Answer the following questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

  1) What is agricultural land? 

  2) Does livestock include meat or dairy cattle, horses, goats, swine, poultry, and sheep?

  3) What does land evaluation have in the world?

  4) Are the economic aspects very dynamic or not?

  5) What is evaluated by a suitability index for each crop or land use?

Find the English equivalent s of the following Russian

Phrases in the text .

  1)  Сельскохозяйственная земля;  

  2) луг долголетнего пользования; 


   3) молочный скот;   

    4) коэффициенты падения урожайности;   

  5) природные условия.

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Each word can be used only once.

design multiplying participate evaluated coefficients index supplemented system program livestock



   1) __________ means a domesticated animal that derives its primary nourishment from vegetation, __________ as necessary with commercial feed.

  2) Land left idle to __________ in a government __________ is used for agriculture.

 3) There are main requirements and __________ decisions for the __________, the physical and economic evaluation models.

4) A land unit is __________ by a suitability __________ for each crop or land use.

5) The resulting partial suitability indices are obtained by __________ the yield decreasing __________ for natural conditions.

Circle the Odd Word Out.

1) Meadows‚ objectives, pastures;

2) agriculture, cultivation, program;

3) fox, horse, sheep;

4) level‚ stage‚ yield;  

5) and, by‚ for.



Translate the sentences into English

using the Infinitive.

  1) Предсказать погодные условия в этом регионе в настоящее время очень сложно.

  2) Задача агрономов заключалась в том, чтобы получить большой урожай овощей и фруктов.

  3) Ваши  сотрудники  должны  улучшить  методы  работы   не

позднее следующей недели.

  4) Цель планировщиков нашего участка – реализовать новый проект в кратчайшие сроки.

  5) Фермеры должны были выращивать молочный скот.


Evaluation of Land Parcel

       Parcel is a portion of the earth defined by a boundary. In GIS, usually a plot of land inside of which certain assigned rights apply regarding occupancy and/or use of land, air, or water. The most significant is the ownership parcel that serves as the basic land entity for defining responsibilities of the individual and governments regarding land use and occupancy.

       “Agricultural parcel” is a continuous piece of land with a single crop cultivated by a single farmer. For the Cadastre, “parcel” is a continuous piece of land belonging to a single owner. Cadastral parcels are divided in “sub-parcels” according to the different types of land uses in the same parcel. So, the concepts “agricultural parcel” and “cadastral sub-parcel” are physically similar.

       The majority of countries have adopted alternative solutions that generally exclude cadastral information, which in these countries is used for other purposes. Some countries used their conventional large scale topographic mapping for this purpose. In the process of demarcating reference parcels, in this case, current geographic features (hedges, fences etc.) and sometimes land registry information are used as ancillary data sources. This is a similar identification system to the following one. The only difference is the usage of large scale topographic mapping instead of ortho products. This method is used by   the   countries  having a  tradition  of  general   boundaries


approach in their cadastral systems such as England.

     In this case, to identify agricultural parcels clearly, ortho imagery or ortho photos are used. In the demarcation stage, three methods are used. These are:

       – Directly identifying Agricultural Parcel.

       – Identifying Lots (or farmer block), grouping together a number  of   neighboring agricultural  parcel cultivated  by  the  same


       – Identifying Blocks (or physical block), grouping together a number of neighboring agricultural parcels cultivated by one or several farmers and delineated by the most stable boundaries.

       Many countries have been used ortho products as the main source of information in the establishment and maintenance.



Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 231.