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1.Overall economic growth makes it possible for farmers to concentrate on a narrower range of commodities.

2.There was a general tendency for wage rates to rise relative to productivity.

3.Many industrial projects are too complex for experts to evaluate their effect on the environment.

4.The problem under discussion was too complicated for the participants in the Congress to cope with.

5.One way for the company to protect its market share is to try to find ways to increase the size of the entire market.

6.One of the subjects which the President discussed with the French Foreign Minister was a proposal for a conference of European countries to discuss security measures to ensure peace in Europe.

7.State election laws make it difficult or virtually impossible for minority parties to qualify for a place on the ballot.

8.The resolution allows for an emergency session of the General Assembly to be called on 24-hour notice by a majority of the entire memberships.

9.There is a need for the more highly skilled technologists to be kept in continuous contact with the development of research into new processes and new products.

10.It is associated with the tendency for the output of agricultural products to be more than the market will absorb.

11.This emphasizes the desperate need for the Government to fulfill its pledge to meet the problem with a lower rate of interest for housing.

12.It is also necessary in all countries for long-term policy to recognize the changes within agriculture and to facilitate their accomplishment.

13.All these factors aggravated the debt problem and it was impossible for the country tomeet its external debt service obligations in time.

14.It is necessary for at least ten of the twelve jurors to agree in order to find a defendant guilty.

15.In these circumstances the party leaders had no plan for the Prime Minister to make a unity appeal when he attends today’s party meeting.

16.The British Prime Minister sought to reduce the income tax bite on middle- and upper-income people, believing it would provide an incentive for them to work harder, save and invest more money to help get the economy moving again.

17.It is time for the flurry of activity to be accompanied by a detailed explanation of the decisions made so far.

18.The WTO is a forum for member governments to negotiate trade agreements and to try to sort out trade problems.

19.Judges do not merely apply the law, in some cases they make law, and their interpretations may become precedents for others to follow.

20.The reduction in the proportion of domestic product also reflects the tendency, as economic growth progresses, for an increasing proportion of the inputs used in agriculture to be produced in non-farm sectors.

4. Причастие


Формы причастия

  active passive
Present Participle (Participle I) Producing Производящий Производивший Производя Being produced Производимый, будучи производимым
Past Participle( Vз ) (Participle II) - Produced Произведенный
Perfect Participle Having produced Произведя Having been produced Будучи произведенным

Функции причастия

а) Причастие (Participle I, II ) в функции определения, стоящее после или перед существительным, переводится на русский язык причастием настоящего и прошедшего времени или определительным придаточным предложением в зависимости от контекста.


The goods being advertised in this magazine are in great demand with many


Товары, рекламируемые в этом журнале, пользуются большим спросом

у многих покупателей.


The aim of this book is to consider the real economic problems faced by

individuals, their organizations and society.

Целью этой книги является рассмотреть реальные экономические

проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются физические лица, их организации и общество.


The committee passed the resolution calling for free trade policies.

Комитет принял резолюцию, призывающую к проведению политики

свободной торговли.


б) Причастие (Participle I, II, Perfect Participle) в функции обстоя

тельства времени, причины, образа действия, условия стоит часто в

начале или в конце предложения и переводится на русский язык

деепричастием или соответствующим придаточным предложением.


Asked about the claim he said the dispute would be settled out of the court.

Когда его спросили об иске, он ответил, что спор будет урегулирован

вне суда.


Having had the opportunity of seeing the full range of your products we

would like to place an order with you. Получив возможность просмот

реть полный ассортимент Вашей продукции, нам бы хотелось разме-

стить у Вас заказ.


Speakingat the meeting of the shareholders the President of the Bank tried

to explain that the problems causedby inflation would soon be solved.

Выступая на собрании акционеров, Президент банка попытался объ-

яснить, что проблемы, вызванные инфляцией будут скоро решены.


в) Причастие (Participle I, II) в функции союзов и предлогов.

Некоторые причастия в функции союзов и предлогов переводятся чаще

на русский язык следующим образом:


Provided, granted (granting) – при условии, принимая во внимание

Supposing, assuming – если, допустим, предположим что

Seeing – поскольку, принимая во внимание, учитывая, ввиду того что

Given – при наличии, если учесть

Failing – при отсутствии

Regarding, respecting - относительно

Pending – до, в ожидании

Following – вслед за

Considering – учитывая



Given shared goals and favorite environment, everyone can contribute to solve the problem.

Если учесть общие цели и благоприятную обстановку, каждый может внести свой вклад в решение этой проблемы.

The task of improving the living standards is quite feasible, providedall national

efforts are concentrated on economic development.

Вполне возможно выполнить задачу по улучшению жизненного уровня при условии, если национальные усилия будут сконцентрированы на экономическом развитии.

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 264.