Глаголы английского языка можно условно разделить на две подкатегории: статические и динамические. Динамические подразумевают физическое действие, активность, развитие, движение. Они употребляются во всех временных формах, включая группу длительных времён. Действия, выражаемые динамическими глаголами, можно сознательно выполнять в течение определённого промежутка времени и контролировать продолжительность процесса. Например, такие слова, как to run (бежать), to read (читать), to speak (говорить), to learn (учить), to dance (танцевать), to work (работать). К тому же эту деятельность можно изобразить: нарисовать, запечатлеть на фотокамеру или сфотографировать в процессе.
Статические глаголы выражают не процесс, а состояние. Это и есть глаголы, не использующиеся в Continuous. Название stative verbs произошло от слова state - состояние. Также встречаются такие наименования, как nonprogressive, non-action verbs. Они употребляются для описания существующих состояний. Особенности статических глаголов
На первый взгляд может показаться, что сложно запомнить нижеприведённый список не связанных между собой иностранных слов. Однако здесь важнее всего понять принцип. Есть несколько особенностей, которые помогут увидеть суть:
o эти глаголы не обозначают физическое действие или процесс;
o некоторые из них передают те состояния, которые возникают сами по себе, вне зависимости от намерения человека (smell - почувствовать запах, hear - услышать);
o часть слов означает молниеносное действие, которое не может происходить на протяжении длительного промежутка времени (notice - заметить).
Все глаголы в английской грамматике можно разделить на два вида:
1) Обозначение действий, активности, течения событий:
I read the newspaper. – Я читаю эту газету ;
We are talking about films. – Мы разговариваем о фильмах;
Workers build a new bridge. – Рабочие строят новый мост.
В таких предложениях речь всегда идет о выполнении действий.
2) Выражение состояний, эмоций, чувств, отношений и мыслительных процессов:
I’m happy. – Я счастлив ;
We like to run in the mornings. – Нам нравится бегать по утрам ;
She hears sounds of the sea. – Она слышит звуки моря.
Подобные высказывания сообщают о внутреннем восприятии или фактическом положении вещей.
Представители первой группы могут использоваться во всех временных аспектах и иных грамматических конструкциях. А слова, относящиеся ко второму пункту, обладают исключительными свойствами, не позволяющими им образовывать Present Continuous.
Состояние, эмоции и желания
Эмоциональное состояние
Восприятие и мышление
Восприятие и мышление и чувства
Обладание и существование
Бытие и обладание
Влияние, необходимость, модальные и др. глаголы
Non-continuous verbs
Смешанный тип глаголов
Некоторые глаголы имеют несколько значений, одно из которых воспринимается как состояние, а другое как действие. Соответственно, глаголы, употребленные в значении действия, употребляются в Present Continuous.
В английском языке есть пара нестандартных глаголов: to be и to have. Глагол to be употребляют в продолженной форме, когда говорят о временном, несвойственном человеку поведении. Глагол to have – составной элемент множества устойчивых выражений, и в этих значениях оно может выражать длительный процесс:
She is being a queen. – Она ведет себя как королева!
I’m having a shower now. – Сейчас я принимаю душ .
В данной ниже таблице приведены глаголы, принимающие форму Continuous, которые могут выражать и состояние и действие.
Многозначные глаголы
Тренировочные упражнения
Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous. (NOW)
1. My book (to lie) on the table. 2. They (to work). 3. The doctor and her patient (to talk). 4. We (to cook) dinner. My mother (to make) a salad. 5. A young man (to drive) a car. He (to listen) music. 6. My grandfather (to read) a book.7. The pen (to lie) on the floor. 8. You (to have) a break? 9. She still (to sing).
Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous. ( NOW)
1.Мы пишем. 2. Они не читают. 3. Она не работаем. 4. Вы смотрите? 5. Он не читает.6. Они не играют на пианино. 7. Я не пеку торт. 8. Она не поет. 9. Ее сестра не спит. 10. Бабушка не пьет чай? 11. Твои друзья пьют кофе? 12. Она работает за столом. 13. Я пишу письмо. 14. Я делаю упражнение. 15. Мальчики не плавают в бассейне. 16. Они играют в футбол? 17. Моя сестра моет пол. 18. Моя подруга помогает своему ребенку. 19. Ты помогаешь папе?
20. Ученики читают интересную историю.21. Они читают книгу. 21. Она идет в школу. 22. Они читают? 23. Твоя бабушка кушает конфеты? 24. Джон готовит ужин. 25. Билл бегает в парке.
Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous. (NOW)
1. The boys (to run) about in the garden. 2 I (to do) my homework. 3. John and his friends (to go) to the library. 4. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) geography. 5. A young man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette. 6. The old man (to walk) about the room.7. The dog (to lie) on the floor. 8. You (to have) a break? 9. What language you (to study)? 10. Who (to lie) on the sofa? 11. What they (to talk) about? 12. It still (to rain).
Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.
1. Я читаю. 2. Он не пишет. 3. Мы не работаем. 4. Вы читаете? 5. Он спит? 6. Ник и Майк играют в футбол. 7. Кэйт играет на рояле. 8. Она не поет. 9. Моя сестра спит. 10. Папа пьет чай? 11. Твои родители пьют чай? 12. Я не сплю. 13. Она сидит за столом. 14. Мы делаем упражнение. 15. Мы не купаемся. 16. Они играют во дворе? 17. Нина и Энн моют пол. 18. Ник помогает маме. 19. Ты помогаешь папе? 20. Моя сестра читает интересную книгу. 21. Они идут в колу. 22. Вы идете в школу? 23. Он работает? 24 . Твоя бабушка идет в магазин? 25. Он покупает конфеты. 26. Что делает твоя сестра? 27. Где играют дети? 28. Почему ты смеешься? 29. Куда они идут? 30. Что несут эти мальчики?
Упражнение 5. Составьте рассказ, используя the Present Continuous Tense:
A. Look out of the window and say what you can see and hear.
Образец: It is snowing (raining). People are hurrying up and down the street. A boy is walking with a dog...
B. Imagine that you are at a party. Look around and say what the guests are doing.
С . You can’t fall asleep at night because of the noise coming from the neighbours. Describe what you think they are doing.
Упражнение 6. Употребите Present Continuous или Present Simple:
1. We (to go) to the seaside every summer. 2. Listen! Somebody (to knock) on the door. 3. How often you (to wash) your dog? 4. She can’t come to the phone. She (to wash) her hair. 5. Where (to be) Kate? She usually (to sit) in the front row. I (not to know) why she (to sit) here now. 6. Please be quiet! The baby (to sleep). 7. What you (to laugh) at? 8. I hardly ever (to work) on Mondays now. 9. The countryside (to be) wonderful especially when it (to snow). 10. Why you (to smoke) here? — And where people usually (to smoke) in this building?
Упражнение 7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1. He (to work) in the city centre.
2. I (to write) an essay now.
3. You (to go) to school on Sundays?
4. We (not to dance) every day.
5. They (to play) in the hall now?
6. Where he (to live)? – He (to live) in a village.
7. He (to sleep) now?
8. They (to read) many books.
9. The children (to eat) cakes now.
10. He (to help) his mother every day.
11. You (to play) the piano well?
12. Look! Michael (to dance) now.
Упражнение 8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1. Her father (not to watch) TV at the moment. He (to sleep) because he (to be) tired.
2. Where your uncle (to work)? – He (to work) at school.
3. Your friend (to do) his homework now?
4. When you usually (to come) home from school? – I (to come) at four o’clock.
5. My sister (not to play) the piano now. She (to play) the piano in the evening.
6. You (to read) a magazine and (to think) about your holiday at the moment?
7. I (to sit) in the waiting room at the dentist’s now.
8. When you (to listen) to the news on the radio?
9. You (to play) chess now?
10. My father (not to work) at the shop.
11. Look at the sky: the clouds (to move) slowly, the sun (to appear) from behind the clouds, it (to get) warmer.
12. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning.
13. What your friend (to do) now? – She (to wash) the dishes.
14. Your grandfather (to work) at this factory?
Упражнение 9. Употребите a stative или an action verb:
