Употребление времён группы Past
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Past Simple                                                   V (2; - ed )

1) Факт либо однократное (одиночное) законченное действие в прошлом:

The Titanic sank in 1912.

I went to Greece five years ago.

2) Прошедшие действия, происходившие в хронологическом порядке:

I got up, took a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed and went out to have coffee.

3) Повторяющееся действие в прошлом:

I took French courses when I was ten.

Used to

Used to употребляется для описания событий, которые регулярно происходили в прошлом, но не происходят в настоящее время:

He used to go to the office by car but now he doesn’t. He uses public transport.

(Раньше он ездил на работу на машине, но теперь он этого не делает. Он пользуется общественным транспортом ).

She didn’t use to go to the gym but now she goes there every week. (Раньше она не ходила в спортивный зал, а теперь ходит туда каждую неделю).


Used to употребляется только в прошедшем времени. Когда мы говорим о событиях, регулярно происходящих в настоящем времени, мы используем время Present Simple (простое настоящее время) с такими словами, как usually, every day (week, year) etc.:

We usually come to our classes on time. (Мы обычно приходим на занятия вовремя).

I take my dog for a walk every day. (Я выгуливаю свою собаку каждый


+ I/you/he/she/it/ we/they used to go to University

- I/you/he/she/it/ we/they didn’t use to go to University

? Did I/you/he/she/it/ we/they use to go to University?

Тренировочные упражнения

Упражнение 1. Из предложенного списка выберите неправильные глаголы и запишите их форму прошлого времени.

To ask, to bring, to collect, to bathe, to sleep, to hurt, to keep, to read, to complete, to drink, to write, to reply, to grow, to show, to blow, to think, to draw, to say, to fly, to cut, to put, to relax, to cook, to eat, to shake, to leave, to act, to give, to protect, to cost, to blow, to move, to meet, to order, to lose, to take, to forget, to play, to feel.

Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы Past Simple.

1. I (to do) morning exercises.    2. He (to work) at a factory.3. She (to sleep) after dinner.4. We (to work) part-time. 5. They (to drink) tea every day. 6. Mike (to be) a student. 7. Helen (to have) a car. 8. You (to be) a good friend. 9. You (to be) good friends. 10. It (to be) difficult to remember everything. 11. Alice (to have) a sister. 12. Her sister’s name (to be) Ann. 13. Ann (to be) a student. 14. She (to get) up at seven o'clock. 15. She (to go) to the institute in the morning. 16. Jane (to be) fond of sports. 17. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 18. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 19. After breakfast she (to go) to the institute. 20. Sometimes she (to take) a bus.

Упражнение 3. Выполните перевод с русского на английский, используя Past Simple.

1. На прошлом уроке ученики изучали тему «Простое прошедшее с упражнениями». 2. Она была рождена в Праге, не так ли? 3. У них не было много книг, но они часто ходили в библиотеку. 4. Сара и Ник попрощались и покинули ресторан. 5. Мой принтер сломался, и я не распечатал отчет. 6. Эта деятельность помогает детям практиковать их английский. 7. Кто написал тебе это письмо? 8. Эти студенты не писали тесты на прошлой лекции? 9. Я пошел в магазин, купил чипсы и вернулся домой. 10. Когда они продали машину?

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, используя Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. I (be) in this city since I (get) a job here. 2. Victor and Victoria (meet) on Christmas and they (not part) for a single day since. 3. Our families (be) on friendly terms once. But the situation (change). 4. Marion (have) a lot of problems since she (become) the headmistress. 5. — You (tell) me everything? — I think I (explain) the reason last night. 6. Since the term (begin), we (have) four tests. 7. I (not be) to my school since I (leave) it two years ago. 8. — How long you (know) the Snows? — Since we (move) to the neighbourhood. 9. — You (have) your driving license for long? — I (buy) my car three years ago and (get) my license soon after it. 10. We (not be) to any restaurant after the prices (go up) so dramatically. 11. Kelly (leave) for Texas already. She (fly) at two o'clock. 12. Darling, you eat too much! During your last visit the doctor (warn) you to watch your weight. 13. Hob (bring) a packed lunch which his mother (prepare) for him in the morning. 14. — The director already (leave)? — He (drive) off a minute ago. 15. Alan Marshall (be) in this cigarette business for ten years though his wife (be) against it from the very start.

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

1. What your neighbours (to do) yesterday? 2. Mr. Smith (to fix) his car yesterday morning. 3. His wife (to water) plants in the garden. 4. Their children (to clean) the yard and then they (to play) basketball. 5. In the evening their boys (to listen) to loud music and (to watch) TV. 6. Their little girl (to cry) a little and then (to smile). 7. Her brothers (to shout) at her. 8. Mrs. Smith (to work) in the kitchen. 9. She (to bake) a delicious apple pie. 10. She (to cook) a good dinner. 11. She (to wash) the dishes and (to look) very tired. 12. The children (to brush) their teeth, (to yawn) a little and (to go) to bed. 13. Their mother (to change) her clothes and (to brush) her hair. Then she (to talk) on the phone. 14. Her husband (to smoke) a cigarette and (to talk) to his wife. 15. They (to wait) for the bus. The bus (to arrive) at 9 o'clock. 16. They (to visit) their friends. 17. They (to dance) a lot there. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Smith (to rest) very well last night. They real ly (to have) a wonderful time at their friends.

