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Упражнение 1

1. Open policy formulation: policies must be more transparent and country-driven, with international financial institutions playing an active but supporting role.

2. The world monetary system, agreed by Western powers at Bretton Woods at the end of the Second World war, had collapsed by 1971.

3. Washington was the first city in history to be created solely for the purpose of governance.

4. A defamatory statement heard only by a person who does not understand the language in which it is spoken is not actionable.

5. To see a little more deeply into the nature of the problem, let us look at some probable relationships between incentives and growth.

6. Hearing them talk like that made us want to walk away from negotiations.

7. Giving the people what they have been brainwashed into thinking they want is not necessarily best for people.

8. Addressing the report in this manner tends to emphasize the independence of the authors from the management of the company.

9. Advertising is a good way to inform and persuade, whether the purpose is to sell Coca-Cola worldwide or to get consumers in a developing nation to drink milk or to use birth control.

10. If granted, a patent makes it illegal for workers to manufacture or use the invention without obtaining permission.

11. Unless there are good reasons for deciding otherwise, the unsuccessful party will be required to pay not only his own costs, but also those of his opponent.

12. Tariff barriers are often imposed to protect infant industries being

developed as a means of import substitution.

13. In Japan to be well-adjusted one must fit into many social groups harmoniously,

14. To be called a diligent worker is the highest form of praise in Japan.

15. For products that need to be demonstrated, messages on television may have more impact than messages on the radio.

16. In other words, it is not where it is invented, it is what you do with it that counts.

17. Sales are affected by many factors besides advertising – such as product features, price and availability.

18. Advertising faces increased regulation to ensure that it performs responsibly.

19. One way to measure the sales effect of advertising is to compare past sales with the past advertising expenditures.

20. Telecommunications and computer networks permit technology to be rapidly shared and learning transferred throughout the organization.

21. Since the possibility of raising export prices is thought out to be very limited, industrialists fear that there will be a sharp drop in the trade between these two countries.

22. There has been a greater tendency in the UK than in the US or Germany for the large-scale business enterprise to consist of a number of diversified businesses each operating on a medium scale.

23. If it were simply due to a difference in social attitudes and structure, there is little reason to suppose that integration would help, for entrepreneurs would merely be competing with more people having the same background.

24. Ethics management internationally is a rapidly evolving reality with many countries placing considerable emphasis on anti-corruption initiatives.

25. Bond-issuing companies are rated by private rating companies and are given an “investment grade” according to their financial situation and performance, AAA being the best.

Упражнение 2

1. The contract contains a clause providing that all disputes raised upon by the customers should be referred to arbitration.

2. These countries will see their total indebtedness reduced by about two-thirds.

3. The debt relief currently being finalized is a first step.

4. Early advertising discouraged calling the product “Coke”.

5. After an idea is agreed upon with Company management, these agencies work to create, develop and implement the product advertising.

6. One of the most exciting projects was the worldwide rollout of diet Coke, begun in 1982.

7. With its heritage of aggressive marketing, the North America Business Sector is committed to enhancing the company’s position as the driving force in the competitive soft drink industry.

8. Silences in Japan are moments to be shared, not empty spaces to be filled with words.

9. Federal judges are appointed for life, subject to good behavior , and can be removed only by impeachment proceedings.

10. The average consumer has 22 TV stations to choose from.

11. A brand must advertise more heavily to be heard above the noise in the market.

12. Advertising appears unlikely to have some cumulative effect that leads to loyalty.

13. Having abolished much of the drudgery of the laundry room, P&G marched into the kitchen.

14. Armed with this information, we can then evaluate existing selection criteria.

15. They expect managers to have their performance judged against the global term “decision-making” on a standard appraisal form.

16. This might appear to be rather blunt instrument of selection.

17. It is the personal characteristics that are the subject of this article.

18. Coordination and control of activities in international markets become more problematic as the appropriate degree of centralization becomes unclear

19. One of the suggestions to reduce unemployment includes increasing the number of public sector jobs, i.e. those paid for by national government.

20. Some industrial projects are too sophisticated for experts to evaluate their effect on the environment.

21. It is quite possible for a government to use monetary policy to steer the domestic economy providedit is willing to let its currency float.

22. If the active population in agriculture had been constant, the increase in product per man would have been equal to the rate of increase in agricultural output and would have been lower in agriculture than for other sectors in all countries.

