1. In patient N. complaints of severe headache, pain in the eyeballs, a rise in body temperature of 40 ° C, watery discharge from the nose, dry cough. The second day is sick. The day before was a guest, where he was in a room with a sick person. When examined, there are rhinitis, hyperemia of throat, tachycardia, there is no wheezing in the lungs. Preliminary diagnosis - SARS. For diagnosis, rhinosocetoscopy was performed. In preparations stained with acridine orange, bright red cytoplasmic inclusions of the epithelium were detected. Is it possible to conclude on the basis of this - "flu"?
2. In the study of washings from the nasopharynx, sputum with the immunofluorescent method with a set of different specific sera, antigens of HPV 1, VPHC 2, and HPVC 3 were identified. 3. Justify your laboratory and clinical diagnosis. Suggest your tactics of conducting preventive measures taking into account the obtained laboratory data.
3. In the city of Sh. There was an outbreak among people using one swimming pool, an infectious disease characterized by airway damage, conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, with a predominance of respiratory and conjunctival syndrome. At laboratory research of a separated nasopharynx, conjunctiva with the help immunofluorescent method, antigens adenoviruses serovariants 1,2,5,6 are revealed. In the study of paired sera of reconvalescents, an increase in antibody titres in DSC to adenoviruses of serovarians 1,2,5,6 was observed. Justify your tactics of conducting preventive measures based on laboratory data.
4. A 5-year-old boy admitted to the infectious hospital with complaints of a rash that spread from the top down, fever. From an anamnesis: visits a kindergarten, where a patient with measles was identified. Justify the laboratory diagnosis of the study, taking into account the epidemiological data and the clinic. Your tactics for conducting treatment and prevention activities.
5. The infectious department received a group of children with similar clinical signs, characterized by a papular rash throughout the body, temperature, some noted the phenomena of conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis before the appearance of a rash. When tested in the immunofluorescence reaction with a set of different labeled sera, a positive result was obtained - the presence of measles antigen in the affected cells. Justify the results of the laboratory tests. Your clinical and laboratory diagnosis. Justify your tactics of conducting preventive measures in this case.
6. In the study of a stillborn child from a woman who had had an infectious disease of unknown etiology during pregnancy, serological studies established the presence of IgM antibodies to the rubella virus in both the mother and the deceased fetus. Justify your laboratory and retrospective diagnosis of the mother and the deceased fetus.
7. In a patient who underwent complicated surgery for the removal of a malignant tumor of the lung, after the rise in temperature, rashes appeared on the body in the form of vesicles filled with a serous-turbid liquid in the postoperative period. When studying the material by immunodiffusion in a gel with specific sera against the herpes virus, chicken pox-zoster. The reaction gave positive results with precipitating sera against chicken pox. Justify your clinical diagnosis. Justify your tactics of conducting preventive measures, taking into account the data of laboratory studies.
1. Viruses that cause disease, both in humans and in humans
animals and birds
A) influenza C virus
B) parainfluenza virus
C) influenza B virus
D) influenza A virus
E) adenovirus
2. Capsidic protein, not associated with fragments of virion RNA of influenza A virus
A) protein M 1
B) nucleoprotein (NP)
C) PB protein 1
D) PB 2 protein
E) Replication of RA
3. The genome of the influenza A virus
A) double-stranded DNA
B) single-stranded DNA
C) single-stranded fragmented negative RNA
D) double-stranded fragmented positive RNA
E) single-stranded ring DNA
4. The number of antigen-differentiating types of hemagglutinin
influenza A
A) 13
B) 10
C) 8
D) 15
E) 16
5. The pathway of transmission of adenovirus infection
A) airborne
B) alimentary
C) transmissible
D) sexual
E) placental
6. RNA-containing virus that affects the mucous membranes, a characteristic feature of which is the variability of the hemagglutinin antigens and neuraminidase, is the causative agent
A) adenovirus infection
B) ornithosis
C) influenza
D) parainfluenza
E) scarlet fever
7. Viral respiratory disease characterized by pandemics and epidemics, covering up to 30-50% of the world's population
A) adenovirus infection
B) ornithosis
C) parainfluenza
D) influenza
E) scarlet fever
8. Methods of laboratory diagnosis, not applicable for parainfluenza
B) infection of laboratory animals
D) gemassorption inhibition reaction
E) neutralization reaction
9. Viral respiratory disease, for the treatment of which rimantadine, adapromine, virazol
A) adenovirus infection
B) ornithosis
C) scarlet fever
D) parainfluenza
E) influenza
10. Infections caused by adenoviruses
A) gastroenteritis