Упражнение 6. Перепишите следующий текст в Past Simple.

On Monday we have four classes. The first class is English. At our English class we write dictations, read texts, learn grammar rules and do some exercises. Nick goes to the blackboard. He answers well and gets a "five". Pete does not get a "five" because he does not know his lesson. After the second class I go to the canteen. I eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea. I do not drink milk. After classes I do not go home at once. I go to the library and work in the reading-hall. Then I go home.

Упражнение 7. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Past Simple.

1. Tom always (to eat) breakfast. 2. Yesterday he (not to eat) breakfast because he (to get) up late. 3. We (to like) to cook but we (not to like) to wash the dishes. 4. He never (to shout) at his students. He (to be) a wonderful teacher, I remember. 5. My friend (to know) Spanish very well. 6. Who (to ring) you up an hour ago? 7. He (to live) on the third floor. 8. It (to take) you long to find his house yesterday? 9. When your lessons (to be) over on Monday? 10. I (to have) dinner with my family yesterday. 11. Her friends (to be) ready at five o'clock. 12. One of her brothers (to make) a tour of Europe last summer. 13. Queen Elizabeth II (to be) born in 1926. She (to become) Queen of England in 1952. 14. You always (to get) up at seven o'clock? — No, sometimes I (to get) up at half past seven. 15. Antonio Stradivari (to make) wonderful violins. 16. Who (to paint) the world-known picture "Mona Lisa"? 17. She (to know) all the works of Chopin. She (to enjoy) listening to his waltz last night. 18. Steven's friends (to come) to his birthday party last night and (to give) him wonderful presents. His parents (to cook) a special dinner for him. His girlfriend (to promise) to come, but she (not to be) there. He (to try) to phone, but he couldn't get through. He (to be) really upset. Only she (not to wish) him a Happy Birthday.

Упражнение 8. Объясните употребление Past Simple и Present Perfect в следующих предложениях:

1. We had a nice walk two days ago. 2. When did the last readers' conference take place? 3. When my son was in the country last winter he played snowballs almost every day. 4. He used to ski and to skate in winter. 5. He visited his native town in 1990. 6. The man entered the room, sat down at the table, ordered some food and began to read a newspaper. 7. She looked for a job for several months. 8. I found this purse at the Flea market. 9. We have run out of sugar. Could you spare me some? 10. It's the best picture I have ever taken. II. It has been windy all day. 12. Nick has chosen a story by William Somerset Maugham for his home reading report. 13. I haven't seen anything interesting lately. 14. Have you checked your voice mail today? 15. They will make the decision after they have interviewed all the applicants. 16. It has been a pleasure to be of assistance. 17. I have always believed that she will come back one day.

Упражнение 9. Закончите предложения, используя used to / didn’t use to. Переведите предложения на русский язык .

1. When Sarah lived in London she__________ go to Covent Garden rather often. Now she lives in Barcelona and can’t afford it.

2. Boris gave up going to the swimming pool every weekend. When he was not that busy he __________go there with his children.

3. Did she __________ knit in front of the TV set in the evenings?

4. I _________ read newspapers before but now I do it every morning.

5. When she was a teenager she ___________be very naughty but now she is different – polite and patient.

6. Dan __________ to spend all his time in nightclubs but now he doesn’t go out much.

7. Did they really __________be in love with each other?

8. She _________read detective stories but now she’s fond of love novels.

9. Who _________smoke in your family? – My Granddad did.

10. How often __________go abroad when you worked for your travel agency?

11. My friend ___________to have a dog but now he’s got two cats.

12. I __________eat a lot of sweets and chocolate when I was a child. Now I eat more vegetables, fruit and fish.

Упражнение 10. Измените предложения согласно образцу:

Образец : I don’t -work on Saturdays. — I used to work on Saturdays last year (when I was young...).

1.1 never take a taxi to go to work. 2.1 hardly ever watch TV now. 3. People do not very often go to the cinema today. 4. She is old and sick. 5. She has few close friends. 6. He doesn’t read any papers. 7. He is always late for work. 8. We don’t go out much nowadays. 9. Classes at school begin at nine. 10. My brother doesn’t come home until 11. 11. He is a university professor now. 12. The place is so nice and clean! 13. She is so pretty and attractive. 14. The Tower of London is a museum now. 15. London is one of the biggest cities in the world. 16. There is a big supermarket near our house.

Упражнение 11. Перепишите предложения , используя used to в нужной форме .

