Exam (questions, tests, tasks, etc.)
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


1. Clinical microbiology studies ...

A) conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

B) zoonotic infections.

C) the immune system of the body.

D) Anthropogenic system.

E) the simplest.

2. ... not included in the function of clinical microbiology.

A) To isolate pathogens of opportunistic infections

interpretation of the studied material,

B) Isolation and identification of infectious agents


C) Study of the degree of sensitivity to antibiotics,

D) Study of microbiological aspects of dysbacteriosis,

E) Diagnosis of HIV in somatic departments,

3. ... does not apply to non-epidemic diseases caused by a microbe

A) Otitis

B) Mastitis

C) Colitisteritis

D) Peritonitis

E) Cholecystitis

4. The limiting resolution of a biological microscope with an immersion objective is ...

A) 200 nm.

B) 0.2 μm.

C) 0.1 nm.

D) 100 nm.

E) 10 nm.

5. To study microorganisms with an immersion system, use an objective lens ...

A) x 200.

B) x 8.

C) x 10.

D) x 40.

E) x 90.

6. Cellular element of bacteria protecting from an unfavorable factor of internal environments is ...

A) capsule.

B) L is the shape.

C) cell wall.

D) receptors.

E) cytoplasmic membrane.

7. The laboratory equipment in which the microbial culture, nutrient media, blood, vaccines and biologics are stored is ...

A) cabinet with room temperature.

B) Thermostat.

C) Pasteur oven.

D) Koch refrigerator.

E) a refrigerator.

8. The drug studied in the immersion system of a microscope is ...

A) smear.

B) a "thick" drop.

C) "crushed" drop.

D) a "hanging" drop.

E) a viral preparation.

9. In a microscope, the phenomenon of fluorescence is studied.

A) phase-contrast

B) luminescent

C) light

D) electronic

E) dark-field

10. Clinical microbiology does not conduct research in ... departments

A) therapeutic

C) infectious

C) Gynecological

D) urological

E) surgical

Situational challenges

1. In the surgical department, the condition of the six convalescing patients began to worsen: chills, headaches, fever, sore throat. Doctors stated an intrahospital infection. List the further actions of the employees of the department.

2. You have finished work in the bacteriological laboratory at your desk, put the loop on the trip in the fire, covered the lamp with a cap, took off the cap, robe, work shoes, put on shoes, left the laboratory. What gross violations of personal hygiene and sanitary-epidemiological regime you allowed?

3. Students during the change in the training room took food. What gross violations of personal hygiene and sanitary-epidemiological regime did they allow?

Issues of Midterm control

1. Rules for taking, selecting the character and transporting the material for the study.

2. Preparation of accompanying documents for sending material to the laboratory.

3. Methods of clinical and diagnostic microbiological research.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of individual methods of laboratory diagnosis, their informativeness, consistency of application.

5. Evaluation of the results of clinical and diagnostic microbiological studies.

6. Biological properties and pathogenicity factors of staphylococci.

7. Resistance, epidemiology and immunity for staphylococcal infections.

8. MDD of staphylococcal infections.

9. Biological properties of streptococci. Factors of pathogenicity of streptococci.

10. Resistance, epidemiology and immunity in streptococcal infections.

11. Biological properties of scarlet fever streptococcus.

12. Biological properties of pneumococci. Biological properties of enterococci.

13. Laboratory diagnostics of streptococcal infections.

14. MBI in sepsis. Treatment and prevention of streptococcal infections.

15. Determination of the subject of clinical microbiology and the task of clinical microbiology.

16. List the UPM. The role of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms in the human body. The role of UPM in infectious pathology. The role of opportunistic microorganisms in VBI.

17. Rules for the sampling of the test material. The rules for storage and transportation of the material under investigation.

18. What factors contribute to the emergence of VBI. Etiology, treatment and prevention of VBI.

19. General characteristics of clostridia.

20. Biological properties and pathogenicity factors of the tetanus pathogen.

21. Resistance and epidemiology of tetanus.

22. The causative agent of tetanus.

23. Pathogenesis, clinic and immunity in tetanus.

24. Microbiological diagnosis of tetanus.

25. Biological properties and factors of pathogenicity of causative agents of gas gangrene.

26. Features of pathogenesis, clinic and immunity in gas gangrene.

27. Microbiological diagnosis of gas gangrene.

28. causative agent of botulism.