1. What awful noise! Our neighbors _______ (to have) a party.
2. The sky ____ (look) as if it’s going to rain.
3. Is Molly doing anything? Yes, she _______ (see) Greg at five.
4. Jill_____ (have) a new high-end computer.
5. Jane _________ (smell) the lilies in the garden.
6. I _______ (think) about my birthday party.
7. I ______ (love) mellons.
8. The children ______ (have) fun making lots of noise.
9. This cake ______ (taste) awful.
10. This fabric _________ (feel) soft like good silk.
11. I ________ (think) we are being followed.
12. This dress _______ (fit) you perfectly.
13. The butcher _______ (weigh) the meat.
14. Molly ______ (look) pretty today.
15. He __________ (appear) in a new play.
16. Your new French perfume _______ (smell) so nice.
17. I _______ (enjoy) every bite of this meal.
18. Susan _______ (look) at some photos.
19. The chicken ________ (weigh) 2 kilos.
20. We _________ (fit) new locks.
21. He _________ (appear) to be nervous.
22. Why __________ (Molly/smell) the soap?
23. Greg ______ (think) about buying a Jeep.
24. Sally _______ (enjoy) home-made food.
Present Perfect have/has + V(3; -ed)
1) Действие, полностью завершенное в прошлом, результат которого имеет связь с настоящим:
They have bought a new TV-set, so they may sell the old one.
2) Действие, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся в настоящем:
I have known Kate since school years.
3) В придаточных предложениях времени после таких союзов, как after, when, before, as soon as, till, until, с целью передать будущее действие, которое окончится до начала действия, о котором говорится в главном предложении:
We’ll serve you a pancake only after you have eaten the soup.
Тренировочные упражнения
Упражнение 1. Напишите три формы глагола:
to be, to become, to begin, to blow, to break, to bring, to buy, to come, to catch, to choose, to do, to drink, to drive, to eat, to fall, to feel, to forget, to give, to go, to grow, to hear, to keep, to know, to leave, to lose, to make, to meet, to pay, to read, to rise, to run, to see, to send, to show, to sit, to sleep, to stand, to strike, to take, to teach, to think, to wake, to win, to write.
Упражнение 2. Ответьте на вопросы по образцу:
— Have you brought my book?
— Yes, I have. (No, I haven’t.)
— Has he brought your book ?
— Yes, he has. (No, he hasn’t (yet).)
1. Have you seen the new film? 2. Have you read my letter? 3. Have you passed your English exam? 4. Has he phoned her today? 5. Has she sent them a telegram? 6. Has the weather been rainy the whole month? 7. Have they read the novel in the original? 8. Have they moved in? 9. Have you had your lunch yet? 10. Has he completed his course yet? 11. Have you ever been to London? 12. Have you ever been to the Hermitage? 13. Has your father had his holiday this year? 14. Has the train left?
Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в требуемую форму:
1. I (to be) to their concert twice. Their music is amazing.
2. I (not/to see) Jane since the day of her wedding. They (to come back) from their honey moon yet?
3. —Where is your ID Card? —I (to lose) it. They are going to make me another one.
4. Oh, look! It’s Sarah. I (not/to see) her for a long time.
5. Jane is on holiday. She (to go) to Ireland.
6. —Are you going to the medical center? —I (already/to be) there today.
7. I am waiting for a very important letter. It (not/to arrive) yet?
8. My father (to start) a new job recently. He is very busy now.
9. I (not/talk) to him for a long time already.
Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык:
Ты раньше водил машину? — Ты когда-либо играла в теннис? — Нет, никогда. Я читаю газеты каждое утро. Но я еще не читал газету сегодня. Ты был в Лондоне? — Как тебе новая учительница? — Я не знаю. Я болела, поэтому еще не встречала ее. Лили потеряла паспорт. Это второй раз, когда это произошло. Билли снова звонит своей девушке. Этой третий раз, когда он позвонил ей за этот вечер.
Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в требуемую форму:
1. You (to hear) from Melisa recently? — No, she (to go) to China for a seminar and (not/come back) yet.
2. It was a great weekend. I (to meet) lots of people for the last few days.
3. It is the first time I (to swim) in the ocean. I (never/do) this before.
4. You (ever\try) Indian or Chinese food?
5. I have been very busy with the project recently. So I (not/seen) any of my friends for a long time.
6. You (ever/to speak) to a famous person in your life?
7. What is the most beautiful place you (ever/to see)?
8. I (to give up) smoking last year. I (not\to smoke) since then.
Упражнение 6. Восстановите письмо, раскрыв скобки:
Hello, Josh. I hope you are enjoying your holidays in America. Everything is fine at home. Molly 1. (to receive) the exam results from school recently. She 2. (to get) the highest possible point among all the children. Aunt Franny 3. (to sell) her old car and 4. (already/to buy) a new one. Mother 5. (already/to plan) our next weekend holidays. We are going for a barbeque party. Father 6. (to be) to Paris twice since the time you left. He has so much to tell you. And I 7. (to get) a confirmation letter about my internship in the law firm. So everything is good. Come home. We miss you.
