Преобразуйте пассивную конструкцию в активную
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. His report at the last conference was listened to with great attention.

2. All the letters are looked usually through by the secretary.

3. The contract will be signed in a week.

4. The mail will be delivered at 12 tomorrow.

5. Many houses were destroyed in Japan last year.

6. We were given a lot of advice by our parents last month.

7. The delegation had been met at the airport by that time we arrived.

8. All the tickets have been sold.

9. Yesterday our flight was delayed because of fog.

10. Letters are sent to all our clients every week.

11. They are often called.

12. Our flat was robbed last year.

Преобразуйте активную конструкцию в пассивную.

1. They connect marketing with storing and selling goods.

2. He will pay the bill next week.

3. My friend operated his computer last week.

4. This businessman has just opened his own firm.

5. We can solve this problem.

6. When did the company sell its goods?

7. Will Nick find a new method of market research?

8. The economy comprises millions of people and firms.

9. He is looking through the territory if the market.

10. I must have finished my work.

11. My son entered the college 2 years ago.

12. The teacher has already introduced all the new words.

Образуйте слова при помощи суффиксов. Переведите их на русский язык.

 1. -er (to build), -less (use), -ly (great), -ness (happy), -like (flower), -able (read), -or (to visit), -ee (to address), -age (to marry), -dom (free), -hood (child), -ion (to collect), -ness (kind), -ure (to press), -ent (to differ), -y (dirt), -ive (to act), -ish (Dane).

Измените предложения, используя эквиваленты модальных глаголов.

1. I will be able to carry this heavy box.

2. She could run so fast and did it every morning.

3. We are to meet near her house at 6 o’clock.

4. Will you have to pay for dinner if you are with your best friend?

5. They will be allowed to improve their mistakes next lesson.

6. He did not know what he had to do.

7. Does she have to go there on foot or it may rain and she will get wet.

8. My sister should work more at her English.

9. I don’t need this carpet if you want you may take it in your new room.

10. He was to drink these pills at 8 last week.

 11. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Вы решили, где будете проводить каникулы?

2. Я собираюсь закончить эту работу до полуночи.

3. Это тот костюм, который я купил в Париже.

4. Мы все еще ждем его.

5. Когда-то он хорошо читал стихи.

6. Это (та) девушка, которую мы вчера встретили в театре.

7. Я часто встречаю твоего друга, когда иду в школу.

8. Последние несколько дней у нас стоит прекрасная солнечная погода.

9. Посмотри! Около парикмахерской стоит наша учительница по английскому. Она, должно быть, кого-нибудь ждет.

10.  На этой неделе он каждый вечер работает допоздна.

11.  Только что пробило двенадцать.

12.  Следующее столетие начнется 1 января 2101 года.

2 вариант                           


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Hide Park is the greatest People’s Park in Europe. But its aristocrat tradition is maintained. It remains a Royal Park (1). Hyde Park is just 4 hundred years old as a Royal Park and 3 hundred as a People’s Park.

Hyde Park is nature’s own plan, London’s heritage from the prehistoric forest which surrounded London long long ago.

Hyde Park is quite English: those responsible for its plan knew, as well as the modern travel writer, the value of “unknown” and “off the beaten track” to the Englishman. The architectural treatment of Hyde Park is unique in Europe. Simplicity itself, straight and narrow paths dissect it. There are no artificial winding ways to guide the wanderer into its secret groves (2). In another sense Hyde Park is unique in Europe. One can walk or lie on the grass, play game, take one’s exercises. The freedom of our ancestors is restored, and one can bathe and row in the Serpentine. Hyde Park begins, at 5 o’clock in the morning.

In winter it is dark and cold. Space and time, with a thousand years of history, are blotted out.

In spring dew is on the ground. At no other time is Hyde Park like this. The scent of awakening nature is in the air. The roads around are silent, and the only sound is of birds. Sometimes at this hour sheep are driven in to graze.

Summer is the horses’ time. Riding early in the morning in Hyde Park is the ancient tradition. They are few and usually ride in groups. They exchange salutes, and there are ladies riding with them (3), the men raise hats and lower them with a deep bow.

The early morning exercises of dogs are simultaneous with that of horses. Generally they are taken out by butlers or by servant girls, but some people are so fond of their dogs that they take them out themselves.

For these animals Hide Park is a Paradise. They are at liberty to romp and disport at their will. Until quite recently a dog could be buried in Hyde Park. There was a little Dog Cemetery near the Victoria Gate. But for the 35 years it has not been functioning because there has been a room for no more of them (4).


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Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 418.