Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. It is clear ... me that you don't know your lesson.

2. London is the capital ... Great Britain.

3. ... nine o'clock the lecturer entered ... the hall, walked up ... the table, put his bag ... it, looked ... everybody and began his lecture.

4. My explanation seemed strange ... the teacher.

5. He gave her a big bunch ... flowers.

6. We tried to speak ... him, but he did not want to listen ... us.

7. Yesterday the teacher spoke ... us about the architecture ... St. Petersburg.

8. My grandmother often complains ... head ache.

9. I am sorry, I cannot speak ... you now, the professor is waiting ... me.

10. I must go ... the institute and explain ... him some details ... our work.

11. Many pages ... this book are torn.

12. Everybody looked ... me with surprise: they had not waited ... me.

Преобразуйте активную конструкцию в пассивную.

1. My father built this cottage.

2. Beginners use that computer.

3. Somebody is opening the window now.

4. We sold the last French text-book.

5. People all over Russia watch the news.

6. The moonlight lit everything in the room.

7. Don't worry, we shall settle your problems.

8. We have just sent for the doctor.

9. The Blacks don't use this room very often.

10. Thomas Coryate brought forks from Italy to England.

11. He has just repaired his car.

12. Somebody addressed the letter to the wrong person.

Преобразуйте пассивную конструкцию в активную.

1. He was hit by a falling brick. 

2. She was employed by an international company.

3. This essay was written by Sandra.

4. The burglar might have been arrested .

5. He has been sent a parcel. .

6. Roger was seen to leave.

7. The kidnappers are known to have left the country.

8. The exhibition will be opened by the mayor.

9. It is hoped that the economy will improve.

10. It must be done before his arriving.

11. All the tasks were done by him.

12. This house has been built by professionals.

Образуйте существительные из разных частей речи при помощи следующих суффиксов и переведите получившиеся слова.

1. –er: to sleep, to dream, to teach. to climb, to think, a joke, a village.

2. –ist: science, material, a theory, social, to type, an animal, a novel.

3. –ment: to pay, to punish, to develop, to govern, to astonish, to appoint, to argue.

4. –ance (-ence): to prefer, to resemble, independent, significant, innocent, to differ, to resist.

10. Поставьте каждое из следующих предложений в будущее время, заменяя модальные глаголы их эквивалентами.

1. She can translate this article without a dictionary.

2. May I bring my sister to the party?

3. He must do it himself.

4. Pete must stay at home.

5. He may join this sport section.

6. Can you do this job?

7. Must you get up early?

8. May I go for a walk?

9. He can go to the country if he isn't ill.

10. They must call the doctor.

11. He can solve this puzzle.

12. The children may go to the party.

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. У тебя есть несколько карандашей?

2. Я умею хорошо играть в теннис.

3. Мы поедем в Москву через несколько дней.

4. В чашке мало молока.

5. Где Миша? – Он сейчас делает домашнюю работу.

6. Друг моего брата вчера уехал в Америку.

7. Ему пришлось остаться дома с маленькой сестрой.

8. Дику нравятся ее глаза.

9. Каждый день он встает в 7 часов.

10. Следующим летом Ник с семьей поедет на Черное море.

11. Кто написал завещание?

12. Вчера Том и Моника пошли в зоопарк.


4 вариант

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 Most American families consist of a mother, a father, and three or four children living at home. There may be relatives - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and in-laws in the same community, but American families usually maintain separate households (1). This familial structure is knows as the "nuclear family." It is unusual for members of the family other than the husband, wife, and children to live together. Occasionally an aging grandparent may live with the family, but this arrangement is usually not considered desirable.

Although the nuclear family unit is economically independent of the rest of the family (2), members of the whole family group often maintain close kinship ties. Visiting between parents and their married children and between married sisters and brothers is frequent when they live close to each other. If they live in different communities, they keep in touch by writing letters and by telephone (3).

In the American family the husband and wife usually share important decision making. When the children are old enough, they participate as well (4). Foreign observers are frequently amazed by the permissiveness of American parents. The old rule that "children should be seen and not heard" is rarely followed,' and children are often allowed to do what they wish without strict parental control.

The father seldom expects his children to obey him without question, and children are encouraged to be independent at an early age. Some people believe that American parents carry this freedom too far. Young people are expected to break away from their parental families by the time they have reached their late teens or early twenties. Indeed, not to do so is often regarded as a failure, a kind of weak dependence.                                            


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Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 353.