23. Given limited resources and time, we cannot do all the things, we would like, and the same goes for society as a whole.

24. Whether a person is an employee or an independent contractor is determined by the degree of control exercised by the employing body.

25. When election officials count votes, the law of mathematics are sometimes subject to political necessity.

Упражнение 3

1.People are always looking for legal loopholes, a way of avoiding a legal duty by making use of an ambiguity in law.

2.Financial legislation may become law within a month of its being passed by the Commons, regardless of the attitude of the Lords.

3.It is a basic principle of the British criminal justice system that the accused should not be kept in custody except where strictly necessary.

4.Transition to a market economy is a very long-term task, for it takes longer to change a society than to build a city or reconstruct an enterprise.

5.As economies grow more sophisticated and complex in several parts of the world, so must the Company’s ability to manufacture, distribute and market our products.

6.Production should be engineered so as to conserve resources and limit toxic waste.

7.You shall have them cheap, since there is little demand for it.

8.The problem of introducing new equipment cannot be considered to be completely solved by the management of the enterprise.

9.But these forces need to be harnessed to make globalization work for the good of all.

10.The prices of manufactured goods to be exported from the industrialized countries continued to grow.

11.With trends toward regional market integration, management systems are established to direct and coordinate market operations within a region.

12.The preliminary talks are not expected to last more than a week.

13.All the leading companies are understood to be anxious to begin banking operations in London

14.Organizational structures also need to be adapted to respond to the changing dynamics of the environmental and competitive landscape.

15.Other than in the special cases to be discussed below this general rule is not subject to any common law exceptions.

16.Whether or not developing countries gain enough from WTO system is a subject of continuing debate in the WTO.

17.If it were possible to draw a line, above which life is enjoyable and below which is miserable, there might be a case for advocating a life above this in preference to a smaller population at a still higher level of enjoyment4

18.Faced with the necessity to comment on the event, the Prime Minister refused to express his opinion.

19.A given amount of (gross) investment will itself increase capacity output, but to estimate the increase in capacity in a given year, account must also be taken of the capacity output that is lost through physical depreciation and obsolescence.

20.No individual, nor organization can avoid making choices about the use of limited resources, including the time required to meet competing alternative ends.

21.What is needed is the reduction in the company’s staff.

22.Extremely poor living conditions made it absolutely necessary for the Japanese to work hard to ensure their survival.

23.Contrary to the practice in some continental countries, there is no separate judicial profession in England and all judgeships, subject to one exception, are filled by the appointment of practicing barristers.

24.A creditor of an organization is owed money for goods or services supplied

25.Once a trial commences, the police appear only as witnesses, subject to no special privileges or immunities.

Упражнение 4

1.Visitors to the Capitol galleries are subject to control by special officers of the two Houses, and the galleries may be cleared in case of disorder.

2.However, EU citizens holding shares in a listed company situated in another member state often face severe problems when they wish to exercise voting rights.

3.Frustrated by slow-moving reforms and seemingly endless restructuring problems that need to be worked out, an increasing number of investors are trying something new in Japan.

4.Consumers encouraged by rising property and stock prices borrowed against their home equity to buy more cars and flat screen TVs.

5.This might appear to be a rather blunt instrument of selection.

6.The boards of the two companies are scheduled to meet today to determine the terms of the takeover.

7.Being bought out often carries negative connotation, therefore, by describing the deal as a merger, deal makers and top managers try to make the takeover more palatable.

8.To achieve the desired objectives, marketers typically identify one or more target customer segments which they intend to pursue.

9.Getting other people to do what needs to be done is simple, but pretty basic definition of management.

10.To have overburden the book with so many details would tire the reader.

11.Proving again to be a packaging innovator, in 1991, the Coca Cola system also introduced a strong lightweight and easy-to-hold can with vertical grooves.

12.Fanta was the first soft drink other than Coca Cola to be marketed by the Company.

13.Many companies want their public relations departments to manage all of their activities with a view toward improving the bottom line.

14.Assessing the change requires measuring the before-and-after levels of these measures.

15.Product safety standards should also meet the most exacting international standards.

16.These decisions should leverage the firm’s competitive position in global market expansion, while enabling the firm to compete on multiple fronts.

17.Globalisation, far from being the greatest cause of poverty, is its only feasible cure,

18.Certainly, the protesters do not appear to be offering any plausible alternative.

