Answer the following questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

  1) What does the stormwater system contain? 


  2) Has stormwater Utility responsibility for operating, maintaining and improving an extensive system of open waterways?

  3) Why must the utility ensure that the city meets state and federal requirements for improving the quality of stormwater runoff?

  4) What do some cities collect?

  5) Combined sewer systems are wastewater collection systems designed to carry sanitary sewage‚ aren’t they?

Find the English equivalent s of the following Russian

Phrases in the text .

  1)  Дренажная (ливневая) вода;  

 2) дождевой водосток; 

  3) водоотводящая часть осушительной системы;   

    4) ливневые стоки;   

  5) бытовые сточные воды.

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Each word can be used only once.

ground overflows requirements wastewater drainage drain collection snowmelt stormwater flood


  1) When it rains, or when snow melts, water that is not soaked into the __________ may go directly into a storm __________ and straight to a nearby river or creek.

   2) Without a stormwater __________ system every rainstorm could turn into a __________.

3) The utility must ensure that the city meets state and federal __________ for improving the quality of __________ runoff.

4) The  combined __________  __________ from   the  collection


system into the nearest body of water.

5) Combined sewer systems are wastewater collection systems designed to carry sanitary sewage and surface __________ from rainfall or __________ in a single set of pipes.

Circle the Odd Word Out.

1) Flood‚ rain‚ snow;

2) budget, river‚ water;

3) stormwater, streams, system;

4) collection, industrial‚ rainfall;  

5) accept, collected‚ turn.


Translate the sentences into English

using the Past Perfect Tense.

1) Группа уехала после того, как закончила свою работу на

предоставленном заказчиком участке земли.

2) Наш ведущий проектировщик проработал над планом больше года, прежде чем показал его дирекции.

3) Специалисты решили провести эксперимент, поскольку не были уверены в успехе операции.

4) Мы не были уверены, что канализационная система этого района уже пришла в негодность.

5) Комиссия уже апробировала новые ливневые стоки?



Section 9



Local Government

Local government may be loosely defined as a public organization authorized to decide and administer a limited range of public policies within a relatively small territory which is a subdivision of a regional or national government. Local government is at the bottom of a pyramid of governmental institutions, with the national  government  at the top and intermediate governments (states,


regions, provinces) occupying the middle range. Normally, local government has general jurisdiction and is not confined to the performance of one specific function or service.

  The formal structure of local government, important as it can be to the character of a system, is not the only or even the most significant determinant of the style of local government. The quality and character of a local government are determined by a multiplicity of factors – for example, national and local traditions, customary deference patterns, political pressures, party influence and discipline, bureaucratic professionalism, economic resource controls, and social organization and beliefs. That a local government is located in a nation controlled by a communist party may be an infinitely more important fact than the structural forms it has.

Paradoxically, local government in the twentieth century seems to expand  the number of functions it performs at the same time

that it faces increasing central government supervision and a narrowing of its independence. As the problems of large and complicated cities and metropolitan areas grow, at least to the extent that financial means to cope with the problems exist, the city has greatly extended its role. Cultural activities expand simultaneously with programs on housing, redevelopment, air pollution control, and the recruitment of business enterprises. Many of the most dramatic and important of these functions are financed in good part by grants-in-aid from higher level governments, thereby decreasing local discretion at least to some extent. Also the expansion occurs simultaneously with a narrowing of distances between the central government and the municipality as the means of communication develop and as areas once isolated economically and politically become an integral part of a national economy and political system. It is therefore sometimes difficult to say whether local governments in a particular nation are now more or less significant agencies of government than they were in a simpler age.

 In the case of the smaller communities there is not much doubt that increasing centralization has affected their range of discretion negatively. Although the capacity of a central government to control tends to dwindle with distance for the simple reason that remoteness prevents control, the growth of rapid communication tends to undercut


this source of independence. Likewise, smaller communities caught up in the sprawl of metropolitan growth suddenly cease to be independent units and become entangled in the complications of overall metropolitan areas. This leads to the development of regional institutions that in some degree may supplant or at least supplement local government, and it also tends to force local officials into governing in part through negotiation with officials from higher levels of government and with those of neighboring municipalities.

Finally, it is important to note that the role of the municipal executive has grown greatly in the present century, owing to the same forces that have heightened the role of the executive in national government. The technological complexity of the problems being dealt with increases the power of the bureaucracy; and the diversity and diffusion of modern life also tend to lead to a stronger executive since, especially  in  larger cities, the chief executive seems  to  be the

only functionary capable of controlling the bureaucracy, focusing public attention on key issues, and pressuring the various actors on the city scene to respond to the challenges a city faces.



Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 234.