Образец : She was a Science teacher. She isn’t now. — She used to be a Science teacher.

1.We didn’t have a dishwasher when I was little. 2. Jim played in the team last year. He doesn’t play anymore. 3. I knew few famous people. Now many of them are my friends. 4. My granny enjoyed knitting. Now she prefers outdoor activities. 5. My skin looked pale in spring. Now I’m sun-tanned. 6. My sister doesn’t live with us anymore. She got married and moved to Paris.

Упражнение 12. Дополните интервью следующими фразами:

use to work, used to laugh, use to like, used to hate, used to be, used to work  


Interviewer: Where did you grow up?

Bianka: West London. And it wasn’t such a nice place at that time. There (1) _________lots of factories around that made the place look ugly. It’s changed a lot since then.

Interviewer: Did you go to school there?

Bianka: No, I didn’t. My school was ten kilometres away. I had to ride a bike.

Interviewer: What lessons did you (2) ________________?

Bianka: Believe it or not, I (3) _____________ Music. I always sang too loudly and everybody (4) _______at me. My favourite lessons were Maths and PE.

Interviewer: Did you (5) ________ after school or on holidays?

Bianka: I did. I (6) __________ at one of the music studius in the area. Just making tea and coffee, you know. Then one day one of the studio bosses heard me singing in the kitchen and they decided to give it a try!

Упражнение 13: Найдите ошибки в тексте:

Rick didn’t woke up on the next day. He sleeped all week. When he woke up there was no one around. He came out of his room and go outside. The street looked empty. ‘What happened?’ He asked himself. ‘Where did everyone went ?’ Then he noticed someone around the corner. A woman lay on the ground. She not looked alive. But then she moved.

Упражнение 14. Переведите на английский язык :

1. Она была занята. (to be busy) 2. Я не был занят. 3. Вы были заняты? 4. Они были дома? (to be at home) 5. Его не было дома. 6. Я не знал. 7. Они знали? 8. Она не знала. 9. Кто знал? 10. Никто не знал. 11. Он читал английские книги? (to read English books) 12. Они никогда не читали. (never / to read) 13. У неё была квартира? (to have a flat) 14. У него ничего не было. 15. Кто это был?

Упражнение 15. Переведите на английский язык.

1. За окном было темно, когда мы услышали раскаты грома и увидели молнию. Начиналась гроза. 2. — Что ты делал вчера в субботу? — Я не помню. Ничего особенного. 3. Мы отправились в путь в то время, когда появились первые лучи солнца. 4. Она каждый приходила на перрон в ожидании своего возлюбленного, но он так и не появился. 5. У них закончилось топливо за несколько километров до конца маршрута. 6. Я так и не понял, что хотела сказать эта женщина. 7. Они встретились у выхода из метро и направились в сторону набережной. 8. Он открыл дверь, снял пальто, положил ключи на столик и прошел в гостиную. 10. До начала спектакля он обычно сидел в кресле и пил зеленый чай. 11. В то время как мужчины смотрели футбольный матч, женщины сплетничали на кухне. 12. Сколько времени вам потребовалось, чтобы нанести макияж и одеться? 13. Когда она вышла из подъезда, то увидела машину своего друга. 14. Его грубое, бестактное поведение выводило ее из себя. 15. Мы оба были слишком деликатны, чтобы открыть друг другу свои чувства. 16. Когда прозвенел третий звонок, в зале погас свет и представление началось. 17. В то время когда ты спал, я пытался починить этот сломанный кран. 18. Во время урока он встал и вышел из класса, что очень удивило учителя. 19. Несколько лет назад во время праздничного маскарада она встретила своего будущего мужа. 20. Сколько тебе было, когда ты переехал в наш город?

Past Continuous                                           was / were + V (- ing )

1) Длительное действие, которое происходило в прошлом в определенный момент:

I was playing computer game at 7 o’clock.

2) Два или более длительных действий, происходивших в прошлом одновременно:

Mary was playing the piano and her little sister was dancing.

3) Длительное действие в прошлом, прерываемое другим (коротким) действием:

As she was sleeping , somebody knocked at her door.

4) Описание обстановки или атмосферы:

Sam entered the room. The smell of cigarettes was filling it.

5) Выражение отрицательной характеристики:

The dog was constantly playing on the bed.

Тренировочные упражнения

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous (все предложения относятся к прошлому).

1. They (to write) the test at this time yesterday. 2. He (to work) in the garden from six till nine o'clock. 3. We (to watch) television the whole evening. 4. You (to play) chess at six o'clock? 5. You (to drink) tea at seven o'clock? 6. He (to draw) from three till five o'clock? 7. Who (to listen) to the radio at this time? 8. It (to rain) the whole day yesterday? 9. They (to skate) at five o'clock? 10. She (not to help) mother about the house from two till seven. 11. Around me people (to talk) Russian, Italian and English. 12. Arnold (to talk) to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came. 13. Alex (to look) at his watch. 14. All night long the stars (to glitter). 15. Elizabeth (to eat) and didn’t raise her head. 16. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he (to wait) for his dinner to come up. 17. The family (to prepare) for the party. 18. She (to argue) that only Belinda knew how to treat men. 19. A few minutes later Edward (to hurry) through the streets to his bus stop. 20. They moved across the room, which (to start) to fill up, to a vacant corner.

