Exam (questions, tests, tasks, etc.)
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. After carrying out agricultural work in one of the regions of point B. with a low level of water supply and sewerage network, an outbreak of an infectious disease with the following characteristic symptoms was noted: malaise, weakness, headache, decreased appetite, dark urine color, discolored feces, icteric sclera and mucous membranes oral cavity, enlarged liver. What is your preliminary clinical diagnosis? What research is needed to establish a diagnosis? What is the cause of the disease? What data should be taken as a basis for the differentiation of jaundice in infectious patients? Name preventive drugs, based on a laboratory diagnosis. Your recommendations when storing and using BCH.

2. Patient K. 25 years old, turned to the doctor with complaints of lethargy, weakness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, fever, icteric sclera, darkening of urine, discoloration of feces from anamnesis of the patient found that 3 months ago he was sick with pneumonia, took injections. What kind of disease can you think of? What material should I take for research? What research is needed to differentiate diseases accompanied by jaundice? Give advice on the general and specific prevention of this disease, taking into account the source of infection and laboratory data.

3. A child with a preliminary diagnosis of "viral hepatitis A" entered the infectious hospital. What laboratory tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis? Carry out preventive measures in the focus of infection.

4. The infectious hospital received a child of 6 years with the symptoms of an intestinal infection who visited the kindergarten. The attending physician prescribes a preliminary diagnosis of "poliomyelitis", taking into account the clinical picture. What laboratory tests are needed to confirm the final diagnosis? What viruses do you need to differentiate? What preventive measures should be taken with laboratory confirmation?

5. In the laboratory study of a sick child with the phenomena of meningitis in the RTGA and DSC with reference mixtures of sera against enteroviruses, positive responses to the antigens of the poliovirus type 1 in the test material were established. Justify your arguments regarding the diagnosis according to laboratory and clinical data. Develop tactics of treatment and prevention measures based on your diagnosis.

6. A patient with a severe form of jaundice entered the infectious diseases hospital. It was established from an anamnesis that a month ago he was treated at a dentist, removed a tooth, filled several teeth, did not contact patients with jaundice, did not conduct any other medical manipulations within six months. When examining the patient's blood, a reverse passive hemagglutination reaction was used using antibody-sensitized erythrocytes against hepatitis B viruses. The results of the studies gave a positive reaction. Hemagglutination on HBsAg and hepatitis B virus. In this case, the titer of the reaction to HBsAg was many times higher than the response level for the hepatitis B virus. Justify your laboratory and clinical diagnosis, as well as the source and ways of infection of this patient. Give an interpretation of the results of the immunological study and justify the results of ROSGA on HBsAg and the hepatitis B virus. Develop tactics of treatment and prophylaxis based on your diagnosis.

Tests :

1. Viral disease, which is accompanied by a lesion of the gray matter of the spinal cord

A) Hepatitis B

B) Hepatitis A

C) poliomyelitis

D) herpes

E) rubella

2. Transmission routes of viral hepatitis A

A) sexual

B) alimentary

C) transmissible

D) vertical

E) parenteral

3. The genome of the hepatitis B virus

A) single-stranded DNA

B) on-chain (-) RNA

C) ring RNA

D) double-stranded ring DNA

E) on-chain (+) RNA

4. Enteroviruses having three serological types

A) poliomyelitis

B) hepatitis A

C) hepatitis B

D) Coxsackie


5. Viruses discovered in 1951 and called orphan viruses

A) poliomyelitis

B) hepatitis A

C) hepatitis B

D) Coxsackie


6. Viruses, which are the most cardiotropic of all enteroviruses

A) poliomyelitis

B) hepatitis A

C) hepatitis B

D) Coxsackie


7. Methods, cultivation of viral hepatitis A

A) chicken embryo

B) the chimpanzee

C) artificial nutrient media

D) rabbits

E) white mice

8. Duration of the incubation period of hepatitis B

A) 60 - 90 days

B) less than 15 days

C) 15 -40 days

D) 40 - 60 days

E) more than 160 days

9. Enterovirus, which causes liver damage, which is the second most viral infection after the flu

A) hepatitis B

B) poliomyelitis

C) hepatitis A

D) Coxsackie


10. Hepatitis E virus belongs to the family

A) picornaviruses

B) hepadnovirus

C) flavivirus

D) calicivirus

E) paramyxovirus


Lesson№ 12 .

