Exam (questions, tests, tasks, etc.)
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. A 5-year-old boy admitted to the infectious hospital with complaints of a rash that spread from the top down, fever. From an anamnesis: visits a kindergarten, where a patient with measles was identified. Justify the laboratory diagnosis of the study, taking into account the epidemiological data and the clinic. Your tactics for conducting treatment and prevention activities.

2. The infectious department received a group of children with similar clinical signs, characterized by a papular rash throughout the body, temperature, some noted the phenomena of conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis before the appearance of rash. When tested in the immunofluorescence reaction with a set of different labeled sera, a positive result was obtained - the presence of measles antigen in the affected cells. Justify the results of the laboratory tests. Your clinical and laboratory diagnosis. Justify your tactics of conducting preventive measures in this case.

3. In the study of the stillborn child from a woman who had suffered an infectious disease of unidentified etiology during pregnancy, serological studies established the presence of IgM antibodies to the rubella virus in both the mother and the deceased fetus. Justify your laboratory and retrospective diagnosis of the mother and the deceased fetus.

4. In a patient who underwent complicated surgery for the removal of a malignant tumor of the lung, after the rise in temperature, rashes appeared on the body in the form of vesicles filled with a serous-turbid liquid in the postoperative period. When studying the material by immunodiffusion in a gel with specific sera against the herpes virus, chicken pox-zoster. The reaction gave positive results with precipitating sera against chicken pox. Justify your clinical diagnosis. Justify your tactics of conducting preventive measures, taking into account the data of laboratory studies.

5. A state of emergency was proclaimed in one of the districts of the republic, where an outbreak of rabies among dogs, cats, camels and other animals was noted. You need urgently to provide a therapeutic and prophylactic network with appropriate biological products. What drugs must be provided in the first place? Justify the use of rabies vaccine (planned, according to epidemic indications, etc.) based on the mechanism of human infection with rabies. It is necessary to take into account complications in the use of rabies vaccine, and what should be provided with drugs for their treatment?

6. To assist a relative with severe injuries after a car accident, a relative of M. surrendered blood, a preliminary study of which revealed antibodies to HIV. When the donor was interviewed, it was found that 3 years ago he had several random connections, after which in 1-2 months there was a fever, an increase in lymph nodes, an ailment that disappeared without a trace, and was not disturbed in the last 3 years.

Objectively: outwardly healthy, no complaints. Justify the results of the analysis. Is repeated research necessary? With positive results of the second analysis, it is possible to explain the relative well-being of this period.


1. A virus that passes through the saliva of sick animals or when they bite


B) rabies virus


D) Coxsackie

E) herpes virus

2. A family of viruses having a diploid genome

A) orthomixoviruses

B) hepadnoviruses

C) rhabdoviruses

D) herpesviruses

E) retroviruses

3. The drug most effective in the treatment of HIV infection

A) Acyclovir

B) interferon

C) immunoglobulin

D) azidothymidine

E) remantadine

4. A virus that is cultured in the brain tissue of white mice, Syrian hamsters, rabbits, rats, guinea pigs


B) Coxsackie

C) adenovirus


E) rabies

5. The number of genes in HIV

A) 5

B) 9

C) 11

D) 13

E) 15

6. Viral infection, in which parasitism of limbs develops in infected animals with a subsequent fatal outcome

A) Hepatitis


C) rabies

D) poliomyelitis

E) herpes

7. A virus with unique antigenic variability, which is 100-1000 times greater than the variability of the influenza virus, is the causative agent

A) rabies

B) herpes

C) poliomyelitis


E) hepatitis

8. The genome of the herpes virus is represented

A) double-stranded linear DNA

B) ring DNA

C) single-stranded (+) RNA

D) single-stranded (-) RNA

E) double-stranded RNA

9. Disease, in which diagnosis and special prevention is difficult due to the rapid variability of the antigenic structure

A) Hepatitis

B) herpes


D) poliomyelitis

E) Hepatitis

10. Disease, in the laboratory diagnosis of which are found calves Caudry

A) Hepatitis


C) rabies

D) poliomyelitis

E) herpes

Lesson№ 13

1. Topic: The structure of the immune system. Theory of Immunity The system of humoral immunity. Differentiation of B-lymphocytes. Structure and function of the main classes of immunoglobulins. The role of the complement system in the immune response.

2. Aim: Form students knowledge about the structure and functioning of the immune system and the basic theories of immunity. To give students an idea of antigens, to consider the main characteristics of antigens and their role in the formation of an immune response.


Ø Give students a modern understanding of the structure and basic principles of the functioning of the immune system.

Ø To familiarize with the organ, cellular and molecular levels of the organization of the immune system.

Ø To study the general biological role of the concept of immunological surveillance.