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в фоpму Past Continuous.

1. While I ___________ (to copy) the exercise, my friends __________ (to describe) a picture.

2. When we came in, the children __________ (to clean) their desks.

3. We met her at the bus stop. She ___________ (to wait) for the bus.

4. Some of the children ________ (to ski) while other children ___________ (to skate). Everybody __________ (to have) a lot of fun.

5. When we came the family ________ (to get) everything ready for Christmas. Bob and Helen _________ (to decorate) the Christmas tree.

6. The girls _________ (to feed) the birds in the garden while the boys _______ (to make) a bird-house.


Упражнение 3. Задайте вопросы к предложениям, используя слова и фразы в скобках. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. When I went into the yard, the boys were playing, (football) 2. When we were playing, Bob was shouting. (loudly) 3. I met Victor in the street. He was running quickly, (where) 4. The weather was fine, the sun was shining, (all day) 5. Nick was watching his little sister in the garden. (why) 6. His sister was helping him to pack his things when I came, (what things) 7. They were cooking dinner at that time, (with whom) 8. I was waiting for him at 3 o’clock yesterday. (where) 9. He was looking for something when I came in. (what) 10. They were laughing when I entered the classroom. (why)

Упражнение 4. Закончите предложения, используя Past Continuous.

1. I ___________, so I missed what he said. (not listen)

2. We stayed because we ___________ ourselves. (enjoy)

3. ___________ tennis yesterday? (they play)

4. He ___________ all weekend. (garden)

5. ___________ television all evening? (you watch)

6. It ___________ hard all day. (rain)

7. 1 ___________ whether you could lend me some money. (wonder)

8. ___________ when I left? (you still work)

9. 1 lived in France at the time you ___________ in Spain. (live)

10. When she was younger, she ___________ things for other people. (always do)

11. Bill and Sue ___________ their house, before they moved. (constantly improve)

12. ___________ when I rang you? (you read)

13. Just as I ___________ to an interesting part of the story, the doorbell rang. (get)

Упражнение 5. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу глаголы в форме Past Continuous.

play swim feed sleep laugh

Yesterday we went to the zoo and saw there a lot of animals. First we went to see the white bears. They __________. Then we went to the cage with monkeys. There were a lot of children in front of the cage. They ___________ because a monkey in the the cage ____________. After that we went to see the elephant. There was a man there. He ____________the elephant. But we ___________ see much of the lions. They _______________. 


Упражнение 6. Из имеющихся слов составьте вопросы к готовым ответам. Все вопросы должны быть в Past Continuous.

1. Where | the white bears | swimming | were ?

- In the swimming pool.

2. It | was | raining ?

- Oh, no. It wasn’t. The sun was shining brightly.

3. The elephant | what | eating | was ?

- Some grass and fruit.

4. What | was | playing with | the monkey ?

— With a small ball.

5. Were | how many lions | sleeping in the cage?

— Both of them.


Упражнение 7. Past Continuous или Simple?

David is always having accidents. His girlfriend Melanie is talking about some of the accidents.

Write her sentences from these notes.

Пример : when / he / carry / a suitcase / he / drop / it / on his foot

When he was carrying a suitcase, he dropped it on his foot.

1. he / break / his leg / when / he / ski

2. he / sit down / on a chair / while / I / paint / it

3. as / he / run / for a bus / he / collide / with a lamppost

4. his hair / catch / fire / when / he / cook / chips

5. when / he / hold / a beautiful vase / he / suddenly / drop / it

6. he / sit / in the garden / when / a wasp / sting / him / on the nose

Упражнение 8. Раскройте скобки, используя правильную временную форму.


I was just before the Second World War. Tom was only 20 at the time and (to live) with his mother. He (to work) in a bank and (to travel) to London every day. One morning, he received a mysterious letter. It was addressed to 'Mr Thomas Parker'. The letter, which was signed, 'A Friend', asked Tom to go to The Crown Inn during his lunch hour. All morning, as he (to deal) with customers, Tom (to wonder) whether he should do this. At lunch time he decided to go to the inn. It was full of people and Tom couldn't recognize anyone. He just (to wonder) if he should leave, when a stranger introduced himself and said he had known Tom's father, who had died when Tom was a baby. The stranger explained that Tom's father, Bill, was a secret agent in the First World War. Through this meeting, Tom was recruited to be a secret agent, too, and already (to work) in France when the war began.

Упражнение 9. Раскройте скобки, используя Past Continuous или Simple. Отметьте случаи, когда возможны обе формы.


