Курс английского языка для филологов III - IV курсов
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Курс английского языка для филологов III - IV курсов








    The Russian alphabet comprises 33 letters. But there are more sounds than letters in Russian.




    As in any other language, sounds in Russian fall into vowels and consonants. The difference between those lies in that while in the pronunciation of vowels the outgoing air passes freely through the mouth cavity, in the pronunciation of consonants the outgoing air meets with various obstructions formed in the mouth cavity. All Russian vowels are voiced, whereas the consonants may be either voiced or voiceless. All Russian vowels are generally syllabic, whereas the consonants are not. Speech consists of syllables. A syllable is a sound or a number of sounds pronounced at one breath. The syllabic sound is pronounced more vigorously than the other sounds of the syllable. There can be only one syllabic sound in a syllable. All other sounds in a syllable are non-syllabic. Thus, in the word "ходит" there are 2 syllables, two syllabic sounds (o, u). The first syllable contains one non-syllabic sound, the second - two (д , т).


    The character of a vowel sound depends primarily on the position of the tongue. Vowels are classified according to (1) what part of the tongue articulates them and (2) the height of the tongue in the mouth. According to the articulating part of the tongue the vowels are classified into back (у,о), central (ы, а) and front (и,э) vowels. In pronouncing the back vowels, the back part of the tongue is raised towards the back of the palate. In pronouncing the central vowels the central part of the tongue is raised towards the central part of the palate. In pronouncing the front vowels, the central part of the tongue is raised towards the front of the palate.

    According to the height of the tongue in their pronunciation the vowels are divided into open (а), half-open (э, о) and close (и, ы, у). In pronouncing the open vowels, the tongue lies low and is spread flat in the mouth, in pronouncing the half-open vowels, it is not raised very high, while in pronouncing the close vowels, the tongue is raised very high in the mouth cavity. Depending on what part of the tongue is raised and to what height, the size and form of the mouth cavity (which acts as a resonator) are changed.

    In pronouncing the vowels о , y not only the position of the tongue is important, but the work of the lips as well. In articulating o the lips are rounded, and in pronouncing y they are not only rounded but also slightly protruded.



1. Pronunciation [pr∂ n nsi 'ei∫n] - произношение

2. To pronounce [pr∂ 'nauns] - произносить

3. Sound [saund] - звук               

4. Letter - буква

5. Vowel [ 'vau∂l ] - гласный звук

6. 'Consonant - согласный звук

7. Mouth 'cavity - полость рта

8. Voiced – звонкий                                     

9. Voiceless - глухой

10. 'Syllable - слог

11. Syl'labic - слогообразующий

12. Tongue [ t ŋ]- язык

13. To articulate [ a: 'tikjuleit ] - артикулировать

14. Flat - плоский

15. To round [ raund ]- округлять

16. To protrude [ pr∂ 'tru:d ] - вытягивать, выступать

17. ' Palate - нёбо

18. To com'prise - включать

19. Obs'truction - препятствие

20. Whereas - в то время как

21. Breath [ breθ] - дыхание

22. 'Vigorously - энергично

23. Thus - таким образом, так

24. Ac'cording to - согласно

25. Height [ hait ] - высота

26. Primarily [ 'praim∂r∂li ] - в первую очередь

27.  Slightly - слегка

28. Either ... or ... - или... или....

Word Study

    1. Which of the active words are defined by the following phrases?

What is or may be heard; mainly/chiefly; to make round; the movable organ in the mouth; to make a sound of a letter or a word; energetic, forceful; a sign that represents a speech sound; in this way; having or forming a syllable; the process of blocking up; to consist of; smooth and level/not rounded or bumpy.


    2. Translate the derivatives. Use them in your sentences.

*Sound - soundless - soundlessly - *to sound. *To pronounce - *pronunciation - pronounceable - unpronounceable. *Mouth - to mouth - *mouthful. *Voice - to voice - to devoice - voiceless - voiced. To obstruct - obstruction - obstructive - obstructively. *Breath - *to breathe - breathless - breathlessly - breathlessness - *breathtaking. Vigour - vigourous - vigourously. *Flat - flatness - to flatten. *High – *highly - *height - to heighten.

