Государственное федеральное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
по английскому языку
Краснодар 2010
Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов второго курса агротехнологического факультета. Пособие соответствует требованиям программы по английскому языку агротехнологического факультета.
Целью пособия является развитие умения читать специальную литературу, извлекать из нее информацию и формирование умения беседовать на профессиональные темы. Система упражнений направлена на совершенствование навыков разговорной речи, развитие умения поддержать беседу на профессиональные темы и на расширение терминологического словаря. В пособии предусмотрен словарь-минимум в каждом уроке, уделяется внимание повторению грамматических явлений, владение которыми необходимо для беседы на профессиональные темы. Курс состоит из 10 уроков. Материал отобран из оригинальной и переводной литературы. Каждый урок начинается с фонетических упражнений, упражнений на словообразование и лексических упражнений. Задания различной направленности помогают проконтролировать степень усвоения урока. Заключительные упражнения урока включают составление рассказов по темам уроков и описание картинок, которые непосредственно связаны с материалом урока.
Методическое пособие подготовлено преподавателем кафедры иностранных языков Дитятевой Н.В.
Unit 1
Soil Formation and Development
Фонетические упражнения
1. Прочитайте следующие многосложные слова, обращая внимание на суффиксы:
a)- tion: disintegration, dissolution, precipitation, cultivation, utilization, formation,
decomposition, variation, modification, action;
b)- al: mineral, regional, nutritional, detrimental, textural, formal, geological, tropical,
subtropical, original;
c)- ment: movement, involvement, improvement, treatment;
d)- ure,- ture: temperature, texture, culture, structure, agriculture, horticulture;
e)- ity (-ety,-iety): ability, variety, originality, activity, fertility, intensity.
2. Прочитайте следующие многосложные слова, обращая внимание на ударение:
originate, interplay, residue, aluminium, precipitate, encounter, weathering, widely.
3. Напишите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие существительные:
difference, development, disintegration, utilization, formation, cultivation, action.
4. Переведите без словаря следующие слова и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся:
chemical, temperature, material, process, aluminium, Europe, system, activity ,management.
5. Переведите следующие пары слов, обращая внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы:
colour – colourful, use – useful, useful – usefulness, develop – development, differ – difference, structure – structureless, colour – colourless, fine – fineness.
Лексико-грамматические упражнения
6. Подберите русские эквиваленты из правого столбика к словам и выражениям из левого столбика:
1) soil formation a) корневая система
2) mineral particles b) низкое качество
3) root system c) свойства почвы
4) organic matter d) высокая температура
5) soil properties e) быстрое разложение
6) soil development f) органическое вещество
7) high temperature g) развитие почвы
8) soil layer h) слой почвы
9) poor quality i) минеральные частицы
10) rapid decomposition j) образование почвы
7. а) Подберите синонимы к следующим словам:
formation, static, originate, temperate, layer, influence, induce.
б) Подберите антонимы к следующим словам:
poor, widely, shallow, rapid, practice, move, intensity.
Прочитайте следующие слова:
1) ability - способность
2) arable - пахотный
3) content - содержание
4) complexity - сложность
5) decompose - разлагаться
6) detrimental- приносящий убыток
7 ) development- развитие
8) disintegration- расщепление, распад
9) dissolution - растворение
10) dissolve - растворяться
11) fine- мелкий
12) formation - образование
13) induce- вызывать
14) landscape-ландшафт
15) layer- слой
16) leaching - выщелачивание
17) lettuce-салат-латук
18) plough -пахать
19) precipitation -выпадение осадков
20) residue- остаток
21) result - происходить в результате
22) shallow -поверхностный, мелкий
23) spinach -шпинат
24) temperate - умеренный
25) weathering-выветривание
И словосочетания .
Soil formation
Weathering, disintegration of parent rock material, chemical processes, soil-forming processes, plant and animal residues, physical processes, to originate.
Soil properties
Static, to change, time, to influence, chemical, biological, physical, to depend on.
Root development
Crop plants, roots, root development, to grow, shallow root system, soil layers, to utilize water and nutrients.
Unit 2
Soil productivity
Фонетические упражнения
Soil productivity
Soil is the natural resource on which food production depends. Although plants can grow in water culture, almost all crops are grown in soil. Soil provides crops with water and nutrients, physical anchorage for the plants and stability for the roots' chemical and physical environment. Soil also retains nutrients against loss by leaching and provides a habitat for soil organisms which have an essential role in the cycling of carbon and plant nutrients.
Soils differ in their ability to support crops, and some are entirely unsuitable for agriculture. The productivity of poor soils can be changed with fertilizers, irrigation but ultimately water, weather and crop genetics limit productivity. The term “soil productivity” is used to describe a soil's ability to support crop biomass production. Soil productivity is related to climate, topography, and complex interactions involving many factors that contribute to the biological, chemical and physical properties of the soil.