Mrs May, our District Nurse, (drive) l ____________ home at 3 a.m. one night after an urgent visit to a sick patient. She (drive) 2 ____________along a deserted country lane, when she (see) 3 ____________ a new kind of animal. She (stop) 4 ____________her car and (get out) 5 ____________. The animal (be) 6 ____________ clearly visible in the blaze of her headlights. It (look) 7 ____________like a hedgehog with a tall white hat. It (cross) 8 ____________the road without paying any attention to Mrs May. When Mrs May (go) 9 ____________close to it, she (notice) 10 ____________ that there was a plastic yoghurt pot on the hedgehog's head. The poor creature had got its head stuck in the plastic pot! Her instincts as a nurse (tell) 11 ____________ her she would have to rescue it, so she (pull) l2 ____________ at the pot, but the hedgehog (pull) l3 ____________ too. After a struggle, she (pull) l4 ____________the pot off the hedgehog's head. Mrs May (think) l5 ____________ the hedgehog (look) l6 ____________rather sad, when she (notice) l7 ____________ that the pot was half full of strawberry yoghurt. She (give) 18 ____________ it back to the hedgehog. The creature (seize) 19____________it, (put) 20 ____________it on its head again, and triumphantly (continue) 21 ____________ its journey across the road.


Упражнение10. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1) Я не разговаривала с Джеймсом вчера.

2) Дети играли на улице, когда начался дождь.

3) В 10 часов утра студенты писали тест.

4) Он читал газету, пока она смотрела телевизор.

5) Она потеряла ключи в прошлую среду.

6) Что вы делала вчера в пять часов? — Мы готовили ужин и ждали гостей.

7) Куда Мери шла вчера утром? — Она шла к стоматологу.

8) Какой фильм твой брат смотрел вчера в кинотеатре? — Он смотрел новый фильм ужасов.

9) Где Эндрю ждал нас? — Он ждал нас возле театра.

10) Какую статью вы читали вчера? — Я читал статью о новейших научных открытиях.

11) Почему водитель вел машину так быстро? — Он спешил на вокзал.

12) Когда Том плавал в бассейне вчера? — Он плавал с четырех до пяти часов.

13) Что твой брат делал вчера утром? — Он ремонтировал велосипед вчера утром.

14) С кем Анна разговаривала вчера в 2 часа? — Она разговаривала с секретарем.

15) Что студенты делали вчера после занятий? — Они готовились к спортивным соревнованиям.


Past Perfect                                                             had + V(3; -ed)

1) Действие, произошедшее ранее конкретного момента в прошлом:

By the end of the month he had learned to read.

Fortunately the mist had diffused before we left the house.

2) Действие, которое началось в прошлом и длилось до или во время другого момента в прошлом:

I found out that Lisa and Steve had not met since our graduation party.

3) В таких фразах, как «едва», «только», «не прошло и …, как», «не успел и…, как»:

She hadn’t said a sentence when somebody interrupted her.

They had scarcely finished supper when Susy brought a big chocolate cake.

Тренировочные упражнения

Упражнение 1. Дополните предложения, используя форму Past Perfect глаголов, приведенных ниже.

Пример : to learn the poem

— I went to bed after I had learnt the poem.

to have dinner, to do homework, to come , to read the book, to clean the room, to go shopping, to return from Australia, to finish work


1. I went to see my friend after...

2. I watched TV after...

3. They went home after...

4. He phoned me after...

5. She went to dance after...

6. We wrote a composition after...

7. They rebuilt the house after...

8. We went for a walk after...

Упражнение 2. Вставьте глаголы в Past Perfect.

1. I ... (to have) breakfast before I went to school.

2. He went to meet his friends after he ... (to do) his homework.

3. By 8 o’clock the rain ... (to stop).

4. Alice was late because she ... (to miss) the bus.

5. She went to the post-office after she ... (to write) the letter.

6. He ... (to work) at the factory before he entered the college.

7. He got a bad mark for his test because he ... (to make) a lot of mistakes in it.

8. I went to bed after I ... (to finish) reading the book.

9. The child ... (to fall) asleep before the parents came home.

10. They ... (to marry) before they bought this house.


Упражнение 3. Составьте предложения в the Past Perfect Tense.

1. Brian/to return/books to the library/before last Thursday.

2. We/to know/the results of the test/before two o’clock yesterday.

3. I/to come/to the office/before lunch time.

4. You/ to make/the order/before we came into the cafe.

5. Sally/to send/the letters/before her boss returned from the bank.

6. The ferry/to reach/the port/by three o’clock yesterday.

7. The performance/to finish/by eight o’clock in the evening.

8. They/ to build/a new hospital/before the end of April.

9. Мах/to have dinner/by four o’clock.

10. The baby/to wake up/before you left home.


Упражнение4. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.

