1) What is the major public health component of the country?
2) Is the central mission of the PHS to protect the health of the country's population?
3) What are the main goals of the action plan for the PHS?
4) Who leads cross cutting between initiatives as identified by the secretary?
5) Has the Public Health Service commissioned officers?
Find the English equivalent s of the following Russian
Phrases in the text .
1) Министерство здравоохранения;
2) население страны;
3) общественное здравоохранение;
4) целевая субсидия органам местного самоуправления;
5) государственная помощь.
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
Each word can be used only once.
categories Office grantees mission spokesman surgeon PHS action secretary four |
1) The central __________ of the __________ is to protect the health of the country's population.
2) There are __________ broad __________ of action.
3) Many of grant-in-aid programs have a very narrow focus, specifying in some detail the __________ that must be taken by __________.
4) The assistant __________ for health heads the __________ of Public Health and Science.
5) The __________ general reports to the assistant secretary for health and is considered the nation's __________ on public health issues.
Circle the Odd Word Out.
1) Agencies‚ dentists, nurses;
2) health, mission, protect;
3) improve, reduce, translated;
4) and‚ are‚ is;
5) action, location‚ position.
Translate the sentences into English
using the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
1) Когда мы закончим этот проект, наши специалисты уже будут работать в регионе в течение нескольких недель.
2) К 1 сентября 2013 года госпожа Нилова будет работать в Министерстве здравоохранения уже 10 лет.
3) Летом будущего года исполнится пять лет, как градостроители совершенствуют свои разработки.
4) К будущей конференции мы будем работать над докладом уже полгода.
5) Когда государственная помощь будет оказана, эти объекты будут функционировать уже несколько месяцев.
Section 10
Land Evaluation
These are the five types of ‘actors’ in the land evaluation process.
1) Client: A person or organization that requests the work and will act on the basis of its results. Also called the user of the land evaluation results.
2) Evaluator: A person who carries out the land evaluation. The evaluator must understand the concepts and methodology of and evaluation, and be able to use appropriate analytic techniques and computerized tools as necessary. The evaluator acts as the intermediary between the client and the experts. A land evaluator must have a good knowledge of natural resources and land uses, be able to think logically and systematically, be able to use computers with some facility, and, most of all, be able to communicate with clients, land-use experts, and land resource experts using their specialist language.
Land evaluation is an integrative and iterative process, so the evaluator must have an open mind.
3) Land-use expert: a person who has information about a land use or land quality, in relation to the land, for example, soil scientists, agronomists, economists, rural agents and farmers with good powers of observation. The expert must be committed to undergoing a series of interviews by the land evaluator, and later reviewing the results of the preliminary evaluation. This is not a trivial time commitment. Land-use experts usually view their area of expertise in specialist terms, and must work with the land evaluator to express their
knowledge within the land evaluation framework.
4) Land resource expert: a person who has information on the land resource, for example, soil surveyors, climatologists, census takers, rural agents and farmers with good powers of observation. The expert must be prepared to explain their data to the informed outsider, in particular, its provenance, meaning, and reliability, and must be able to construct map units and data bases as required by the land evaluation computer system. The land resource expert must interpret the data as they collect it in the terms required by the land evaluator.
Farmers or other country people are a special category of experts: often intimately familiar with land use and land qualities in a restricted area, but usually with a poor understanding of the scientific (predictive) relations underlying the observed phenomena. Their observations can provide an excellent starting point for further investigation.
5) Stakeholders: all parties who will be affected by the results of the planning decisions taken on the basis of the land evaluation. This is usually the whole rural population of the planning area, but may include workers in related industries such as transport or food processing.
A land evaluation exercise can be divided into twelve steps: 1) identify decision makers, objectives, and means of implementation; 2) define the spatial entities to be evaluated; 3) define the land utilization types to be evaluated; 4) define land use requirements; 5) define land characteristics; 6) identify data sources and survey if possible/necessary; 7) enter tabular data and maps; 8) build (computer) models for land evaluation; 9) compute the evaluation; 10)
calibrate the results; 11) present the results to the users; 12) assist with project implementation. These steps certainly can contain feedback, i.e., the results of a step may suggest modifications that should be made to previous steps. There may be important feedbacks and others.
Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 300.