19.The audit fee for an external audit is paid by the company being audited.

20.Japanese businessmen might even be said to be suffering from “information thirst syndrome”.

21.In this sense, the exchange of business cards can be said to fulfill a practical function above and beyond their formality.

22.Competition is also intensifying, as globalization changes the boundaries of competition and new sources of competition emerge.

23.But it is only fairly recently that management have become so concerned about it.

24.Immediately after judgement has been given, it is unusual for the counsel for the successful party to ask for costs, and this is a matter for the judge’s discretion.

25.Once a person has been charged only voluntary statements will normally be allowed in evidence at the trial.


Упражнение 5

1.After an idea is agreed upon with company management, these agencies work to create, develop and implement the product advertising.

2.This unique concept is often pointed to as the single factor most responsible for the global popularity of Coca Cola.

3.Successful entrepreneurs tend to be driven by three motivations.

4.They have the ability to be totally immersed in and committed to the business,

5.I wish to present what in our experience has proved to be a very important way of improving or facilitating communication.

6.This might appear to be a rather blunt instrument of selection.

7.Their current high flyers would still have been recruited had more scientific selection methods been used originally.

8.Such an utopia remains highly unlikely until there are major changes in human personality.

9.Membership in this group is the example of status being assigned to a person on the basis of the status accorded with the lager group.

10.If the status hierarchy is as rigid and stratified as the formal organization hierarchy, the former works to hinder the organization.

11.In many instances, the power-holder need not act to influence others: the latter anticipate his desires and act to avoid controversy.

12.If there were no strong union movement it is doubtful if society would rest easy with the grant of power which private industry now has.

13.The experience gained throughout the development of a plan requires managers to think in a future- and contingency –oriented manner.

14.In addition to being objective and unbiased, they must free themselves of any impediments.

15.Some critics charge that large consumer packaged goods firms tend to spend too much on advertising.

16.A floor wax cannot be advertised as giving six months’ protection unless it does so under typical conditions.

17.If this time and space had been purchased at advertising rates, it would have amounted to $1,047,000.

18.Given the extent of its global operations, this impact will be felt on a continual basis.

19.In addition, global markets are often highly interdependent, with actions in one market having consequences for any other markets.

20.It is unlikely that any commercial slogan will ever surpass the lasting impact of “The Pause that Refreshes” which appeared first in the Sunday Evening Post in February 1929.

21.It is important for an owner to have experienced making money from personal efforts.

22.Thus, it is increasingly common for organizations to come to the IMS.

23.Meanwhile, at international seminars or lectures, most Japanese will sit patiently waiting for a foreign speaker’s words to be translated consecutively into Japanese.

24.Coordination and control of activities in international markets become more problematic as the appropriate degree of centralization becomes unclear.

25.Alongside stocks and bonds which have existed for hundreds of years there are more recent financial instruments, including futures and forward contracts, options and swaps, these last two often being classified under the term of financial derivatives.

Упражнение 6

1. Informed that it was impossible to sack such a number of employees the executive director suggested reducing the company’s running costs by some other means.

2. Asked to justify his decision to cut the R and D budget, the head of the company failed to sound convincing.

3. Unlike customs, the rules of social institutions tend to be more formal carrying precise penalties for those who break them.

4. Two youths were fined 25 dollars being found guilty of causing a breach of peace,

5. Having arrested someone suspected of committing a crime, the police must decide if they have enough evidence to make a formal accusation.

6. If we had a world currency we’d also need some kind of world fiscal system to cushion whatever shocks may happen in different parts of the planet.

7. The contract contains a clause providing that all disputes raised by the customers should be referred to arbitration.

8. Tariff barriers are often imposed to protect infant industries being developed as a means of import substitution.

9. Without laws, it is argued, there would be anarchy in society, anarchists themselves suggest that human beings would be able to interact peacefully if there were no governments to interfere in their lives.

10. Business and economic students should have some idea of what the economy is expected to do in the future, and if interest rates are likely to rise or fall.

11. Broadly speaking, it is British cabinet, as the interior of the powers of the crown, which governs in the sense that it directs the administration and determines national policy and the legislation.

12. In the early nineteenth century British trade unions were unlawful and it is not until 1872 that they have been recognized by the law.