    3. Translate the word combinations.

Sound waves, unpronounceable word, obstruction in the throat, tongue-tied, capital letter, to pronounce correctly, flat surface, voiced consonant, front vowel, small letter, tongue-twister, round bracket (скобка), in the mouth cavity, two-syllable word, syllabic letter, protruding chin, flat plate, obstructive policy, protruding teeth.

    4. Continue the following rows of words.

1. To pronounce a word/ name...

2. The sound of footsteps/ laughter ...

3. The right /excellent .... pronunciation.          

4. A flat surface/ floor/ hat ...

5. Vigorous defense/ plants/ attack ...

6. Breathtaking beauty/ stupidity/ rudeness ...

    6. Translate .

1. Как вы произносите свое имя? 2. В английском языке более двадцати различных согласных звуков. 3. '' Э" - заглавная (большая) буква. 4. В слове "король" два слога. 5. Гласные буквы в английском алфавите - a,u,i,o,e. 6. Я слышал звук голосов. 7. В этом слове буква "ч" не произносится. 8. "Д" - это звонкий согласный, а "т" - глухой. 9. Вы произносите это слово неверно. 10. В английском алфавите 26 букв. 11. Поломаный грузовик затруднил (помешал) дорожное движение. 12. Информация, собранная таким образом, была использована в их работе. 13. Он округлил губы, как будто хотел засвистеть (whistle). 14. Либо извинись, либо уходи. 15. Из кармана мужчины выступал пистолет. 16. Я боюсь высоты. 17. Нам заплатят согласно работе, которую мы сделаем. 18. В слове "button" "n" - слогообразующий согласный. 19. Министр энергично защищал политику правительства (government).


Text Study

    1. Define the following terms.

Vowel, consonant, syllabic sound, back/front/central vowels, open/half-open/close vowels, resonator.


    2. Close your books and answer the questions.

1. How many letters are there in the Russian alphabet?

2. What are two main groups of sounds in any language?

3. What is a vowel?

4. Can vowels be voiceless?

5. How are consonants pronounced?

6. Are consonants syllabic?

7. What's the difference between a syllabic sound and other sounds of a word?

8. What does the number of syllabic sounds in a word depend on?

9. What does the character of a vowel depend on?

10. What are the types of vowels?

11. What acts as a resonator while pronouncing sounds?

12. When is the position of lips important?

13. In pronouncing which vowels do you round your lips?

14. Do you protrude your lips when you pronounce [o]?


4. Give a talk on 1) Russian sounds; 2) Russian vowels.       




    The main grammatical categories of the Russian noun are gender, number and case.

The Gender of the Noun

    Gender is one of the most characteristic features of the noun. All Russian nouns fall into three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. The gender of noun denoting persons or certain animals is determined by the sex of the persons or animals they denote; the grammatical gender of other nouns is determined by their endings. The gender of the nouns denoting inanimate objects ending in a soft consonant should be memorized, e.g. полдень (m), боль (f), день (m), тень (f).

    The gender of nouns is expressed in their agreement, i.e., in the adjectives, most of the pronouns (местоимения), the ordinal numerals (порядковые числительные) and past tense verbs changing their endings according to the gender of the noun they refer to.


The Number of the Noun

    Nouns may be singular or plural. A number of nouns are used only in the singular: a) nouns denoting various materials and substances, b) nouns denoting vegetables, cereals, berries, crops; c) collective nouns; d) abstract nouns; e) nouns denoting the cardinal points (сторона света) and the months of the year. Certain nouns from this group are occasionally used in the plural, but the lexical meaning of the plural is somewhat different from that of the singular: литературные чтения - literary recitals; радости жизни - life's joys.

    The following words are used only in the plural: a) nouns denoting objects consisting of two similar parts: ножницы, очки; b) a number of words in common use, such as деньги, духи, каникулы, сливки, т.д.

