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Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. My wife turned … me and said “What the matter … you?”

2. Suggest Nick taking … his coat.

3. We moved … another town last year.

4. … the war we were … the same front.

5. He was on old friend … ours.

6. You will see the New Year … … us.

7. Soon we were all sitting … the table.

8. Was he joking … me?

9. Did you join … us?

10. I have never been … London.

11. She invited me … her room.

12. It was the most pleasant party … my life.

Преобразуйте активную конструкцию в пассивную.

1. Many students are writing the test now.

2. She relied on her son.

3. He will beg food and money in the street.

4. He committed the suicide last evening.

5. They have introduced him to this court.

6. The British people wanted to talk about the weather.

7. She has asked her friend about everything.

8. We knew many interesting facts about his life.

9. He will read the lecture.

10. The milkman will bring milk.

11. Her mother will bake the cake.

12. Someone has taken his pen.

Преобразуйте пассивную конструкцию в активную.

1. Yesterday our flight was delayed because of fog.

2. Letters have been sent to all our clients.

3. These trees were planted here two centuries ago.

4. This sort of advertisement is seen everywhere.

5. Nothing can be done about this.

6. When I got on the bus, money was collected by the bus driver.

7. My car is fixed every evening.

8. Don’t enter! The dictation is being written now.

9. By the time the boss returned, the fax had been receive by the manager.

10. This letter was being signed at 4 yesterday.

11. Most business is based on the idea you buy cheap and sell dear.

Образуйте слова при помощи суффиксов. Переведите их на русский язык.

 -er (to own), -less (use), -ly (bad), -ness (to doubt), -ly (friend), -al (music), -en (sharp), -y (rain), -ous (fame), -ish (Scott), -ence (to insist), -ive (to talk), -al (form), -ship (friend), -ian (Russia), -dom (wise), -hood (man), -sion (to include).

Измените предложения, используя эквиваленты модальных глаголов.

1. She had to leave her book at home because she was in a hurry.

2. He could obtain divorce last year.

3. Tim may come home very late last night.

4. He could not go to the concert 2 days ago.

5. The police have to ask him a lot of questions.

6. They may book two seats in Opera.

7. He is to learn the whole story by 3.

8. She didn’t have to tell him the truth.

9. These students must not be late for classes.

10. He might have breakfast at 7.30.

11. Dad can skate very well.

12. I have to buy bread.

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Мэри сказала, что была в этом замке два года тому назад.

2. Вы слышите странный шум?

3. Кто съел все яблоки?

4. Уже больше трех месяцев здесь не было дождя.

5. Жизнь сейчас не такая легкая, как она была раньше.

6. Я буду играть в теннис всю вторую половину дня.

7. Пока у нас не было неприятностей.

8. Как только учитель вошел в класс, он увидел, что кто-то из учеников нарисовал его на доске.

9. К трем часам он ответил только на половину писем, которые он получил в то утро.

10. Моему отцу в мае исполнится пятьдесят лет.

11. Сколько времени потребуется на эту работу?

12. Я уверен, что он придет, если вы попросите его.

3 вариант

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If you come to a large city, you will find out that there are all kinds of things to do outdoors: there is almost every sport you can imagine, there are parks and gardens to visit. You can go sightseeing either on your own or in a group, and if you like walking you can go on organized walks, which could include sightseeing too.

       If you have not got much money to spend, lots of events taking place outside or on the street are free. For example in Britain there are many street festivals, like the famous Notting Hill Carnival that happens in London each summer. You can take part in all kinds of old customs you like (1). But of course if you have little money in Russia, it is difficult to have free entertainment. It is said so about young people and teenagers. As far as you know, being a teenager is both interesting and dangerous nowadays. Many young people have their hobbies, special interests, responsibilities. All these things help them to use their creative energy and to realize their ambitions.

However some young people are not motivated for studying and working. They look for the easiest ways of enjoying their lives and escaping from reality, which demands some concrete efforts in building the career, supporting the family or routine surviving. They start smoking, drinking and even taking drugs. They gather together doing nothing (2), they hang out on the streets, on the attics or where not. Most often such groups of youth are involved into different crime affairs.

To prevent it the social authorities should do their best in organizing the leisure time of teenagers. And the first step is expected to be made by the family. Many teenagers want to be entertained. The actual priorities for them are: TV comes first, followed by Internet, films, listening to records, radio, going to disco, dancing, and reading. Then come concerts, museums, amateur arts and finally theatres.

 But some young people prefer computing, sports, design, writing in communication on Internet and so on. To tell the truth few people like reading and it is a great problem nowadays. Somebody says that people are busy with one thing- making money (3). But there are not only bars, discos and clubs. If you want to spend a pleasant evening outside you can take a trip and enjoy the nature, you are able to go to the forest or fishing, you will visit the parks and relax on the grass (4).  

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Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 385.