13. It does seem to be true that Americans appear almost instinctively to dislike government and politicians.

14. However, in order for the business to succeed careful, extensive planning should be a major part of the preparation.

15. In order for an economic indicator to have predictive value for investors, it must be current and forward-looking.

16. A firm may influence the growth rate of required capacity by various policy decisions relating to diversification, prices and marketing expenditures, all of which, given the production techniques employed and the general level of internal efficiency, have contingent effects on productivity.

17. This week the government unveiled a draft bill that, if enacted, would create the most ambitious scheme to foster the modernization drive.

18. Stagnant wages for many workers, rising health care and school tuition costs, the loss of the jobs and other factors have left many middle-class families squeezed.

19. The most damaging result of the computer virus panic of the 1990s is that any data loss can now be blamed on a mystery virus attack, potentially ignoring real software malfunctions or simple theft.

20. The data presented reflect various aspects of the current state of the country’s industry.

21. We reject the fact that the size of markets has been the major force restraining European competition.

22. Whether a country signs and tries to enforce an international agreement depends on whether it is likely to gain from it.

23. With ethnographic research as our primary tool, we can describe our primary target consumers and their changing needs and environment.

24. By this Mr. Healey said he meant the relationship between employment and output, which most countries had come to regard as given, seemed to have gone wrong in a number of countries, including the UK.

25. Even if they have been elected as Democrats or Republicans, Representatives or Senators are not bound to a party program, and they are not subject to any discipline when they disagree with their party.

Упражнение 7


1. A floor tax cannot be advertised as giving six months’ protection unless it does so under typical conditions.

2. Before practicing on his own account, it is compulsory for the barrister to undergo a period of pupilage by working in the Chambers.

3. The state regulates the behaviour of individuals providing rules and procedures for them to solve disputes between each other.

4. If granted, a patent makes it illegal for others to manufacture or use the invention without obtaining permission.

5. A flexible labour market is one in which it is easy for companies to hire non-permanent staff.

6. A congressman is required to be present when Congress is in session unless he is excluded to perform official business elsewhere or because of illness.

7. American cities and countries are divided into precinct polling districts, provided each contains from 200 to 1000 voters and a polling place.

8. Any person accused shall be held innocent until proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

9. The patent must be carefully worded, since it may be possible for someone to copy any part of it not mentioned in the patent.

10. Unless there are good reasons for deciding otherwise, the unsuccessful party will be required to pay not only his own costs, but also those of his opponent, at the discretion of the court.

11. Whether the defendant did in fact commit a crime or not is a question of fact to be decided by jurors.

12. Having become a precedent a judicial decision need not continue to be one indefinitely.

13. Once appointed, JPs (Justices of the Peace) are expected to attend courses of instruction about their work.

14. A defamatory letter which is mailed directly to the plaintiff, who opens and reads it, is not a publication, since there is no communication to a third person.

15. Many people believe that it is only efficient companies which are likely to want to adopt eco-protective measures, unless the government imposes special legislation.

16. Given sufficient legal grounds by the attorney, a judge may overturn a decision, or, based on the facts of a particular case, a judge may decide the case in a way that seems to be at odds with the precedent.

17. Whether the tax increase is the right solution to the budget problems is something economists have recently begun to doubt.

18. Inflation is forecast to fall to 12 per cent by the end of the year.

19. It is noteworthy that the Federal and State Parliaments are considered to bear no responsibility in this matter, probably in part because these institutions are little involved in environmental and energy questions.

20. Benefits to the balance of payments are estimated to reach about $ 475 million per annum and the total investment generated will create about 11,500 jobs.

21. The first effect was that British engineering and construction industries laid off a considerable number of men because the business outlook appears to be of a no-growth nature and thus there was no incentive to invest to expand.

22. Power, status and the satisfaction derived from work are important inducements. These effects are more difficult to assess for unearned incomes.

23. Employers are in most cases willing to help their employees pursue self-improvement, with many companies sponsoring their own educational programs for them.

24. The problem is for the company to exist and you have to decide who the founders are and how much stock they each have.

25. The British Queen is probably the wealthiest woman in the world, most of money coming from family investments rather than state.


Упражнение 8

1. These increases in the inflow of orders after many months of poor demand appear to represent the turning point before the general recovery.

2. The sharp rises in U.S. and Euro-dollar interest rates during March and early April of this year seem to have perturbed the Fed.