    The word часы in the sense of a clock, a watch is used only in the plural; in the sense of hours it is used in both singular and plural.

    The word очки in the sense of spectacles is used only in the plural; in the sense of points (in games) it is used both in singular and plural: Я потерял очко.


1. Noun - существительное

2. 'Gender - род

3. 'Number - число

4. Case – падеж

5. Masculine [ 'mæskjulin ]- мужской

6. Feminine [ 'feminin ] - женский

7. Neuter [ 'nju:t∂ ]- средний

8. 'Ending - окончание

9. Ag'reement - согласование

10. Plural [ 'pluэrэl ]- множественный

11. 'Singular - единственный

12. Inanimate [in 'ænimit ] - неодушевленный

13. Col'lective - собирательный

14. To determine [di 'tε:min ]- определять

15. To re'fer - относиться, ссылаться

16. A number of - ряд, некоторое количество

17. `Substance - вещество

18. Somewhat - до некоторой степени, отчасти, несколько

19. Sense - смысл, чувство

20. To 'memorize - запоминать, заучить


Word Study

Translate into English.

1. В русском языке три рода, а во французском - только два. 2. Выбери любое число от 2 до 10 . 3. Они забыли пронумеровать страницы. 4. У машины нет номеров. 5. В русском языке 6 падежей. 6. Слово "роман" - мужского рода в русском. 7. "-Ий " - окончание мужского рода, а "-ая" - женского. 8. "Актриса" - женская форма от "актер". 9. Путешествие казалось бесконечным. 10. "Книги" - множественное число от "книга". 11. Существительное "кофе" - единственного числа, мужского рода. 12. У слова "очки" нет единственного числа. 13. Мы решили пойти сразу. 14. "His" и "my" - определители. 15. Новый закон не относится к земле, используемой фермерами. 16. Ряд людей покинули компанию. 17. Я не могу запомнить этот список имен! 18. Актриса написала свои мемуары. 19. Он писал о памятной поездке в Италию. 20. Я использую слово "человек" в самом широком смысле.



Text Study

    1. Insert the prepositions into the sentences below.

1. Nouns fall ... three genders. 2. The gender of nouns is determined ... their endings. 3. The gender of nouns is expressed ... their agreement. 4. These words change their endings ... ... the gender of the nouns. 5. The meaning ... the plural form is different ... that ... the singular. 6. A number ... words ... common use have only the plural form. 7. These words are used only ... the plural. 8. "Чтение" ... the sense ... "reading" is used only ... the singular.


    2. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the grammatical categories of the noun? 2. What genders are there in Russian? 3.What determines the gender of a noun? 4. What gender do the words ending in ь belong to? 5. What does grammatical agreement mean? 6. What are the classes of words used only in the singular? 7. What words are used only in the plural?


4. Give some more examples of the nouns used only a) in the singular; b) in the plural; c) in the singular and in the plural in different meanings.



1. 'Adjective - прилагательное

2. To ag'ree - согласоваться

3. Qualitative [ 'kwolit∂tiv]- качественный

4. 'Relative - относительный

5. To qualify [ 'kwolifai]- определять

6. Com'parative - сравнительный

7. Su'perlative - превосходный

8. De'gree - степень

9. 'Positive - положительный

10. Con'junction - союз

11. Prefix [ 'pri:fiks ]- приставка

12. Pronoun [ 'prounaun ]- местоимение

13. Completely [ k∂m 'pli:tli ] - полностью

14. To bear [ bε∂ ] (bore, born) – нести

15. Ob'ligatory - обязaтельный

16. 'Pattern - модель, образец


Word Study

    1. Translate the derivatives after reading their definitions.

*TO QUALIFY - *qualification - *qualified - *quality – qualitative.

*TO RELATE -*related - *relation - *relative - *a relative - *relatively -relativity – relatedness – unrelated - *relationship - to interrelate – interrelated - interrelation.

SUPERLATIVE - superlatively

*POSITIVE - positiveness.

*TO BEAR- bearable – bearer – bearably – unbearable - unbearably.