1. Topic: MDD of neuroviral infections (tick-borne encephalitis, rabies, cytomegaly, herpes). MDI of AIDS. Oncogenic viruses, CCHF.

2. Aim: To master the virological and serological diagnostics of HIV, neuroviruses (tick-borne encephalitis, rabies, cytomegalia, herpes) and oncogenic viruses, CCHF.

3. Objectives: To teach methods of laboratory HIV and neuroviruses (tick-borne encephalitis, CCHF, rabies, cytomegalia, herpes), and oncogenic viruses ..

4. Main questions of the topic:

1. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and laboratory diagnostics of tick-borne encephalitis

2. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and laboratory diagnostics of cytomegaly.

3. General characteristics of retroviruses, characteristic features of the family.

4. Subfamilies of retroviruses, their characteristic features.

5. A brief history of the discovery of HIV.

6. The structure of the HIV virion.

7. Cultivation, resistance and factors of HIV pathogenicity.

8. Epidemiology, pathogenesis and clinic of AIDS.

9. Laboratory diagnostics, treatment and prevention of AIDS.

10. General characteristics of the herpesvirus family, their subfamilies.

11. Properties and epidemiology of herpes simplex viruses.

12. Pathogenesis, clinic and immunity of diseases caused by various types of herpes simplex virus.

13. Laboratory diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diseases caused by herpes simplex viruses.

14. Taxonomy, morphology and cultivation of the rabies virus.

15. Antigenic structure and resistance of the rabies virus.

16. Epidemiology of the rabies virus.

17. Pathogenesis, clinical picture and immunity of rabies.

18. Laboratory diagnosis of rabies.

19. Specific prophylaxis and treatment of rabies.

20. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and laboratory diagnostics of CCHF

5. Methods of learning and teaching: CBL

6. Literature:

1. Galaktionov V.T. Immunology. - M. - Ed. "RIC MDK". - 2000. -487

2. Vorobiev A.A. "Microbiology, Immunology" Moscow: MIA, 2002

3. Medical microbiology, virology and immunology. Ed. Vorobyeva A.A. - Moscow: MIA, 2008. - 690 p.

4. Medical microbiology, virology, immunology. Ed. Borisova LB ..- M .: MIA, 2006.-734 p.

5. A.A. Shortanbaev, S.V. Kozhanova "General Immunology", Almaty, 2009

6. R.M. Khaitov "Immunology", Moscow, 2009

7. A. Karaulov "Clinical Immunology and Allergology", Moscow, 2002


1. D. Mail, J. Brostoff, D.B. Roit "Immunology", Moscow, 2007

2. N.V. Medunitsyn "Vaccinology", Moscow, 2004

3. D.H. Playfler "Visual Immunology", 2008

4. E. Chepel "Fundamentals of Clinical Immunology", 2008

5. R.M. Khaitov "Clinical Allergology", Moscow, 2002

6. G.B. Fedoseev "Allergology", St. Petersburg, 2001

7. Gordan Ada, Alistair Ramsay "Vaccines, vaccination and immune response", Moscow, 2002

8. S.A. Ketlinsky, A.S. Simbirtsev "Cytokines", St. Petersburg, 2008

9. K.A. Lebedev, I.D. Ponyakina "Immune Deficiency", Moscow, 2003

10. A.A. Totolyan, I.S. Freidlin "Cells of the immune system" I-II, SPb, 2000

11. G.T. Kaliakbarova "Cytokines", Almaty, 2004

12. G.T. Balpanova "Fundamentals of Transplantation Immunity. System HLA », Almaty, 2003

13. B.B. Bizhigitova "The role of the complement system and antigen-presenting cells in the immune response", Almaty, 2006

14. S.G. Mukhambetova, A.S. Karakushikova, Kozhanova SV, Sadvakasova GS "Assessment of the immune status of a person in a clinic", Almaty, 2005

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 227.