29. Features of pathogenesis, clinic and immunity in botulism.

30. Microbiological diagnosis of botulism.

31. General characteristics of the family Enterobacteriaceae.

32. Biological properties and pathogenicity factors of diarrheal E. coli.

33. Categories of diarrhea E. coli.

34. Features of immunity in escherichiosis.

35. Microbiological diagnosis of colibenitis and escherichiosis.

36. Biological properties and factors of shigell pathogenicity.

37. Pathogenesis, clinic and postinfectious immunity of dysentery.

38. Microbiological diagnosis of dysentery.

39. Biological properties and factors of pathogenicity of pathogens of typhoid and paratyphoid.

40. Pathogenesis, clinic and postinfectious immunity of typhoid paratyphoid diseases.

41. Microbiological diagnosis of typhoparathyphoid diseases.

42. Features of pathogenesis and immunity of salmonellosis.

43. Laboratory diagnostics, treatment and prevention of salmonellosis.

44. Microorganisms that cause foodborne diseases, sources and routes of infection of foodborne toxic infections caused by Salmonella and Proteus. Staphylococcus and Clostridium.

45. Pathogenesis of foodborne toxic infections caused by Salmonella and Proteus. Staphylococcus and Clostridium.

46. ​​Laboratory diagnosis of foodborne diseases.

47. Biological properties and pathogenicity factors pathogenesis, clinic and immunity in campylobacteriosis.

48. Laboratory diagnostics of campylobacteriosis.

49. Biological properties of Yersinia enterocolitica.

50. Pathogenicity factors, pathogenesis, clinic and immunity in yersiniosis.

51. Laboratory diagnostics of iersiniosis.

52. Prevention and treatment of yersiniosis.

53. Classification, morphology and cultural properties of the genus - Vibrio.

54. Biochemical properties of vibrios.

55. Antigenic structure of cholera vibrios.

56. Factors of pathogenicity of V. cholerae.

57. Resistance and epidemiology of cholera vibrios.

58. Pathogenesis, clinic and immunity in cholera.

59. Features of sampling, preservation and transportation of the test material in cholera to the laboratory.

60. Bacterioscopic, bacteriological study of the material in cholera.

61. Methods used for the rapid diagnosis of cholera and the detection of vibrio-carrying.

62. Drugs used for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cholera.

63. Morphological and cultural properties of meningococci.

64. Biochemical properties and antigenic structure of meningococci.

65. Resistance and epidemiology of meningococci.

66. Factors of pathogenicity of meningococci.

67. Features of pathogenesis and clinic of immunity of meningococcal infections.

68. Collection of pathological material and bacterioscopic examination of meningococcal infection.

69. Bacteriological study of meningitis.

70. Serologic examination with meningitis.

71. Specific prevention and treatment for meningococcal infection.

72. Biological properties and pathogenicity factors, clinic and postinfectious immunity of gonorrhea.

73. Laboratory diagnosis of gonorrhea.

74. Specific prevention and treatment of neonatal gonorrhea and blenorrhea.

75. Biological properties of protei.

76. Laboratory diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by the prosthesis.

77. Biological properties of Klebsiella.

78. Laboratory diagnosis of Klebsiella.

79. Biological properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

80. Laboratory diagnosis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

81. Comparative characteristics and MDI of meningococcal pneumococcal infection and mycoplasmal, rickettsial and chlamydiosis and klebsialnoy pneumonia.

82. Biological properties and factors of pathogenicity of the causative agent of diphtheria.

83. Features of pathogenesis and clinic, post-infection immunity in diphtheria and methods for its evaluation.

84. How is the microbiological examination performed with diphtheria?

85. How toxigenicity of diphtheria bacteria is determined.

86. Treatment and prevention of diphtheria.

87. Biological properties and pathogenicity factors of Bordetella.

88. Pathogenesis, clinic and immunity of pertussis and paracottus.

89. Microbiological diagnosis of whooping cough.

90. Based on which characteristics are identified and differentiated pertussis and paracolitic pathogens.

91. Serological methods of pertussis diagnosis.

92. Treatment and prevention of pertussis and paracottus.

93. Modern classification of mycobacteria.

94. Biological properties and pathogenicity factors of the causative agent of tuberculosis.

95. Features of the pathogenesis of tuberculosis.

96. Features of immunity in tuberculosis.

97. Features of bacterioscopic diagnosis of mycobacteria tuberculosis.

98. What is the method of enrichment or flotation with the microscopy of the material.

99. Features of bacteriological research in tuberculosis.

100. Describe the method of accelerated bacteriological diagnosis of tuberculosis (Price method).

101. Signs used to identify and differentiate mycobacterium tuberculosis.

102. Allergic tests used for tuberculosis, their mechanism and technique of setting.

103. How are tuberculin obtained and used for? What is RDD, its difference from tuberculin Koch.

104. What vaccine is used for active planned prevention of tuberculosis in Kazakhstan?

105. What antibiotics and chemotherapeutic drugs are used to treat tuberculosis? Explain the mechanism of their action. Features of chemotherapy recommended by WHO.

