Read the words, state the part of speech.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
education – educational economy – economist politology – politologist speciality – specialist law – lawyer to end – ending to build – building to begin – beginning careful – carefully success – successfully regular – regularly psychology– psychological


22. In each column find the word with the more general meaning:


1. student 2. lawyer 3. subject
graduate economist philosophy
person psychologist biology
pupil specialist history
  4. library   5. control   6. diploma
laboratory exam certificate
facility test document
computer class credit official paper

23. Find the opposites in the text:


the worst narrow small failure

native to miss answer old

to lose to graduate to work by fits

and starts


24. Find the synonyms in the text:

lesson to write fresher to get

to prepare book-keeper to finish to pass exams

25. Find the English equivalents in the text:

· национальная система высшего образования

· диплом государственного образца

· готовит специалистов по психологии

· студент-заочник

· курс обучения длится пять лет

· посещать регулярно лекции и семинары

· конспектировать лекции

· современные средства общения

· повышать знания в области психологии

· сдавать экзамены по разным аспектам психологии

26. Agree or disagree. Use phrases:

Agreement Disagreement
I should say so Certainly I (quite) agree with you I think so too You are (quite) right there Exactly Quite so That’s just what I think   I don’t agree there I am afraid I can’t agree with you I think you are mistaken there Not at all Nothing of the kind On the contrary Rubbish Nonsense That’s ridiculous
  1. The Institute trains writers, actors, showmen and artists.
  2. Many of the graduates from the Belarusian Institute of Law joined government departments and public prosecutors’ offices.
  3. A wide range of specialities is available for everyone through only full-time courses.
  4. The Institute trains specialists in such branches as law, international law, accounting and audit, psychology and politology.
  5. The Institute consists of five faculties, they are: the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of International Law, the External Law Faculty, the Faculty of Economics and Law, and the Polish Higher Humanitarian School.
  6. The Polish Higher Humanitarian School trains specialists in biology, chemistry and anatomy.
  7. The course of study at our department lasts three years.
  8. At our seminars we discuss different questions concerning psychology and law.
  9. Once a year we take our exams in different aspects of psychology and other subjects.


Match the words with their definitions.

1. certificate awarded on completion of a course of study a. specialist
2. a person engaged in studying something at a college or institute b. graduate
3. expert in a particular branch of a subject c. exam
4. a group of similar subject departments in a university d. student
5. a person who has completed a university degree course e. faculty
6. a spoken or written test of knowledge f. lesson
7. a period of time for the teaching of something to someone g. diploma


Translate into English.

1. The Belarusian Institute of Law (был основан) in 1991.

2. Thousands of students (получили образование) and got the diplomas of state pattern.

3. A wide range of specialities is available for everyone through the (очное и заочное) courses.

4. The Institute (готовит специалистов) in such branches as law, psychology and politology.

5. The book (состоит из) five chapters.

6. (курс обучения) lasts five years.

7. Our classes last (с утра до вечера).

8. We (посещаем) lectures and seminars regularly.

9. We (конспектируем лекции) and prepare for our seminars at home.

Use the articles.

1. I am_student of_Belarusian Institute of_ Law.

2. _ Institute was founded by_ Stephen F. Sokol,_Professor and_ Doctor of_ Law.

3. _wide range of specialities is available for _everyone through _full-time and part-time courses.

4. _ Institute consists of_5 faculties.

5. _department of _Polish Higher Humanitarian School is situated in _Partizanski Avenue.

6. I am _first year part-time student and in _future I am going to be _psychologist.

7. We take _notes at _lectures and prepare for our seminars at _home.

8. “_good beginning makes _ good ending”.

Fill in the prepositions.

1. My Institute was founded _1991.

2. The department is headed _the dean.

3. Every year thousands of students graduate _ the Belarusian Institute of Law.

4. This project consists _ four parts.

5. The national library is situated _the centre _ the city.

6. I study _the department of the Polish Higher Humanitarian School.

7. We have our holidays _summer.

8. He is very busy. He works _morning _evening.

9. Most students prepare _ their seminars _home.

10. We must pay attention _modern psychological literature.

31. Answer the questions:

1. When was the Belarusian Institute of Law founded?

2. Who is the head of the institute?

3. How many faculties does the Belarusian Institute of Law consist of? What are they?

4. What faculty do you study at?

5. What foreign languages do you study?

6. What year student are you?

7. How many lectures do you have weekly?

8. Do you attend lectures regularly?

9. What is your favourite subject?

10. How many exams do you have in winter? In what subjects do you have your exams? How many credits do you usually pass during your session?

11. Who is the dean of your faculty?


Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 243.