1. We had told him about the time of the meeting.

2. She had washed the vegetables for the salad.

3. You had caught a small fish by that time.

4. The burglars had robbed the bank.

5. A zookeeper had fed the animals by twelve o’clock.

6. David had eaten all the sandwiches by two o’clock.

7. They had been to this town before.

8. I had done all the arrangements by Saturday.

9. Alice had shown me her paintings before.

10. You had forgotten about her request.

Упражнение 5.Сделайте предложения вопросительными.

1. Mary had booked the tickets before.

2. We had been to this exhibition.

3. You had received the invitation before Wednesday.

4. The bus had arrived before 5 o’clock.

5. Tom had heard that story before.

6. They had gone to the railway station before 6 o’clock.

7. My father had returned from his business trip by the weekend.

8. We had met Eric before the lesson.

9. The taxi had come by 7 o’clock.

10. They had used this key before.


Упражнение 6. Раскройте скобки, используя Past Perfect:

1. She hoped I (to pay) for the tickets. 2. When we came the plane (to take off). 3. I went to sleep as soon as the show (to finish). 4. By the end of the year he (to complete) five courses. 5. When they came home mother (to do) everything about the house. 6.1 went to see the sights after I (to buy) a map of Moscow. 7. We knew our itinerary only after the leader of the group (to tell) us. 8. After I (to spend) all the money I turned to my father. 9. She understood the letter after she (to read) it a second time. 10. We (to keep) waiting until we lost patience.


Упражнение 7. Соедините предложения, используя Past Perfect и союзы “after, ” “before,” “when,” “by the time,” “until”:

Пример : The librarian came back. Peter looked through the magazine.

 — When (by the time) the librarian came back Peter had looked through the magazine.

1. My friend called on me. I had my breakfast. 2. We went out into the street. The rain stopped. 3. The students reached the camp. The sun set. 4. My father left for the airport. We bought the tickets. 5. Nelly arrived. I baked the cake. 6.1 came to her place. She translated the texts. 7. She got home. The table was laid. 8. We got there. She left. 9. He went home. He finished work. 10. John came home. The family had supper. 11. They got married. Her parents gave their consent. 12. We did not disturb him. He finished writing his report. 13. Mother switched off the TV. The film was over. 14.1 didn’t answer his letter. I received another letter from him. 15.1 turned on the light. It got dark. 16. The boat sailed. The lava hit the town. 17. The rescue team took the child out. The house collapsed. 18. The police came. The robber didn’t leave the bank.


Упражнение 8. Составьте сколько возможно предложений: Past Simple или Past Perfect?

1. Он вернулся 2. Я закончил работу at 6 o’clock by 6 o’clock on Saturday by Monday at that time by that time before you came  while you were away


Упражнение 9. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

1. We … (already to give) our projects to the teacher.

2. Sandra … (to do) the shopping before the New Year Eve.

3. You … (not to phone) me by the end of the week.

4. I… (not to try) such a delicious cake before.

5. … your sister … {to reserve) the hotel room beforehand? — Yes, she … .

6. … Mr Smith … (to discuss) that problem with his lawyer? — No, he … .

7. Clara … (never to be) to the Pyramids before.

8. … you … (to take) part in this festival before? — No, I … .

9. Mark … (to finish) his work by 6 o’clock yesterday.

10.  … Nigel… (to find) any information in the Internet by last Tuesday? — Yes, he … .


Упражнение 10. Составьте предложения, используя Past Perfect.

1. You/not to leave/the hotel/by our arrival yesterday.

2. How many letters/she/to type/by the end of the day?

3. Не/to have dinner/by that time?

4. My cousin/not to be/to this museum/before.

5. I/to get/your message/two days before.

6. What/he/to do/by the end of last week?

7. What places/they to visit/by the end of their vacations?

8. Whom/he/to phone/before his departure?

9. She/to buy/а new fridge/by the end of last week.

10. Ben/to take/the medicine/by five o’clock yesterday.


Упражнение 11. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

1. What time … the participants … (to arrive) at the conference last Wednesday? — They … (to arrive) by nine o’clock in the morning.

2. How many clients … he … (to serve) by the end of the day? — He … (to serve) twelve clients.

3. … the performance … (to finish) by nine o’clock yesterday? — No, it ….

4. Unfortunately Samantha … (never to use) this computer program before.

5. Whom … Robert … (to see) during his last visit to our town? — He … (to meet) some of his friends and relatives.

6. What hotel … you … (to choose) to stay at during your last trip? — I … (to stay) at the Hilton Hotel.

7. Pam … (to have) such an experience before.

8. … Steve … (to be) to our Theme Park before this visit? — Yes, he … .

9. Which street… they … (to live) before they moved? — They … (to live) in Oak Street.

10. By what time … your grandparents … (to finish) their work in the garden yesterday? — They … (to finish) their work by six o’clock.


Упражнение 12. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Мы вернулись домой вчера до семи часов вечера.

