Exercise 10. When you do your home task do you use other’s intellectual property? What way? Fill the table below
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Table 1

no sources indicated sources indicated without quoting With quoting
Term paper
Reference paper

Exercise 11. Fill the table with information bellow. What color is for what part?

Table 2

Introduction Main part of the paper Summary / ending / conclusion Rules for a good term paper

The following make for a good term paper:

· You need to develop your own workable problem. This problem stated and the underlying theses must be clearly discernible. Ideally, the issue should be discussed with the seminar instructor.

The term paper is problem-oriented. The argumentation is clear and comprehensible.

· The theoretical background is sufficiently illustrated. You therefore need to work with more in-depth literature than for an essay.

· The presentation of correlations is analytical and justified.

· The results of the argument and the analysis of the question formulated in the beginning are presented in the conclusion.

· A founded and individual position on the issue is clearly evident.

In the introduction the topic of the paper is explained and specified:

· The introduction raises the main question and justifies its importance with regards to the larger field of social sciences.

You should explain and justify the focus of the paper on a specific aspect of the question and draw the line with other similar topics.

· The introduction does not refer to the arguments in detail, but gives only a general overview.

In the conclusion, the arguments are summarized, the initial question is answered, and a conclusion is drawn. If questions remain open, they will be refined, in order to point out the progress made in the course of the paper. The results of the paper, conclusions as well as questions and answers must be placed in the context of the current research. This section also provides the opportunity to present follow-up questions and to compare results with those of other academics (example: “Unlike the authors X / Y, the conclusions of this analysis suggest...”). Related problems and possible gaps in research can be pointed out, but without taking up any new issues.

Over all, there are no mandatory rules for the presentation of the main part, but a few suggestions:

· The goal of this type of work is not to simply describe a phenomenon or event, and nor is it to set up a new theory. It focuses on the analysis of a theoretical issue or empirical facts.

· The main terms and categories should be identified and defined. The conceptual and categorial framework of the argument must be understandable.

· You should reconstruct and arrange collected data, foreign ideas, etc. along the question stated in order to present an “individual” work. In this respect, the current research and the theoretical background are presented here, to develop your own hypotheses and assumptions.

Theoretical insights can therefore be used to explain empirical results, correlations can be shown between previously seemingly unrelated phenomena, and critical discussions of the academic literature can be conducted.

· The presentation of facts and ideas must be verifiable. Basic assumptions, used sources as well as the literature must be referenced.


Exercise 12. Read and translate the Text. Choose an appropriate title for the Text.

a. Great library of the world

b. Libraries in history

c. Famous Libraries in History



The Great Library of Alexandria was one of the most famous libraries in history, but it was by no means the only one. History is full of great libraries.

The first concerted effort to build a library is thought to have been that of King Ashurbanipal of Assyria.

An ancient library of sorts can be found at the remains of the Villa of the Payri, a private house in Herculaneum, one of the Roman cities engulfed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79. The owner of the villa was Lucius Calpurnius Piso, the father-in-law of Julius Caesar. Piso was quite a collector. His villa had more than 80 sculptures, some quite large. The grounds were extensive, containing a large swimming bath and a large area of both covered and uncovered gardens. The furnishings in the villa were lavish. But the villa is most famous for its library, the contents of which give the villa its name.

Piso was a collector of writings as well. Archaeologists digging in the 1750s found a collection of nearly 1,800 papyrus scrolls. The scrolls were sealed in portable cases and were discovered in tunnels underneath the villa, leading archaeologists to surmise that the owner had attempted to spirit the scrolls away while the volcano was raging.

Like an amazing amount of other people, animals, and things in both Pompeii and Herculaneum, the scrolls were largely preserved by being overrun with volcanic ash. As a result, historians have been able to read what is written on some of the scrolls. The main writings so far discovered are by Philodemus of Gadara, a student of Epicureanism, one of antiquity's dueling philosophical traditions. Among Epicureanism's main tenets was the importance of living a happy and pleasurable life.

The main excavations at the Villa of the Papyri took place between 1750 and 1765, under the direction of Swiss engineer and archaeologist Karl Web. Not all of the land in or under the villa has been excavated.

Another famous ancient library was in Pergamum, in what is now Bergama, Turkey. The Library of Pergamum was established during the rule of King Eumenes II, during the 2nd Century B.C. At its largest, the Pergamum library is thought to have more than 200,000 scrolls.

The library was a quite large building, with a large reading room filled with benches and a great number of shelves. Works stored in the library were written on parchment and stored, rolled up, on shelves. Space was left between the shelves and the outer walls to accommodate air circulation, in an early attempt at preservation (given the humid climate of the area). The library was part of a temple complex dedicated to the goddess Athena, and a large statue of her was in the reading room. Also onsite were study facilities, and this attracted some of the great minds of the time, including several scientists from the famed Great Library of Alexandria.

The Roman Empire assumed control of the Library of Pergamum in 133 B.C. Although the library continued as a source of information and study, its best years proved to be behind it as the centuries passed. The Ottoman Empire took over the library after the fall of Constantinople, in 1453.



Vocabulary. Study following words and expressions. effort

1. ancient

2. remains

3. engulfed

4. eruption

5. quite

6. ground

7. furnishing

8. papyrus scrolls

9. to surmise

10. to spirit

11. to overrun

12. tenet

13. excavation

14. parchment

15. onsite

Exercise 13. Find an appropriate answer in the text:

Table 3

4. The main excavations took place in 18th century.
5. Parchments were scrolled and stored carefully.
6. The writings were about philosophical traditions.

Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 320.