3. Furthermore, this favourable balance is likely to increase as North Sea Oil increases production.

4. Nonetheless, one can at least identify some of the factors that are likely to influence the firm's activities in relation to industrial innovation.

5. The time is fast approaching, however, to seek a substantial bank loan and, as the oil boom is gaining momentum, the company is not likely to have any difficulty in securing it.

6. The Commission is reported to rule out an enforced break-up of thecompany.

7. Government economists, influenced by outside groups and think-tanks, arrived equipped with theories that seemed to offer more precision, more utility and more consistency than the vague, fuzzy notions of traditional public administration.

8. The aim is ultimately to throw light on the real economic problems faced by individuals, their organizations and society.

9. Indeed, not all economies are organized in the same way, there are different types of economic systems meeting the production and distribution problems which societies must face.

10. Such resources can be separated into those which are renewable and those which are not; mineral reserves can be mined once only, oily supplies cannot be recreated, given current technical “know-how”

11. Early years at the Bar may be insecure since solicitors are reluctant to entrust their work to an untrained barrister and without work he is likely to remain untrained.

12. As expected, there are fewer technological innovations and breakthrough innovations with the number of actual innovations decreasing as the technology involved increases.

13. If this thinking were correct, there would be good reason to oppose further globalization, or regret that the process has gone as far as it has. But it is not correct. In part it is muddled and in part it is simply wrong.

14. Having started to liberalize their economies, governments were left with less power than they had expected. And having surrendered more control than they meant to, politicians found they could not go back.

15. The question arose on responsibility, some participants pointing out that laws were neglected everywhere.

16. If Saudi Arabia decides to maintain its products at the current level, the highest prices are almost equally certain to continue to decline, given the state of the market.

17. This is in contrast to a spot market, where goods and payment are exchanged, with people taking delivery immediately.

18. Poland has had no stock exchange since the Second World War, but in the early 1990s reinstated trading in the shares of companies, previously owned by the state.

19. Looking backwards through time, in traditional pre-industrial societies, production and distribution decisions were based on producers evolved through a long course of trial and error.

20. Enough food, shelter and clothing to keep alive, given the vagaries of the natural elements, disease and political upheavals, was as much as many could hope for.

21. This ‘ideal type’ market, set in analytical time, can be shown to give most output for the least cost; to deliver the best possible result provided that appropriate conditions hold

22. Even though people may be buying or selling something else in other markets, they are ready and able to switch markets, should the price be right; if they can make a bigger profit or a better buy.

23. A patent makes it illegal for others to manufacture or use the invention without permission.

24. An Atomic Energy Authority spokesman said it was so unusual for one or two reactors to be shut down at weekends under normal conditions.

25. In contrast, we provide an introduction which emphasizes economic history and economic development, drawing attention to the way in which economies and institutions has evolved over time. Given the constraints of time and space, this inevitably means that the choice of particular examples is limited.

Упражнение 9


1. It is not necessarily feasible for the export of machines to be expanded in order to import copper, and we might have to sell the machines so cheaply that this becomes ineffective.

2. The six-bottle carton was an easy way for consumers to take Coca Cola home to their families.

3. The long-established inverse link between the gold price and the value of the dollar appeared to have been finally severed.

4. Home demand seems likely to be flat through the year after the rise in the first quarter.

5. The registration of a company may be cancelled if its objects turn out to be illegal.

6. It is, in principle, possible to impose taxes on potential rather than actual performance, so that extra effort is liberally rewarded, but any shortfall severely penalized.

7. Earlier, the conclusion was reached that the bulk of the use of high-level skills will be concentrated in the growth industries, which are also science-based and capital intensive.

8. Investment in long-lived plant is planned in the light of expectations held when the plans are drawn up.

9. Overall growth due to the transfer of recourses out of agriculture can be estimated only in terms of the labour components and even then only approximately.

10. While the importance of trends cannot be denied the possibilities of endogenous growth should be explored before they are relied on.

11. The fact is that the future can not be known for certain when choices are being made implies that the concept is self-contradictory.

12. The estimated volume of trade may be included but cannot be considered as binding.

13. In other words, until the plant is built, goods produced, some market and production experience obtained, and some knowledge as to how consumers are likely to react to the commodity obtained, no estimate of the risk can be made.