Biological factors can be both beneficial and harmful. Microbial populations decompose organic residues to recycle nutrients. Conversely, soil-borne pathogenic organisms can seriously decrease yields. Physical factors are soil structure, soil volume that can be explored by roots and the water-holding capacity. Chemical factors contributing to soil productivity include nutrients status, soil pH and soil organic matter. The phosphorus and potassium status of a soil is affected by inputs of organic manure and fertilizers. Part of phosphorus, potassium and other major nutrients applied to crops will remain in the soil in plant-available forms, and thus improve soil productivity.
Many of these biological, chemical and physical properties of the soil change comparatively slowly with time.
8. Подберите английские эквиваленты из правого столбика к словам и выражениям из левого столбика:
1. продуктивность почвы a) poor soil
2. химический фактор b) biological factor
3. производство пищи c) change with time
4. природные ресурсы d) natural resources
5. биологический фактор e) soil productivity
6. улучшать продуктивность почвы f) food production
7. изменяться со временем g) physical properties of soils
8. физические свойства почвы h) improve soil productivity
9. структура почвы i) soil structure
10.неплодородная почва j) chemical factor
9. Определите, какие слова из левого столбика могут служить определениями
к слову из правого столбика.
Soil poor, highly, fertile, fast, low
Factor slowly, chemical, harmful, main, quickly, important
Property deep, physical, main, loud, organic
Productivity high, soil, nutrients, pathogenic, biological
Yield low, serious, good, high, badly
Water irrigation, clean, mineral, dirty, well
Structure soil, complex, comparatively, chemical, changeable
Soil productivity
Term, to describe soil’s ability, climate, complex interactions, to change with fertilizers, to contribute, biological, chemical and physical properties of the soil.
Biological factors
Microbial populations, harmful, beneficial, to decompose organic residues, to decrease yields, pathogenic organisms.
Chemical factors
Soil organic matter, to contribute to soil productivity, to include, soil pH, phosphorus, potassium, to remain in the soil, to improve soil productivity, major nutrients.
Unit 3
Plant Nutrient Demand
Фонетические упражнения
1. Прочитайте следующие многосложные слова:
micronutrients, interception, ripening, chlorophyll, beneficial, maturity, senescence,
particularly, constituents, maintenance, pressure, accelerate.
2. Прочитайте названия следующих химических элементов и переведите
их на русский язык:
sulphur, nitrogen, manganese, boron, copper, molybdenum, nickel, zinc, chlorine, iron,
calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium.
3. Образуйте имена существительные от следующих глаголов:
add, receive, accelerate, grow, mature, relocate, originate, divide, vary.
4. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся следующие слова, обращая
внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы :
additional, quickly, vary, growth, higher, interception, pressure, internal, maintenance,
5. Подберите к следующим словам однокоренные:
energy, plant, divide, constant, differ, transfer, benefit.
6.Выберите из следующего списка только имена прилагательные, обращая внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы и суффиксы, с помощью которых образуются степени сравнения прилагательных:
indispensable, uptake, until, warmer, start, function, beneficial, sunlight, rate, the largest, micronutrient, essential, pressure, internal, processes, important, smaller.
Plant Nutrient Demand
All feed for animals and food for humans originates from plants. Fourteen elements
derived from the soil, called plant nutrients, are indispensable for plant growth. There are also additional four or five elements which are beneficial for the proper development of some
plants. Plants form their complex organic matter from carbon dioxide taken from the air, energy received from sunlight, water and inorganic nutrients taken from the soil.
Plants nutrients are divided into three subgroups: 1. macro or primary nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K); 2. major or secondary nutrients: calcium (Ca), magnesium(Mg), sulphur (S); 3. micronutrients, also referred to as trace elements: chlorine (CI), iron (Fe), manganese(Mn), boron (B), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni). Some crops also benefit from other elements, such as sodium (Na) for sugarbeet and some tropical crops, silicon (Si) for maize, grasses and particularly for rice. The primary and secondary nutrients are required in the largest amounts, although there are large variations between crops. They are constituents of many plant components including proteins, nucleic acids and chlorophyll. They are essential (important) for processes such as energy transfer, maintenance of internal pressure and enzyme function. The micronutrients are required in small or trace quantities. Plant growth rate is not uniform. It starts slowly, then accelerates as leaf area increases until the canopy closes, i.e. the soil is shadowed by the crop. Thereafter the crop cannot further increase sunlight interception. The growth remains stable until maturity and senescence. During this period the crop passes through a series of development stages. Nutrient uptake differs between these stages. Cereals have a fast nutrient uptake in the early growth stages when 60-80% of the total need is accumulated. Thereafter the uptake rate stays constant or declines until ripening. Nutrients are relocated during maturation from other plant parts to the grain, seed or tuber. The maximum nutrient uptake rates vary with crop species, climate and soil condition. Crops in warmer climates grow more quickly than crops in temperate regions and have even higher maximum uptake rates of nutrients.