Упражнение 7. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в требуемую форму:
In a result of a lottery win, the life of the Brants (to change) completely. They (to move) to a new big house. Besides, they (to hire) a cleaner and a butler. Brant (to gain) weight and (to grow) a beard. Lily Brant (to take up) tennis. She (already/win) the school championship. John Brant (to join) the football team Brant (to lose) weight. She (to buy) new clothes and (to join) the reading club.
Упражнение 8. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, используя Present Perfect.
Ты раньше водил машину? — Ты когда-либо играла в теннис? — Нет, никогда. Я читаю газеты каждое утро. Но я еще не читал газету сегодня. Ты был в Лондоне? — Как тебе новая учительница? — Я не знаю. Я болела, поэтому еще не встречала ее. Лили потеряла паспорт. Это второй раз, когда это произошло. Билли снова звонит своей девушке. Этой третий раз, когда он позвонил ей за этот вечер.
Упражнение 9. Составьте предложения, используя Present Perfect.
We/to return/from the journey/just.
1. I/to see/my boss/today.
2. Helen/to decorate/her room/already.
3. My cousins/to be/to this cinema/never.
4. Max/to buy/а magazine/today.
5. You/to spend/а lot of money/this month.
6. Ian and Peter/to repair/the radio/already.
7. I/to drive/а car/never.
8. We/to get/some letters/this week.
9. The dog/to run away/just.
Упражнение 10. Употребите глаголы в скобках в требующейся форме, так чтобы получить Present Continuous или Present Perfect.
1. What’s the matter? Why he (to stop)?
2. My cousin (to look) for a job, but he (not to find) a job yet.
3. It (to be) impossible for her to feel at home here.
4. What you (to study) now?
5. They just (to give) you a pay rise.
6. Sophie is busy. She (to knit) a sweater for her grandson.
7. You only (to have) a piece of cake? You (not to eat) much.
8. People (to plant) carrots and tomatoes now.
9. You (to go) to plant tomatoes this year?
10. Johnny, who finally (to find) a new job, (to give) a big party.
11. How long you (to be) sick?
12. You (to see) any good movies recently?
13. What you (to look) forward to?
14. Nancy (to look) forward to this weekend.
15. She (to go) to read Shakespeare and she (not to go) to think about work.
16. Mike (to leave) for work yet?
17. They (to pay) their electric bill this month?
18. How long you (to know) each other?
19. Your car (to make) strange noises. Is anything wrong?
20. The boy (to do) his homework and (to take) a karate lesson now.
21. I (to have) dinner with my friends at the moment and I am very happy to see them again.
22. Jay never (to travel) overseas.
23. We always (to have) a dog and a cat. We love pets.
24. Larry never (to own) a sports car.
Упражнение 11. Поставьте наречия в правильное место:
1. (ever) Have you travelled? 2. (always) She has been a bright student. 3. (never) We have seen a flying saucer. 4. (just) They have had a walk in the park. 5. (yet) Have you finished your homework? 6. (always) 1 have wanted to meet your parents. 7. (yet) She hasn’t sent a telegram. 8. (lately) Have you heard from Mary? 9. (long) He has studied the subject. 10. (ever) Has your sister had any troubles with her son?
Упражнение 12. Сегодня у Мери выходной день. Скажите, что она сделала, используя следующие словосочетания:
to clean the windows, to sweep the floor, to dust the furniture, to water the flowers, to wash up the dishes, to go shopping, to buy some food, to pick up the linen from the laundry, to iron clothes, to sew some buttons on the kids’ jackets, to cook dinner, to bake a cake, to make coffee, to take the dog for a walk, to meet the children from school, to have a busy day.
