Exam (questions, tests, tasks, etc.)
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Lesson№ 17.

1. Topic: System HLA, structure, functions of loci. Fundamentals of transplantation immunity The role of cellular and humoral mechanisms in antitumor immunity. Immunogenetic aspects of carcinogenesis.

2. Aim: Formulate knowledge of the HLA system and the principles of transplantation immunity. Form knowledge about the characteristics of the immune response against tumors and modern methods of cancer immunotherapy.


Ø To give students an overview of the structure of the HLA complex and the functions of its loci, as well as the main methods for typing the HLA antigens.

Ø Give an idea of ​​the causes and mechanisms of transplant rejection and the occurrence of GVHD.

Ø Develop knowledge of legal regulation in transplantology. Consider the modern idea of ​​the characteristics of antitumor immunity.

Ø To study the characteristics of tumor antigens.

Ø Consider the role of cellular and humoral mechanisms of antitumor protection.

Ø To study modern methods of immunotherapy and immunodiagnosis of cancer.

Ø Introduce new concepts: tumor antigen, malignant transformation, carcinogenic action, oncovirus, oncomarker

Ø Form a written record of your own opinion about the problem in the form of an essay

Main questions of the topic:

1. The main complex of histocompatibility (HLA system). Genes and antigens of histocompatibility, their role in the immune response. Transplantation antigens.

2. Polymorphism and distribution of HLA system genes in the population.

3. Connection of HLA antigens with individual predisposition of a person to specific types of pathology.

4. Different types of grafts.

5. Mechanisms of rejection of transplants.

6. Methods of typing antigens of histocompatibility, the principles of the formulation of reactions.

7. Selection of donor and recipient for transplantation. Transplantation in the clinic.

8. The role of immunological monitoring in the appointment of immunosuppressive therapy after transplantation.

9. The "graft versus host" reaction, its prevention.

10. Modern view on the etiology of malignant tumors, oncogenes, genes of tumor suppression.

11. Antigenic composition of tumor cells: antigenic complication and simplification.

12. The role of the B-system in antitumor immunity. Blocking factors of blood serum of cancer patients.

13. Cellular mechanisms of antitumor immunity. The role of T cells, macrophages, natural killers and K-cells in antitumor immunity, the mechanism of their work.

14. The role of cytokines in antitumor immunity (IL-1, IL-2, IL-12, IL-10, IFN-α, IFN-γ, TNF-α, β).

15. Modern methods of immunodiagnostics and immunotherapy of tumors.

5. Methods of learning and teaching: discussion, Tests

6. Literature:


1. Galaktionov V.T. Immunology. - M. - Ed. "RIC MDK". - 2000. -487

2. Vorobiev A.A. "Microbiology, Immunology" Moscow: MIA, 2002

3. Medical microbiology, virology and immunology. Ed. Vorobyeva A.A. - Moscow: MIA, 2008. - 690 p.

4. Medical microbiology, virology, immunology. Ed. Borisova LB ..- M .: MIA, 2006.-734 p.

5. A.A. Shortanbaev, S.V. Kozhanova "General Immunology", Almaty, 2009

6. R.M. Khaitov "Immunology", Moscow, 2009

7. A. Karaulov "Clinical Immunology and Allergology", Moscow, 2002

Additional :

1. D. Mail, J. Brostoff, D.B. Roit "Immunology", Moscow, 2007

2. N.V. Medunitsyn "Vaccinology", Moscow, 2004

3. D.H. Playfler "Visual Immunology", 2008

4. E. Chepel "Fundamentals of Clinical Immunology", 2008

5. R.M. Khaitov "Clinical Allergology", Moscow, 2002

6. G.B. Fedoseev "Allergology", St. Petersburg, 2001

7. Gordan Ada, Alistair Ramsay "Vaccines, vaccination and immune response", Moscow, 2002

8. S.A. Ketlinsky, A.S. Simbirtsev "Cytokines", St. Petersburg, 2008

9. K.A. Lebedev, I.D. Ponyakina "Immune Deficiency", Moscow, 2003

10. A.A. Totolyan, I.S. Freidlin "Cells of the immune system" I-II, SPb, 2000

11. G.T. Kaliakbarova "Cytokines", Almaty, 2004

12. G.T. Balpanova "Fundamentals of Transplantation Immunity. System HLA », Almaty, 2003

13. B.B. Bizhigitova "The role of the complement system and antigen-presenting cells in the immune response", Almaty, 2006

14. S.G. Mukhambetova, A.S. Karakushikova, Kozhanova SV, Sadvakasova GS "Assessment of the immune status of a person in a clinic", Almaty, 2005

In english language

1. Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach - Standalone book 2nd Edition.