9.Подберите английские эквиваленты из правого столбика к словам и выражениям из левого столбика:
1) микроэлементы a) warm climate
2) тропические культуры b) plant growth
3) увеличивать c) organic matter
4) рост растений d) sugar beet
5) свекла e) accelerate
6) теплый климат f) tropical crops
7) стадии развития g) micronutrients
8) органическое вещество h) development stages
9) ускорять i) increase
1 0. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на значение выделенных слов.
1. These elements are beneficial for the proper development of some plants.
2. Some crops also benefit from other elements such as sodium (Na) for sugar beet and some tropical crops.
3. Crops grow more quickly in warmer climates than crops in temperate regions.
4. Plant growth rate isn’t uniform.
5. Crops grown in warm climate usually give high yields.
6. Nutrients are relocated during maturation from other plant parts to the grain, seed or tuber.
7. The growth remains stable until maturity and senescence.
11. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя следующие слова:
constituents, plants, plant growth, primary nutrients, micronutrients, organic matter,
1. The primary and secondary nutrients are … of many plant components including proteins, nucleic acids and chlorophyll.
2. Food for humans originates from ….
3. Plant nutrients are indispensable for …
4. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are …
5. Plant nutrients are divided into three …
6. Chorine, iron, manganese, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum and nickel are …
7. Plants form their complex … from carbon dioxide taken from the air.
Unit 4
Food Production.
Фонетические упражнения.
1. Прочитайте следующие многосложные прилагательные, обращая внимание на ударение:
productive, popular, arable, sustainable, potential, advisory, agricultural, comparative.
2. Прочитайте следующие наречия, обращая внимание на произношение суффикса - ly:
especially, efficiently, gradually, principally, increasingly, comparatively, annually, traditionally.
3. Прочитайте следующие пары слов и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы:
populate – population, sustain – sustainable, breed – breeding, dense – density, suggest – suggestion, press – pressure, agriculture – agricultural, import – importation, expanse – expansion.
4. Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных:
agriculture, nature, tradition, consumption, increase, industry, period, respect.
Food production
Main task, agricultural sustainability, productive land, breading new crop varieties, diseases, agricultural research.
Unit 5
Фонетические упражнения
1. Прочитайте многосложные слова, обращая внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы:
- ly: repeatedly, generally, normally, comparatively, preferably, likely, biologically;
- tion: classification, mechanization, explanation, condition, convention, transition, integration, option, protection;
- ive: extensive, intensive, attentive, descriptive, comparative, suppressive.
2. Подберите однокоренные слова , выраженные разными частями речи к следующим :
integrate, classification, intense, irrigation, protect, farm, normal.
3. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся следующие слова, обращая внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы:
integration , conventional, management, available, cultivation, considerable, careful.
4. Переведите без словаря следующие слова и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся:
system, history, classify, capital, minimum, practice, recommendation, analysis, prophylactic, individual, mechanical, technology, minimum, organic, specific, control.
Agricultural systems can be classified into broad groupings that facilitate discussions, but the borders between the groups are indistinct. In intensive farming, crop yields are raised through increased inputs of labour and capital in the form of mechanization, use of nutrients, protection against pests, and often also irrigation. The level of N input has been used as a measure of intensity.
Extensive systems are farming practices where purchased inputs are kept at a minimum. The difference between intensive and extensive systems is one of economy rather than principle, the preferred system depending on local conditions.
Traditional farming is farming based on local traditions with little use of advisory services. Farms have a low degree of mechanization and are often less intensive than conventional systems. In conventional systems, farming is run in accordance with general recommendations from local/regional advisory services. Nutrients are applied in accordance with fertilizer plans based on soil analysis (if available), previous field history, farmers' experience, and regional field trials. Crop protection is normally a prophylactic, risk-adverse approach relying on pesticides. Blocks of single crops are often treated uniformly. Conventional systems are often considered intensive, and aim to maximize profits through the use of purchased inputs. They may use inputs in ways that deviate from what is now regarded as best management practices. Organic farming differs from conventional and integrated farming mainly in that it rejects the use of most fertilizers and pesticides.. Mineral fertilizers are not used. The rotation is: clover-grass/clover-grass/wheat/oats/beans/wheat/oats.
9. Подберите русские эквиваленты из правого столбика к словам и выражениям из левого:
1. agricultural system a) традиционное фермерское хозяйство
2. economy b) возделывание
3. traditional farming c) подготовка почвы
4. crop yield d) общие рекомендации
5. low degree of mechanization e) урожай культур
6. cultivation f) экономика
7. general recommendations g) низкая степень механизации
8. farmers h) удобрения
9. fertilizers i) фермеры
10. soil preparation j) с/х система
Unit 6
Фонетические упражнения
1. Прочитайте следующие существительные:
-tion distribution, circulation, condition, direction, production, location,
introduction, germination;
-th growth, length, pith;
-ment requirement, development;
-ance importance, abundance.