*TO OBLIGE - obliging - to obligate - (Am/form.)- *obligation - obligatory - obligingly - obligingness.

*COMPLETE - *to complete - *completely - completeness - *completion – incomplete - incompleteness.

    2. Bearing in mind the information from ex.1 translate the word combinations. Use them in your sentences.

Qualified agreement, a highly qualified teacher, to qualify as a doctor, to qualify a noun, qualitative valuation, poor/low quality, high-quality goods. To relate directly to, the related problems, to invite one's relatives, close/distant relations, relations between 2 countries, her relationship with her husband, the relative cost, a relatively warm day, theory of relativity. A superlative quality, superlatively happy, a superlative performance. To say something positively, positive advice. Unbearable child, bearable pain, a bearer of bad news, to bear gifts for, to bear fruit, to have no bearing on. To feel obligated to do, to have no obligation. A complete surprise, in complete control of the situation, a complete computer system, to complete the collection, to be completely finished, completion of the course, to complete work, to be completely successful.       


4. Translate into Russian. Mind different meanings of the active words.

1. Spending a week in Russia doesn't qualify you to talk about it as an expert. 2. The carpet has a pattern of white and red squares. 3. She described the place with the superlatives. 4. They can be trusted to some degree. 5. I'm related to her by marriage. 6. It seemed unlikely to me, but Helen was absolutely positive about it. 7. The army is acting in the conjunction with the police in the hunt for the extremists. 8. She's getting better by degrees, it will be some time before she's completely well. 9. They are both called Smith, but there's no relationship between them. 10. Give the money to the bearer of this note. 11. He related to us a very exciting story. 12. She shows qualities of leadership. 13. She's not just pretty - she's positively beautiful! 14. To do this job you must have a degree in Chemistry. 15. He completed the book with the chapter on the theory of relativity. 16. The letter bears no name. 17. We are invited, but we are under no obligation to go. 18. We were paid on completion of the work. 19. What you have said has no bearing on the subject. 20. Her efforts bore fruit - the play was a success. 21. He patterned himself upon the man he admired (восхищаться). 22. Seeing the family completed her happiness.


Answer the questions.

1. What do you need to make your happiness complete?

2. What is your best quality?

3. Who's your closest relative?

4. What newspaper or magazine can be called a quality one?

5. Is it relatively warm today?

6. What is your relationship with your mother?

7. Do you feel obliged to visit your relatives regularly?

    7. Translate from Russian into English using the active words.

1. Прилагательные определяют существительные. 2. Доброта - ее лучшее качество. 3. У них деловые отношения с нашей фирмой. 4. Она - моя дальняя родственница. 5. Мои отношения с Джимом продолжаются полгода. 6. Дядя - мой ближайший родственник сейчас. 7. Какова относительная стоимость этих двух зданий? 8. Экзамен был относительно легким. 9. "Худший" - это превосходная степень от "плохой". 10. Он сказал совершенно определенно, что придет. 11. "На-" - это приставка. 12. Боль была едва переносима. 13. Не забывай о том, что она все это время болела. 14. Дата окончания работы - первое апреля. 15. Я не выношу черного кофе. 16. Это было для меня полным сюрпризом. 17. Ему нужен ещё один CD, чтобы его коллекция музыки "Rolling Stones" была полной.

    8. Use the following phrases in your dialogues.

q I think it's true to a degree.

q Are you sure? - Positive!

q I can't bear it!

q Bear up! (Держись!) The news isn't so bad.

q (I'm) much obliged (to you)!

q I completely forgot about it.

q He made a complete fool of himself.



Text Study

    1. Define the terms.

Adjective, relative adjective, qualitative adjective, comparative degree, superlative degree, positive degree, conjunction, prefix, to use attributively, to use predicatively, logical stress, short form, substantivized adjective, emphatic intonation, obligatory word.