2. Richard V Georing, Hazel M Docrell, Mark Zukerman, Derek Wakelin, Ivan M Roit, Cedric Mims, Peter L Chiodini «Medical Microbiology», 4th Edithion, 2008, UK, p.656.

3. Microbiology & Immunology W.Kelwer Willams Wilkins, 2014

4. Microbiology & Immunology , W.Kelwer Willams Wilkins, 2014

5. Jawetz. Melnick,& Adelberg`s Medical Microbiology - 26th ed, G. F. Brooks [et al.]. 2014

6.  Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology W. Levinson, 2014

7. Infection: Microbiology and Management , Bannister B., Gillespie S., Jones J.; Blackwell Publishing, 2006

Lesson№ 18.

1. Topic: Immunological reactions. Kinds. Theoretical bases of ELISA and PCR. Evaluation of the immune status of the human body. Midterm Exam

2. Aim: Form students knowledge of the main types of hypersensitivity according to the Coombs and Jell classification, as well as the communication skills necessary for effective collaboration between the doctor and the patient, as well as for group discussion. Checking and assessing the level of residual knowledge in students. Checking the residual knowledge of the student.3. Objectives:

Ø Consider the classification of the Coombs and Jell hypersensitivity mechanisms.

Ø To study the mechanisms of the onset of atopic and anaphylactic reactions, their similarity and difference.

Ø Consider clinical examples and methods for laboratory diagnosis of these diseases.

Ø To study the pathogenesis of cytotoxic (cytolytic) reactions. Familiarize students with clinical examples of this type of hypersensitivity.

Ø To study the pathogenesis of diseases of immune complexes and delayed type hypersensitivity. Consider clinical examples and methods for laboratory diagnosis of appropriate types of hypersensitivity.

Ø Introduce new concepts: drug-induced cytopenia, serum sickness, contact-allergic dermatitis, HRT

Ø Develop the communication skills necessary for effective collaboration between the doctor and the patient, as well as for conducting group discussion.

Ø To consider the basic methods of immunoassay, the principles of quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the parameters of the immune system.

Ø Develop practical skills in assessing the quantitative composition of blood cells.

Ø To master the main stages and principles of the IFA reaction.

Ø Introduce new concepts: the absolute content of leukocytes, the relative amount of lymphocytes, the reaction of blastic transformation of lymphocytes (RBTL), the inhibition of migration of leukocytes (neutrophils) (RTML), radioimmunoassay, RAST.

Ø Develop the communication skills necessary for effective cooperation between the doctor and the patient, as well as for group discussion, role-playing games.

Ø Develop the practical skills required for the effective use of laboratory diagnostic methods by the physician.

Ø Checking the student's residual knowledge.

4. Main questions of the topic:

1. Classification of the mechanisms of hypersensitivity by Coombs and Gell:

2. Atopic diseases, the role of Th2 and IgE in the pathogenesis of atopic diseases.

3. Clinical examples of atopic allergy. The role of hereditary predisposition to atopic allergy.

4. Anaphylaxis. Pathogenesis of anaphylactic shock, its prevention.

5. Similarity and difference in atopy and anaphylaxis.

6. Laboratory diagnosis of atopy.

7. Pathogenesis of cytotoxic (cytolytic) reactions, the role of antibodies and the complement system.

8. Clinical examples of type II hypersensitivity.

9. Diseases of immune complexes (BIC). Conditions that determine their occurrence (fineness, long persistence, low blood flow velocity, defects of phagocytosis).

10. Clinical examples of BIC (vasculitis, glomerulonephritis, serum sickness).

11. Hypersensitivity of delayed type (IV type). The role of cellular factors.

12. The involvement of macrophages and Trig in the development of inflammation (IFN-γ, TNF-α and β, MAF, FUM, chemoattractants, fibroblast stimulation factors, etc.) Clinical examples of HRT.