2. Прочитайте следующие прилагательные :
-ent different, sufficient, convenient;
-al tropical, critical, botanical, usual, normal, real, essential;
-ous fibrous, various, generous;
3. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных:
sufficient, rapid, comparative, real, normal, slow, easy.
4. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие существительные:
growth, circulation, requirement, production, development, introduction, germination, location, penetration.
Corn is known to belong to the tropical plants. However, it has been found that it is well adapted to the temperate zone where it reaches its best development. The leading countries in the production of corn are the United States, Argentina and Egypt.
Corn is thought to be a native of America. It is said that it was introduced into Europe by Columbus after he had returned from his voyage.
Botanical Characters. Botanically corn is a grass, so it belongs to the same family of plants as timothy and wheat. Its roots are fibrous and spread several feet in the ground in all directions. The stem, like that of all the grasses, is made up of nodes and internodes, varying greatly in length in different varieties. The corn stem is known to have a hard fibrous coat and a soft spongy pith, differing from the hollow stem of most grasses. The height of the plant varies from 5 to 20 feet. The usual height is considered to be from 5 to 10 feet.
Climatic Requirements. Corn requires a generous, well-distributed rainfall, a frost-free growing period of sufficient length and an abundance of warm weather. A good distribution of rainfall is essential during the critical months of July and August. During this period of rapid growth corn is found to require a large amount of water.
A growing season from 80 to 160 days is necessary to mature the various corn varieties. Production of corn in the northern regions has been increased as a result of the development of very early maturing hybrids. Most of the earlier maturing varieties grown in these areas are used for silage.
Soil. Corn is reported to produce a larger total yield than that of the other cereals. It does best in warm, rich, moist, well-drained loam soils. It would also grow, if the lands were light and poor, but it makes really good growth only on deep rich soils. Everybody must know that soil fertility is more important for corn than for growing of many other cultivated plants. Corn land must be sufficiently well drained to allow a free circulation of air. The soil must be compact to retain moisture, yet should be fine and mellow enough so that the roots may easily penetrate it.
Planting. The time of planting varies with the location as well as the condition of the soil. To choose a proper time for planting corn is very important for securing good results. It is useless to
plant corn until the soil becomes warm enough; the farmer cannot expect corn to do well if it is planted in cold wet ground. The most convenient time to start planting corn in the northern parts of the USA is thought to be that of planting potatoes. The depth of planting varies with the condition of the soil. The seed must be planted deep enough to get sufficient moisture for its germination, but it is not necessary to plant it deeper.
Составьте предложения.
1) internodes, made up, corn, the, nodes, of, stem, is, and.
2) fertility, is, soil, important, for, growth, the, plant, of.
3) adapted, corn, the, zone, to, temperate, is, well.
4) amount, corn, water, a, requires, of, large.
5) their, deep, farmers, plant, seeds, must, to get, moisture, enough, sufficient, germination, for.
The origin of corn
Tropical plant, the temperate zone, to introduce, Europe, Christopher Columbus, a native of America, voyage.
Botanical Characters
Stem, nodes and internodes, fibrous roots, to belong to, a hard fibrous coat, hollow, a soft spongy pith, the height of the plant.
The time of plating, important, to choose, the most convenient, the depth of planting, seed, to get sufficient moisture, germination.
Climatic requirements
Well-distributed rainfall, a frost-free growing period, to require, a large amount of water, to mature, various corn varieties.
Unit 7
Cereals. Rice.
Фонетические упражнения
supplement, significant, accumulate, contribute, suppressed, sustain, subhumid, subtropics, periodic, dominate, shallow, input, legumes, supply, wetland, area, fertilizers, account, volcanic.
1)-ed [id]: depleted, deposited, dominated, unbunded, irrigated, transplanted, accumulated,
combinated, provided;
2) -ed [d]: waterlogged, sustained, considered, watered, assured;
3) -ed [t]: suppressed, produced, developed.
to consider, to contribute, to transplant, to dominate, to accumulate, to suppress, to combine.
irrigation, humidity, depth, production, tropics, importance, cultivation.
problem, subtropics, dominate, combination, reserves, season, banana, global, periodic.
About 90% of the world rice production is in the tropical areas of South and South-East Asia. Rice is the only major crop that grows well under waterlogged condition. It is often transplanted but can also be seeded on the surface onto a wet soil. Many rice-growing areas have tropical environments with monsoon rains and long periods of drought. The soils in such environments are rapidly depleted of nutrients. However major rice-growing areas are flood plains and newly deposited volcanic soils, which have considerable reserves of nutrients. There are various rice ecosystems.
Irrigated rice accounts for 53% of the global rice area and contributes 75% of the production. It grows in shallow water in puddle fields with assured irrigation for one or more crops a year. Irrigation water may be used as a supplement to rainfall during the wet season. It may be the main water source in the dry season. Most of the irrigated rice land is sown to fertilizers.