Упражнение 13. Переведите первую часть предложений, используя Present Simple или Present Perfect:
1.Мы живем в Москве | now since 1960 |
2.Я изучаю английский | twice a week since childhood |
3.Он работает на фирме | three days a week for two years |
4.Они ходят в этот магазин | every Saturday since they moved here |
5.Мы встречаемся друг с другом | sometimes for many years now |
6.Я знаю этого человека | now since we went to school |
7.Я здесь | every day since 9 o’clock |
8.Он играет в футбол | once a week since early childhood |
9.Он может водить автомобиль | now since he got the driving licence |
10.Они получают от него письма | regularly since last spring |
Упражнение 14. Используйте Present Perfect или Present Simple:
1. Helen (to be) sick since last week. She (to miss) her grammar test. 2. He (to read) a lot and (to know) a lot. 3. Bob’s parents usually (to stay) in the country the whole summer. 4. We (to stay) here for a month, and it (to rain) almost every day. 5. You (to be) at home in the evenings? 6. I (to be) here ever since morning. 7. He (to receive) letters from her every week. 8. He (not to receive) letters from her since last year. 9. Is it the first time he (to see) a tiger? 10. That’s the third time I (to phone) her today. 11. How long you (to know) each other? 12.1 hardly (to hear) anything from her since that time. 13. It long (to be) my dream to visit Canada. 14. She (to dream) of becoming an actress. 15. Normally I (to have) breakfast at 8 in the morning. 16.1 (to have) just my breakfast.
Упражнение 15. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Мы уже забыли ее номер телефона. 2. Вы уже запаковали свои чемоданы? 3. Они отдыхали на юге два месяца. 4. Разве она не посетила городской музей? 5. Я не оплатил еще этот счет. 6. Он только что переехал в наш город, не так ли? 7. Ты стал другим человеком! 8. Ему никогда не нравилось это время года.
Present Perfect Continuous have/has + been + V(-ing)
1) Действие, которое началось в прошлом, длилось некоторое время и продолжается в настоящем:
Mother has been cooking dinner for two hours already.
2) Длительное действие в прошлом, завершившееся непосредственно перед моментом речи, и результат которого оказывает влияние на настоящее:
The roads are wet. It has been raining all the night.
Тренировочные упражнения
Упражнение 1. Составьте предложения в the Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
1. I/to read/this book/for three days.
2. We/to play volleyball/ for twenty minutes.
3. She/to clean/the flat/for more than an hour.
4. Peter/to swim/for half an hour.
5. Anna/to speak/on the phone/for an hour now.
6. You/to wait/for a bus/for ten minutes only.
7. Nelly and Mary/to do the shopping/since early morning.
8. It/to snow/since last night.
9. Jack and his friend/ to ride bikes/for three hours now.
10. The teacher/to explain/ a grammar rule/since the beginning of the lesson.
Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму:
1. Helen … (to wash) the dishes for fifteen minutes.
2. My classmates … (to write) a dictation since the beginning of the lesson.
3. Sam … (to drive) a car for five hours now.
4. I … (to look) for information on the subject since last Friday.
5. Molly … (to paint) this picture for three days now.
6. The tourists … (to do) the sightseeing since nine o’clock.
7. You … (to work) as a computer programmer for more than fifteen years.
8. The wind … (to blow) since yesterday.
9. My grandfather … (to collect) coins since he was a boy.
10. Andy and Den … (to discuss) the plans for their winter holidays for two hours now.
Упражнение 3. Сделайте предложения отрицательными :
1. You have been writing a report since morning.
2. We have been working in the garden for three hours.
3. I have been typing letters since ten o’clock.
4. Tom has been running for twenty minutes.
5. A cat has been sitting in the tree for an hour.
6. Jane has been studying English for two years.
7. They have been building this house for more than a year.
8. My parents have been travelling for a week.
9. I have been having a lesson for fifteen minutes now.
10. They have been walking since afternoon.
Упражнение 4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму:
1. Kevin … (to fish) since early morning.
2. Kim … (not to pack) her things for so long.
3. You … (to iron) clothes all day.
4. Allan … (not to wear) this jacket for three years.
5. I … (not to walk) a dog since four o’clock.
6. Monica and Sue …(to paint) the walls of the house since ten o’clock in the morning.
7. Mr May … (to read) this article for more than half an hour now.
8. It … (not to rain) since afternoon.
9. My neighbours … (to make) a noise since seven o’clock in the morning.
10. Brad … (fo try) to catch a taxi for fifteen minutes now.
Упражнение 5. Сделайте предложения вопросительными:
1. He has been boating for four hours.
2. We have been skating since eleven o’clock.
3. Lucy has been learning this poem for twenty minutes.
4. You have been writing this article since afternoon.
5. My parents have been working in the hospital for thirteen years.
6. The music has been playing for three hours.
7. We have been speaking since five o’clock.
8. Beth has been taking a bath for thirty-five minutes.
9. They have been preparing for the test for two days.
10. The baby has been crying for half an hour.
Упражнение 6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму:
1. … Jenny … (to wait) for her flight in the airport since twelve o’clock? — No, she …. She … (to wait) for her flight for forty minutes now.