13. Principles of ELISA and radioimmunoassay methods.

14. The main stages of the ELISA test on plates for immunological studies (direct solid-phase method).

15. The main stages of the ELISA test to determine the concentration of serum immunoglobulins (characteristics of test systems, equipment and reagents used, test conditions, calibration, measurement of results, their interpretation).

16. Use of ELISA to diagnose and control the treatment of infectious diseases.

5. Methods of learning and teaching: discussion, Tests


1. Galaktionov V.T. Immunology. - M. - Ed. "RIC MDK". - 2000. -487

2. Vorobiev A.A. "Microbiology, Immunology" Moscow: MIA, 2002

3. Medical microbiology, virology and immunology. Ed. Vorobyeva A.A. - Moscow: MIA, 2008. - 690 p.

4. Medical microbiology, virology, immunology. Ed. Borisova LB ..- M .: MIA, 2006.-734 p.

5. A.A. Shortanbaev, S.V. Kozhanova "General Immunology", Almaty, 2009

6. R.M. Khaitov "Immunology", Moscow, 2009

7. A. Karaulov "Clinical Immunology and Allergology", Moscow, 2002

Additional :

1. D. Mail, J. Brostoff, D.B. Roit "Immunology", Moscow, 2007

2. N.V. Medunitsyn "Vaccinology", Moscow, 2004

3. D.H. Playfler "Visual Immunology", 2008

4. E. Chepel "Fundamentals of Clinical Immunology", 2008

5. R.M. Khaitov "Clinical Allergology", Moscow, 2002

6. G.B. Fedoseev "Allergology", St. Petersburg, 2001

7. Gordan Ada, Alistair Ramsay "Vaccines, vaccination and immune response", Moscow, 2002

8. S.A. Ketlinsky, A.S. Simbirtsev "Cytokines", St. Petersburg, 2008

9. K.A. Lebedev, I.D. Ponyakina "Immune Deficiency", Moscow, 2003

10. A.A. Totolyan, I.S. Freidlin "Cells of the immune system" I-II, SPb, 2000

11. G.T. Kaliakbarova "Cytokines", Almaty, 2004

12. G.T. Balpanova "Fundamentals of Transplantation Immunity. System HLA », Almaty, 2003

13. B.B. Bizhigitova "The role of the complement system and antigen-presenting cells in the immune response", Almaty, 2006

14. S.G. Mukhambetova, A.S. Karakushikova, Kozhanova SV, Sadvakasova GS "Assessment of the immune status of a person in a clinic", Almaty, 2005

In english language

1. Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach - Standalone book 2nd Edition.

2. Richard V Georing, Hazel M Docrell, Mark Zukerman, Derek Wakelin, Ivan M Roit, Cedric Mims, Peter L Chiodini «Medical Microbiology», 4th Edithion, 2008, UK, p.656.

3. Microbiology & Immunology W.Kelwer Willams Wilkins, 2014

4. Microbiology & Immunology , W.Kelwer Willams Wilkins, 2014

5. Jawetz. Melnick,& Adelberg`s Medical Microbiology - 26th ed, G. F. Brooks [et al.]. 2014

6.  Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology W. Levinson,  2014

7. Infection: Microbiology and Management , Bannister B., Gillespie S., Jones J.; Blackwell Publishing, 2006

Midterm Exam: exam .

 Main questions of the topic: (questions, tests, tasks, etc.)

1. Viruses are the causative agents of acute respiratory diseases.

2. Biological properties and epidemiology of influenza viruses A. Distinctive features of influenza viruses B and C.

3. Pathogenesis, clinics, MTD, treatment and specific prevention of influenza.

4. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and MDD parainfluenza.

5. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and MDD of adenovirus infection.

6. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic, MTD and specific prevention of measles.

7. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and MDD rubella.

8. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and MDD of mumps epidemic.

9. MTD and specific prevention of mumps.

10. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and MDD of chicken pox.

11. General characteristics of enteroviruses, their classification and taxonomy.

12. Causes of global or ubiquitous distribution of enteroviruses as pathogens of acute intestinal infections.

13. Epidemic features of OCI caused by viruses.

14. Morphological and antigenic features of polioviruses. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and MDD of poliomyelitis. Advantages and disadvantages of vaccines used for the prevention of poliomyelitis. Treatment of poliomyelitis.

15. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and MDD diseases caused by the Coxsackie virus and ECHO ..

16. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and MDD of hepatitis A.

17. Morphological and antigenic features, epidemiology of the hepatitis B virus.

18. Pathogenesis, clinic, immunity, MDD, treatment and prevention of hepatitis B.

19. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and MDD delta hepatitis.

20. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and MDD of hepatitis C.

21. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and MDD of hepatitis E.

22. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and MDD of retroviruses, their characteristic features. MDI, treatment and prevention of AIDS.

23. General characteristics of the herpesvirus family, their subfamily. Properties and epidemiology of herpes simplex viruses. Pathogenesis, clinic and immunity of diseases caused by various types of herpes simplex virus. MDD, treatment and prevention of diseases caused by herpes simplex viruses.

24. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and MDD of the rabies virus. Specific prophylaxis and treatment of rabies.

25. Serological and immunological reactions, their practical application in medicine. Groups of serological reactions.

26. Reaction of agglutination and indirect, or passive, agglutination (RPA).

27. Precipitation reaction.

28. Immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis (IEF).

29. Immunoblotting.

30. Coombs reaction (antiglobulin test).

31. Neutralization and flocculation reactions.

32. The reaction of inhibition of hemagglutination (RTGA).

33. Complement fixation reaction (RCC).

34. The reaction of immune lysis, hemolysis and immobilization.

35. Opsonophagocytic reaction.

36. Reactions involving labeled antigens or antibodies.

37. Immunological medical preparations.

38. Application, classification of vaccines depending on the methods of preparation. Properties of strains of microorganisms used for the preparation of live vaccines.

39. Infectious diseases, the prevention of which is carried out with the help of killed corpuscle vaccines. The production and use of subunit vaccines. Adjuvants, their role in a complex of biologics.

40. Associated vaccines. Methods for producing anatoxins. Infections, prevention of which is carried out with the help of anatoxins.

41. Ways of using and receiving therapeutic and prophylactic serums.

42. Methods of application and production of immunoglobulins.

43. Preparation and use of diagnostic sera.

44. Difference of adsorbed agglutinating sera from unadsorbed sera.

45. Biological preparations used for skin and allergic tests, their significance and diagnosis of infectious diseases.

46. ​​Describe a positive reaction to the administration of an allergen.

47. Immunization calendar of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

48. Immunology. The structure of the immune system. Theories of immunity Modern immunology, its tasks and achievements.

49. Basic principles of the organization and functioning of the immune system. System of humoral and cellular immunity.

50. Differentiation of B-lymphocytes and the structure and functions of the main classes of immunoglobulins.

51. The role of the complement system in the immune response.

52. General characteristics of antigens. Antigen presenting cells, their role in the induction and regulation of the immune response

53. Antibodies. The system of cellular immunity (I). The main functions of the T-system. Differentiation of T-lymphocytes. Antigen-independent and antigen-dependent differentiation of T-lymphocytes.

54. Cellular immunity system (II). The main subpopulations of T-lymphocytes and their functions. Immunological tolerance. .

55. Immunological tolerance.

56. Laboratory evaluation of T- and B-systems of immunity, phagocytosis.

57. Cytokines, the main characteristics, the role in the regulation of the immune response ..

58. The concept of immunodeficiency. Types, classification.

59. Primary immunodeficiency states classification, etiology, pathogenesis. Clinical syndromes.

60. Secondary immunodeficiency states, classification, etiology, laboratory diagnostics from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine.

61. Fundamentals of transplant immunity. System HLA, structure, functions of loci. Fundamentals of transplant immunity.

62. The role of cellular and humoral mechanisms in antitumor immunity. Immunogenetic aspects of carcinogenesis.

63. Mechanisms of hypersensitivity. Atopic allergy. Pathogenesis, laboratory diagnostics from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine and clinical manifestations.

64. Pathogenesis of anaphylactic shock. Pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of cytotoxic (cytolytic) reactions, diseases of immune complexes, hypersensitivity reactions of delayed type.

65. Autoimmune diseases, mechanisms of induction, pathogenesis, clinical examples.

66. Theoretical bases of ELISA and PCR.

67. Evaluation of the immune status of the hu





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