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1. Given the well-known complexities of the Japanese distribution system, the second part of this arrangement is particularly important.

2.Social protection does carry economic costs, reducing the amount of output that can be squeezed from any given amount of capital, labor and other resources.

3.When weighing these costs of globalization against the benefits, economists typically point to the role of government.

4.In any economy closed to flows of trade and finance, the cost will take the form of lower incomes.

5.Labor, in any case, remains far less mobile than capital – rootedby ties of family, culture and language.

6. Given all this, why are American small businesses optimistic about their future?

7.Integration in the wider sense, i.e., the reduction in entrepreneurial risks brought about by a new mode of international behavior and the avoidance of external deflationary shocks, should continue to promote high levels of investment and bring a permanent improvement in productivity growth.

8.The factory sector has spent most of the year in the doldrums, depressedby defense cuts, weaker exports and sagging orders generally.

9. Given the wide range of possibilities, variations among countries and other factors, multinational companies face many complexities with financing.

10.Small businesses the world over complain about bureaucracy, but the red tape spinning out of Washington is copious and the country’s small businesses, handicapped by a lack of resources, find it disproportionately restrictive.

11. Foreign-owned companies that set up British subsidiaries to channel their profits pay no tax provided their management and control remain outside.

12.It’s one of the series of reports being published on the agricultural policies of foreign governments.

13. Given this situation, and considering also the prolonged and acutely depressing inter-war history of instability, unemployment and the failure of advanced industrial countries, to achieve full utilization of their productive potential, it was quite natural that at the end of the war the Keynesian system and its implications should be the central topic of discussion.

14.By encouraging more competition we should narrow the gap between the high rates of return on investment earned by monopolies and the low rates enjoyed by individual savers.

15. Facedwith the growing size of their enterprises, many companies have responded by decentralizing management of domestic as well as international business.

16.The procedure adopted has so far been applied mostly in the field of trading agreements.

17.Labor turnover figures suggest that most training given by firms must eventually benefit other firms, as the trained labor is gradually absorbed by other firms.

18.The flexprice markets are mainly those concerned with the trading of raw materials as primary food-stuffs.

19.These tremendous, complex tasks can be carried out given planned development of the national economy and correct leadership of the national economic development.

20.Since the process of growth is viewed as one of rising per capita income, it follows that new technologies must necessarily be embodied in the new capital goods being purchased.

4.3. Абсолютная причастная конструкция (независимый причаст- ный оборот)


Абсолютная причастная конструкция состоит из существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в именительном падеже и причастия I, II и отделяется от главного предложения запятой. Конструкция может выполнять в предложении функцию обстоятельства времени, причины, условия или сопутствующего обстоятельства.

Независимый причастный оборот переводится на русский язык в зависимости от места в предложении и контекста, он часто вводится предлогом ‘with’ , который на русский язык не переводится.

а) Оборот, стоящий в начале предложения переводится обстоятельсвенным придаточным предложением времени, причины, условия и вводится союзами «когда», «теперь, когда», «после того как», «так как», «поскольку» и «если»


- With industrialization going on at its present rate, the world’s fuel reserves will be exhausted within the near future.

Теперь, когда промышленность развивается такими темпами, мировые запасы топлива будут израсходованы в ближайшем будущем.

- With experiments having been carried out, we started new investigations.

После того, как были проведены эксперименты, мы начали новые исследования.

- The documents not having arrived on time, the trial had to be postponed. Так как документы не прибыли вовремя, судебное разбирательство пришлось отложить.

- Weather permitting, we’ll have a picnic on the seashore.

Если погода будет благоприятствовать (позволит) мы устроим пикник на берегу моря.

б)Оборот, стоящий в конце предложения, переводится союзами «а», «и», «но», «причем» или самостоятельными предложениями без союза.

The agreement is drawn up in English and in Russian, both texts being equally valid.Договор составлен на английском и русском языках, причем оба текста имеют одинаковую силу.

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 291.