    2. Answer the questions.

1. What are the functions of the adjective? 2. In what way does an adjective agree with a noun? 3. What types of adjectives can be distinguished? 4. What is the functional difference between short-form and long-form adjectives? 5. What is the position of an adjective in a Russian sentence? 6. When is this word-order broken? 7. How are substantivized adjectives declined? 8. Are the Russian comparison forms declined? 9. How is the comparative degree of an adjective formed? 10. How is the superlative degree formed? 11. What is the most popular way of forming the superlative degree?


    3. Give a few instances of completely substantivized adjectives.

    4. Read the text and report the information to the class.

    Синонимия (synonymy) краткой и полной форм прилагательных в атрибутивной функции невозможна. Синонимичное их употребление возможно только при использовании обеих форм в роли сказуемого. Однако и в этой функции полная и краткая формы далеко не всегда синонимичны.

    1. Смысловое различие находит свое выражение в том, что некоторые краткие формы прилагательных резко отличаются от соответствующих полных своим значением: Совет хороший. – Девушка хороша собой.

    2. Прилагательные, обозначающие постоянное свойство предметов или служащие терминологическими обозначениями признаков, не могут употребляться в краткой форме: Цветы в вазе живые. Эта стена глухая. Краткие формы обычно отражают временные признаки: Он глух к моим мольбам. Она больна. Однако, в некоторых случаях краткая форма может обозначать и постоянную характеристику объекта: Она очень привлекательна.

    3. В других случаях различие между двумя формами прилагательного выражается в том, что полная форма обозначает абсолютный признак, не связанный с конкретной обстановкой, а краткая – относительный признак, проявляющийся в конкретной ситуации: ноша тяжелая (вообще). – Ноша тяжела (для ребенка, старика).

    4. В ряде фразеологических сочетаний (set expressions) используются только краткие формы: взятки гладки, все живы-здоровы, у страха глаза велики.

    5. Грамматическое различие между формами состоит в том, что краткая форма обладает способностью синтаксического управления, а полная – нет: Он был болен ангиной. Все было готово к отъезду.

    6. Стилистическое различие между обеими формами качественных прилагательных проявляется, во-первых, в оттенке категоричности, присущем кратким формам, и оттенке смягченного выражения, присущем полным формам; во-вторых, в книжном характере первых и межстилевом, чаще разговорном характере вторых: Глупая ты, Оля. – Ты глупа, Оля.

( Из книги Розенталя Д.Е. «Практическая стилистика русского языка»)


    In Russian there are cardinal numerals, ordinal numerals and collective ones.

    Collective numerals are used with a) masculine and neuter nouns denoting persons (двое детей, пятеро рабочих); b) nouns used only in the plural (трое ножниц).

    Russian numerals are declined. Ordinal numerals are declined as adjectives, but cardinal numerals have certain peculiarities in their declension.

    Numerals agree with the noun they refer to in all the cases except for the nominative and the accusative.

    Cardinal numerals do not change according to number or gender, with the exception of один, два, оба, полтора.

    The following numerals may be used in the plural: тысяча, миллион, миллиард. These numerals are declined as nouns.

    Ordinal numerals are used (a) to denote the denominator (знаменатель)

of a fraction: одна пятая; (b) to denote time: четверть пятого; (c) to denote dates: седьмого июля.


1. Personal - личный

2. Possessive - притяжательный

3. Reflexive - возвратный

4. Inter'rogative - вопросительный

5. 'Negative - отрицательный

6. In'definite - неопределенный

7. De'monstrative - указательный

8. Com'pounded – сложный, производный

9. 'Numeral - числительное

10. 'Cardinal - количественный

11. 'Ordinal - порядковый

12. Col'lective - собирательный

13. Fraction – дробь, часть


Word Study

    1. Try to guess the meanings of the following derivatives.

*Person - *personal - *personnel - *impersonal - impersonally - impersonation - personally - *personality - personable - personably - personage - personification. *To reflect - *reflection - reflex ['ri:fl∂ks] - reflexive. To interrogate - interrogation - interrogative - interrogator - interrogatingly. To negate - negation -*negative -*the negative - negatively. *To de’fine - *definition - *definite - *definitely –indefinite – indefinitely – indefiniteness – definable - indefinable. *To `demonstrate - *demonstration - demonstrator. Compound - *a compound - *to compound. Numeral - a numeral - *numerous - numerously - numerousness. *Order - *to order - *disorder - to disorder - orderly - disorderly - orderliness - disorderliness - ordinal. *Fraction - to fraction - fractional - fractionally.



