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PISA, ITALY - Home of the Famous Leaning Tower of Pisa

Pisa is situated on the banks of the river Arno, in the North-West Tuscany region of Italy — about 80 km from Florence and 10 km from the sea. Pisa is one of Italy's most popular tourist centres. This town is closely associated with the well-known Leaning Tower.


Pisa was never much more than a modest fishing village before the growth of the Roman Republic. With the Portus Pisanus — the Pisan port — serving as a vital naval base for the Romans during the Gallic wars, as well as during other colonizing ventures across the Spanish coast, the city grew in importance and strength as an official ally of Rome. By the time of the Empire, begun under Caesar Augustus in the 1st century A.D., the city was a thriving colonia, renowned for its skilled tradesmen and shipbuilders.


Unfortunately, the 13th century would go on to see the city's power decline dramatically; this occurred because of continued internal fight­ing among the Italian city-states — most particularly the damaging wars against the Guelph cities of Tuscany, led by Florence. In the 16th centu­ry A.D., however, during the reign of the Medici, the city regained some peace and prestige as it flowered in a cultural renaissance. Galileo Ga­lilei, the great astronomer, was born in Pisa in 1564 and attended the city's university for some years. Throughout the following century, the univer-

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sity grew in strength and importance, various civil offices were institut­ed, and many important public works were constructed, including the Aqueduct of Asciano (1601) and the Canal of Navicelli (1603.)

Medici rule over Pisa ended when the Lorraine Government, by means of the Treaty of Vienna, secured sovereignty for the city under the Granduchy of Tuscany in 1738 A.D. Pisa would eventually become offi­cially incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy by approximately 1860.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

The famous "leaning" tower of Pisa was begun in 1173, as inscribed on a plaque carved at the entrance of this most unusual structure. Situ­ated in the Piazza dei Miracolo, it stands alongside the accompanying Cathedral, Bapistry and Monumental Cemetery.

The building of the tower began straight off with some constructive discrepancies, most particularly the unsatisfactory depth of the founda­tions, which go down just three metres into dry stony earth. Work on the tower was halted after the construction of only three floors due to these foundational problems, which were already causing the tower to lean. Throughout the tower's history, construction continued to be halted pe­riodically, primarily due to political disruptions and wars with the city of Florence, among others. In 1275, over a century after it was first begun, three more floors were added to the tower. Another six were built in 1284.

Although the final lean cumulated at 14 feet out of line, the long de­lays during the tower's construction actually facilitated its stabilization, as it was able to settle more firmly into the ground gradually with each era of construction. And the tower remains standing today, its unusual lean making it one of the most famous of Italy's many architectural won­ders.

— Admission to the tower costs approximately 15 euros (extra for additional attractions).

— One hour train ride from Florence.

— The climb is not too strenuous and rewards the hiker with a beau­tiful view of the city!

(It is recommended to get to the Tower early, and visit it first before moving on to other buildings in the Piazza).

Other Attractions


Although Pisa is best known for the world famous Leaning Tower, it is not the only thing worth seeing here. Other architectural and artistic marvels of this beautiful city include:

Unit 4. Sightseeing

Piazza del Duomo — the square is known as the Campo dei Mira- coli — the Field of Miracles. The famous tower and the imposing cathe­dral are located here.

Duomo di Pisa — the city's splendid Cathedral contains artwork by Giambolna, Dela Robbia, and other famous Italian painters.

Baptistry — a circular building with a large round Romanesque dome located near the cathedral and leaning tower, with excellent acoustics. It houses sculptured decorations and provides a fine view of the city at the top.

Campo Santo — a very large cemetery building with a collection of ancient Roman sculptures and pre-Renaissance paintings by the "Mas­ter of the Triumph of Death".

Airport Connections

Pisa International Airport (Galileo Galilei) has domestic and inter­national air links with several European cities including direct air links with Rome, Milan, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Brussels, London Gatwick, Madrid, Frankfurt Hahn, Munich and Paris Charles De Gaulle.


1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if necessary.


Leaning, vital, naval, venture, empire, shipbuilder, occurred, renais­sance, civil, unfortunately, fighting, however, reign, peace, prestige, re­naissance, throughout, aqueduct, to secure, sovereignty, plaque, straight, constructive, earth, to cause, to halt, disruption, each, architectural, climb, wonder, admission, strenuous, reward, worth seeing, square, an­cient.


2. Compare and mind the difference:


center meter colony

centre metre colonia

civilisation colour

civilization color



3. Answer the questions:

1. Where is Pisa situated?

2. What is Pisa associated with?

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

3. What was Pisa before the growth of Roman Republic?

4. What meaning had the Pisan port for Romans?

5. When and why did the city grow in strength and importance?

6. What was Pisa in the time of the Empire?

7. What happened to Pisa in the 13th century and why?

8. What was going on in the city during the reign of Medici?

9. Who is Galileo Galilei?

10. Why is Pisa associated with the name of Galileo Galilei?

11. What important things happened in Pisa throughout the 17th century?

12. When and how did Pisa become incorporated in the kingdom of Italy?

13. When was the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa begun?

14. How did you know that?

15. Where is the Leaning Tower situated?

16. Why did the tower begin to lean?

17. Why were the works on the tower halted? For how long?

18. How many floors were built in the tower?

19. How big is the final lean of the tower?

20. What helped the tower to settle firmly into the ground?

21. How much is the admission fee to the tower?

22. What will the visitor see from the top of the tower?

23. What are other attractions of the city of Pisa? What are they fa­mous for?

24. What airport connections does the city have?

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 428.