B) encephalitis
C) meningitis
D) pharyngoconjunctivitis
E) myocarditis
11.Disease affecting mainly children, characterized by fever, catarrhal phenomena and papular rash
A) chicken pox
B) influenza
C) mumps
D) rubella
E) measles
12. Disease caused by a representative of ruby viruses, characterized by fever and rash
A) epidemic parotitis
B) influenza
C) measles
D) rubella
E) chicken pox
13. Measles virus belongs to the family
A) orthomixoviruses
B) paramyxovirus
C) togavirus
D) herpesvirus
E) adenoviruses
14. Viral disease, in which the inhibitory effect of the causative agent on the processes of hematopoiesis and the immune system leads to complications
A) The flu
B) rubella
C) measles
D) mumps
E) chicken pox
15. Virus, primarily multiplying in cervical lymph nodes
A) Adenovirus
B) measles virus
C) Rubella virus
D) mumps virus
E) varicella zoster virus
16. The virus that causes damage to the parotid salivary glands, unstable, destroyed by the action of fat solvents, formalin and alcohol,
is the causative agent
A) measles
B) influenza
C) mumps
D) rubella
E) chicken pox
17. RNA-containing virus, related to morbilliviruses, without antigenic variants, is the causative agent
A) measles
B) influenza
C) mumps
D) rubella
E) chicken pox
18. Genotype of the varicella zoster virus
A) single-stranded DNA
B) double-stranded DNA
C) ring DNA
D) negative single-stranded RNA
E) positive single-stranded RNA
19. Viral disease, for the prevention of which a live attenuated vaccine is used, in the plan
A) rubella
B) influenza
C) mumps
D) measles
E) chicken pox
20. What activity does the virus of mumps
A) neuraminidase
B) hemolytic
C) hemagglutinating
D) Simplestobrazuyuschey
E) lecithinase
Lesson№ 11.
1. Topic: MDD of enterovirus infections (poliomyelitis, diseases caused by the viruses of COXACS and ECHO), rotavirus infection and viral hepatitis.
2. Aim: To master the virological and serological diagnostics of enteroviral infections and viral hepatitis.
3. Objectives: To teach methods of laboratory diagnosis of enteroviral infections and viral hepatitis.
4. Main questions of the topic:
1. General characteristics of enteroviruses, their classification and taxonomy.
2. Causes of global or ubiquitous distribution of enteroviruses as pathogens of acute intestinal infections.
3. Epidemic features of OCI caused by viruses.
4. Morphological and antigenic features of polioviruses.
5. Features of epidemiology, pathogenesis and polio clinic.
6. Post-infection and post-vaccination immunity in poliomyelitis.
7. Laboratory diagnostics of poliomyelitis.
8. Advantages and disadvantages of vaccines used to prevent poliomyelitis. Treatment of poliomyelitis.
9. General characteristics of Coxsackie viruses.
10. Pathogenesis, clinic and immunity of diseases caused by the Coxsackie virus.
11. Morphological and antigenic features of the ECHO viruses.
12. Pathogenesis, clinic and immunity of diseases caused by ECHO viruses.
13. Laboratory diagnostics, treatment and prevention of enteroviral diseases Coxsackie and ECHO.
14. Morphological and antigenic features of the hepatitis A virus.
15. Pathogenesis, clinic, epidemiology and immunity of infectious hepatitis.
16. Laboratory diagnostics of hepatitis A.
17. Treatment and prevention of hepatitis A.
18. Morphological and antigenic features of the hepatitis B virus.
19. Pathogenesis, clinic, epidemiology and immunity of hepatitis B.
20. Laboratory diagnosis of hepatitis B.
21. Treatment and prevention of hepatitis B.
22. Morphological, biological features and laboratory diagnostics of hepatitis delta.
23. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and laboratory diagnostics of hepatitis C.
24. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and laboratory diagnostics of hepatitis E.
25. General characteristics, epidemiology, clinic and laboratory diagnostics of rotavirus infection
5. Methods of learning and teaching: presentation
6. Literature:
1. Borisov L.B. Medical microbiology, virology, immunology .- Moscow: MIA, 2002.- 734 p. - pages 67-80.
2. Korotyaev A.I., Babichev S.L. Medical microbiology, immunology and virology. - SPb .: Spec. lit., 2000.- 591 p. - pages 244-246, 254-261.
3. Medical Microbiology / Ch. Ed. IN AND. Pokrovsky, O.K. Pozdeev. - Moscow: GEOTAR MEDICINE, 1998, 2001, 2006. - 1200 p.
4. Tets V.V. A Guide to Practical Studies in Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology - M.: Medicine, 2002. - 352 p.
5. Computer program "Diamorph" - "Medical microbiology" - atlas-guidance on the bacteriology of mycology, protozoology and virology, edited by acad. prof. Vorobyeva A.A.
6. Borisov LB, Kozmin-Sokolov BV, Freidlin IS A guide to laboratory studies in medical microbiology, virology, immunology. - Moscow: Medicine, 1993. - pp. 44-54.
7. MA Mayansky Microbiology for doctors. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing house of the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, 1999. - 400 p.
8. The determinant of bacteria Berdzhi / Ed. D. Houlta, N. Krig, P. Snitai et al., Moscow: Mir, 1997. - In 2 volumes.
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 419.