This report looks ... developments ... the youth travel and backpacking market/Backpackers are defined ... travellers who prefer budget accommodation, enjoy meeting other travellers, have an organised and flexible schedule, experience long holidays, and emphasise informal participatory activities.
... shifting lifestyles and demographics, the phenomenon ... backpacking is constantly changing. Free independent travellers are often utilised to describe young tourists,... addition ... active travellers who desire adventurous challenges.
Increasing enthusiasm ... global travel and international education has fuelled the growth ... youth travel ... the world. Due ... rapid changes, the backpacker industry has experienced ... favourable expansion. Factors such ... Internet usage, global mobility and travel packages will impact the participation ... tourists who backpack ... foreign travel.
The research reveals insights ... current trends and distinctions ... tourists, travellers, and backpackers ... surveyed respondents. The backpacking industry is expected to grow ... the heightened appeal... tourism.
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Of as, to, for, at, in, into, within, with, around, during, between, among.
1. Adventure tourism involves exploration.
2. Adventure tourism is losing popularity.
3. Adventure tourism is different from the typical beach vacation.
4. Adventure tourism doesn't involve any risk.
5. The Lechuguilla Cave is an unexplored cavern.
6. The Lechuguilla Cave was known since 1986.
7. In the end of the 20th century scientists discovered more passages in the cave.
8. The cave is a mere geologic anomaly.
9. The Lechuguilla Cave is the longest cave in the world.
10. The Lechuguilla Cave draws cavers and geologists from all over the world.
11. The Lechuguilla Cave has unexplored and rare speleothems.
12. Access to the cave is unlimited.
13. Adventure activists can settle for backcountry hiking and camping near the cave.
14. The Lechuguilla Cave is a very important historic site.
14. Discuss:
1. Adventure tourism is gaining popularity.
2. Adventure tourism involves different activities.
3. Why the cave is closed to all but scientific researchers.
4. What the scientists discovered in the Lechuguilla Cave.
5. The Lechuguilla Cave is a very important historic site.
6. Why the speleothems of the cave attract scientists.
7. Why the researchers theorize that cave's passages may be longer that they know now.
8. Why the access to the cave is limited.
15. Speak about... your last visit to a cave.
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Unit 3. Adventure Tourism 13. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons. |
For disagreement use: I don 't really agree. I don't think so. I think you are mistaken here. As far as I know that's not right. |
For agreement use: I entirely agree. I think it is so. Fm with you here. As far as I know itfs true. |
16. Explain why the Lechuguilla Cave draws attention of the scientists.
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Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса
Divide into two groups. One group is for cave adventures. The other group is against them. Discuss pros and cons of cave
weather forecast — прогноз погоды mist - легкий туман fog — сильный туман
scattered showers — местами кратковременные дожди
bright — ясно, солнечно
coastal area — прибрежный район
cloudy — облачно
overcast — сильно облачно, небо затянуто облаками
to spread — распространяться
to reach — достигать
outlook — перспектива
to predict — предсказывать
To expect — ожидать
to dip — падать, опускать(ся)
freezing point — точка замерзания
cold front — холодный фронт
storm — гроза, буря, снегопад, шторм (только на море)
clear sky — чистое небо
current — текущий, действующий, нынешний
Centigrade — по Цельсию
fahrenheit — по Фаренгейту
to wind up — заканчивать, закругляться
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 459.