1. Verb - глагол

2. 'Object - дополнение

3. 'Transitive - переходный

4. In'transitive - непереходный

5. Mood - наклонение

6. In'dicative - изъявительное

7. Im'perative - побудительное

8. Con'ditional - условное

9. Sub'junctive - сослагательное

10. Tense - время

11.  'Participle - причастие

12.  'Verbal 'adverb - деепричастие

13. 'Subject – подлежащее, тема

14.  'Aspect - вид (грам.)

15.  Per'fective - совершенный

16.  Imper'fective - несовершенный

17.  'Iterative - многократный

18.  Primary - простой, первичный, основной

19.  De'rivative - производный

20. Au'xiliary - вспомогательный

21. Conju'gation - спряжение

22. To re'quire - требовать

23. To con'vey - передавать

24. State - состояние

25. Be'sides - кроме (того)

26. To af'fix - добавлять, прикреплять

27. To 'substitute for - заменять


Word study

    1. Translate the derivatives.

*Verb - *verbal - nonverbal - verbally. *`Transit - *transition - transitional - transitionally - transitive - intransitive. *Condition - conditioner - *conditional - unconditional - conditionally. * *Perfect - *perfectly - to per'fect - *perfection - perfectionist - imperfect - imperfectly - imperfection - perfective - imperfective. *To derive - derivation - derivative. *To require - *requirement. *To convey - conveyance - conveyer. *To substitute - *substitution - *a substitute.


1. 'Object - дополнение

2. 'Predicate - сказуемое

3. 'Obvious - очевидный

4. To ex'press - выражать

5. To govern [ 'g vn ] - управлять

6. Unlike - в отличие, непохожий

7. Both... and ... - как..., так и...

8. 'Therefore - поэтому, следовательно

9. Means - средство

10. By means of - посредством

11. To ful`fil(l) – выполнять


Word study

    1. Change the italicized expression for an active word below.

1. "I'm not angry", she said in a voice not showing any feeling. 2. These birds are very rare and for this reason protected by law. 3. When I saw a look on her face I knew I was in for trouble. 4. It was clear to everyone that he was lying. 5. He plays the piano with a lot of feeling. 6. The country was controlled by a small group of military officers. 7. "I don't care", he said without any feeling. 8. He got together with the people having the same ideas to organize a protest against the plan. 9. She's very different from her mother. 10. She spoke in good clear English. 11. Thoughts are expressed by using words. 12. The nurse has many duties to perform in caring for the sick.

    (Unlike, expressionless, obvious, by means of, to express oneself, to govern, expression, to fulfil, like-minded, expressively, therefore, expressionlessly)




Курс английского языка для филологов III - IV курсов








    The Russian alphabet comprises 33 letters. But there are more sounds than letters in Russian.




    As in any other language, sounds in Russian fall into vowels and consonants. The difference between those lies in that while in the pronunciation of vowels the outgoing air passes freely through the mouth cavity, in the pronunciation of consonants the outgoing air meets with various obstructions formed in the mouth cavity. All Russian vowels are voiced, whereas the consonants may be either voiced or voiceless. All Russian vowels are generally syllabic, whereas the consonants are not. Speech consists of syllables. A syllable is a sound or a number of sounds pronounced at one breath. The syllabic sound is pronounced more vigorously than the other sounds of the syllable. There can be only one syllabic sound in a syllable. All other sounds in a syllable are non-syllabic. Thus, in the word "ходит" there are 2 syllables, two syllabic sounds (o, u). The first syllable contains one non-syllabic sound, the second - two (д , т).


