9. Give a talk on 1) pronouns; 2) numerals.
▐ Part V. THE VERB
In Russian there are transitive verbs which require an object in the accusative without a preposition (читать книгу) and intransitive verbs (бегать, стоять).
There are a number of verbs ending in - ся . All these verbs are intransitive. Some of these verbs have a reflexive meaning (одеваться).
Russian verbs have the indicative, the imperative and the conditional-subjunctive moods. The indicative mood has three tenses, with one form for the present, one for the past and two for the future, some verbs taking the simple future form (прочитаю), and others, the compound future form (буду читать). In the present and future tenses Russian verbs change for person and for number. In the past tense, Russian verbs have no special personal forms but they change for number and, in the singular, for gender.
The verb also has special forms, namely, the infinitive, the participle and the verbal adverb.
In Russian there are impersonal verbs which change neither for person (in the present and the future) nor for gender or number (in the past). These verbs are used without any subject: морозит.
The main peculiarity of the Russian verb is that it has aspects. There are two aspects: the imperfective aspect and the perfective aspect. Perfective verbs denote complete actions, i.e. actions which were completed, brought to an end in the past or will be completed in the future.
Some verbs of the perfective aspect convey not only the idea that the action is completed, but also that the action is only performed once (on a single occasion): толкнул means that he pushed the chair only once, while the verb толкал conveys continuity or repetition of the action. The verb толкал is the verb of the imperfective aspect. Imperfective verbs denote only an action or a state without any reference to its completion. Besides, some imperfective verbs convey the idea that the action took place more than once, having thus iterative meaning: хаживал - used to go. Iterative verbs are rarely used.
Many imperfective verbs are primary verbs, while many perfective verbs are derivative. There are few primary perfective verbs; some are monosyllabic ( дать, лечь), some have suffix -u- (решить). Perfective verbs are formed from the corresponding imperfective ones by affixing prefixes (писать-написать) or by substituting one suffix for another (толкать-толкнуть). Imperfective verbs are formed from the corresponding perfective ones by affixing suffixes to the stem (овладеть-овладевать) or by substituting one suffix for another (изучить-изучать).
Imperfective verbs have three tenses, while perfective ones have only two, namely, the past and the future. Imperfective verbs have the compound future, formed by means of the future form of the auxiliary verb and the infinitive of the principal verb (буду читать). Perfective verbs have the simple future (прочитаю).
The different formation of tense forms resulting from the two different aspects of Russian verbs leads to a number of typical mistakes often made by foreigners; namely, using the present tense instead of the future, incorrect formation of the future tense of perfective verbs.
According to their personal endings verbs are classed into two groups: verbs of the first conjugation and verbs of the second conjugation.
1. Verb - глагол
2. 'Object - дополнение
3. 'Transitive - переходный
4. In'transitive - непереходный
5. Mood - наклонение
6. In'dicative - изъявительное
7. Im'perative - побудительное
8. Con'ditional - условное
9. Sub'junctive - сослагательное
10. Tense - время
11. 'Participle - причастие
12. 'Verbal 'adverb - деепричастие
13. 'Subject – подлежащее, тема
14. 'Aspect - вид (грам.)
15. Per'fective - совершенный
16. Imper'fective - несовершенный
17. 'Iterative - многократный
18. Primary - простой, первичный, основной
19. De'rivative - производный
20. Au'xiliary - вспомогательный
21. Conju'gation - спряжение
22. To re'quire - требовать
23. To con'vey - передавать
24. State - состояние
25. Be'sides - кроме (того)
26. To af'fix - добавлять, прикреплять
27. To 'substitute for - заменять
Word study
1. Translate the derivatives.
*Verb - *verbal - nonverbal - verbally. *`Transit - *transition - transitional - transitionally - transitive - intransitive. *Condition - conditioner - *conditional - unconditional - conditionally. * *Perfect - *perfectly - to per'fect - *perfection - perfectionist - imperfect - imperfectly - imperfection - perfective - imperfective. *To derive - derivation - derivative. *To require - *requirement. *To convey - conveyance - conveyer. *To substitute - *substitution - *a substitute.
Дата: 2019-11-01, просмотров: 261.