4. Main questions of the topic:
1. The effect of chemicals on microorganisms, their use in the practice of a doctor.
2. Sterilization, its goals and methods.
3. Methods of disinfection.
4. Antiseptic.
5. Aseptic.
6. Methods for controlling the effectiveness of sterilization.
7. Environmental microbiology. Forms of interspecific relationships existing in the biosphere in the biosphere.
8. Soil microflora.
9. Indicators of fecal soil contamination. Assessment of the sanitary-bacteriological state of the soil.
10. Microflora of water, degree of microbial water pollution.
11. Assessment of the sanitary-bacteriological state of water.
12. Microflora of the air and its sanitary-bacteriological evaluation.
13. The role of microorganisms in the cycle of substances in nature.
14. Normal human microflora, as a dynamic ecological system and the nature of the relationships in it.
15. Microflora of human skin, its qualitative and quantitative composition.
16. Microflora of the oral cavity, its main representatives.
17. Microflora of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine.
18. The microflora of the large intestine, its qualitative and quantitative composition. Value and influence on the macroorganism of the microflora of the large intestine.
19. Microflora of the urinary tract of a person.
20. Dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis) and the causes of its occurrence.
21. Laboratory diagnostics, correction and prevention of dysbiosis.
22. Sanitary-bacteriological study of medical items and hands of medical personnel.
23. Define the terms "infection", "infectious process", "infectious disease".
24. Forms of a manifest infection.
25. Forms of asymptomatic infection.
26. Pathogenicity of microorganisms, as a polydeterminant sign.
27. Virulence, units of its measurement.
28. Pathogenicity properties.
29. List the factors of pathogenicity of bacteria and give their characteristics.
30. Chemical nature, basic properties of exotoxins.
31. Methods for producing anatoxins, their practical importance and application.
32. Main properties and chemical nature of endotoxins.
33. Forms of infection and their characteristics.
34. Periods of infectious disease.
35. The main sources of infection.
36. Ways and methods of infection.
37. List and characterize the infectious properties of viruses, features of viral infections.
38. Methods, methods and objectives of experimental infection of laboratory animals.
39. Formulate the concept of "immunity", the main functions of immunity.
40. Types of immunity.
41. Mechanisms of species immunity.
42. Humoral factors of nonspecific immunity. Lysozyme. Proteins of acute phase.
43. Cell factors of nonspecific immunity. Natural killers.
44. Formulate the concept of "phagocytosis". Cells that belong to the phagocytes of their function.
45. List the main stages of phagocytosis.
Describe the differences between completed and unfinished phagocytosis, their consequences.
46. Representing and secretory functions of phagocytes.
47. Definition of phagocytic indices, opsonins and reaction of opsonization.
48. The complement system. Activation of the complement system.
49. Functions of the complement system.
50. The system of interferons.
51. The human immune system as a diffuse organ.
52. Cells of the immune system.
53. Define the concept of "antigen" and list the main properties of antigens.
54. Classification of antigens.
55. Defective antigens.
56. Antigens of the human body
57. Antigens of the main tissue compatibility complex.
58. Antigens of microorganisms.
59. Give the definition of "antibody", their functions.
60. The chemical nature and structure of antibodies or immunoglobulins.
61. Classes of immunoglobulins, their main characteristics, differences and features.
62. Antiglobulin antibodies.
63. Anti-idiotype antibodies.
64. Immunological memory.
65. Immunological tolerance.
66. Serological and immunological reactions, their practical application in medicine.
67. Groups of serological reactions.
68. Agglutination reaction.
69. Reaction of indirect, or passive, agglutination (RPA).
70. Precipitation reaction.
71. Immunodiffusion.
72. Immunoelectrophoresis (IEF).
73. Immunoblotting.
74. Coombs reaction (antiglobulin test).
75. Neutralization and flocculation reactions.
76. The reaction of inhibition of hemagglutination (RTGA).
77. Complement fixation reaction (RCC).
78. The reaction of immune lysis, hemolysis and immobilization.
80. Opsonophagocytic reaction.
81. Reactions involving labeled antigens or antibodies.
82. Give the definition of the term "allergy". Types of SST and HZT allergies, their mechanism of action.
83. Manifestation of sensibilization and desensitization of the body. Give a characteristic of autoantigens, autoaggressive states.
84. Diseases related to congenital and acquired immunodeficiency states.
85. Immunological medical preparations.
86. Use, classification of vaccines depending on the methods of preparation.
87. Properties of strains of microorganisms used for the preparation of live vaccines.
88. Infectious diseases, the prevention of which is carried out with the help of killed corpuscular vaccines.
89. Production and use of subunit vaccines. Adjuvants, their role in a complex of biologics.
90. Associated vaccines.
91. Methods for producing anatoxins. Infections, prevention of which is carried out with the help of anatoxins.
92. Methods of application and preparation of therapeutic and prophylactic sera.
93. Methods of application and production of immunoglobulins.
94. Preparation and use of diagnostic sera.
95. Difference of adsorbed agglutinating sera from unadsorbed sera.
96. Biological preparations used for skin-allergic tests, their significance and diagnosis of infectious diseases.
97. Describe a positive reaction to the administration of an allergen.
98. Immunization calendar of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. Methods of learning and teaching: Tests, oral interrogation
6. Literature:
1. Medical microbiology, virologists and immunology. Ed. Academician of RAMS Zverev VV, Professor Boychenko MN - Moscow, GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 1t. - 900 b.