    The character of a vowel sound depends primarily on the position of the tongue. Vowels are classified according to (1) what part of the tongue articulates them and (2) the height of the tongue in the mouth. According to the articulating part of the tongue the vowels are classified into back (у,о), central (ы, а) and front (и,э) vowels. In pronouncing the back vowels, the back part of the tongue is raised towards the back of the palate. In pronouncing the central vowels the central part of the tongue is raised towards the central part of the palate. In pronouncing the front vowels, the central part of the tongue is raised towards the front of the palate.

    According to the height of the tongue in their pronunciation the vowels are divided into open (а), half-open (э, о) and close (и, ы, у). In pronouncing the open vowels, the tongue lies low and is spread flat in the mouth, in pronouncing the half-open vowels, it is not raised very high, while in pronouncing the close vowels, the tongue is raised very high in the mouth cavity. Depending on what part of the tongue is raised and to what height, the size and form of the mouth cavity (which acts as a resonator) are changed.

    In pronouncing the vowels о , y not only the position of the tongue is important, but the work of the lips as well. In articulating o the lips are rounded, and in pronouncing y they are not only rounded but also slightly protruded.



1. Pronunciation [pr∂ n nsi 'ei∫n] - произношение

2. To pronounce [pr∂ 'nauns] - произносить

3. Sound [saund] - звук               

4. Letter - буква

5. Vowel [ 'vau∂l ] - гласный звук

6. 'Consonant - согласный звук

7. Mouth 'cavity - полость рта

8. Voiced – звонкий                                     

9. Voiceless - глухой

10. 'Syllable - слог

11. Syl'labic - слогообразующий

12. Tongue [ t ŋ]- язык

13. To articulate [ a: 'tikjuleit ] - артикулировать

14. Flat - плоский

15. To round [ raund ]- округлять

16. To protrude [ pr∂ 'tru:d ] - вытягивать, выступать

17. ' Palate - нёбо

18. To com'prise - включать

19. Obs'truction - препятствие

20. Whereas - в то время как

21. Breath [ breθ] - дыхание

22. 'Vigorously - энергично

23. Thus - таким образом, так

24. Ac'cording to - согласно

25. Height [ hait ] - высота

26. Primarily [ 'praim∂r∂li ] - в первую очередь

27.  Slightly - слегка

28. Either ... or ... - или... или....

Word Study

    1. Which of the active words are defined by the following phrases?

What is or may be heard; mainly/chiefly; to make round; the movable organ in the mouth; to make a sound of a letter or a word; energetic, forceful; a sign that represents a speech sound; in this way; having or forming a syllable; the process of blocking up; to consist of; smooth and level/not rounded or bumpy.


    2. Translate the derivatives. Use them in your sentences.

*Sound - soundless - soundlessly - *to sound. *To pronounce - *pronunciation - pronounceable - unpronounceable. *Mouth - to mouth - *mouthful. *Voice - to voice - to devoice - voiceless - voiced. To obstruct - obstruction - obstructive - obstructively. *Breath - *to breathe - breathless - breathlessly - breathlessness - *breathtaking. Vigour - vigourous - vigourously. *Flat - flatness - to flatten. *High – *highly - *height - to heighten.

    3. Translate the word combinations.

Sound waves, unpronounceable word, obstruction in the throat, tongue-tied, capital letter, to pronounce correctly, flat surface, voiced consonant, front vowel, small letter, tongue-twister, round bracket (скобка), in the mouth cavity, two-syllable word, syllabic letter, protruding chin, flat plate, obstructive policy, protruding teeth.