106. How does the sensitivity of tuberculosis mycobacteria determine the anti-TB drugs? The problem of multiresistence of the causative agent of tuberculosis.

107. Biological features of mycobacterium leprosy. Problems of leprosy in Kazakhstan, its endemic foci.

108. Pathogenesis of leprosy.

109. Features of immunity in leprosy.

110. Features of laboratory diagnosis of leprosy.

111. Prevention and treatment of leprosy.


1. Topic: Private virology. MDI of acute respiratory viral infections (influenza, parainfluenza, MS infection, adenovirus infection), measles, rubella and mumps.

2. Aim: To master the methods of diagnosis of influenza, parainfluenza and adenovirus infections of rubella, chicken pox and mumps.

3. Objectives: To teach methods of laboratory diagnosis of influenza, parainfluenza and adenovirus infections, rubella, chicken pox and mumps.

4. Main questions of the topic:

1. Viruses are the causative agents of acute respiratory diseases.

2. Morphology and chemical composition of influenza A viruses.

3. Main functions of hemagglutinin and influenza A neuraminidase.

4. Stability of the virus in the external environment and epidemiology of influenza.

5. Features of pathogenesis, clinic and immunity of influenza.

6. Laboratory diagnosis of influenza.

7. Treatment and specific prevention of influenza.

8. Distinctive features of influenza viruses B and C.

9. Morphology and chemical composition of parainfluenza viruses.

10. Resistance, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinic and immunity in parainfluenza.

11. Laboratory diagnosis of parainfluenza.

12. Structure and antigenic properties of adenoviruses.

13. Cultivation and reproduction of adenoviruses.

14. Stability of the virus in the external environment and epidemiology of adenovirus infection.

15. Pathogenesis, clinic and postinfectious immunity of adenovirus infection.

16. Laboratory diagnosis of adenovirus infection.

17. Treatment and specific prevention of adenovirus infection.

18. Morphology, chemical composition and antigenic structure of measles virus.

19. Cultivation, reproduction, resistance and epidemiology of measles virus.

20. Features of pathogenesis, clinic and immunity of measles.

21. Laboratory diagnostics and specific prevention of measles.

22. Morphology, chemical composition and antigenic structure of the rubella virus.

23. Cultivation, reproduction, resistance and epidemiology of the rubella virus.

24. Features of pathogenesis, clinic and immunity of rubella.

25. Laboratory diagnosis of rubella.

26. Treatment and specific prevention of rubella.

27. Morphology, chemical composition and antigenic structure of the epidemic mumps virus.

28. Cultivation, reproduction, resistance and epidemiology of the mumps virus.

29. Features of pathogenesis, clinic and immunity of mumps.

30. Laboratory diagnostics and specific prevention of mumps.

31. Morphology, chemical composition and antigenic structure of the varicella-zoster virus.

32. Cultivation, reproduction, resistance and epidemiology of the varicella-zoster virus.

33. Features of pathogenesis, clinic and immunity of varicella.

34. Laboratory diagnosis, treatment and specific prevention of varicella.

5. Methods of learning and teaching: дискуссия, немые карты.

6. Literature:

1. Borisov L.B. Medical microbiology, virology, immunology .- Moscow: MIA, 2002.- 734 p. - pages 67-80.

2. Korotyaev A.I., Babichev S.L. Medical microbiology, immunology and virology. - SPb .: Spec. lit., 2000.- 591 p. - pages 244-246, 254-261.

3. Medical Microbiology / Ch. Ed. IN AND. Pokrovsky, O.K. Pozdeev. - Moscow: GEOTAR MEDICINE, 1998, 2001, 2006. - 1200 p.

4. Tets V.V. A Guide to Practical Studies in Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology - M.: Medicine, 2002. - 352 p.

5. Computer program "Diamorph" - "Medical microbiology" - atlas-guidance on the bacteriology of mycology, protozoology and virology, edited by acad. prof. Vorobyeva A.A.

6. Borisov LB, Kozmin-Sokolov BV, Freidlin IS A guide to laboratory studies in medical microbiology, virology, immunology. - Moscow: Medicine, 1993. - pp. 44-54.

7. MA Mayansky Microbiology for doctors. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing house of the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, 1999. - 400 p.

8. The determinant of bacteria Berdzhi / Ed. D. Houlta, N. Krig, P. Snitai et al., Moscow: Mir, 1997. - In 2 volumes.

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 410.