Look through the advertisements and fill in the table with the necessary information.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
Job title Company name Requirements
Age Skills Personality trait Language Responsibili ties


The St Petersburg Times needs a Secretary Requirements: -native Russian speaker -initiative -computer skills -able to work under pressure in a busy office   A/O Vena is looking for a Technical Maintenance Professional We offer a job in a company with good future prospects. The requirements: -technical background -high motivation -good command of English -strong supervision experience -knowledge of PC’s -good communication and negotiation skills -age 25-35 years Governess wanted Prefer Irish/UK, warm and caring woman. Mid age. Previous experience with raising children, preferably in education. Driving license. Willing to travel when necessary. 2 adorable boys, aged 8 and 4. Able to start immediately.


16. Read the stories and answer the questions below them:

1. Steve Baxter is a journalist. He works for Daily News. The work is interesting and he enjoys it. He travels a lot. His office is in Fleet Street. His boss is Mr Short. Steve likes him. Mr Short helps Steve with difficult articles. Steve is a very busy person.

What does Steve do? Is his work interesting? Steve travels a lot, doesn’t he? Who is Steve’s boss? Does Steve like him? Steve is a busy person, isn’t he?

2. Lucy works in a travel agency. Her salary is very low. She only gets three week’s holiday a year and she works long hours. But Lucy doesn’t mind, because she enjoys her work. She has a nice boss and she meets a lot of people during the day. Her work is interesting and varied. Also, every year her company gives her a free two-week holiday in Europe.

What does Lucy do? Is her job well-paid? How long does her holiday last? Does she enjoy her work? Why does she like her job?

3. Paul works on a car assembly line in a factory. He is a skilled worker. His salary is very high. But he doesn’t enjoy his work. He finds it boring and monotonous. He gets four weeks’ holiday a year.

What is Paul’s job? Is his job well-paid? Does he like it? How long does his holiday last?

4. Alice is a nurse and she doesn’t earn very much money. But she likes being a nurse because she enjoys helping people. Being a nurse is hard work. And it isn’t very pleasant sometimes. There are things she doesn’t enjoy. For example, she doesn’t like seeing people in pain. Working ten hours a day and more in a hospital isn’t much fun, but she likes to be useful to society.

What is Alice’s job? What are her working conditions? What does she like about her gob? What does she dislike about her job? What factor is the most important for her in her work?

Mix and match.

1. Business before pleasure. a). Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда.
2. Business is the salt of life. b). Работать спустя рукава.
3. The best fish swim near the bottom. c). Делу время, потехе час.
4. Well begun is half done. d). Без дела жить – только небо коптить.
5. To work with the left hand. e). Хорошо начатое наполовину сделано.

Read the text.

My Future Profession

There are many interesting and useful professions and it is really not an easy task to choose the right one. While choosing a job many factors should be taken into consideration: wages, job satisfaction, variety of opportunities, social importance. For me the most important criterion is job satisfaction. I also think about the employment opportunities in my future occupation. I want to be a psychologist. It is still difficult to find a well-paid job in psychology. Most people still don’t realize the importance of psychology and hire psychologists just because it is a fashion. But I believe that a good specialist in psychology is in great demand.

I was brought up in the family of psychologists and this influenced a lot my way of thinking and my interests. I have always been interested in people, their characters and interactions in social groups. That is why I decided to get a basic education in the field of psychology. I understand that university education gives very good background knowledge of subject. But this knowledge is too general. Most graduates are only theoretically prepared for work. Experience comes with practice.

Psychology is a very specific and responsible occupation. I believe psychology to be a very valuable and challenging profession that requires dedication, lots of enthusiasm, love and deep knowledge of the subject. A good psychologist must love people and have a kind heart, he must give all his knowledge, all his abilities, all his talent, and all his time to people. Psychologists deal with many personal problems such as marriage, relationship, stress at work, difficult children, slimming problems, phobias, financial worries, alcohol and drug problems.

Future psychologists must remember that to help people is a great art but not an ordinary trade. It is one of the professions that require a real calling for it.

There is nothing better for me than hearing that I have helped someone to change his life for the better.

19. Read the words of the same root, state the part of speech and translate these words.

to use – useful to interest – interesting to employ – employment psychology – psychologist to think – thinking to response – responsible to value – valuable to challenge – challenging to slim – slimming

20. Form the nouns denoting people in occupation:

work – worker business – businessman economy – economist
drive - police - psychology -
paint - post - journal -
farm - sport - biology -
manage - sale - philology -


21. Find the opposites in the text:

easy past bad   shallow specific leisure   angry divorce to hate wrong

22. Find the synonyms in the text:

sphere fear slender possibility profession to realize gift usual infant to get ready

Fill in the prepositions.

1. My parents were satisfied _my decision to become a psychologist.

2. While choosing a career you should take _consideration a lot of factors.

3. I want to be a good specialist _psychology.

4. Experienced psychologists are _great demand.

5. I was brought _ in the family of doctors.

6. My sister graduated _the Belarusian Institute of Law.

7. I have always been interested _ sociology.

8. Psychology deals _behaviour and mind.

9. My parents influenced _my choice.

10. Who is responsible _collecting information?

24. Find the English equivalents in the text:

· опыт приходит с практикой

· повлияли на образ мышления

· многие факторы следует принять во внимание

· требует настоящего призвания

· трудно найти хорошо оплачиваемую работу

· получить образование в области психологии

· проблемы лишнего веса

· проблемы алкоголизма и наркомании

· обычное ремесло

· на хороших психологов всегда большой спрос


Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 247.