    4. Continue the following rows of words.

1. To pronounce a word/ name...

2. The sound of footsteps/ laughter ...

3. The right /excellent .... pronunciation.          

4. A flat surface/ floor/ hat ...

5. Vigorous defense/ plants/ attack ...

6. Breathtaking beauty/ stupidity/ rudeness ...

    6. Translate .

1. Как вы произносите свое имя? 2. В английском языке более двадцати различных согласных звуков. 3. '' Э" - заглавная (большая) буква. 4. В слове "король" два слога. 5. Гласные буквы в английском алфавите - a,u,i,o,e. 6. Я слышал звук голосов. 7. В этом слове буква "ч" не произносится. 8. "Д" - это звонкий согласный, а "т" - глухой. 9. Вы произносите это слово неверно. 10. В английском алфавите 26 букв. 11. Поломаный грузовик затруднил (помешал) дорожное движение. 12. Информация, собранная таким образом, была использована в их работе. 13. Он округлил губы, как будто хотел засвистеть (whistle). 14. Либо извинись, либо уходи. 15. Из кармана мужчины выступал пистолет. 16. Я боюсь высоты. 17. Нам заплатят согласно работе, которую мы сделаем. 18. В слове "button" "n" - слогообразующий согласный. 19. Министр энергично защищал политику правительства (government).


Text Study

    1. Define the following terms.

Vowel, consonant, syllabic sound, back/front/central vowels, open/half-open/close vowels, resonator.


    2. Close your books and answer the questions.

1. How many letters are there in the Russian alphabet?

2. What are two main groups of sounds in any language?

3. What is a vowel?

4. Can vowels be voiceless?

5. How are consonants pronounced?

6. Are consonants syllabic?

7. What's the difference between a syllabic sound and other sounds of a word?

8. What does the number of syllabic sounds in a word depend on?

9. What does the character of a vowel depend on?

10. What are the types of vowels?

11. What acts as a resonator while pronouncing sounds?

12. When is the position of lips important?

13. In pronouncing which vowels do you round your lips?

14. Do you protrude your lips when you pronounce [o]?


4. Give a talk on 1) Russian sounds; 2) Russian vowels.       




    The main grammatical categories of the Russian noun are gender, number and case.

The Gender of the Noun

    Gender is one of the most characteristic features of the noun. All Russian nouns fall into three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. The gender of noun denoting persons or certain animals is determined by the sex of the persons or animals they denote; the grammatical gender of other nouns is determined by their endings. The gender of the nouns denoting inanimate objects ending in a soft consonant should be memorized, e.g. полдень (m), боль (f), день (m), тень (f).

    The gender of nouns is expressed in their agreement, i.e., in the adjectives, most of the pronouns (местоимения), the ordinal numerals (порядковые числительные) and past tense verbs changing their endings according to the gender of the noun they refer to.


The Number of the Noun

    Nouns may be singular or plural. A number of nouns are used only in the singular: a) nouns denoting various materials and substances, b) nouns denoting vegetables, cereals, berries, crops; c) collective nouns; d) abstract nouns; e) nouns denoting the cardinal points (сторона света) and the months of the year. Certain nouns from this group are occasionally used in the plural, but the lexical meaning of the plural is somewhat different from that of the singular: литературные чтения - literary recitals; радости жизни - life's joys.

    The following words are used only in the plural: a) nouns denoting objects consisting of two similar parts: ножницы, очки; b) a number of words in common use, such as деньги, духи, каникулы, сливки, т.д.

    The word часы in the sense of a clock, a watch is used only in the plural; in the sense of hours it is used in both singular and plural.

    The word очки in the sense of spectacles is used only in the plural; in the sense of points (in games) it is used both in singular and plural: Я потерял очко.


1. Noun - существительное

2. 'Gender - род

3. 'Number - число

4. Case – падеж

5. Masculine [ 'mæskjulin ]- мужской

6. Feminine [ 'feminin ] - женский

7. Neuter [ 'nju:t∂ ]- средний

8. 'Ending - окончание

9. Ag'reement - согласование

10. Plural [ 'pluэrэl ]- множественный

11. 'Singular - единственный

12. Inanimate [in 'ænimit ] - неодушевленный

13. Col'lective - собирательный

14. To determine [di 'tε:min ]- определять

15. To re'fer - относиться, ссылаться

16. A number of - ряд, некоторое количество

17. `Substance - вещество

18. Somewhat - до некоторой степени, отчасти, несколько

19. Sense - смысл, чувство

20. To 'memorize - запоминать, заучить


Word Study

Дата: 2019-11-01, просмотров: 286.