Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the



Closely associated with, Leaning Tower, the growth of the Roman Republic, a vital naval base, colonizing ventures, city grew in importance, a thriving colonia, renowned for, skilled tradesmen and shipbuilders, power decline dramatically, continued internal fighting, city regained some peace and prestige, it flowered in a cultural renaissance, attended the city's university, important public works, Medici rule over Pisa, by means of, the Treaty of Vienna, secured sovereignty for the city, official­ly incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy, as inscribed on a plaque carved at the entrance, the building of the tower began straight off, with some constructive discrepancies, dry stony earth, work on the tower was halt­ed, due to political disruptions, three more floors were added to the tower, final lean, cumulated at 14 feet out of line, facilitated its stabilization, to settle more firmly into the ground, remains standing, its unusual lean,

Unit 4. Sightseeing

one hour train ride, the climb is not too strenuous, architectural and ar­tistic marvels, imposing cathedral, splendid Cathedral, a large round Romanesque dome, it houses sculptured decorations, provides a fine view of the city at the top, pre-Renaissance paintings, domestic and interna­tional air links, direct air links.

5. Give English equivalents to the following words and word


На берегах реки Арно; на расстоянии примерно 80 км от...; ту­ристские центры; скромная рыбацкая деревушка; побережье Ис­пании; официальный союзник Рима; в первом веке нашей эры; к сожалению; это случилось, потому что; города-государства; разру­шительная война против...; однако; во времена правления Меди­чи; великий астроном; в течение всего следующего века; универ­ситет был усилен и укрепил свою важность; были учреждены различные гражданские институты; в конце концов стал; прибли­зительно; необычная постройка; находится рядом с..; особенно; не­достаточная глубина фундамента; уходил вниз на глубину всего трех метров; после возведения трех этажей; благодаря...; стало при­чиной наклона башни; на протяжении всей истории башни; стро­ительство; периодически; приостанавливать; в первую очередь; более века спустя; долгие задержки; в действительности; постепен­но; чудо архитектуры; вход; рекомендуется; посетить сначала...; единственное, что...; стоит посмотреть; Поле Чудес; круглое зда­ние; с отличной акустикой; большое кладбище; древние римские скульптуры; международный аэропорт Пизы; несколько европей­ских городов.


6. Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the

tourist wars
closely ventures
leaning fishing village
modest centres
roman associated
naval coast
Gallic ally
colonizing colonia
Spanish in strength
grew base
official fighting



Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

a thriving tradesmen
skilled dramatically
decline particularly
internal republic
most tower * * *
damaging *r *r discrepancies
cultural renaissance
the great wars
attended alongside
following structure
grew the city's university
civil astronomer
Medici rule
secured incorporated
officially offices
unusual in importance
stands century
constructive sovereignty
depth lean
dry stony earth
final of the foundations sle Ф Уе
foundational T T V ride
throughout seeing
halt problems
political the history
long lean
facilitate periodically
settle to the tower
remains stabilization
unusual climb
architectural wonders
admission standing
train delays
worth disruptions
strenuous more firmly дк зк jk
artistic T T* T cathedral

Unit 4. Sightseeing

beautiful city
the field building
famous tower
imposing cemetery
circular Romanesque dome
round decorations
excellent acoustics
sculptured view
fine of miracles
large paintings
ancient Roman marvels
pre-renaissance sculptures
international links
direct airport


7. Match the synonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.

well-known                            approximately

bank                                           solid

rich                                      thriving

popular                                       church

occur                                          coast

firm                                       famous

square                                        piazza

splendid                                    construct

build                                       marvel

about                                              go on

cathedral                                  marvelous

halt                                   renowned

excellent                                       happen

continue                                magnificent

wonder                                stop

imposing                                       perfect

8. Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.

growth                                 exit

war                                       against

ally                                     external

internal                                  up


entrance                                        enemy

292               Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

for                                              final

down                                             peace

A.D.                                  international

first                                             begin

end                                              B.C.

domestic                                          decline

9. Form antonyms using negative prefixes un-, in-, il-f im-, ir-t dis mis-, поп-. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

Skilled, official, usual, fortunately, popular, particular, direct, satis­factory.

10. What is the meaning of these abbreviations: A.D, B.C.

11. Find these numbers in the text. Comment upon the numbers. Translate the sentences with these numbers.

10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 80, 1564, 1601, 1603, 1738, 1860, 1173, 1275, 1284.

12. Retell the text.

13. Choose the right word from the last below. Mind the forms of the words.


Much of Monterey's early__________________________________________ can be

gleaned from the well-preserved adobe buildings of Monterey State His­toric _________________ . The park's facilities are an integral

______________________ of the day-to-day business life.

This is one of this beautiful city's many_________________________ .

You can tour numerous historic period___________________________ that

date back to the 1800s as well as early adobe buildings. Each house is

fully restored to its original condition and is______________________ with

authentic antiques to match. There are also______________________________________________

gardens you can tour (from May through September every Tuesday at 1

p.m.). The historic homes are open for tours_________________________ .

Come experience a piece of_________________________ and European co­lonial history. Admission to the park is free; walking tours are___________________________

Unit 4. Sightseeing

___ on the hour starting at 11 a.m. and are USDS

(__ only).

__________________ Hours: 10 am — 5 pm daily

Sculpture, cash, part, park, open, home, regional, history, to conduct, to decorate, attraction, daily.

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 469.