Ø Familiarize yourself with the concept and types of immune response.

Ø To study the scheme of 3-cell cooperation in the formation of an immune response.

Ø Consider the basic postulates of the clonal-selection theory of immunity.

Ø Give students an idea of ​​the main characteristics of antigens.

Ø Consider the concept of the antigenic determinant and carrier of antigens, their role in the induction of cellular and humoral reactions.

Ø To give an idea of ​​thymus-dependent and thymus-independent antigens and mechanisms for the formation of an immune response to them.

Ø  Consider the types of antigens that play an important role in immunopathology.

4. Main questions of the topic:

1. The human immune system as a diffuse organ.

2. Cells of the immune system.

3. Modern definition of immunity, tasks and methods of immunology.

4. Structure of the immune system (organ, cellular, molecular levels).

5. Antigens, definition, features of the chemical structure.

6. The concepts of alienity, antigenicity, specificity of antigens.

7. Types of antigen specificity.

8. The concept of an antigenic determinant and carrier of antigens.

9. Types of antigens that play an important role in immunopathology:

10. a) primary and secondary autoantigens;

11. b) complex antigens. The role of drugs in the formation of complex antigens;

12. c) cross-reacting antigens.

13. 16.Timus-dependent and thymus-independent antigens.

5. Methods of learning and teaching: discussion, Tests

6. Literature:

1. Galaktionov V.T. Immunology. - M. - Ed. "RIC MDK". - 2000. -487

2. Vorobiev A.A. "Microbiology, Immunology" Moscow: MIA, 2002

3. Medical microbiology, virology and immunology. Ed. Vorobyeva A.A. - Moscow: MIA, 2008. - 690 p.

4. Medical microbiology, virology, immunology. Ed. Borisova LB ..- M .: MIA, 2006.-734 p.

5. A.A. Shortanbaev, S.V. Kozhanova "General Immunology", Almaty, 2009

6. R.M. Khaitov "Immunology", Moscow, 2009

7. A. Karaulov "Clinical Immunology and Allergology", Moscow, 2002


1. D. Mail, J. Brostoff, D.B. Roit "Immunology", Moscow, 2007

2. N.V. Medunitsyn "Vaccinology", Moscow, 2004

3. D.H. Playfler "Visual Immunology", 2008

4. E. Chepel "Fundamentals of Clinical Immunology", 2008

5. R.M. Khaitov "Clinical Allergology", Moscow, 2002

6. G.B. Fedoseev "Allergology", St. Petersburg, 2001

7. Gordan Ada, Alistair Ramsay "Vaccines, vaccination and immune response", Moscow, 2002

8. S.A. Ketlinsky, A.S. Simbirtsev "Cytokines", St. Petersburg, 2008

9. K.A. Lebedev, I.D. Ponyakina "Immune Deficiency", Moscow, 2003

10. A.A. Totolyan, I.S. Freidlin "Cells of the immune system" I-II, SPb, 2000

11. G.T. Kaliakbarova "Cytokines", Almaty, 2004

12. G.T. Balpanova "Fundamentals of Transplantation Immunity. System HLA », Almaty, 2003

13. B.B. Bizhigitova "The role of the complement system and antigen-presenting cells in the immune response", Almaty, 2006

14. S.G. Mukhambetova, A.S. Karakushikova, Kozhanova SV, Sadvakasova GS "Assessment of the immune status of a person in a clinic", Almaty, 2005

In english language

1. Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach - Standalone book 2nd Edition.

2. Richard V Georing, Hazel M Docrell, Mark Zukerman, Derek Wakelin, Ivan M Roit, Cedric Mims, Peter L Chiodini «Medical Microbiology», 4th Edithion, 2008, UK, p.656.

3. Microbiology & Immunology W.Kelwer Willams Wilkins, 2014

4. Microbiology & Immunology , W.Kelwer Willams Wilkins, 2014

5. Jawetz. Melnick,& Adelberg`s Medical Microbiology - 26th ed, G. F. Brooks [et al.]. 2014

6. Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology W. Levinson, 2014

7. Infection: Microbiology and Management , Bannister B., Gillespie S., Jones J.; Blackwell Publishing, 2006

Electronic resources:

1.  Медицина 3 курс [Электронды ресурс]: курс лекций. – Электрон. текстовые дан. (24,0 Мб). – М: ИД «Равновесие», 2005. -1 эл. опт. диск (CD-ROM).

2. Медицинская микробиолигия АТЛАС – руководство по бактерологии, микологии, протозоологии и вирусологии [Электронды ресурс]: для студ. и врачей/под ред. А.С. Быкова. –М., 2001. -1 эл. опт. диск (CD-ROM).

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 237.