2. Can I talk with you? — Sorry, I’m busy. I … (to look) for one important paper for more than twenty minutes now and can’t find it.
3. Is Ed at home? — No, he is in the gym. He … (to train) since five o’clock.
4. … your mother …(to work) as a manager for ten years? — No, she …. She … (to work) as a manager for eighteen years.
5. Is Philip fixing the washing-machine? — Yes, he … (to fix) it since nine o’clock.
6. Alison and Cindy … (not to paint) the walls in the room for two hours. They … (to work) since morning.
7. The Petersons … (to build) their house for three years now.
8. Is mother in the kitchen? — Yes, she … (to cook) since four o’clock.
9. You look tired! — Well, I … (to gather) strawberries for more than two hours.
10. Where is Ben? — He is in his room. He … (to listen) to music since afternoon.
Упражнение 7. Составьте вопрос к выделенным словосочетаниям:
1. He has been speaking to his friend for an hour.
2. We have been whitewashing the trees in the garden for two hours.
3. You have been telling us about your work since five o’clock.
4. She has been translating this text for half an hour.
5. They have been having lunch in the canteen since one o’clock.
Упражнение 8. Поставьте глагол в скобках в форму Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous:
1.1 (to think) the proposal over these last few days. 2.1 (to look) for my gloves everywhere, but (not to find) them yet. 3. Nora (to sit) at the office the whole morning but nobody (to phone). 4. What you (to do) all this time? 5. Who (to touch) my things on the table again? 6. How long you (to work) at our office? 7. How long they (to be married)? 8. I’m happy to meet you. I (to hear) so much about you. 9. It (to rain) since last Sunday. 10.1 (to know) him for years, he (to be) always kind to everybody. 11. He (to sleep) around the clock. 12. You (to wait) for me long? 13. The Prime Minister (to make) a tour of Europe since last Monday and (to visit) three countries so far. 14. The police (to look for) the criminal for two months but (not to find) him yet. 15. We (to have) our exams since January 2 but (to pass) only two of them. 16. She long (to teach) at our University and (not to think) of quitting her job. 17. What (to happen)? Why you (to cry)? 18. I (to learn) French irregular verbs for two hours and (to learn) only ten of them.
Упражнение 9. Используйте форму Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous:
— What you (to do), dear?
— I (to wash up). I (to do) it for about an hour and you (to do) nothing all this time.
— Why, I (to look) through the ads in the paper.
— How long you (to look) through the ads in just one newspaper?
— I (to do) it since breakfast. I (to do) my best to find the cheapest dishwashing machine for you.
— What the kids (to do)?
— They (to watch) TV.
— Tell them to go out for a walk. They (to watch) TV since morning.
Упражнение 10. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму:
1. Put on your raincoat. It… (to rain) since night.
2. Is Frank in his room? What … he … (to do)? — He … (to prepare) for the French test.
3. Are Sue and Liz still in the garden? They … (to water) the flowers for an hour now! — No, they … (not to water) the flowers. They … (to weed) for more than an hour.
4. How long … you … (to travel) around the country? — I… (to travel) for two weeks now.
5. Ron should be careful. He … (to sunbathe) since eight o’clock.
6. Whom … your boss … (to shout) at? — He … (to shout) at his new manager. She … (to work) in this office for only three days.
7. Cindy is worried. She … (to wait) for her parents to come home since six o’clock.
8. What …they … (to write) since three o’clock? — They … (to write) an article for the scientific journal.
9. Aren’t Julia and Andrew at home yet? — They are still preparing for the conference in the library. They … (to prepare) for this conference for a week now.
10. How long … Mr Kane … (to wash) his car? — He … (to wash) it for more than an hour now.
Упражнение 11. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Они пишут диктант уже полчаса.
2. Моя естра убирает комнату с утра.
3. Мальчики плавают в бассейне уже больше часа?
4. Он не смотрит телевизор с утра.
5. Вы читаете эту книгу уже четыре дня? — Нет, я читаю ее только два дня.
6. Что она делает уже три часа? — Она готовится к экзаменам.
7. Как долго дети играют в парке? — Они играют с пяти часов.
8. Что ваш брат рассказывает уже двадцать минут? — Он рассказывает о своем попугае.
9. Какую статью он пишет с утра? — Он пишет статью об известном ученом.
10. Что они обсуждают уже больше часа? — Они обсуждают последние новости.
Unit 7
Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 289.