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Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


The annual Big Blue Winter Adventure Race is set to take place at Northstar-at-Tahoe in January, offering the same great excitement and thrills as its summer season counterpart (the Big Blue Summer Adven­ture Race) in a winter wonderland environment.

Get out the skis and snowshoes and start building your endurance if you're up to this grand winter adventure in one of America's premier winter playgrounds.

The race agenda calls for plenty of backcountry skiing. The resort has announced plans to open large areas of new backcountry skiing to facil­itate this new winter adventure sport.


The Big Blue Winter Adventure Races are multi-sport events in which teams participate and compete in Backcountry activities including; Free

Unit 3. Adventure Tourism

Heel skiing or Randonee, Snowshoeing, Transceiver location, Orienteer­ing and Map & Compass skills. Designed such that participating teams will complete the race with times ranging from 4 to 7 hours, the events will challenge the seasoned adventure racer and provide those new to adventure racing an opportunity to participate.

In the race, teams will be required to race through various terrain and check-in at several points throughout the course. The order in which the teams chose to complete the check-points is one of the key factors in determining their success.

The event marks the continued growth of adventure sporting, a new genre of outdoor challenge that has been gaining popularity in recent years, especially among extreme adventure sport enthusiasts.

Adventure racing is not only a physical sport, but requires mental planning and strategizing. Topographical maps, compass work and nav­igational skills play an important part in a team's overall success.

With many elements reminiscent of European autorace rallies, ad­venture racing can require teams to play smart as well as be able to solve navigational and strategy challenges while participating in the race. Mak­ing the right decision at one turn or another can make the difference between success and failure.

The events start and finish at the same location. At the sound of the starting gun competitors will race over a variety of terrain on snowshoes, backcountry skies, orienteer and navigate, and demonstrate rescue & safety technique in a simulated avalanche. The gear you choose for each stage of the course is up to you.

Participants can race in teams of two. The teams may be co-ed or same sex. The entry fee is $180. The cash purse will be dispersed among the top placing teams.

Lodging at Northstar is available at special race rates. You can stay at one of Northstar-at-Tahoe's area condos or village rooms for as little as $83 a night. Packages start as low as $83 per person, per day, based on double occupancy in a studio condo. Other rates and unit types are avail­able.


We welcome you to our annual Big Blue Winter Adventure Race!

276               Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса


1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if


Rival, excitement, adventure, counterpart, wonderland, snowshoes, endurance, skiing, seasoned, required, throughout, key, reminiscent, autorace, decision, failure, variety, rescue, technique, avalanche, gear, dispersed, lodging, double, occupancy.

2. Answer the questions.

1. What does Big Blue Winter Adventure Race offer?

2. What do you need for this winter adventure?

3. Where will Big Blue Winter Adventure Race take place?

4. What is on the agenda of the race?

5. What events are included into the Race?

6. How much time does it take to complete the race?

7. Is the race oriented on a seasoned racer or a beginner?

8. Why is the event popular?

9. What is adventure racing?

10. What does adventure race require?

11. What skills do you need for the race?

12. What is the plan or activities at the event?

13. What kinds of teams participate in the race?

14. What is the entry fee?

15. What does the winner get?

16. What are the special offers for the participants of the race?

3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 386.