14. How your partnership tax bill is worked out by your tax inspector doesn’t mean that this is what you each should pay, if you have agreed otherwise.

15. In practice, partnership investment income is normally allocated in the same ratio profit share and each individual partner is given a tax bill for the investment income.

16. You could sell some of your shares. That may not be so easy if the company is quoted on the unlisted securities market.

17. When the franchise is bought the contract will be signed and he buyer will usually pay an initial fee to the franchiser.

18. Given good will, such negotiation could only narrow down the area of disagreement and lead to decision conforming with the interests of the European peace and security.

19. If we can now double our standard of living, by investing a given amount annually, in twenty –five years, while it would have taken fifty or hundred years a century ago, this can be an argument for, rather than against, stepping up investment now.

20. What needs to be considered more than the nature of human rights is to whom they apply.

21. They expect managers to have their performance judged against the global term “decision-making” on a standard appraisal form.

22. It is possible in English law to bring a civil action against the police if someone was mistreated when questioned by the police about a criminal case.

23. Free market theories argue that the main responsibility of a company is to conduct business in accordance with its shareholders’ desires, which generally will mean to make as much money as possible, while of course conforming to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those embodied in ethical customs.

24. Once the police have brought a criminal charge, the papers are passed to the Crown Prosecution Service which decides whether the case should be accepted for prosecution.

25. In order to conform to European Community Law it is now possible for someone contracting with a company on ultra vires matters to be protected, provided the matter was authorized by the company’s directors.




1.Costs would be lessened if your business were located near the source of supply.

2.On the other hand, you may estimate that, in business where personality is important, the previous owner has not been ideally suited to the nature of the work.

3.The implication of the consideration just advanced is that even if there had been any violent disturbances in international relations, the marked rise in the ratio of world foreign trade to world total output might not have continued, but the retardation in this rise and the possible decline would have been gradual over many decades.

4.It seems clear that were the field of basic research left exclusively to private firms operating independently of each other and selling in competitive markets, profit would not draw so large a quantity of resources to basic research as is socially desirable.

5.Since the US $ is the world’s most important trading currency there is a market of many billions of Eurodollars (including the oil-exporting countries’ “petrodollars).

6.Further, if the situation in the base-year was sub-optimal, a greater availability of scientists and engineers could lead to a rapid manning-up of industry to achieve desired levels of skill-use.

7.Some offences such as piracy, slave trading and war crimes are considered to be so serious that they are subject to the jurisdiction of all states.

8.In practice an estimate of potentialities is possible, but we could have more justice and more powerful incentive if we introduced more scope for tax provisions which discriminate more subtly between high incomes which are temporary and those which are permanent, and which avoid extra effort particularly hard.

9.The factors examined so far probably do not account for more than about 1 per cent of these growth rates, except in Germany.

10.There is another type of commodity, produced by means of the commodities, for which the conditions of supply are somewhat different.

11.The activities followed by the two divisions, are most sensibly regarded as a single operation.

12.Given their essential features, markets are diverse. The products traded, the market make-up and performance may vary considerably.

13.Thus, if the investment decided upon leads to excessive imports, the solution lies in cutting off imports or increasing exports rather than in slowing down growth.

14.Other things being equal, the bigger the share of output devoted to investment, the more rapidly will this process unfold.

15.Rather, economic thinking helps us to clarify the possibilities, to identify and think systematically about problems and the alternative ways of dealing with them, to predict the outcomes of different scenarios given different starting points.

16.Governments, on the other hand, given the multitude of objectives with which they must be concerned, cannot rely on this solution.

17.A creditor of an organization is owed money for goods or services supplied.

18.Having accounted for the change that has taken place, it is necessary to look at the historical evolution of economic thought.

19.Although judges in one common law country cannot directly support their decisions by cases from another, it is permissible for a judge to note such evidence.

20.Thus the increase in exports appears to have flattened out. Shipments to both North America and Europe appear to have slowed down.

21.The document says that it appears that construction industry is unlikely to be reformed in the near future.

22.It is the personal characteristics that are the subject of this article.

23.So in addition to being objective and unbiased, they must free themselves of any impediments.

24.Recently these plans seemed to have assumed a new reality and to have become more aggressive

25.According to the classification used in most marketing textbooks, advertising is only one of 4 standard promotional tools, the others being sales promotion, public relations and personal selling.



Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 282.