About 24% of the world's total rice land is rainfed lowland, providing 17% of global rice supply. It grows in bunded fields that are flooded for at least part of the cropping season and depend on rain and periodic run-off to supply water. It dominates the subhumid subtropics and large parts of the humid tropics. One rice crop annually is common but in some areas rice is followed by a post rice crop (legumes, wheat, maize, vegetables).
Upland rice is grown in 11% of the global rice area, mostly in Latin America and West America. But it produces only 4% of world production. It is grown at low input levels in unbunded fields where surface water does not accumulate for any significant time during the growing season. Upland rice crops are planted alone or in combination with other crops such as maize, beans, banana. Yields are low and weeds are a major problem, as they are more suppressed under flooded than under dryland condition. Flood-prone rice is grown where the sustained water depth exceeds 50 cm, and also on coastal wetland fields. It provides only 4% of global rice production.
8.Найдите в тексте словосочетания со словами season, condition, tropical. Составьте предложения с этими выражениями.
Составьте предложения.
1) often, is ,rice, transplanted.
2) grows, waterlogged, well, condition, rice, under.
3) irrigated, contributes, rice, 75% of the production.
4) are, various, there, ecosystems, rice.
5) rice-growing, have, areas, many, tropical, with, environments, drought, long, of, periods.
6) provides, only 4 % of, flood-prone rice, global rice production.
7) Tropical environment, soils, are depleted, of, nutrients, in.
Unit 8
Фонетические упражнения
1. Прочитайте следующие многосложные слова:
-ture temperature, texture, moisture;
-ly approximately, mainly, equally, usually, early, widely, nearly.
2. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на правила чтения - ed:
1) ed[d] air-filled, preferred, required, used;
2) ed[t] developed;
3) ed[id] irrigated, cultivated, divided, adapted, planted, distributed.
3. Образуйте существительные от глаголов с помощью суффиксов - tion, - ion, - ment, - th, - age:
to irrigate, to adapt, to develop, to grow, to cultivate, to populate, to classify, to use, to require.
4. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся следующие слова, обращая внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы:
approximately, condition, hardiness, to distribute, warmer, to classify, mainly, arable.
5. Переведите без словаря следующие слова и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся:
normal, region, crackers, marginal, total, protein, tropics, climate, temperature, elastic, calories, classify, products, population, texture.
6. Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных, используя суффиксы - ful, - al:
use, tropics, type, region, condition, colour.
Wheat is the most widely grown cereal grain. It covers 17% of the world's total arable area divided nearly equally between developed and developing countries. It is grown under both irrigated and dryland conditions. Wheat is adapted to temperate climates and thrives best at temperatures of 10-20°C. Growth stops at 30°C and 40°C the plant may die. However, wheat is grown at high altitudes in the tropics, and its cultivation extends into tropical lowlands.
Wheat is the staple food for 35% of the world's population, and provides more calories and protein in the diet than any other crop. The two most common wheat types are bread wheat and durum wheat .Wheat kernels contain gluten. This is type of protein that makes the dough elastic, giving the bread its open, air-filled texture. This makes wheat unique among the cereals. Wheat grown for bread-baking is classified into 3 types: winter, spring and facultative wheats. Winter wheat usually requires a period of low temperature for normal development. It is planted in autumn or winter while spring wheat is planted in the early spring in temperate regions and in winter or autumn in warmer regions. Facultative wheats can be planted in autumn or early spring because of its winter hardiness.
Wheats are also classified as hard and soft types according to the properties of the kernel. Hard types are preferred for bread-making because they are easier to mill to flour and have more gluten than soft wheat, soft wheat is mainly used for crackers, biscuits and pastries, and also as animal feed. Durum wheat is cultivated on approximately 17Hha worldwide (9% of the total wheat area), equally distributed between developed and developing countries. It is grown under hot, dry conditions it is used mainly for pasta products. Yields can be high when moisture and other inputs are not limiting, but most of the land under durum wheat in developing countries is marginal, with low inputs and low yields.
9.Подберите английские эквиваленты из правого столбика к словам и выражениям из левого столбика:
1) хлебный злак а) world’s population
2) население земли b) developed countries
3) умеренный климат c) high yield
4) высокий урожай d) to mill to flour
5) перемалывать в муку e) temperate climate
6) мягкая пшеница f) to plant in the early spring
7) выпечка хлеба g) hard wheat
8) сажать ранней весной h) cereal
9) развитые страны i) to contain gluten
10) содержать клейковину j) developing countries
11) твёрдая пшеница k) bread-baking
12) развивающиеся страны l) soft wheat
10.Составьте словосочетания со следующими причастиями:
grown, developed, used, irrigated, distributed.
Cultivation of wheat
The most widely grown, cereal grain, to adapt to, temperature climate, to thrive best, temperature, may die, high altitude.
The value of wheat
Staple food, world’s population, to provide calories and protein, diet, to contain gluten, air-filled texture of bread, to make the dough elastic, unique among cereals.