2. Она сдала все экзамены до прошлого вторника.

3. Они не закончили работу вчера до восьми часов.

4. Ваша сестра не рассказала нам новости до конца перерыва вчера.

5. Вы вчера купили цветы до вечеринки? — Да.

6. Они вчера сыграли в теннис до обеда? — Нет.

7. Туристы прибыли вчера перед ужином.

8. Мы не паолучили вашего сообщения вчера до пяти часов.

9. До конца прошлой недели она еще не перехала а новый дом.

10. Вы подготовили доклад до прошлой среды? — Да.

Past Perfect Continuous                               had + been + V(-ing)

1) Длительное действие, начавшееся до определенного момента в прошлом и продолжающееся в этот момент:

Mary had been singing for an hour when he came.

2) Длительного действие, начавшееся до определенного момента в прошлом и завершившееся прямо перед ним:

Students had been discussing some important topics and they looked upset after that long conversation.


Тренировочные упражнения

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки. Употребите глаголы в Past Perfect Continuous.

1. After I (walk) for an hour, I decided to have a rest.

2. Mary could see that the child (cry) for some time.

3. I thought he needed some fresh air. He (sit) there reading all morning.

4. When I saw the mess my paper was in, it was obvious that someone (read) it.

5. She finally said: "Yes”. He (ask) her to marry him for years.

6. The manager went down with pneumonia. He (look) unwell for several days.

7. He went to see a doctor. He (feel ill) for several days.

8. His sister (live) in that place for 5 years when the war broke down.

9. Mrs Oliver said she (read) since morning the day before but actually she (watch) her neighbors through binoculars.

10. She felt chilly after she (swim) for an hour and a half.

11. At last I found the book which I (look) for all day.

12. They (walk) along the street for half an hour when suddenly Nick stopped and said that he had lost the key to the door.

13. John was running along the street. He (run) for twenty minutes without any rest.

14. When I entered the reading-room I saw my groupmates. They said they (work) there since 10 o’clock.

15. That was the factory where my father worked. He (work) there for fifteen years.


Упражнение 2. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму.

1. We __________ (sleep) for 10 hours when she woke us up. 2. They __________ (wait) at the station for 60 minutes when the bus finally arrived. 3. We __________ (look for) her ring for two hours and then we found it in the bathroom. 4. I __________ (not / walk) for a long time, when it suddenly began to rain. 5. How long __________ (learn / she) English before she went to London? 6. Boris caught the flu because he __________ (walk) in the rain too long. 7. She __________ (drive) less than an hour before she ran out of petrol. 8. They were very tired in the evening because they __________ (work) on the farm all day. 9. I __________ (not/work) all day. So I wasn't tired and went to friends later. 10. They __________ (cycle) all day so their legs were sore in the evening.


Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. My sister … (to practise) for two months before that concert.

2. The boys … (to fish) for three hours before Tom caught the first fish.

3. We … (to discuss) that problem for more than an hour before we found the right solution.

4. Henry … (to wait) for half an hour before he saw his girlfriend getting off the tram.

5. Driving to the hospital was difficult as it … (to snow) all night.

6. Polly … (to study) economy since she entered university.

7. Ron’s collection of coins was valuable as he … (to collect) them since he was a schoolboy.

8. When Sam returned home we … (to watch) that TV programme for a quarter of an hour already.

9. Bill’s coat and mittens were wet because he … (to play) snowballs with his friends in the yard.

10. David was irritated because the police inspector … (to ask) him questions for more than an hour.

Упражнение 4. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

1. Brian had been trying to find a better job for three weeks.

2. Little Johnny had been riding his new bike all day yesterday.

3. Robert and Frank had been fixing that computer for two hours yesterday.

4. Julia had been typing the report all the morning yesterday.

5. It had been raining all night last Tuesday.

6. The Smiths had been building their house for four years.

7. We had been skating for three hours yesterday.

8. You had been decorating the classroom for more than two hours last Saturday.

9. The twins had been fighting in the backyard when their mother saw them.

10. Molly had been speaking on the phone for an hour and a half yesterday evening.


Упражнение 5. Поставьте письменно вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. We had been preparing for the Art Festival for a month.

2. Nora had been swimming in the pool for an hour before the rain started.

3. The boys had been eating hamburgers in the park yesterday.

4. Gordon had been reading the article about new software for half an hour yesterday.

5. Helen had been speaking to her friend on the phone for two hours yesterday.


Упражнение 6. Составьте предложения, используя Past Perfect Continuous.

1. We/to wait/outdoors/for twenty minutes/before/he/opened the door.

2. What/Sally/to cook/when/you/came/home/ yesterday?

3. How long/you/to repair/your car/before/Nick/ started/to help/you?

4. Sarah/to collect/dolls/since/she/ was/a girl.

5. Where/they/to come/f rom/when/you/met/them/ yesterday?

6. Who/to sing/karaoke/all the evening/yesterday?

7. Greg/to study/for his final exams/all last month?

8. They/ to drive/for five hours/when/they/ran out of petrol.

9. Tony/ to sleep/for an hour/before/you/woke/him up.

10. Our chief/ to discuss/some affairs/with our business partners/for two hours/last Wednesday.


Упражнение 7. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму (Past Simple or Past Perfect/ Continuous).