2. Medical microbiology, virology and immunology. Ed. Vorobyeva A.A. - Moscow: MIA, 2008. - 690 p.
3. Medical microbiology, immunology and virology: a textbook for honey. universities. Ed. Korotyaeva AI, Babicheva SA - 5-еизд., Испр.и доп. - SPb .: SpecLit, 2012. - 760 pp. : ill.
4. Medical microbiology, virology, immunology. Ed. Borisova LB ..- M .: MIA, 2006.-734 p.
5. Medical Microbiology / Ch. Ed. Pokrovsky VI, Pozdeev O.K. - Moscow: GEOTAR MEDICINE, 2007.
6. Atlas on medical microbiology, virology and immunology: atlas / ed .: AS Bykov, AA Vorob'ev, VV Zverev. - 2 nd ed., Ext. - M .: Honey. inform. agency, 2008. - 272 p .: ill.
7. A guide to practical exercises on medical microbiology, virology and immunology. Ed. Tetz V.V. -М.: Медицина, 2002.-352 с.
8. Computer program "Diamorph" - "Medical microbiology" - atlas-guidance on bacteriology of mycology, protozoology and virology, edited by acad. prof. Vorobyeva A.A.
9. The determinant of bacteria Berdzhi / Ed. D. Houlta, N. Krig, P. Snitai et al., Moscow: Mir, 1997. - In 2 volumes.
In english language
37. Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach - Standalone book 2nd Edition.
38. Richard V Georing, Hazel M Docrell, Mark Zukerman, Derek Wakelin, Ivan M Roit, Cedric Mims, Peter L Chiodini «Medical Microbiology», 4th Edithion, 2008, UK, p.656.
39. Jacquelyn G Black «Microbiology», 7 th ,WILEY, 2010, p. 846.
40. Patric R Muray, Ken S Rosenthal, Michael F Pfaller «Medical Microbiology», 5th Edithion, 2008, p. 962.
Electronic resources:
1. Medicine 3 year [Electrones resource]: a course of lectures. - Electron. text dan. (24.0 MB). - M: Publishing house "Balance", 2005. -1 эл. opt. disk (CD-ROM).
2. Medical microbiology ATLAS - a guide to bacteriology, mycology, protozoology and virology [Electron resource]: for stud. and doctors / ed. A.S. Bykov. -M., 2001. -1 el. opt. disk (CD-ROM).
3. Workshop for laboratory studies on general microbiology [Electron resource]: teaching method. Manual / R.T. Dzhanabaev [et al.] -Sh., 2004. -1 e. opt. disk (CD-ROM).
Exam ( Tests, задачи и пр.)
Lesson № 1
1. Topic: PRIVATE MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND VIRLOGY. Wound and pyoinflammatory infections. Microbiological diagnosis (MBD) of wound and purulent-inflammatory infections caused by staphylococci, streptococci, conditionally pathogenic gram-negative bacteria (Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa).
2. Aim: To master the microbiological methods of diagnosis, their informative value and disadvantages, to learn the choice of the method of laboratory research. To master microbiological methods of diagnostics of staphylococcal and streptococcal infections.
3. Objectives: Give an idea of the rules for the collection and transport of biological material for microbiological research. To teach methods of laboratory diagnosis of staphylococcal and streptococcal infections.
4. Main questions of the topic:
1. Rules for taking, selecting the character and transporting the material for the study.
2. Preparation of accompanying documents for sending material to the laboratory.
3. Methods of clinical and diagnostic microbiological research.
4. Advantages and disadvantages of individual methods of laboratory diagnosis, their informativeness, consistency of application.
5. Evaluation of the results of clinical and diagnostic microbiological studies.
6. Morphology and cultural properties of staphylococci.
7. Biochemical activity and antigenic properties of staphylococci.
8. Factors of pathogenicity of staphylococci.
9. Resistance, epidemiology and immunity in staphylococcal infections.
10. Laboratory diagnostics of staphylococcal infections.
11. Treatment and prevention of staphylococcal infections.
12. Morphology and cultural properties of streptococci.
13. Biochemical activity and antigenic properties of streptococci.
14. Factors of pathogenicity of streptococci.
15. Resistance, epidemiology and immunity in streptococcal infections.
16. Biological properties of scarlet latin streptococcus.
17. Biological properties of enterococci.
18. Laboratory diagnostics of streptococcal infections.
19. Microbiological studies in sepsis.
20. Treatment and prevention of streptococcal infections.
21. Biological properties of Klebsiella.
22. Laboratory diagnosis of Klebsiella.
23. Biological properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
24. Laboratory diagnosis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
5. Methods of learning and teaching: small groups, dumb cards.
6. Literature:
1. Borisov L.B. Medical microbiology, virology, immunology .- Moscow: MIA, 2002.- 734 p. - pp. 352-369.
2. Korotyaev A.I., Babichev S.L. Medical microbiology, immunology and virology. - SPb .: Spec. lit., 2000.- 591 p. - pp. 330-342.
3. Medical Microbiology / Ch. Ed. IN AND. Pokrovsky, O.K. Pozdeev. - Moscow: GEOTAR MEDICINE, 1998, 2001, 2006. - 1200 p.
4. Tets V.V. A Guide to Practical Studies in Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology - M.: Medicine, 2002. - 352 p.
5. Computer program "Diamorph" - "Medical microbiology" - atlas-guidance on the bacteriology of mycology, protozoology and virology, edited by acad. prof. Vorobyeva A.A.
6. Borisov LB, Kozmin-Sokolov BV, Freidlin IS A guide to laboratory studies in medical microbiology, virology, immunology. - Moscow: Medicine, 1993. - pp. 126-141.
7. MA Mayansky Microbiology for doctors. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing house of the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, 1999. - 400 p.
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 430.