1) Have there been significant developments in legislation, administrative procedures and central government policies?
2) Where has the growth of car ownership over the last half century given most of the population great flexibility?
3) What are already responsible for traffic management?
4) Should the assessment cover both the effectiveness and efficiency of the transport system and all aspects of its environmental impact?
5) What must equally cover the regulation and management of private road transport?
Find the English equivalent s of the following Russian
Phrases in the text .
1) Значительные изменения;
2) органы местного самоуправления;
3) городские районы;
4) дорожная система;
5) воздействие на окружающую среду.
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
Each word can be used only once.
travel integrated authorities area importance way dispersal success regulation transport |
1) The policies followed by local __________ will be of crucial __________.
2) The resulting __________ of activities has been another major factor in increasing the distances people __________.
3) A __________ system has to be planned in such a __________ that it will improve and protect air quality, etc.
4) The recipe for __________ will differ from __________ to area depending on local circumstances.
5) __________ transport plans must equally cover the __________ and management of private road transport.
Circle the Odd Word Out.
1) Road‚ transport‚ way;
2) assessment, estimation‚ mark;
3) municipal, major, main;
4) developments, plans‚ roadworthiness;
5) be, both‚ was.
Translate the sentences into Russian
using the Present Perfect Tense.
1) The planner has already finished development of this town transport patterns.
2) We have known the head of this company for years.
3) Our chief manager has not seen the results since last six months.
4) Has Mr. Root ever done an analogous scheme?
5) The specialists of our laboratory have not determined all the soil’s qualities.
City Utilities
Storm Water Utility. Stormwater is exactly what is sounds like. When it rains, or when snow melts, water that is not soaked into the ground may go directly into a storm drain and straight to a nearby river or creek. The stormwater system contains sewer lines, ditches, open channels and drains.
Stormwater Utility has responsibility for operating, maintaining
and improving an extensive system of open waterways and enclosed storm sewer lines. This system exists to collect the rainwater that runs off yards, roofs, streets and parking lots and carry it away from neighborhoods to area rivers. Without a stormwater collection system every rainstorm could turn into a flood.
The utility must ensure that the city meets state and federal requirements for improving the quality of stormwater runoff. Because most stormwater receives no treatment before it goes into a stream, lake or river it is important that we keep as many pollutants as possible out of stormwater runoff.
The Stormwater Utility has its budget. This money is spent: 1) repairing, replacing and improving the stormwater drainage system; 2) cleaning drainage inlets and catch basins; 3) maintaining swales and ditches; 4) providing higher water quality standards to the residents of the city; 5) monitoring and controlling pollution levels in stormwater that is returned to the rivers.
It is important to our environment that we all work to reduce the amount of pollution carried by stormwater.
Combined Sewer Overflow. Some cities collect both rainwater runoff and sanitary wastewater in the same set of sewer pipes. These are called "combined sewers". Sometimes when it rains, combined sewers do not have enough capacity to carry all the rainwater and wastewater cannot accept all of the combined flow. In this situation, the combined wastewater overflows from the collection system into the nearest body of water‚ for example rivers‚ creating a combined sewer overflow.
Combined sewer systems are wastewater collection systems designed to carry sanitary sewage (domestic, commercial, and industrial wastewater) and surface drainage from rainfall or snowmelt in a single set of pipes. During periods of wet weather the total flow can exceed the capacity of the Water Pollution Control (sewage treatment) Plant. When this occurs, the untreated or partially treated Combined Sewer Overflows are discharged into rivers and streams.
Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 233.