1. I __ (wait) for three hours so I was really glad when the bus finally __ (arrive). 2. Why __ (be) the baby's face so dirty? She __ (eat) chocolate. 3. I __ (see) Vanya yesterday, but he __ (run) so he was too tired to chat. 4. It __ (rain) and the road __ (be) covered with puddles. 5. When I __ (arrive) it was clear she __ (work). There were disks all over the table and books everywhere. 6. They __ (study) all day so when we __ (meet) they were exhausted. 7. The boss __ (talk) to clients via Skype for two hours so he __ (want) a break. 8. I __ (drink) coffee all morning. By lunchtime, I__ (feel) really weird. 9. Julia __ (want) a new car, so she was really pleased when she __ (buy) one. 10. I __ (dream) about a holiday in Italy. I couldn't believe it when my wife __ (book) one as a surprise!


Упражнение 8. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

1. Where … Robert… (to work) since 4 o’clock yesterday? — He … (to fix) a fence in the garden.

2. What… Wendy … (to do) in the studio for three hours last Monday? — She … (to prepare) some of her pictures for the exhibition.

3. Why … you … (to hurry) when I met you last Friday, James? — I … (to go) to the railway station to meet my uncle. I was afraid to be late.

4. It… (to rain) heavily when Mr Scott stopped his car in front of a cafe. He wanted to have lunch because he … (not to eat) since early morning.

5. What … the students … (to write) since 9 o’clock yesterday morning? — They … (to write) a test on Psychology.

6. How long … Janet… (to work) in the office before she went home yesterday? — She … (to make) photocopies of some documents for the boss for about an hour and then she … (to type) some letters for two hours before her working day was over.

7. The government… (to carry) on negotiations with the terrorists for three days before they reached some agreement.

8. Stuart… (to try) to call you for a quarter of an hour before you finally answered the phone.

9. Emily felt horrible yesterday because she … (not to sleep) all night.

10. Why was Janet so angry last Friday? — Because she … (to argue) with her parents for an hour.


Упражнение 9. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.

1. Ann had been done the ironing for two hours yesterday.

2. We had tried to catch a taxi for twenty-five minutes last Sunday before we managed to stop one.

3. Margaret had been not surfing the Net all day yesterday.

4. Nigel had being trying to get in touch with you for a week.

5. Had been they waiting for a bus for half an hour last Wednesday?

6. How long Nelly had been speaking on the phone yesterday?

7. Had Sue been sunbathing all day yesterday? — No, she had.

8. They have been dancing for more than an hour yesterday before Helen got tired.

9. Who had played the piano in your room from 3 to 4 o’clock yesterday?

10. Why had been crying your baby all the morning yesterday?


Упражнение 10. Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную форму Past Simple или Past Perfect ( Continuous):

1.1 never (to see) any pictures by Monet before I (to visit) the Hermitage. 2. At last he (to have) a chance to go to London. He long (to dream) of visiting Britain. 3. She (to catch) a cold. She never (to catch) a cold before. 4. When I (to graduate) from the University my elder brother (to work) at a foreign company for two years. 5. Though she (to learn) the language only for two years she (to speak) it fairly well. 6. He (to travel) to many countries and (to know) a lot of interesting facts about them. 7. Yesterday I (to find) the book I (to look for) so long. 8. When we (to enter) the house there (to be) nobody in, but we (to have) a feeling that somebody (to be) there because the windows (to be) open. 9. When he (to meet) the lady, he (to understand) that she (not to be) so young as he (to expect). 10. By the time Caesar (to approach) the shores of Britain, the season (to be) nearly over.


Упражнение 11. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Вчера девочки целый день помогали мне собирать яблоки в саду.

2. Менеджер вчера разговаривал с клиентами больше двух часов.

3. На прошлой неделе мы готовились к экзаменам с понедельника по четверг.

4. Я вчера не пользовался компьютером с пяти до семи часов вчера.

5. Вчера вы тренировались в спортзале 2 часа? — Да, мы тренировались с шести до восьми часов вчера.

6. Как долго мальчики вчера катались на велосипедах? — Они катались около трех часов.

7. Почему он вчера целый день работал в библиотеке? — Он весь день готовился к конференции.

8. Какой фильм дети смотрели вчера с девяти вечера? — Они смотрели какую-то комедию.

9. Какие документы ваш секретарь готовил целый день в прошлый вторник? — Он готовил отчеты для наших торговых партнеров.

10. Что учитель вам вчера объяснял на первом уроке? — Он объяснял правила грамматики.


Unit 8

Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 359.