Animation and 3D representation of the visual world
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An animation is an artificial representation of motion by displaying a sequence of patterns with a frequency at which a complete visual perception of the images is provided.

Animation (animation), like any other kind of art, has its own history. For the first time the principle of inertia of visual perception, underlying the animation, was demonstrated in 1828 by the Frenchman Paul Roget (Paul Roget). The object of the demonstration was a disk on one side of which there was a picture of a bird, and on the other - a cage.

During the rotation of the disk, the spectators created the illusion of a bird in a cage.


A real revolution in the world of animation was produced by Walt Disney (1901-1966), American director, artist and producer. In 1923 he released a series of "Alice in the Country of Animation." Then he creates cartoons with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, who won the love of all the children of the world.

Creating animation is a very time consuming task. After all, often each frame is required to draw again. Naturally, with the advent of modern computers, programs began to appear that facilitate and automate the work of the animator. In addition, animation created with the help of computers, found its application not only in the creation of cartoons. It is widely used on the Internet, presentations, electronic training courses, etc. Animation usually serves to facilitate the perception of information. However, busting the animation, its poor quality can worsen the perception, distract and annoy the person.

If a set of similar images quickly change one after another, then at a certain speed of change, a person will perceive what is happening as a smooth movement (or change) of the object in the figure.

The optimal speed of image change is 24 frames per second. In fact, several images (layers) can be present in one frame. In addition, there may be only one image, which in each subsequent frame will be shifted by a small amount.

A variety of software for creating animations is very large. The level of their complexity and functionality is also different, from the simplest gif-animators to professional 2D and 3D-graphics programs.

Conventionally, you can distinguish two types of software for creating animations:

1. Software environments that allow you to create 2D animations (for example, Microsoft GIF Animator, Adobe Flash CS4, Synfig Studio).

2. Software environments that allow you to create 3D animations (for example, Autodesk 3ds Max, Blender).

In professional computer animation programs, the artist does not need to draw each frame or the animator to fix it, the program itself "calculates" the transition of the image from one position to another. This is called twining. Twining is the process of generating intermediate frames between two drawings, giving the impression that the first drawing is gradually turning into the second one.

Visualization 3D is a technique for creating 3D images, diagrams or animations. The software helps designers and digital marketing professionals create a visual image of a product, project or virtual prototype in 3D format. Creating a three-dimensional image using specially designed programs is a visualization process. Visualization can concern both the smallest and the largest. For example, these are children's toys, household appliances, interior items, small buildings and even skyscrapers.

3D modeling is a very popular and multitasking direction in the computer industry today. The creation of virtual models has become an integral part of modern production. For a variety of tasks in this industry are provided and specific programs.

The most popular representative of 3D modeling is Autodesk 3ds Max. This is the most powerful, functional and universal application for 3D graphics. This system can be used in all sectors, from architecture and interior design to creation of cartoons and animated videos. Using Autodesk 3ds Max, realistic images of interiors or individual objects are created quickly and technologically.

Cinema 4D is a program that is positioned as a competitor to Autodesk 3ds Max. Cinema 4D has almost the same set of functions, but it differs in the logic of work and the methods of performing operations. In comparison with its competitor, Cinema 4D can have more advanced functionality in creating video animations, as well as the ability to create realistic graphics in real time.

AutoCAD from Autodesk is used for construction, engineering and industrial design. This is the most popular drawing package. This program has a powerful functional for two-dimensional drawing, as well as the design of three-dimensional parts of varying complexity and purpose. Having learned to work in AutoCAD, the user will be able to design complex surfaces, structures and other products and draw up working drawings for them.

Thus, 3D visualization is a beautiful and unique alternative to sketches, drawings. Using this method of graphics allows not only to simplify the work of designers and architects, but also helps people to determine the color of the interior, design features, certain details and etc.


Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 439.