Read and translate the derivatives and compounds.
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  Number, to end, singular, feminine, animate, to refer, masculine, to agree, memory, to determine, sense, to collect, memorable, end, to number, to sense, determination, collective, substance, endless, to disagree, sensible, to memorize, agreement, sensitive, determined, substantial, memorial, collection, reference, sensitivity, memo, ending, substantially, disagreement, agreeable, senseless, senselessly, singularly, senselessness, insensible, numberless, animation, sensibly, agreeably, endlessly, sensibility, animated, insensitive, singularity, sensitiveness, disagreeable, determiner, number-plate, sensitively, animatedly collectively, hypersensitive.

    2. Change the italicized words for their synonyms.

1. Can I have the latest issue of Vogue magazine? 2. The film seemed to have no end. 3. We were pleasantly surprised by their willingness to help. 4. She sang several songs from her latest album. 5. "Jungles" can't be expressed in the form representing only one. 6. A stone is not a living object. 7. They were full of excitement when they spoke about their holiday. 8. We should first try to find out how much it's going to cost. 9. The department gathers information on political extremists. 10. The scientist spoke of this discovery as the most important in this field. 11. This is radioactive material. 12. The different meanings of the word are marked by the numbers. 13. Your contribution helped us a lot. 14. The price is a little higher than I expected.

 (To refer, sense, number (2), substance, somewhat, to determine, endless, animation, substantially, agreeably, singular, to collect, inanimate.)


    3. Translate the word combinations and use them in your sentences.

Lucky number, substantial salary, happy ending, agreeable weather, a woman of singular beauty, animated argument, from beginning to end, task number one, to be calm and collected, memorably awful party, in the end, beyond number, a collect phone call, substantial meal, to make (both) ends meet, to be collectively responsible, numberless possibilities.


Translate the following sentences.

1. One of the ways of showing difference of gender is by changing the ending. 2. Worker bees are neuter. 3. He's your enemy number one. 4. He numbers among the best modern writers. 5. "Кот" is the masculine word for "кошка". 6. The two companies entered into agreement with each other. 7. Laughter animated her face for a moment. 8. She is a determined woman who always gets what she wants. 9. Call me collect as soon as you get home. 10. He collected the children from school. 11. We all have collective responsibility for this decision. 12. She plays music from memory. 13. He showed a singular lack of tact.

Translate into English.

1. В русском языке три рода, а во французском - только два. 2. Выбери любое число от 2 до 10 . 3. Они забыли пронумеровать страницы. 4. У машины нет номеров. 5. В русском языке 6 падежей. 6. Слово "роман" - мужского рода в русском. 7. "-Ий " - окончание мужского рода, а "-ая" - женского. 8. "Актриса" - женская форма от "актер". 9. Путешествие казалось бесконечным. 10. "Книги" - множественное число от "книга". 11. Существительное "кофе" - единственного числа, мужского рода. 12. У слова "очки" нет единственного числа. 13. Мы решили пойти сразу. 14. "His" и "my" - определители. 15. Новый закон не относится к земле, используемой фермерами. 16. Ряд людей покинули компанию. 17. Я не могу запомнить этот список имен! 18. Актриса написала свои мемуары. 19. Он писал о памятной поездке в Италию. 20. Я использую слово "человек" в самом широком смысле.



Text Study

    1. Insert the prepositions into the sentences below.

1. Nouns fall ... three genders. 2. The gender of nouns is determined ... their endings. 3. The gender of nouns is expressed ... their agreement. 4. These words change their endings ... ... the gender of the nouns. 5. The meaning ... the plural form is different ... that ... the singular. 6. A number ... words ... common use have only the plural form. 7. These words are used only ... the plural. 8. "Чтение" ... the sense ... "reading" is used only ... the singular.


    2. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the grammatical categories of the noun? 2. What genders are there in Russian? 3.What determines the gender of a noun? 4. What gender do the words ending in ь belong to? 5. What does grammatical agreement mean? 6. What are the classes of words used only in the singular? 7. What words are used only in the plural?


4. Give some more examples of the nouns used only a) in the singular; b) in the plural; c) in the singular and in the plural in different meanings.

Дата: 2019-11-01, просмотров: 270.