.


• ease of use;

• quality support service;

• regular updates, eliminating many problems in the work.


• lack of multitasking;

• There is no built-in document editor.


Windows Mobile is a multi-tasking and multi-platform OS.


• similarity with the desktop version;

• Convenient synchronization;

• Office programs are included.


• high requirements for equipment;

• the presence of a large number of viruses;

• instability in work.

Information Security



Information Security - is a set of tools, strategies, and principles that can be used to protect the cyber environment, organization, and users from hackers.

There are programs to protect against hacking, backup systems that are used to protect the information environment and resources of organizations from intruders.

In modern conditions the problems of cybersecurity are shifting from protection of information on a separate object to the level of creation of system of cyber security as an part of information and national security.


Basic security tasks

Confidentiality (конфиденциальность) – protection of important information;

Availability (доступность) - guarantee that authorized users will have access to information;

Integrity (целостность) - protection against failures and viruses, leading to loss of information or its destruction.


Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 467.