Read, translate, memorize and dramatize the dialogue
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой




Good afternoon.

Good afternoon, madam.

I'm interested in the holiday in Saint Cuthbert.

Ah, yes... the Caribbean! I can recommend it highly.

Can you tell me a little more about it?

Of course, madam. It's an excellent package holiday. You'll

travel on a scheduled flight. You'll be met at the airport and

taken to your hotel. You won't have to pay airport taxes.

They are included in the price. The hotel is very near the

beach, and it's got a swimming pool and a disco. It's a very

modern hotel, it was built last year. The restaurant's superb,

and drinks are very cheap. Oh, and you can walk to the sea

in two minutes.

Hmm... It sounds good. I'd like to make a reservation. One moment, madam and I'll get you a booking form. Marion paid a deposit and booked the holiday. Two months later she was in Saint Cuthbert. But she was disappointed. When she returned to England, she went to see the travel agent.

Ah! It's Mrs. Ward. Did you have a good holiday? No, I certainly did not have a good holiday. Oh, I'm very sorry to hear that. What was wrong? Well, when I arrived in Saint Cuthbert, I had to spend four hours at the airport — you said that we would be met, and we weren't. You also said we would be taken to the hotel. We weren't and the taxi cost about £12. You told me that airport taxes were included. In fact I had to pay £10. Oh, dear... you had a very bad start. But the hotel was nice, wasn't it?


Travel Agent:





Marion: Agent:

Agent: Marion: Agent: Marion:

Agent: Marion:

No, it was not! You said it was very modern. You were quite right. They hadn't finished building it! We couldn't sleep

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

because the workmen were working all night on our bal­cony! You said it had got a swimming pool. It had... but it was empty. And the restaurant... the restaurant served fish every night. Oh, dear...

You said that the hotel was near the beach, and that we could walk to the sea in two minutes. Couldn't you?

Well, yes... we could... but there was an oil refinery between the hotel and the beach, and it took half an hour to walk round it.



Role play.

Student A

L You are a customer. You want to go on a sightseeing tour around... (choose any country or city). Ask your travel agent about all the details of the tour he/she can of­fer you.

Oh, I'm really terribly sorry. We really didn't know... I'm afraid we're unable to give you a refund, but we can give you a ten per cent discount on next year's holiday... Next year! Next year I'm staying in England!

Student В


Agent: Marion:

Agent: Marion:

1. You are a travel agent. Your cli­ent wants to go on a sightseeing tour around ... (he/she has cho­sen the country or city). Answer your client's questions about all the details of the tour you can of­fer him/her.



2. You are a customer: You have just returned from a sightseeing tour your travel agent offered you. You are completely satisfied with the service and the tour program, so you want to have a similar tour again, but to a different place. Describe your experience to your agent. Discuss the possibilities of future travels.

J. You are a customer. You have just returned from a sightseeing tour your travel agent offered you. You

2. You are a travel agent. Your cli­ent has just returnedfrom a sight­ seeing tour you offered him/her He/she is completely satisfied with the service and the tour pro­gram, so he/she wants to have a similar tour again, but to a differ­ent place. Ask questions about his/her experience. Discuss the possibilities of future travels.

3. You are a travel agent. Your cli­ent has just returned from a sight­seeing tour you offered him/her.

are completely dissatisfied with the service and the tour program, so you want your money back or any kind of compensation the agent can offer you. Describe your experience to your travel agent. Discuss the possibilities of monetary compensation or dis­counts for the future travels.


Unit 4. Sightseeing

He/she is completely dissatisfied with the service and the tour pro­ gram, so he/she wants to have his/her money back or any com­pensation you can offer him/her. Ask questions about his/her expe­rience. Reject the money back op­tion politely, give your reasons. Discuss the possibilities of dis­counts for future travels.



Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 456.