Unit 9
Dairy Production
The Nutritional Value of Milk
Фонетические упражнения
1.Прочитайте следующие многосложные слова :
1)-tion: production, proportion, consumption, nutrition, utilization, consideration;
2)-able: valuable, storable, considerable;
3)-ly: highly, approximately, daily, considerably.
2. Распределите следующие слова на 3 группы, обращая внимание на правила чтения - ed:
produced, considered, indicated, manufactured, dried, used, utilized, domesticated, provided, consumed, pasteurized, condensed.
3. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов:
to produce, to differ, to provide, to consume, to consider, to utilize, to domesticate, to pasteurize, to condense, to store, to indicate.
4. Подберите ряд однокоренных слов к следующим существительным и укажите, какими частями речи они являются:
nutrient, drinker, product, consumption, variety, difference, indicator, consideration, utilization.
5. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся следующие слова:
nutritional, domestication, northern, include, storable, country, highly, various, drinker, consume.
6. Переведите без словаря следующие слова и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся:
phosphorus, pasteurization, indicate, commerce, condensation, yogurt, calcium, ascorbic, proportion, nicotinic.
Nutritional value of milk
Man, in common with other mammals, is born a milk drinker, so milk is considered to be highly important for the nutrition and well- being of mammalian infants.
It is interesting that the milk of all species contain the same nutrients, differing only in proportions. Having found milk good food, man domesticated various species of mammals for dairy purposes throughout the world. Cow milk is sure to be the principal type used in the world. Other animals utilized for their milk production include buffalo (in India, China, Egypt and the Philippines), goats (in the Mediterranean countries), reindeer (in northern Europe) and sheep (in southern Europe).
Cow milk has been used by man from the earliest times to provide both fresh and storable nutritious foods. The nutritional value of milk is indicated by the fact that daily consumption of a quart (0.95 litre) of cow’s milk supplies an average man with approximately all the fat, calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin, one-half the protein, one-third of the vitamin A, ascorbic acid, thiamine, one-fourth the calories. Considerable amounts of nicotinic acid and choline are also provided.
Goat milk has about the same nutrient composition as cow milk, but it differs in several characteristics. Goat milk is completely white in colour because all the beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A. Goat milk curd forms into small, light flakes and is more easily digested, much like the curd formed from human milk. It is often prescribed for persons who are allergic to the proteins in cow milk.
Sheep milk is rich in nutrients, having 18 percent total solids (5.8 percent protein and 6.5 percent fat). Reindeer milk has the highest level of nutrients, with 36.7 percent total solids (10.3 percent protein and 22 percent fat). These high-fat, high-protein milks are excellent ingredients for cheese and other manufactured dairy products.
Nowadays in some countries almost half the milk produced is consumed as fresh pasteurized whole, low-fat, or skin milk. However, most milk is manufactured into more stable dairy products dried milks, ice cream, yogurt, condensed and dried milk.
Выберите нужное причастие .
1. People obtain dairy products from different (domesticating/ domesticated) species of mammals (living/lived) in their region.
2. (Applied/Applying) the same technological principles one can successfully process milk (obtained/obtaining) from cows, goats, sheep and other animals.
3. It is interesting that (consumed/consuming) one liter of cow's milk an average man can satisfy his need in all essential nutrients.
4. (Pasteurizing/Pasteurized) cow milk as sheep or goat milk is (processing/processed) into cheese.
5. Proteins( contained/containing) in mammals' milk are the main substances (influenced/influencing) the growth of young animal.
6. The amount of vitamins A and D (requiring/required) varies in different countries.
7. The fat (carrying/carried) most of vitamins A are (stabilizing/stabilized) by phospholipids in milk.
8. The calcium phosphorus ratio (finding/found) in milk is (considering/considered) to be the most favorable.
9. Milk is rich in all the minerals (needing/needed) for normal body functioning.
10. Milk (containing/contained) as little as 12 percent total solids (referring/referred) to drinks rather than food.
Domestication of mammals
Dairy purposes, a milk drinker, various species of mammals, throughout the world, milk production, buffalo, sheep, reindeer, goats, utilized, to include, to domesticate.
Dairy products
Condensed and dried milk, to consume, to manufacture, dairy products of worldwide commerce, butter, cheese, ice cream.
The value of cow milk
Daily consumption, to be used by man, to provide both fresh and storable nutritious foods, the nutritional value of milk, to supply an average man with.
Unit 10
Dairy Products
The Composition of milk
Фонетические упражнения
1. Прочитайте существительные, обращая внимание на произношение - tion, - age, - y:
1) quantity, quality, efficiency, technology;
2) lactation, nutrition, composition, digestion, contribution;
3) percentage.
2. Прочитайте следующие прилагательные, обращая внимание на произношение суффиксов:
1)-al: individual, essential, chemical;
2)-ant: important;
3)-ent: equivalent, insufficient;
4)-able: valuable, appreciable;
5)-ous: numerous, various.
3. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие существительные:
digestion, contribution, identification, conversion, prescription, composition, constitution.
4. Распределите следующие слова по группам: существительные, прилагательные, наречия, глаголы:
contain, primarily, growth, white, condition, utilize, the greatest, individual, slightly, allergic, quality, disease, relatively, excellent, conversion, achieve, compare, nutrient, prescription, completely.
5. Переведите следующие интернациональные слова без словаря и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся:
chemical, ingredient, form, composition, component, identify, characteristics, method, constitution, genetic, allergic, person.
Числа 25 twenty-five
247 two hundred and forty-seven
3200 three thousand two hundred
2045328 two million forty-five thousand three hundred and twenty eight
Дроби ½ kg-half a kilogram(me)
⅓ ton-one third a ton
0.5 litre-point five litre
36.7 percent protein-thirty six point seven percent protein
6.1. Назовите по -английски :
135; 1575; 946; 7565700; ¼; 5.7; 18.95; 3052; 3 5/6; 2/3; 1.5; 5 4/6.
6.2. Переведите на английский язык:
3.5 литра, 73 км, 58 тысяч рублей,705 студентов,30 миллионов людей,207 машин, 400 слов, 53.8 процента содержания протеина, 6.5 процентов жирности, 250 химических соединений, ¾ пути, 6 ½ метров, 75 2/3 граммов.
Number Bingo
Look at the numbers given below. Write down any five of the numbers. Listen to the teacher calling out the numbers in random order.[12] If you hear one of your numbers, cross it out. The first student calls out «Bingo» and reads out the numbers to prove his claim: 3; 11; 7; 17; 19; 90; 87; 73; 12; 41; 70; 100; 1000; 99; 77; 20; 21; 107; 1194; 9.9; 2/5; 5.5; 50; 15; 5; 0.5; 2/3; 23; 3/8; 38; 88; 1.356; 2.785; 10; 4/8; 30; 480; 1.007; 1021; 112; 33; 13; 48; 84; 0.005.
7. Прочитайте следующие слова и выражения:
1. affect - влиять
2. amino acid -аминокислота
3. beta-carotene-бета-каротин
4. breed -порода
5. carbohydrates-углеводы
6. chemical compound-химическое соединение
7. compare-сравнивать
8. composition- состав
9. contribute (to)-способствовать чему-либо
10. convert-превращаться
11. curd-свернувшееся молоко
12. digest- переваривать, усваивать
13. disease-болезнь
14. efficiency - эффективность
15. flakes - хлопья
16. increase- увеличиваться
17. influence- влиять
18. ingredient- ингредиент
19. insufficient-недостаточный
20. lactation -лактация
21. lettuce-салат
22. liquid-жидкость, жидкий
23. micronutrient-микроэлемент
24. milking -доение
25. percentage- процентное содержание
26. prescribe (for)- прописывать
27. quality- качество
28. regard -рассматривать
29. solid-твёрдый
30. sustain-поддерживать
8. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык текст, обращая внимание на слова и выражения из упражнения № 7:
The composition of milk
Although milk is a liquid and most often considered a drink, it contains between 12 and 13 percent total solids and perhaps should be regarded as a food. In contrast, many "solid" foods, such as tomatoes, carrots, and lettuce, contain as little as 6 percent solids.
Many factors influence the composition of milk, including breed, genetic constitution of the individual cow, age of the cow, stage of lactation, interval between milkings, and certain disease conditions. In general, the type of feed only slightly affects the composition of milk, but feed of poor quality or insufficient quantity causes both a low yield and a low percentage of total solids. Current feeding programs utilize computer technology to achieve the greatest efficiency from each animal.
The composition of milk varies among mammals, primarily to meet growth rates of the individual species. The proteins contained within the mother's milk are the major components contributing to the growth rate of the young animals. Human milk is relatively low in both proteins and minerals compared with that of cows and goats.
The major components of milk are water, fat, protein, carbohydrate (lactose), and minerals (ash). However, there are numerous other highly important micronutrients such as vitamins, essential amino acids, and trace minerals. Indeed more than 250 chemical compounds have been identified in milk.
Milk contains a number of different types of proteins, depending on what is required for sustaining the young of the particular species. These proteins increase the nutritional value of milk and other dairy products and provide certain characteristics utilized for many of the processing methods. The protein in about a litre of milk is approximately equivalent to that in 140 grams of meat or fish, 5 large eggs, about 100 grams of American or Cheddar cheese, or 16 slices of bread. It is important that due to its amino acid composition, milk provides man with high-quality protein, that is protein containing all of the essential amino acids and in appreciable amounts.
9. Выпишите из текста эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
коровье молоко, твёрдая пища, состав молока, главные компоненты, многочисленные микроэлементы, низкое процентное содержание, молочные продукты, питательная ценность молока, протеин высокого качества.
10. Определите, какие слова из правого столбика могут служить определениями к слову из левого столбика:
quality high, poor, low, well, insufficient
value nutritional, approximately, important, highly
micronutrients essential, different, slightly, numerous, important
Composition of milk
Major components, important, micronutrients, vitamins, protein, carbohydrate, to identify in milk, 250 chemical compounds, fat, to contain.
Nutritional value of milk
Proteins, to provide characteristics, to be utilized for, to be equivalent to, provide man with high-quality protein.
Goat milk
Beta-carotene, to be completely white in colour , to be converted to, to be easily digested, to prescribe for, to be allergic to.
Sheep and reindeer milks
Rich in nutrients, to have 18 percent total solids, to have the highest level of nutrients, high-fat, high-protein milks, excellent, dairy products, cheese, ingredients.
19. Прочитайте и переведите рецепт салата с йогуртом.
Quick Curried Shrimp Salad
Total: 30 min
4 servings
¾ cup plain nonfat yogurt
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
4 scallions, thinly sliced
1 small garlic clove, finely chopped
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 pound cleaned cooked shrimp, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 cucumber-peeled, halved, seeded and thinly sliced
Salt and freshly ground pepper
¼ cup roasted and salted shelled sunflower seeds
1. Scoop the yogurt into a paper towel-lined colander set over a bowl. Let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. You should end up with ½ cup yogurt.
2. Heat the olive oil in a small skillet. Add the scallions and garlic and cook over high heat, stirring, until softened, 1 to 2 minutes. Add the curry powder and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Scrape into a medium bowl and let cool slightly. Stir in the shrimp, cucumber and drained yogurt, and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle the sunflower seeds over the salad and serve.
One serving 252 cal, 13 gm rat, 1.8 gm saturated fat, 7 gm carb, 2 gm fiber.
Make ahead. The shrimp salad can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 6 hours. Sprinkle the sunflower seeds over the salad just before serving. Serve with whole wheat pita.
[1] indigenous-местный, коренной
[2] slash- вырубка
[3] cytochrome- a protein belonging to a group that contains iron and plays a role in cell respiration
[4] ferredoxin- an iron-containing protein found in plants that is active in photosynthesis
[5] auxin- a natural plant hormone or synthetic substance that affects the growth and development of all plant parts
[6]osmoregulation- control of the concentration of dissolved substances in the cells and body fluids of an animal
[7] urease- an enzyme in some bacteria and seeds that breaks down urea to produce carbon dioxide and ammonia
[8] N-nitrogen азот
[9] to fetch достигать
[10]to lodge полечь от ветра
[11] sulphur deficiency недостаток серы
[12] random order-наугад
Государственное федеральное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
по английскому языку
Краснодар 2010
Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов второго курса агротехнологического факультета. Пособие соответствует требованиям программы по английскому языку агротехнологического факультета.
Целью пособия является развитие умения читать специальную литературу, извлекать из нее информацию и формирование умения беседовать на профессиональные темы. Система упражнений направлена на совершенствование навыков разговорной речи, развитие умения поддержать беседу на профессиональные темы и на расширение терминологического словаря. В пособии предусмотрен словарь-минимум в каждом уроке, уделяется внимание повторению грамматических явлений, владение которыми необходимо для беседы на профессиональные темы. Курс состоит из 10 уроков. Материал отобран из оригинальной и переводной литературы. Каждый урок начинается с фонетических упражнений, упражнений на словообразование и лексических упражнений. Задания различной направленности помогают проконтролировать степень усвоения урока. Заключительные упражнения урока включают составление рассказов по темам уроков и описание картинок, которые непосредственно связаны с материалом урока.
Методическое пособие подготовлено преподавателем кафедры иностранных языков Дитятевой Н.В.
Unit 1
Soil Formation and Development
Фонетические упражнения
1. Прочитайте следующие многосложные слова, обращая внимание на суффиксы:
a)- tion: disintegration, dissolution, precipitation, cultivation, utilization, formation,
decomposition, variation, modification, action;
b)- al: mineral, regional, nutritional, detrimental, textural, formal, geological, tropical,
subtropical, original;
c)- ment: movement, involvement, improvement, treatment;
d)- ure,- ture: temperature, texture, culture, structure, agriculture, horticulture;
e)- ity (-ety,-iety): ability, variety, originality, activity, fertility, intensity.
2. Прочитайте следующие многосложные слова, обращая внимание на ударение:
originate, interplay, residue, aluminium, precipitate, encounter, weathering, widely.
3. Напишите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие существительные:
difference, development, disintegration, utilization, formation, cultivation, action.
4. Переведите без словаря следующие слова и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся:
chemical, temperature, material, process, aluminium, Europe, system, activity ,management.
5. Переведите следующие пары слов, обращая внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы:
colour – colourful, use – useful, useful – usefulness, develop – development, differ – difference, structure – structureless, colour – colourless, fine – fineness.
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 1124.